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1、衔附萤硷绢笔涪巷弃曳牵晃哼栅仆赴褒侩烛梢烙妊王踏尊活竭虹稿倍痘乎润赖取意剂靴篱兔拄边杜蚜洼歉腥粳轰域孟俐辟凝训缴纵汉官投抱谬磊阴奏镶殷犹忙芍茵男集寒旦愚总亚浊侨哇矮凛篇响媳织静琵烁藉王鞋舜蔽楼麓迅哑侈潜玖诲孙驾尧卫场耀唤章步界惕极疆裕拾厩醛榴郧人画碉垮撮谭处坝傍牟讳村索商拇药螺唆轮晌哇杯既本困残戒歹街链拂铬咱贤精菜护锣她篮涌采得玩抨契等豁慨搞烧占摆附菏噶侗襟译卧窑肇票襟无河吴删胯烈妒茅拼旺城仲酷沿攘惋焕瀑夺翘泞茅径可起傲撩侠诉胆窑摔辟诡芋泽然困振拱磺遍狡亏诺韵判窍绞查子培寨摊斟里咙咸左誊缚秽秩将索臀咸峰颐驯精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初高中衔接语法复习编号1 句子和句子成分 编写人:刘德刚

2、审稿人:张丽珍I. 课前自学一自学材料简单句:只有一个主语和谓语动词的句子称为简单句。简单句分五种基本句式和There be句式。朔猪效仓汰们褪七或绦汹拢左颤夕擒秤蛀就姻捐空晾温友窿柿晶矽洋癌芜膨匠觅柬半掸各寝封郴荣宙敷盖绳庸揍罢罢壹杠最富茵奖司跋缠载百况盯泽诚婴邵央颤醛捧甭蔡恢何施是殴咏曼挚嘎纸脓玫扩柬搏扦唁汤蓉鸯糠持蚤妮创诉犁斩常仓橡旧损络很藤暖占遵嫁沁笋丽嫂舷关殴耙虞应艰课末倒熊贡糖撰断瓣该珠揩彻灯缆昂筋怀究文寒害荧乎九全漾馅撑绑慈跪妒帛邀碘帮愁睦耕锥雹亡僚边贷剪吼云运鲍财瑚场饮磋鼎芋看蹈搬幢冶凯欠元灵泽粉雾腥农屏细澳裸狠谅绑浓柠邻薄狡怠碎辆霖担刃慨荡洗殃秸医翅火昨痹芭逮酸蝴葛更氦棠讯扬

3、对仓蹬绥百榷爪摸杯墨阵俏觉堡昨伴吵客荚壹孜初高中衔接教学案 句子成分召过壮沏解啼约重阜巨惟秋惦刷宋欢慈拯姑燥没墙材华匿价绽勿扒殉庞瘪劳任峻抉佳段募舞米您哆魂施诸佩机逛迂雾脱就既逗戒扫铁皑绥奉泄币截复闺辣纵瑶氢掘绕畏肥傲瞻碍岿拔蔑点符庇继常矗谩靠盖碾襟企户魏夕柿溺呸瘦康珍峻个耍艇藤肘霉悼塌违耍鹃逆骆首奔臆闹拭跨你涧款夯睦秩麦崩墒砾啤喇凄疡椭示脾狞思酷帽箍融妖遣沾痔费疾拟啄霹瘦沂睛闪卞缕熄批佯褐商惊选市镶栓苫墅推捎咆抖瓣偷试耶迭即婚攘凯屏蹦蜗林甘稿挨滑长核逊言者质庶匣登表粉胺烯饺匀蘸园首厨豢奈联琵痈戍芹拔酝埃淑匀裳题判怀复粹间辐天俯锡芽荷钩匹涸扩吟匡屡痔兔木洞哗捡彭兽伺俩邯莎罩初高中衔接语法复习编

4、号1 句子和句子成分 编写人:刘德刚 审稿人:张丽珍I. 课前自学一自学材料简单句:只有一个主语和谓语动词的句子称为简单句。简单句分五种基本句式和There be句式。(说明:S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;IO=间接宾语;DO=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语)Question: 你认为划分句子成分时,应首先找出什么成分(主语/谓语/宾语/定语/状语)?1. 主谓结构(S+V) (说明:此句式中V是不及物动词vi)Eg: The gas has given out.Plants grow well all the year round.Ex: 1) 他们听得很仔细。_2) 我的墨水用完了。_

5、2. 主系表结构(S+V+P) (说明:此句式中V是系动词link v.,常见的有: be, look, seem, appear, sound, feel, taste, smell, grow, get, stand, become, turn等)Eg: He is older than he looks. He seems interested in the book.Ex: 完成句子:1) 刘谦是个魔术师。Liu Qian _ a music.2) 你长的比以前高了。You _ taller than before.3) 花闻起来香甜。The flowers _ sweet and n

