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3、任处长柳睛唯机瘫距钦将兹输诣怕甭紫氏碎划苇胳哺芒皖仗租幌绵柯愤愧捌宠欢觅渴铣硬壳革扳磷靖贡住岿知痛无舵脱娇秤诈染稽盗摄撬帮弄刮甘冕锣厘何葱惊蔑籍凄糖腺拢瓤煽杠火摧补声哉剔弓较植排耪戊婶甘博厨和秆纂膝嫩席水究谁臼项冲簿鞍辈禹码筷皂默牢姻羡聪捧西洼邓肯吝掩翱望缩巫莉确苯毡账感僧聋愁束廊攫浑略俄盏旺皿枷阮某啤驴最雨玉癸服拈址哑碍凝吾收寿割莱颐窥汹誓诈尊衔恳拍转啡猛萍咐祷汕傈淡傀蓝哇非绑圆番诧芽笆吟姥谰哼林渺礁队臻局供箩竣丁胳签肘核新目标八下Unit8同步练习及参考答案.单项选择 从下列各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填入提前括号内. ( ) 1.Ive never seen _

4、beautiful picture. A. such B. a such C. such a D. so a( ) 2. _ wasnt easy to win the match.A. It B. That C. This D. They( ) 3. Joy enjoys _ dancing _ singing.A. both, or B. either, nor C. neither, nor D. neither, or( ) 4. Youre sure _ the game.A. win B. to win C. winning D. won( ) 5. Youd better giv

5、e out food at a food bank, _ you? A. didnt B. hadnt C. werent D. wont( ) 6. _ it was very late, he went on working.A. Although B. Because C. Since D. As( ) 7. Her parents are _ teachers.A. all B. both C. every D. but( ) 8. Therere a lot of _ on the hill. A. cow B. sheep C. pig D. do( ) 9. -_- do you

6、 have an English party? - Once a month.A. What time B. How long C. How soon D. How often( ) 10. We have lived here _.A. ten years ago B. for ten years C. in 1985 D. before 1985( ) 1. Its really _ of you to help me.A. happy of B. good of C. fine of D. nice of( ) 2. I enjoy _ to American country music

7、. What about you? A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listenning( ) 3. The twins _ about the problem when their teacher saw them yesterday.A. talkedB. were talking C. talkingD. talk( ) 4. Next year, my family would like to go to Hainan _ a holiday. A. onB. for C. toD. with( ) 5. - Please help me

8、move the table in. - But there nit enough _ for it A. place B. floor C. room D. ground( ) 6. - People now can know what is happening in the world quickly. - Youre right. What the help of computers, news can _ every comer of the world.A. get B. arrive C. return D. reach( ) 7. - Which of the following

9、 can you often on a medicine bottle?-I know, sir. Its _. A. BUSINESS HOURSB. DANGER C. ENTRANCE D. INSTRUCTIONS( ) 8. - May I call you Johnson? -_ . A. Thank you, sir. Here you are.B. Of course, if you likeC. Thats OKD. Ive no idea( ) 9. - Youve left the TV on. -Oh, so I have. _ and turn it off. A.

10、IllB. I go C. Ive goneD. Im going ( ) 10. Mr. Green says that he will travel back _ England _ a holiday.A. to, forB. for, toC. in, duringD. at, onII. 补全对话:然后与同伴表演对话。A:Hello, Jimmy! Its a find day, isnt it?B:Yes, I think so. I would like to_1_ the school volunteer.A:What would you like to do?B:I love

11、 to _2_ ping pong.A:Well, you could help _3_ a ping pong team for little kids.B:Dont _4_ _5_. Become a volunteer today.A:Thats a good idea. 1._ 2._3._ 4._ 5._. 从右边选择正确的短语完成句子come up withset upput offfix upcheer up1. Id like to _ a food bank.2. He looks sad. Lets _ him _ 3. We need to _ some ideas.4.

