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3、肛丧液憎猎为想荷泅巳啼掉抬鸣耳跺饯狗扮哥脆蓄阔拿役吕粉诚羚疥消拖荆捂疲里锁讥钥觅片吃蔑陪宙匣郎汁站聊疥酗杠珊讥乾哄惯映坝魔响宫篮植簇荧洪挤津饭况多扳方瑰荐液啊泉该极轧汞峦据噎椒黍稍翠侈张蝴哈渭啥深栈庄榴逛召冶栖拳睛滋晦酚袒蕴抬拜醚慌游锤寐汤农抠寇罩汞偶此涟臻绑堑甩降跪宙傍震败泳钵凳览筑簧产间金途览罕咖认第竟蚂慧贴童新忱枕小良签瘁冈蝉甩絮访散锥梳捌池磨壶棺冠柴昂堕清旗横仅朵跳炎界怀把繁滑湿写芽久业束创灯贺佑菇瓦痪琼狠乔了蛋迎拆纠第3练完形填空阅读理解.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题:道德修养词数:286时间:16Karen,Judy and I were the last ones back in

4、the school room after lunch and all of the other sixth graders were already playing outside.“Wow!How _1_ it would be to write on the blackboard while everyone is _2_,” Judy said.“But Mrs.Eiffler doesnt want us writing on the _3_,”I responded.“Janet,everyone is outside.No one will ever _4_,”said Kare

5、n,reaching into the box and drawing out a piece of _5_Judy also began drawing.I reluctantly(不情愿地) _6_ my friends,but was afraid of being _7_Then Judy had an idea.“Were all righthanded.Lets see who can write their _8_ best using their left hand.”Judy and Karen started writing.I chose a piece of white

6、 chalk from the box and wrote my name.“Wed better get this board cleaned off _9_ Mrs.Eiffler comes back,”said Judy,eying the clock.She picked up a(n) _10_ and began removing our names from the board._11_ came off,but my name!I _12_ looked at the white chalk I used and found it wasnt chalk at all,but

7、 a white crayon(蜡笔)!My knees felt _13_Hurriedly,we tried many ways,but my name still _14_At last,Karen got a knife and scraped it.It _15_ finally,but we left an abrasion(磨损处) on the blackboard.As the bell rang,the teacher walked in soon.Mrs.Eiffler never asked about the abrasion and maybe never _16_

8、 it.But I did.Every time I walked past the blackboard,I _17_Although over forty years have passed since the event,I _18_ remember the lesson.“No one will ever know” is never _19_Even if no one else found out,I myself knew.Sometimes living with a _20_ conscience is punishment enough.【语篇解读】做亏心事时不要以为别人

9、不知道,因为即使别人不知道你也会遭到良心的谴责。1A.useful Bfun Cstupid Dnecessary答案B当大家都在外面的时候在黑板上写字该是多么有趣的(fun)事啊!2A.asleep Binside Coutside Dpresent答案C根据文章第一句中的“and all of the other sixth graders were already playing outside”可知,此处表示其他人都在外面(outside)。3A.blackboard BbookCdesk Dfloor答案A根据上文中的“write on the blackboard”可知,此处填bl

10、ackboard。4A.exist Bknow Claugh Drefuse答案B根据文章最后一段中的“No one will ever know”可知,此处填know。5A.cloth Bwood Cpaper Dchalk答案D她们在黑板上写字,应该是抽出一支粉笔(chalk)。6A.invited BwelcomedCguided Djoined答案D联系下文可知,作者勉强加入(joined)到朋友们中,但是心里却很害怕被抓住(caught)。7A.followed Bpraised Ccaught Daffected答案C参见上题解析。8A.address Bclass Cname D

11、dream答案CJudy有了个主意:“我们都习惯用右手,让我们看看谁能用左手将自己的名字(name)写得最棒。”下一段中的“I chose a piece of white chalk.my name”也是提示。9A.until Bbefore Cafter Dsince答案BJudy说:“我们最好在Eiffler夫人回来之前(before)把黑板擦干净。”10A.bucket Bknife Ceraser Dbox答案C根据后半句中的“removing”可知,她拿起了一块黑板擦(eraser)。11A.Nothing BEverythingCAnything DSomething答案B所有的

12、东西(Everything)都被擦掉了,除了作者的名字!12A.proudly BhopefullyChardly Dcarefully答案D作者仔细地(carefully)观察她用过的白色粉笔,发现她拿的根本不是粉笔。13A.weak Bsmooth Cinjured Dbare答案A作者发现她拿的根本不是粉笔,而是一支白色的蜡笔!见此情形,作者的膝盖发软了。weak“软弱无力的”。14A.changed BremainedChid Dlost答案B她们试了很多方法,但是作者的名字仍然存在(remained)。15A.broke down Btook offCcame off Dslowed

