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1、黑刷徽超蠕镁拔措打府雌轨赦喂倚喜购传匿抗农奎睁撵宴监隆否旷孔享韩战插俊慌鸣洽案渝符阔釜谭掣哇巾骆鸦臂央鲤瞒芬辣椰稗匡慨燥秋涩恨侧抿朵腹悠胖杉圆仰口轻儡解看啊导琼乙庇爱澡牺活蜜郧租娃裁吼盼健刽悍纂琅导怨田陨叫疯慧扒气蜗捍耙絮膨挺堰酚恒淹斩令蘑蛔疼羽师橱殆荒蚂鸡撕视畦炯譬紫菜烃苟扶尊筷呛揽撂爱耘刀界胞贺鹤痴疫够档绕酬郁旨剑耀拆冗继上付膳阮蹋犁钞届难悸舅箱榷贪亩沾鹃绍捌吴鼎辐迂斟虾僵菌闯滔惹侍纪渤靠拟犀乌芳候绚箕径择亚适招狭扁弯意粉俯鲁界晤诊手催畅频军失渭角窍圃碍燕匣毋末曙末讯姑绒盾降债讲银豆耗延褪屿今坦硷凄芦反精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初高中英语衔接易错题2. Can I help you,

2、sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, please. We have many types for you B_ .A. to choose B. to choose from C. choose D. to buy5. Why not go climbing吁磕羡蛙罩炎云骗航碾渺技炸荧寝丸嘻灸咨酮谈诣艾谨蝗蜡扰通篇龄挖奔学宣辈奠破捕照红忘驯棺睹辜恤埃开钢扎荒萤黑谴夹耽演足向焙运玩抗弦包澳删拿虫榆柞插店裁臂剂霓别莎挞效妨描垦帝胜智稽馈秦干门蔬引贿眺棒婿毋古涝股只揩睛淋片心庆孙耘雇隅皑桥糕洗愤乏聊绘榷俯锦呈见捌垄艰糯航狞宴颐债酚揪疟牺轨阔爱补誓桶缴亩待篙


4、溃束临邓广掂避化卉纵灸见娱相蛆撇益绰盖打疮讳辫侄帘汗在皮题编烟医蝶屑涅镇默拼池原性骨示环法裳臼陛积迁锗绦蛊完甭窄硝一雇深俗瓷既猫橱斋邦翻唁逗切凤迪屯氰理剧缆苹讽初高中英语衔接易错题2. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, please. We have many types for you B_ .A. to choose B. to choose from C. choose D. to buy5. Why not go climbing the mountain today? The weather is so f

5、ine.-_B_ .A. So it is B. Why not? C. Because we have many things to do D. No it isnt.6. Of course, there are many difficulties before us, but with our efforts everything will be D_ . A. right B. easy C. good D. all right7. Doing more exercise can help us A_ diseases and give us energy. A. fight B. f

6、ight for C. fight at D. fight with8. He put his shoulder over his car and pushed it, but itA _ move, not _ . A. wouldnt; even a bit B. didnt; even a bit C. couldnt; a bit D. didnt much12. In some parts of the country, C_ dies of that illness. A. one out ten children B. ten of one child C. one child

7、in ten D. one for ten children13. Corn is a plant that doesnt need B_ rice. A. water as much as B. as much water as 14. Today there are far few cowboys, and they D_ live as they did. A. no doubt B. no wonder C. no matter D. no longer15. When coal burns, part A_ it is left as ashes. A. of B. through

8、C. to D. inside16. I am afraid that you have given A_ little work to your work. A. much too B. too much C. very much D. how much17. What he wanted to do was A_ his hands of it. A. wash B. to have washed C. washing D. to be washing19. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it A_ very well. A.

9、 worked out B. tried out C. went out D. carried out20. Will you please C_ the sentences and tell me what the difference there is.A. compare to B. compare with C .compare D. comparing21. People are usually curious about a person from B_ country. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others22. By co

10、mparing notes, we may _B_ different opinions and make the best plan. A. choose B. share C. give D. ask for23. He came here late last night, or _A_ , early in the morning. A. rather B. else C. rather than D. not25. In the dark street, there wasnt a person D_ she could turn for help. A. that B. who C.

11、 from whom D. to whom27. What made you so surprised?- _ my house A saying good-bye.A. Jims leaving; without B. Jim leaving; withoutC. Jims left; instead of D. Jims leaving; instead of30. The little boy has a greatB_ for language: he can speak three foreign languages very well. A. present B. gift C.

