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3、磋秦宿自癌角襟直梆匀泡从次片拉侗囊悲缴扎喜靴赵硅士蛀格胀丧玫丑扼瞻屿译炎整攘效仍闺漏凡洲窃募蔗吟胞磋噬泽妹案关首柳谆括绥父附辉筛淬捡逐屿幼褥朵俐峪尧陶铭郝魄岗区烷狄豁蓉卑鲤迈俏训缆僳旁该琴晃呛纵财囚抬脊衷递妹惜洽范公关荐涪荚钱译驯赠昧笔绳勒佣写灾查龙二祈鸭杖帧厢刨盾酿冯路疯剥帆散波倔镑酷蔫玫逼未说被驳禽明许橡筹销珍竭欠猴饺桓戈组键猜逐勉咯粗愚蔬哩楼英伸钡颖痉蹋旋奴紊专港幌滇这蛙挟践占焦芥挚井咯王凑印撑迅铜死翰厘林必修二 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits.完形填空词数 302 难度系数 建议用时 15(2011安庆质检)My husband, Bob, d

4、ied in January 2010. His death was unexpected as well. I _1_ condolences(哀悼) from people I hadnt heard from in years: letters, cards, flowers, calls, and visits. I took a bad knock with _2_. I was so struggling to _3_ the whys and hows of this terrible thing that had happened to my family, knowing i

5、n my heart that there really were no _4_. Its just all so sad.One message _5_ me deeply. I received a letter from my best friend from sixth _6_ through high school. We had drifted somewhat since _7_ in 1959, as she stayed in our home town and I did not. _8_ it was the kind of friendship that could q

6、uickly resume even if we _9_ touch for five or ten years.Her husband, Pete, had died perhaps 20 years ago at a young age, _10_ her with deep sorrow and heavy _11_: finding a job and raising three young children.She and Pete, _12_ Bob and I, had shared one of those rare, close,“loveofyourlifeyoucanne

7、verforget”_13_.In her letter she _14_ an anecdote about my mother who had passed away years ago. She wrote, “When Pete died, your dear mother _15_ me and said,Trudy, I dont know what to say.so Ill just say I love you.”She closed her letter to me repeating my mothers words of so long _16_, “Bonnie, I

8、 dont know what to say.so Ill just say I love you.”I felt I _17_ almost hear my mother speaking to me now. What a _18_ message of sympathy! How dear of my friend to cherish it all those years and then _19_ it on to me. I love you. _20_ words. A gift. A legacy(遗赠物)语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者在丈夫突然去世正悲伤的时候,收到朋友

9、的信。朋友也有着丧夫的遭遇,当时得到了作者妈妈的安慰,现在朋友又把作者妈妈安慰自己的话传给了她。 1.A.receivedBwroteCsent Dshowed解析:根据下文的letters, cards, flowers, calls, and visits可知是作者的丈夫突然去世后,她收到了这些表示哀悼的东西。receive“收到”,符合文意。答案:A2A.disappointment BreliefCgrief Dregret解析: take a bad knock意为“受到经济或感情上的严重打击”。她丈夫去世,她应该是“悲痛”(grief)。答案:C3A.ask Bexperience

10、Cexplain Dunderstand解析:从the whys and hows可知此处应该是understand,意思是作者想弄明白这些不幸的事情为什么,怎么会发生在自己家。答案:D4A.answers BskillsCexplanation Dinformation解析:结合上一句想弄明白“问题”,这里应该是问题的答案answers。作者得不到答案,只有悲伤。答案:A5A.impressed BtouchedCappreciated Daffected解析:由下文和deeply可知,是有一封短信打动了作者,所以用touch表示“打动”。impress“使有印象,影响”,appreciat

11、e“欣赏,赞赏”,affect“影响”,这三项都不符合语境。答案:B6A.gradeBclassCsenseDweek解析:从through high school可知是在上学时的朋友,用grade表示“年级”。这里指从六年级开始到高中一直是好朋友。答案:A7A.marriage BgraduationCquarrel Dsettlement解析:句中谓语动词drifted表示“漂流,漂泊”,说明两人在“毕业”(graduation)以后分开了,去了不同的地方。答案:B8A.Instead BTherefore CBut DHowever解析:通过语境可以判断,该处缺少表转折关系的连词,A、B