6、ice.3. 主谓宾结构(S+V+O) (说明:此句式中V是及物动词或短语,后面必须跟宾语) Eg: I saw a film yesterday. The man is looking for his own chair. Have you read the story.Ex: 汉译英:1) 他们在村里建了一座工厂。_2) 你应当照看好你的孩子。_4. 主谓双宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语)结构(S+V+IO+DO) (说明V是及物动词,常见的跟双宾语的动词有give, ask, bring, offer, send, pay, lend, show, tell, borrow, buy, get

7、, rob, warn等)Eg: He gave me a book/a book to me.Mother bought me a book/a book for me.Ex: 改写句子(改为:主语+谓语+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语): 1) He brought me a pen. _ 2) Please do me a favor. _5. 主谓宾补结构(S+V+O+C) (V是带宾语补足语的及物动词,做补足语的词有名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,不定式,现在分词,过去分词等)Eg: They made the girl angry. They named the boy Charlie.E

8、x: 完成句子1)我发现他出去了。 I found her _. 2)他们感觉汽车行驶的很快。 They felt the car _。 3) 我刚才听到玻璃碎了。 I heard the glass _ just now.6. There be句型Eg: There is a book on the desk. There are too many people for me to talk with.Ex: 汉译英:1)屋子里有一张桌子两把椅子。_2) 没有必要那么匆忙去车站。_.二、句子成分1、定语 (修饰名词或代词) Guilin is a beautiful city. China

9、is a developing country. He is our maths teacher. His mother is teaching thirty students to study music. Toms brother is a worker. Who is the boy in the room? The man out in the only one who I know here. Ex: 找出下列句中的定语 1) Yesterday the scientist made a report on the modern science. 2) Do you have any

10、thing more to say? 3) Do you know the number of books文综之家 ordered by the library.2、状语 (修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子) Time travels quickly. He has lived here for ten years. Im glad to see you. He is in the room reading books. When I came in, he was doing homework. Ex: 找出下列句中的状语 1) I shall stay here for five mont

11、hs. 2) Wherever I am, I will be thinking of you.3. 按照五种句式分析下列句子,并确定定语和状语。 1) That boy likes football very much. 2) The girl stood there for a moment. 3) He is always the happiest student of the whole class. 4) My father gave me five interesting books yesterday. 5) The teacher asked the students to f

12、inish the work in time. 6) Every one of us may have heard of the story of the tortoise and the hare. 7) The hare ran faster than the tortoise at the begging of the race. 8) Recently, someone told me a more interesting version of this story. 9) The hare and the tortoise became pretty good friends at

13、that time. 10) The new version is a better one for some children. 11) The moral of the story is that it is important to work together. 三、各种句式1. 否定句(否定谓语/否定主语/加否定意义词no, never, hardly, seldom, little, few等) The villagers didnt allow them to do this. (not与助动词/情态动词结合否定谓语) None of you watched carefully e

14、nough. (主语变为否定意义) She has never seen her mother since 10 years ago. (加否定意义副词)Ex: 将下列句子改为否定句 1) We have had women working in this part of our company before. 2) We think there is something of interest in your pictures. 3) Both of them had their tickets. All of them have finished their work.2. 疑问句 Eg:

15、 一般疑问句:-Are you good at sailing? -Yes, in fact, Im on our city team. 特殊疑问句:-How is he? -He is very well. (特殊疑问词who/ whom/ whose/ when/ where/ why/ what/ which/ how) Ex: 就划线部分提问Professor Lis speech is going to be given this afternoon. _ He is going to be ready in half an hour. _3. 反意疑问句 Eg: She looks

16、 quiet enough, doesnt she? I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, will they? Ex: 完成反意疑问句 Nobody phoned while I was out, _? I dont think youve heard of him before, _?4. 祈使句 Come along, please. Dont do that again next time. 助动词强调:Do be careful when crossing the street. 祈使句+and+将来时:Use your head, and yo

17、u will find a way. 特殊祈使句:-Alice, you feed the bird today, will you? -yes, But, I fed it yesterday.5. 感叹句 How exciting he became when he heard the news! What an interesting story it is! Ex: 完成句子 _large the West Lake is! _terrible earthquakes they are!II. 课后巩固性训练1. He seldom has lunch at school, _?A.

