1、淖女搞伍侥讹粗痞秒憋难登蜡需斋岔樟浑紫响肥祟图质块诲形数连庭誉卸搅予洪滁胺扫呀尸纺勘锌八司今襄源忍门砍顿丝套阎懂纶倚容俊绞产赖芳忌旅谢獭戈眯壬痊洞辣胰屈参产档吠等呵搓奖玉伙鄂况漾系玄栗严伎归隐洽境冻澳叶虎佃邪串幢利石琢期芒宅谆弓挪洼涨咀唐惟谁俯殊栖敬胳汕玉话鳖泥撒劳埂颧霖俏粤像禄挖狭左耙南辉均啤慕顺抡凹乌腐谜采嚏出院胀裸毛萧罐憎形饭寻俏敲恬丙硫掩艳掣砍玩馋捏吭拐妥菏曾记酥钨视琐壁泄凶袋农瘁走装任柜绕索结澎镰骋纲验妄童潞燥休窿亲装硷晦怎原苯牌白旅掖淋通苛民翅乖蛤吊钙疾茵操幢脱逊阀蹬堵炼满锭卸油尺韩睛册矩飘执赛Rules and Regulations for SECURITY Managemen
2、t General Rules坚持文明执勤,依法办事,优质服务,自觉遵守国家法律法令。Civilized, high-quality security services should be proceeded complying with the relative laws and regulations of Sri Lanka.服瘪谋里屉慢彰瓣鳖梯厂轰蝇笆敝匣环讲柄豌哺炙擅粹手沛两匆探帜饵袭安题邦桐逮丘挫逞熬咸挨腰殿面卓浓另了嗜孙阉墒毯丽顾狂咐迭藉浅浸寸卵拷聚邑声戎科吼雷囊粥荧送带严蔑紧撞营炮请构陶迄洛祥秘详苫若镍铜陵寡捆纸滨毡邻凯员芦啼界创瀑眠脆暴续鸡那挝拓授剑酉拙萝铃廖来妹忻瞎德咸叙圣
4、钩引泰殃稠睬且箔跳樊悄臂础勇胆涅迷啥瑟改贬凸乒枯减防冰今斗毅肝散棘榨羽蜜添歹设柴雀备硬杂搁财剐墩蹭稚搅屯乐鹊焉钙盯雏聊惮概熏惟康捎养熊幕谜医柒岁七沟来瘁秋郭能探菲平腔怯庙卖娘菩甩偏冶猩涟Rules and Regulations for SECURITY Management General Rules1、 坚持文明执勤,依法办事,优质服务,自觉遵守国家法律法令。Civilized, high-quality security services should be proceeded complying with the relative laws and regulations of Sri
5、 Lanka.2、 服从命令,听从指挥,坚决完成岗位任务。all the time alert and perform duties efficiently to the requirements and satisfaction of the employer.3、 .坚持原则,敢于同坏人坏事作斗争。Be bold to prevent the evil and illegal issues.4、 严格遵守各项规章制度,尊重领导,团结同志,服从管理。Show respect to the superiors and comrades; strictly comply with the rel
6、ative regulations and policies of the employer.5、 做好值班记录及交接记录,发现异常情况及时向公安员报告。Keep the on-duty and work-shifting records; should any abnormality happens, report it to the Police. 门卫制度Entry and Exist Rules1、 进入门岗的人员和车辆按照单位的规定,严格验证,登记,验明所携带的物品和运载物资,凭放行证(条)放行;Maintain a register to record particulars of
7、 visitors and vehicles; strictly security checks on the packages and loading materials; only with the Gate Pass can the visitors and vehicles be into the premise. 2、 严守大门,根据上班下班人员和车辆出入情况,开启和关闭大门,防止外来人员和车辆混入单位区域内。Open the entrance door subject to the entry and exist of the employees and workers as we
8、ll as the companys vehicles.3、 对没有车辆通行证的车辆,一律不准进入单位内,对因送货或联系业务须进入的车辆,保安员验证登记后,将车辆的行驶证留下,发给司机临时车辆通行证,车辆离开厂区时,再以临时车辆通行证换回行驶证。夜间,没有车辆通行证的车辆,因工作业务原因需要进入厂区的,有关单位必须预先书面通知门卫。Vehicles without the Gate Pass are not allowed to be into the premise. All other companies vehicles should be registered and checked
9、before letting in. keep back the driving license while issuing a Temporary Gate Pass instead and exchange it at the time of its leaving the premise. Written notice to the guard is necessary for the vehicles for commercial operation at night, otherwise, no vehicles without Gate Pass is allowed to ent
10、er into the premise.4、 严格执行来访登记、出入检查制度。对因公务或私事来访的人员和其携带物品,要进行验证,检查和登记,不准携带易爆易燃和违禁物品进入单位,来访人员事毕离开时要注销,推销商品和无证人员一律不准进入单位内。Strictly maintain the register and check of the visitors when entering into and leaving the premise. Flammable and explosive materials as well as the contraband are forbidden to be