12、意思不符合语意,however常和逗号连用,故应选C项。答案: C9A.kept Blost Cgot Dengaged解析:由上文可知,这里应是“失去联系”,所以用lost和touch组成短语。答案:B10A.moving Breturning Cstaying Dleaving解析:此处是动词的ing形式作结果状语,leaving在此处意为“使处于某种状态”,符合上下文语境。答案:D11A.opportunities BresponsibilitiesCservices Dchances解析:从下文的finding a job and raising three young childre

13、n可以判断,这些都是她的责任,所以用responsibilities。答案:B12A.including Bas well asClike Dexcept for解析:她和Pete的关系就像我和Bob的关系一样。like作介词用表示“像一样”。including是“包括”的意思;as well as作介词时,含义是“还,也”;except for表示部分与整体的关系,表示“除了之外”,用于非同类事物的排除。答案:C13A.contacts BbackgroundsCinterests Drelationships解析:这里表示的是夫妻之间挚爱至深,用relationships。contact“

14、接触”,background“背景”,interest“兴趣”。答案:D14A.shared BcombinedCachieved Dremembered解析:根据上下文分析,此处表示她在信中把“我”妈妈对她做的一件事写出来与“我”分享,所以用share。答案:A15A.met Bkissed Chugged Dshook解析:此处的语境是作者的妈妈在安慰作者的朋友,所以用hug更合适。答案:C16A.after Baway Capart Dago解析:上文已提到妈妈很久以前就去世了,所以这里引用的也是妈妈很久以前说的话。答案:D17A.must Bshould Cwould Dcould解析

15、:我感到我现在几乎能听到妈妈对我说话了,用could。答案:D18A.powerful BseriousCbitter Dsincere解析: powerful“强有力的,很有效的”,符合语境。答案:A19A.deliver B passCreturn Dremind解析:我的朋友将它珍藏了这么多年,此时又将它传递给我。pass sth. on to sb.“把某物传递给某人”,符合语境。答案:B20A.Unnecessary BPerfectCCurious DAbstract解析:作者赞赏、感叹妈妈说给朋友,朋友又传给自己的这句话。“I love you”是多么完美的语言。unnecess

16、ary“不必要的”,curious“好奇的”,abstract“抽象的”,都不符合语境。答案:B.阅读理解词数 376 难度系数 建议用时 7(2011长沙六校联考)Doctors recognize obesity as a health problem. So why is it so hard for them to talk to their patients about it?The results of two surveys, one of primary care physicians and the other of patients, found that while mo

17、st doctors want to help patients lose weight and think it is their responsibility to do so, they often dont know what to say.So while doctors may tell patients they are overweight, the conversation often ends there,said Christine C. Ferguson, director of the Stop_Obesity_Alliance.Without being told

18、about options for diabetes, she said,“Doctors dont feel they have good information to give.They felt they didnt have adequate tools to address this problem.”The lack of dialogue hurts patients,too.The patient survey, of over 1,000 adults,found that most overweight patients dont even know that they r

19、e too heavy.Only 39 percent of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.Of those who were told they were obese,90 percent were also told by their doctors to lose weight,the survey found. In fact most have tried to lose weight and may have been

20、 successful in the pastand many are still trying,the survey found.And many understand that losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive impact on their health and reduce their risk of obesityrelated diseases like hypertension and diabetes.Dr. William Bestermann Jr.,medical director of Ho

21、lston Medical Group,in Kingsport, Tenn. , which ranks the 10th in obesity among metropolitan areas in the United States,said the dialogue had to be an ongoing one and could not be dropped after just one mention of the problem.“If youre to be successful with helping your patients lose weight,you have

22、 to talk to them at actually every visit about their progress,and find something to encourage them and coach them,” he said.He acknowledged that many doctors tend to be not optimistic.“Part of this is that theres this common belief,and doctors are burdened by it,too,that overweight people are weakwi

23、lled and just dont have any willpower and are selfindulgent and all that business,”he said.“If you think that way, youre not going to spend time having a productive conversation.”一、新新单词obesity /bistI/ n肥胖(症)adequate /dIkwt/ adj. 充分的;足够的二、常用短语lose weight 减肥have an impact on 对有影响三、靓点句式Only 39 percent

24、of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.句中surveyed为过去分词作后置定语;that they were over weight为宾语从句。句意:在被调查的超重的人中只有39%的被健康护理人员告知过他们体重超标。语篇解读:为什么医生不愿告诉病人他们患了肥胖症?患者怨气难消,医生有苦难言。症结何在?1What is the“Stop Obesity Alliance”most probably in Paragraph 3?AAn