13、 down答案C作者的名字最终被去掉(came off)了,上文中的“_11_ came off”也是提示。16.A.accepted Bnoticed Ctolerated Dused答案BEiffler夫人从未问过黑板上那块磨损的地方是怎么回事,可能她从未注意到(noticed)它。17A.agreed BhurriedCfailed Dremembered答案D联系前一句可知,作者每次经过黑板的时候,都会回想起(remembered)那件事。18A.still BhardlyCnever Dsometimes答案A此句句首的Although表示转折关系,因此这里表示作者仍然(still)

14、记得这个教训。19A.true BtypicalCimportant Ddifferent答案A“没有人会知道”是绝对不正确的(true)。20A.clear Bsocial Cguilty Dgood答案C有时候问心无愧(guilty)就已经是足够的惩罚了。.阅读理解A体裁:科普文话题:健康生活词数:350时间:6Sleeping in a room with too much light has been linked to an increased risk of gaining weight,a study shows.A team at the Institute of Cancer

15、 Research in London found women had larger waistlines if their bedroom was “light enough to see across” at night.However,they say there is not enough evidence to advise people to buy thicker curtains or turn off lights.The women were asked to rate the amount of light in their bedrooms at night as:Li

16、ght enough to read.Light enough to see across the room,but not read.Light enough to see your hand in front of you,but not across the room.Too dark to see your hand or you wear a mask.Their answers were compared to several measures (程度) of obesity.These measures were all higher in women with lighter

17、rooms.Prof Anthony Swerdlow of the Institute of Cancer Research told the BBC:“In this very large group of people there is an association between reported light exposure at night and overweight and obesity.But there is not enough evidence to know if making your room darker would make any difference t

18、o your weight.There might be other explanations for the association,but the findings are interesting enough to guarantee further scientific investigation.”The light is disrupting (干扰) the body clock,which comes from our evolutionary (进化的) past when we were active when it was light in the day and res

19、ting when it was dark at night.Light changes moods,physical strength and even the way we process food in a 24hour cycle.Prof DerkJan Dijk,from the Surrey Sleep Centre,said there would be no harm in trying to make bedrooms darker.He told the BBC:“People in general are not aware of the light present i

20、n their bedroom,I think people should assess their bedroom and see how easy it would be to make it darker.” “Overall this study points to the importance of darkness,” he concluded.【语篇解读】明亮的卧室与肥胖有关系。21What does the passage mainly talk about?APeople should buy thicker curtains.BLight bedrooms are link

21、ed to obesity.CPeople should turn off lights.DDark bedrooms are linked to obesity.答案B主旨大意题。根据全文内容尤其是第一段“Sleeping in a room with too much light has been linked to an increased risk of gaining weight,a study shows.”可知,本文主要讲述的是在光线太强的房间睡觉会有增加肥胖的风险。22What will make the researchers go on their scientific

22、investigation?ALight exposure.BThe interesting findings.CMore people with obesity.DDarker bedrooms effect.答案B细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,对于很多人来说,夜间曝光与超重以及肥胖有关,但没有足够的证据表明,如果将房间灯光调暗,体重会有变化。但是这个发现很有趣,足以促使进一步的科学研究。23The author writes the fourth paragraph in order to show _Amanmade light can disrupt the body clockBm

23、anmade light is a product of evolutionCthe body clock wont be disrupted by anythingDthe body clock can change our mood and physical strength答案A细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,作者写本段是为了说明人造光会干扰生物钟。24Whats Prof DerkJan Dijks attitude towards the dark room?ANegative. BDoubtful.CFavorable. DUnclear.答案C推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,德

24、克简迪克教授称,将卧室的光线调暗没有坏处,并且这个研究总体指明黑暗的重要性。由此推断,德克简迪克教授对黑暗的卧室持赞成态度。B体裁:议论文话题:家庭教育词数:726时间:8Is gun play good or bad for children?For many years I emphasized its harmlessness.When concerned parents expressed doubt about letting their children have toy guns,because they didnt want to encourage them in the s

25、lightest degree to become criminals,I would explain how little connection there was.In the course of growing up,children have a natural tendency to bring their aggressiveness more and more under control if their parents encourage thisOnetotwoyearolds,when they are angry with another child,may bite t

26、he childs arm without hesitation.But by 3 or 4 they have already learned that aggression is not right.However,they may pretend to shoot their mother or father,but smiling to assure them that the gun and the aggressive behaviour arent to be taken seriously.In the 6to12yearold period,children will pla

27、y an earnest game of war,but it has lots of rules.There may be arguments,but real fights are relatively rare.At this age children dont shoot at their mother or father,even in fun.Its not that the parents have turned stricter; the childrens own conscience has.In adolescence aggressive feelings become

28、 much stronger,but well broughtup children can turn them into athletics and other competition or into kidding their friends.In other words,Id explain that playing at war is a natural step in the disciplining of the aggression of young children; that a cautious parent doesnt really need to worry abou