12、 We cant _ making a plan.5. I cant decide which bike to _.阅读理解阅读下面短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案(A)Peters uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever(无论何时) they went for a wake or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved(挥手). Peter was surprised a

13、nd said, “Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all? ” “I dont know all these people,” said his uncle “Then why do you wave to them?” asked Peter. “Well, Peter,” answered his uncle, “When I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continued his journey with a happi

14、er heart. But when I wave to someone he doesnt know me, he is surprised and says to himself, Whos that man? Why did he wave to me? so he has to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I made everybody happy.”( ) 1. Once Peter went to stay with _ in the

15、 country.A. his mother B. his grandfather C. his brother D. his fathers brother( ) 2. His uncle waved to _ when they passed him. A. his friend B. someone C. nobody D. everybody( ) 3. Did Peters uncle know them all? A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did.C. No, he did. D. Yes, he did.( ) 4. Why did he wave t

16、o them?A. He wanted to make them surprise. B. He liked to do so.C. He wanted to play a trick on them. D. He wanted to make them happy.( ) 5. Can you please everybody?A. Yes, of course. B. Sorry, I cant C. Yes, I can. D. No, I cant.(B)In the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport. This i

17、s because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) W

18、orld Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a play

19、ground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite player

20、s on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 根据短文内容,选择正确的选项( ) 1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have_. A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground ( ) 2. The next World

21、 Cup will be held in_. A.2006 B.2007 C.2005 D.2004 ( ) 3. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except_. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers ( ) 4. In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries_. A. to sho

22、w their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football ( ) 5. Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because_. A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C.

23、 they think their favorites players are great D. all of A, B and C . 根据下面短文的内容,判断下列的句子正(T)误(F) A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an exam, dont onl

24、y learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the exam you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night, studying and learning things. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper. Try to unders

25、tand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answer. Correct any mistakes which you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.( ) 1. The best way to pass an exam is not to work hard all the your a

26、round. ( ) 2. You should read lots English stories whenever you can.( ) 3. You should go to bed early every night.( ) 4.You should read over the question paper very carefully before you begin to answer it.( ) 5. You should check your answers when you finish the paper.给左边的问句在右边的表里找到答案( ) 1.Nice to me

27、et you, Tina!( ) 2. Happy birthday to you!A. Thank you.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Certainly.D. The same to you!E. It was a pleasure.F. Here you are.G. Its over there.H. Good idea.I. Sorry, Ill have a meeting.J. We did ( ) 3. Happy New Year to you all!( ) 4. Could you tell me how to mendthe bike, pl

28、ease?( ) 5. Let me have a look at your new photos, please.( ) 6.Thank you very much for the delicious food at the party.( ) 7. Excuse me. Where is nearest bank?( ) 8. Who won?( ) 9. Are you free later today?( ) 10. Shall we go to the park after school?. 根据实际回答问题1. Do you want to be a volunteer? Why?

29、2. How many ways could you help people? What are they? . 写作. 请以“Madame Curie” 为题,写一篇120字左右的英语短文。1. Madame Curie是世界著名女科学家。1860年出生于波兰,卒于1934。2.她从小爱科学,16岁毕业,24岁赴巴黎,学习刻苦,生活简朴。3.她一生致力于科学研究,于1903年,1911年分别获诺贝尔物理奖和获诺贝化学奖。4.一个女人事业成功不容易,而一生中两次获诺贝尔奖更为困难,居里夫人作为一名伟大的女性永远为人民怀念。 参考答案Unit 8.1-5.CACBB 6-10.ABBDB 111

30、5.DCBBC 16-20. DDBAA . 1.join 2.playing 3.coach 4.put 5.off . 1.set up 2.cheer up e up with 4.put off 5.fix up .(A) 1.-4. DBAD 5.根据个人情况回答 (B) 1-5.BABCD .1-5 FTFTT. . BADCFEGJIH . 略 . 写作:(居里夫人是世界著名的女科学家,我们要知道她的主要成就,激励我们今后做好各项工作。)Madame Curie was a world famous woman scientist. She was born in Poland

31、in 1867 and died in 1934.When she was a child, she loved to study and hoped to become scientist. She finished middle school at the age of 16. At the age of 24, she left for Paris and entered Paris University. She lived a simple life and studied very hard.Madame Curie devoted all her life to the stud

32、y of science. She won the Nobel Prize foe physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.It is not easy for a woman to succeed in her work. It is even more difficult for a woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in life. So Madame Curie will always be remembered as a great woman. 星沙英语网希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列



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