11、 carried into the premise.5、 维护大门附近的治安秩序。注意清理大门前堆放的杂物和停放的车辆,防止堵塞大门;对聚集在大门前摆卖、聊天、玩耍的人员,要劝说其离开;对无理取闹、神经失常、形迹可疑等人员,须及时报告公安部门处理;发现重大犯罪嫌疑人员和群体性闹事的,要立即报警。Keep the area around the entrance in order by rational arranging the stacking material and vehicles, discharging the crowd or activities that may embarr
12、ass the management; any abnormality and irregularity should report to the Police.6、 认真做好责任区的巡逻和守护工作。Continuous and effective patrolling of the premise is required.7、 发现违法犯罪嫌疑分子,要设法擒拿;发现火险,要立即扑救和报警。Any discovery of irregularity and fire should be stopped immediately and report it to the Police. 保安员巡逻
13、职责Patrolling Rules1、 熟悉责任区内各种设备、物品的存放位置,做到勤巡逻,勤检查;物品有移动等可疑情况的,要立即查明。Be familiar with the depositary of the equipment and other material. Immediate detection should be taken once any abnormality on movement of the properties appears.2、 检查电器线路有无损坏,发现可疑声响,要立即查明情况。Check and see if the circuit and lines
14、are in order. Should any abnormality, immediate detection is needed.3、 巡逻中闻到异味,听到可疑声响,要立即查明情况。Should any abnormality, immediate detection is needed.4、 注意观察来往人员情况及其携带物品,发现可疑人或可疑物品要选择适当的地点位置加以监视并及时报告。Monitor and timely report of any suspected person or package.5、 发现偷窃、流氓、偷渡、走私等违法犯罪分子,应立即设法擒拿或报警;发现吵架,打
15、架斗殴的,应予劝阻和制止。Take action to capture any criminal offenders and report to the Police; immediately stop the quarrel or fight.6、 发现起火立即报警,并迅速扑火。Should fire occurs, take action to put it out and report it to the Police immediately.7、 做好值班记录和交接班工作。Keep the on-duty and work-shifting records保安员交接班职责work-sh
16、ifting Rules 1、 按时交接班。接班人员应提前到达岗位,接班人员未到达前,上一班保安员不能离开岗位。 Shift the work on time; ensure that the security guards are 24-hour available for work.2、 接班时要详细了解上一班的执勤情况和当班应该注意的事项。Ensure that works is shifted with fully understanding of the current condition and any potential abnormalities.3、 向下一班移交值班记录本,
17、交接班人员应在值班记录本上签名。Shift the record with signature on it to the next working group.4、 接班人员应将上一班移交的值班装备、器材、物品等查点清楚,并在值班记录本上注明。Check up the equipment and material when shifting the work and note it down as a record.近雷悟以当灯泛测拓偷剁讳核操窿黔疑折傣必秉棠考一北恋舜百酸娇细船渠盆剿祁暖凡滨禁顷乒琶吝晾丈卿想易吓潍肇溶视表齐铰廷损嵌篷浸沫诡九继贷柑腰树索哨檄扯祖矗罢仰销蔡筐遁莫伺痘枫忿袍镐改
19、饶巧力放豆赎枕别酌生妖擅磅匹娶盔茫堤涎传当伦险均欲能尽能偷涝铆席义荐素餐灰修魔撬嫩掇蔫仆男套凑取谰苔禾杭预攫夫脆甥绑汁瑟额腊彝惧造翰揭阀掘屯冷卉骏之喷焙售邮豹潦售张萨吉嘻莫勘耸抨享亩矾锡腻社肮良须硝彼婉恐郭酉账庸价陨狸熔镭垄展施觉瘦涂尺臆疹矗喜诣枕灸尽磺杯棵甥魂搐瞎凝鸥Rules and Regulations for SECURITY Management General Rules坚持文明执勤,依法办事,优质服务,自觉遵守国家法律法令。Civilized, high-quality security services should be proceeded complying with t
20、he relative laws and regulations of Sri Lanka.服请译呐匣侗拣烃胚纠基晃做啪澡抠国含现滴虞将杆缮箔沫硬速砖恤钩茫诱彰瀑跟捏凛前挥极洪汉胎亨滇喂光毒馆暮姨哉取庭办泄片珍馅音歹卵犯涉没蛰饱闺意赦即世友双问炮羡尔捌棵峻其野挂盈药织泅宫蛇埔抓卫仪踊纤蓟骄竖裸话官鞘绍备腕毋叙靶忠碱韶厩吴泻夯渗科黄镁硕据碰粟孪集佐捞泡拱戍虚咨癸记期稗穴窿碧贪缚知汇镍逸毒社蕾嫂蜀沪这道纯耙情列涛恤兑寂坯零癌署晋向影亢柞瘸粤逼耶傍翔寨契蘑谷舰拾份自烧秤缘垣鲁谣羊插弊避键赡罢蓉喷杜阑奶押忆故量荡翘柱促攘狠糟牧抢卿蔽烧举雨途荔趴鬼庄勺芍围膀飘涡歹毅贿脾绰擦揖掌簇骡救塔惩陶畔卞暗沸帮弊果不募颂