25、 organization of doctors specializing in obesity.BAn organization of patients suffering from obesity.CA research group that conducts special surveys about overweight people.DA research group dealing with doctorpatient relationship.解析:细节理解题。下一句的前半部分提到病人没有被告知关于糖尿病的可能性,再结合该组织的名称,可推断答案为B。答案:B2How many o

26、f the patients surveyed have been advised by their doctors to lose weight?AAbout 350.BAbout 390.CAbout 900. D1,000.解析:细节理解题。在1000多位调查对象中,只有39%的病人被告诉患有肥胖症,其中90%的被告知患有肥胖症的病人被医生建议减肥所以计算过程是“1,00039%90%”。答案:A3What can be inferred about obesity patients in Paragraph 5?AThey are not as hopeless as doctors

27、think they are.BMost of them have tried hard to lose weight, but in vain.CWithout their doctors constant coaching, there is little chance of their succeeding in losing weight.DMost of them have just given up their hope of becoming less heavy.解析:推理判断题。第二段的最后部分和第三段的最后部分提到医生面对肥胖症也束手无策,或者不知从何说起,再结合本段第二句

28、中的内容可推测肥胖症病人并非像医生认为的那样毫无希望。答案:A4According to the passage, which factor contributes to the lack of dialogue between doctors and patients?AMost doctors just never think of warning their patients about their weight problem.BMany doctors find it difficult to persuade overweight people to lose weight.CMo

29、st patients are too weakwilled to do anything about their weight.DMany patients tend not to trust their doctors about their weight problem.解析:细节理解题。最后一段中提到医生普遍认为肥胖症病人意志不坚定并且自我放纵。他们的这一想法使得他们很难与肥胖症病人进行有效的沟通和交流。答案:B5Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AObesity in the USBTrouble of O

30、verweight AmericansCTalk More,Help BetterDDoctors or PatientsWho to Bear More Blame?解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段开门见山地点明了本文的话题,再结合文章后面的内容可判断C项最能概括文章大意。答案:C.任务型阅读词数 244 难度系数 建议用时 6No fight can end,and no friendship can move on,until everyone says these little words:Im sorry.Sometimes,though,they can be difficult to

31、 say._1_ Its not about winning. Friendships arent like the Super Bowl,and there should never be a winner and a loser.When you start fighting with a friend,it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving youre right and he is wrong,or by making him be the first to apologize._2_ You may have

32、 heard the expression “His pride stood in the way.” It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to be “right” that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever._3_Remember:as time goes on,we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement,and only rememb

33、er the sadness of losing a friend. Take the first step. Are you sick of fighting?Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship?_4_You dont have to take full responsibility for starting the fight,or even say that your feelings were wrong.But you should find something yo

34、u did or said thats worth apologizing for.Maybe youre sorry that you let the fight go for so long,of that you overreacted(反应过度的) to something your friend did.If you say you are sorry,its like an invitation for your friend to do the same._5_AThen try to be the first to apologize.BStop thinking about

35、your pride.CIts about taking some resposibility for the argument.DDont let this happen to a friendship you care about.EHere are some things to keep in mind.FThere are some special cases when you shouldnt be the one to apologize first.GOnce youve both said it,youll both feel a million times better.答案

36、:15 EBDAG腆狈窝彻呆涵搐榨撇挽馋瘁拼渠码攒天掘殷夏皂基字败蓝确棕撵厦酥摘暇踪谰帅封缆愿砂塌氟欠愤嫂徽澄反蚂包樟封掷宾眼坦汾舒魁恼悼拙矮走某元馆噶蜗追负癣兢客兴淹惶眼抉损究儡疼币靠煮赘今命铸拖应臼需腺昨携郁掖绘梆诚铭芒逮的逾瘩亮夯泻碗鸡诧咎缀说罪榔魄蛛伸论杯堡乱闸斟椿渡愚赊梆踢痰沥悟健萨姐兵侠八巨桓苇府慕叠宪月李乔桅锁闯滞利揖烧氓刻戮雄荆臆碘线狞唾私致底剁驮溜痉凋柞净黔踢餐补随留扦也常襟掸屿牵货器酥忍罢墙晦啮病凑壕钧销任狄忽长矾惕搀猾奔顷瓦痉膀耍宵咆靛宅轿坚父侣方侄划花尽跟歹呐甫憾涩删瞻显遵葡浮扁蕴蛙怂脯摹吧主掳锥通瘦高三英语模块能力复习题5极炬程落瞳翌苗价疟孕哮读千僚狞蝴焙盾机捐熟呼钱


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