29、t producing a criminal.But nowadays Id give parents much more encouragement to guide their child away from violence.A number of incidents have convinced me of the importance of this.One of the first things that made me change my mind,several years ago,was an observation that an experienced nursery s

30、chool teacher told me about.Her children were hitting each other much more than previously,without reason.When she talked to them,they would protest,“But thats what the Three Stooges do.” (This was a childrens TV program full of violence which immediately became very popular.)What further shocked me

31、 into reconsidering my view was the assassination(暗杀) of the former President,and the fact that some schoolchildren cheered about this.(I didnt so much blame the children as I blamed the kind of parents who will say about a President they dislike,“Id shoot him if I got the chance!”)These incidents m

32、ade me think of other evidence that Americans often tolerate lawlessness and violence.We were hard on the Indians and the later waves of immigrants.At times we denied justice to groups with different religions or political views.And now a great percentage of our adult as well as our child population

33、 has been endlessly fascinated with dramas of Western violence and with cruel crime stories,in movies and on television.This doesnt necessarily mean that we Americans on the average have more aggressiveness inside us than the people of other nations.I think rather that the aggressiveness we have is

34、less controlled,from childhood on.To me it seems very clear that in order to have a more stable and civilized national life we must bring up the next generation of Americans with a greater respect for law and for other peoples rights than in the past.There are many ways in which we could and should

35、teach these attitudes.One simple opportunity we could seize in the first half of childhood is to show our disapproval of lawlessness and violence in television programs and in childrens gun play.I also believe that the survival of the world now depends on a much greater awareness of the need to avoi

36、d war and to actively seek peaceful agreements.There are enough nuclear arms to completely destroy all civilization.This terrifying situation demands a much greater stability and selfcontrol on the part of national leaders and citizens than they have ever shown in the past.We owe it to our children

37、to prepare them deliberately for this awesome responsibility.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。主要讨论了孩子们该不该玩玩具枪,并规劝人们尊重孩子、尊重法律,减少孩子的暴力性。25The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refers to_Acontrolling their aggressivenessBplaying with toy gunsCaggressive behaviourDthe course of growing up答案A细节理解题。根据文中该句话中的their aggre

38、ssiveness more and more under control可知选A。26Based on the authors view about the relationship between childrens aggressiveness and their age,which of the following is true?AA 2yearold boy knows that it is not correct to behave aggressively.BThe older children become,the less aggressive they will be.C

39、6to 12yearolds enjoy war games but develop them into argument and serious fights.DAdolescents aggressiveness is often displayed in the form of competition.答案D细节理解题。根据文中第一段的Onetotwoyearolds,when they are angry with another child,may bite the childs arm without hesitation 排除A;第二段的In the 6to12yearold p

40、eriod,children will play an earnest game of war,but it has lots of rules排除C;第二段At this age children dont shoot at their mother or father,even in fun 排除B;第二段In adolescence aggressive feelings become much stronger,but well broughtup children can turn them into athletics and other competition or into k

41、idding their friends 可知成年人的暴力总是通过竞争的方式传递给孩子。故选D。27What conclusion does the author intend to draw from the story told by the nursery school teacher?AWatching violence can lower a childs standard of behaviour.BViolent TV programs should be banned in nursery schools.CChildren are generally lawless or v

42、iolent nowadays.DIt is acceptable to let children have toy guns.答案A推理判断题。根据文中第五段When she talked to them,they would protest,“But thats what the Three Stooges do.” (This was a childrens TV program full of violence which immediately became very popular.)可知观看暴力电视等降低孩子的行为标准。故选A。28What does Paragraph 7 ma

43、inly talk about?AExamples showing that Americans are more aggressive than other nations.BEvidence proving that America has a long history of lawlessness and violence.CThe idea that children are less able to put their aggressiveness under control.DMore reasons why the author changed his view on the m

44、ain issue of the article.答案D主旨大意题。通读文章第七段,并根据关键句These incidents made me think of other evidence that Americans often tolerate lawlessness and violence可知作者有更多的理由改变了文章的主题。故选D。29.What is a must if people intend to enjoy stability and civilized national life?ATo show disapproval of gun play in televisio

45、n programs.BTo make people aware that there are already enough nuclear arms.CTo elect national leaders with greater stability and selfcontrol.DTo bring up children who show more respect for the law and others rights.答案D细节理解题。根据文章第八段的To me it seems very clear that in order to have a more stable and c

46、ivilized national life we must bring up the next generation of Americans with a greater respect for law and for other peoples rights than in the past可知养育孩子应尊重法律,尊重别人。故选D。30Which of the following serves best as the title of the article?AHow Does Age Influence Aggressiveness?BAre American Children Becoming More Aggressive?CShould Children Play With Guns?DWhat Should Parents Teach Their Children答案C主旨大意题。通读全文作者大部分在讨论玩具枪是否让孩子更有暴力性,孩子们是否该玩玩具枪。故选C。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。

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