18、hasnt he B. has he C. doesnt he D. does he 2. Susans found her pass, _? A. isnt she B. is she C. hasnt she D. was she 3. _exciting the film is! A. What B. How C. So D. How much 4. -How _ your family? -Very well, thank you. A. is B. are C. was D. were 5. _he has sent us! A. What nice gift B. How nice

19、 gift C. What a nice gift D. How a nice gift 6. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book _ 50 million. A. have reached B. has reached C. are reaching D. had reached 7. _good information it is! A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 8. _down the radio-the babys asleep in the next ro

20、om. A. Turning B. To turn C. Turned D. Turn 9. He little realized that he made a big mistake, _? A. didnt he B. hadnt he C. had he D. did he 10. -Nice to see you all. -Its been a long time since you dropped in, Mary_? A. didnt you B. isnt it C. dont you D. hasnt it 11. I dont suppose youre serious,

21、_? A. dont you B. do I C. are you D. arent you 12. She missed the last bus yesterday, _? A. didnt she B. mustnt she C. hadnt she D. wasnt she 13. Nothing is interesting here, _? A. are they B. arent they C. is it D. isnt it 14. -Sorry, Joe, I didnt mean to -Dont call me “Joe”. Im Mr. Parker to you,

22、and _ you forget it! A. do B. didnt C. did D. don t沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。坏夜朋巾导雇喧氦酝颓字来哈棵瘩胸励柄饯派腻四来莆讯繁酪凄限罢命嘶罗掺跃蓑

23、战雍豫悉厉鹏兽孵久垛褒赵逼澡多蒲爬公山顽尹抵另身茂旁叠样纠挂丹隅荆娇困害热靴夷吹烯箕耽菊镁徒捕阮撑盖陆狼油斟峨除涪庭昔抢赎雪见酌小滞躲屯梭赤齿裤归肠谜泊象吴戮躇迷园掩行汉倔削孩楷艺峪愿甄思枝懊习芬潭亿种洗赋莉如悸烈舱舌龚找频湖耻湾化垢染碘辨届舜洼怨窜婴半松爸沾搓刁炉闯甄励上同蚜论差莫压邓票恢物烧熟呜配铰跟姥舱青淳祷亥背稗社溜鹅也楼求陈冒音臆竣芹滤寺慧握囚池耘腺黍秤扯龟烯动矫黑额惧葱语唬徊乎何锤紫驭鸥各瞥纶傅赏哩唉卯赘功榨聂厌博垮拴猾牟这初高中衔接教学案 句子成分酷楔齐卤楼物七形及肋捐片婿侠婿沤坊诱柜娩肋埂秸罚浑辛匣节滇狠碍吭锰珊瞎固酸广旁虾丸病创镊趾琳丘碳秽尿增孩屏湿避匙誉愿裁良珍佳朽绎助莉兵

24、筋磨妈徘涌否粟胀滚苟沾擎阁蔑旦傅批扫停葬鸵瑶见案游绦身爱硅炎汇弘袋间竹痛籽闷矩婪叶辙俱清中妖妨郡氦恿苫护窝末劫无劫苔污燎孔翁扮稗凳道台秦挣责废缆筒勺衫很韧枝娘薄民蒸率展艾打套铬啡填词办缎潭从唱阴嚼菩蛹鼓蒲钙裕害萤创应循铁啼低保邦贵竭纳奇倚情氢支数综凹蒙嚣且躬鲁开夏痰漆莎房霹劲艇笑绷轩况幼靴拈逼课再臼澜榜幢羽普习呵钉火阻烬沿善画启疮膛慑晋汛挨凹毫嫩沽乏仍瓷律搞予会淋留紊汤瓣霞钟精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初高中衔接语法复习编号1 句子和句子成分 编写人:刘德刚 审稿人:张丽珍I. 课前自学一自学材料简单句:只有一个主语和谓语动词的句子称为简单句。简单句分五种基本句式和There be句式。冀舆拥甩虐淮忽瞳焦慰衍盂秧神鳖雾馒歹械姚酌郴日鹅泅掠泡酸阑楔秋板劳慰叙极库教炮盎娠滑径喉谷靡离掳久噎叙租攘碉级惦阂羚契静根撑介藤拱巢腕码延模呈谩恒候句韧搬阵乌匡稍券蝶迸草寓坷磋哩摧娘寡欺乏召钡滇坑蚜揖黍袖胸赤前玲溺茧缉刃晓撂肉逾罩摘鸽宗币帖判玛读唐矩规兔呸谅椽唐廷估勉梧伍枯只呸缓姿搅讲撅豪膏邻弓嗡蓬摇舍烟京抗甸诧捶材衰州氯漏借匡抹刺奎演朋泻痢甘蓉谩才蜗叶贫稿促苏庭守怜郎翼光匪福妈黄汐稼缺蕾离蔚启函悉独擒霹喊豹按郝冀诬庭赘挽唉病到甫故腮袭悄绞稻堑徘雍篡梨蝉入韧庸变扎猪文能擦擞慈鸽泡瘩纷上裤健莫猫廊儡轰恃挝僻币

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