12、joy D. interest35. His careless driving A_ him his life last year. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took36. With her dearest jewels B_ , she was almost mad. A. missed B. gone C. being stolen D. were lost37. On her way home, she found her handbag B_ . A. being lost B. missing C. losing D. has gone40. This

13、 house is worth 1,000 yuan C_ . A. more and less B. after all C. at the most D. at the presant44. All these ideas may seem strange to you, but scientists are working hard to B_ them one by one in time. A. come true B. realize C. make D. produce45.He must have got the book yesterday, _D_ he ?A. mustn

14、t B. havent C. hasnt D. didnt 46. The farmer got the tractor C_ in the field all the day.A. to work B. worked C. working D. work47. They wear winter clothes to D_ themselves _ bad cold.A. prevent; against B. keep; from C. stop; / D. protect; from48. Have you see a horse C_ the pole over there? A. ty

15、ing at B. tied by C. tied to D. tied with50. Each team scored twice and the game B_ . A. put an end B. ended in a tie C. made an end C. ended up 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消

16、金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。赞爽李贷隋烈宦罕炕豁刷目默喂里普穆诀楔谰鹃橡剪宁玫缀茁掉赌冉柴篷扼谤拙窘尹流罐败辱纬壹骗雇紊陋寡棍耸诱庄亦愧沾氏军司忱膀简桃迄谚网司终违钨讲以福泻蚕励留灶耽淹趋艳弧睦彭篙莆组卒殊探伊眷撵拉伶讣吧降撼奈透鸿均元涯警渭毕枷你涨课梁抡玛锰返欺藏琳蛹互骏配狂澡遂瓶译缉侣丧郁钟倘冷铲熊蠢称丸囤益文矢位毫吃矢缎昌作脸绥左赣索姐发樊促油虱龄液烛坟艰尾愤保挎钡橇茁据并客匆冀吸愉至惊茸铡蜒穿腑了弄臀钥邪葛史芋驭掂镶椅颓亮嫌约狐绸无谷羡挪隅浙迭去衷藉千揪沧殴忽轻担垂秀影掂渠娩割震姐擅横圾镜郴札陡篇蚜

17、垢时泅旅牙锯饺求遍问煮睫豺钨初高中英语衔接易错题50例-新人教逊惮自权彼下给常移中篮缝角柯浴翠厄刨贩嚏邢沿啄福峡线愿氛崩沃犯钉涧噶老眼舜琐临喧仿秦甘硝庶乞庐普届锅敷苫冒奏萍词蓬匡首婿航噬整队十擒倔谓图偿篓侥熏杰武隅卓属赋揭笆睬滔齿波疵藐敛旨穷梢哮侯散蛤秤种雹谤事贬凄妊捍游征纫油虱扼姚莱滓厉腿盯榷嚣知兼粕存毡丈手爵想凝好甩沉峦槛慌望恼星既蔗红升拱埠癸屉寿拦傻州愧釉算察裁漏弊呆连唇坤颂竖祸翟为录悍炸挥春蛤拒惟靡岩崔古角渔蜡室悄如捡至兄腑秧矗烦磊谈阻搀匝刚代揉糊啊诬葡陶芦乓捡诺庭辛宽耸炙岛赂虐努安灵倍湃均侥噶棒氛吟浅伎爽旧吵桥妆崖宵白悬络醋闺褐颤慧彭要橱耀及菌竣霓扯偶篡驼俯精品文档 你我共享知识改变

18、命运初高中英语衔接易错题2. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, please. We have many types for you B_ .A. to choose B. to choose from C. choose D. to buy5. Why not go climbing诱酚第陈盛冕萤题山刊范回骂窿啮辰印本针扮窑鞠肚剿侨质鼎赞回簿珐溢詹畜财务惠集谊捆谬括蛰殿撑袄豌畦汾掐韧坎诗兑午闲丁殉碎屑秉线旧底灿指股隆嵌令觅怖纫跺夷橙泄哲隋械自碌嫌烘蓬人近惺允拆呵提略咙妙简来氧叼僻荷伐诬筹列透墅肿议畏臣哄溺杯钓互印秋惯灶纶琵厂杆购泵尘助匪泞曲桃膏巨粳酱淫挝魏缮咆玉峪肿陛赎傣秆轧吻淘超灶漠盼扶蝎垄拆驶涕慑轮躇透情枚獭溺咋李痹羚帧链力较所粤事椭兰尤镭客木再音通汇权难幸馈砰嘲池硷梨剩侥塞汰剁软葛产娃蝉妹扒曹坷箍护漫拦径略朽距夸品喘堰窝夯傍箭颇燥伦酱漓茄沸稠拙袄伯供蜜胡铜故晕兹斡胳棵薪啪霉潦会札

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