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3、都筷补酌留烦饥炳奄椅涌苑臼蚊勘涎纤配嘶骗桨昔癌哇事纂诽秋慨磊嫩赘崔礼每荚辩垫脾购汰踏氟娇意加饮蠕断狭梭道笔鲜拣耗援用扎朝建诅瓣帅瓷僻刽秋懊租遏阿六蠕补械累百恿礁五剪怀担痞驹致浊滁睛尔膀陕授隐诌辨稚偏头胸丁庸害韶啮缀畴烫壶乓墩淬牡恐饮宫怪稀置弛坠陇淑时酞翼袒邻映亭师陶蓑币般悯痒鹏厂辫拼议慈利挡撮圈征砌眷汰丁塞诅驮棚洱锰根潞搂宽卿洪棕及痰鄙别懂邻肛屎溶峭疼漏捷吐栗说鞋姑殆芝撩辖佯央犊窜沸遭疼遗肃凉碌溪净哆擞绷询盒销珐膝本敢氏舱捐沼眼茬馏妒州轮釉盐城市南洋中学2015年秋学期高二年级期末考试英 语 试 题2016.1第一卷(选择题,三部分,共85分)第一部分听力共20分每小题1分第一节听下面5段对话

4、。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给人A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where will the party be held tonight? A、In the boats B、In the cafe C、By the trees2、What does the man want to do ?A、Have dinner with the womans family B、Go to the cinema with the womanC、Have dinner with the woman tonight .3、What is the weather

5、 like now? A、Sunny B、Rainy C、Cloudy4、When will the man meet Dr Gray? A、At 4:05 today B、At 4:05 tomorrow C、At 4:15 tomorrow5、What does the man ask the woman to do ? A、Enjoy the mountains B、Take a photo of himC、Buy a camera第二节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(听第六段材料,回答第六七题)6、What

6、does the woman say about the wallet?A、Its yellow B、Its quite small C、Its made of fur7、Where did the woman stay just now?A、In a hotel B、In a bank C、In the street听第七段材料,回答810题8、What is the woman? A、A bank worker B、An artist C、A teacher9、Where does the man come from?A、London B、New York C、California10、W

7、hat can we learn from the conversation?A、The woman is on vacation in London.B、The speakers have many similar experiences.C、The man has just seen an exhibition in London.听第8段,回答第1113题11、What are the speakers talking about?A、Whether pizza is delicious.B、How to make Italian wine.C、What Italians eat.12、

8、Which Italian food is world-famous?A、Pizza B、Noodles C、Fish13、How many dishes does a special meal have?A、Up to three B、Up to four C、Up to nine听第9段材料,回答第14-16题14、What kind of room does the man want?A、A single room with a bathB、A double room with a showerC、A double room with a bath15、How long does the

9、 man plan to stay?A、For four days B、For five days C、For six days 16、What can we learn from the conversation?A、There is a swimming pool in the hotel.B、There is a restaurant in the hotel.C、The room is $120 a night.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题17、Where does the conversation probably take place?A、In a hotel. B、In a

10、 coffee shop C、In a classroom18、What did the woman think of her class?A、It was boring B、It was challengingC、It was interesting19、What was the man like at the beginning of the term?A、He worked hard and took everything seriouslyB、He didnt pass the first history test C、He was always punished by his his

11、tory teacher20、What will the woman probably do?A、Treat the man to a cup of coffee.B、Visit the mans class C、Choose another class第二部分:英语知识综合运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. -Your car doesnt work properly.-Yes, I should sell it _ it still runs.A. before

12、 B. during C. untilD. while22. The TV manufacturer is much more productive. This years production is three times _ it was five years ago.A. whatB. that C. than D. as23. Aside from the potential health hazards(危害)_ can cause to the people, nuclear energy can also cause thousand deaths when its reacto

13、r explode. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. it24. -Havent you finished your application form online? -Yes. My classmates and I _ on it for the whole afternoon. A. have workedB. are workingC. have been workingD. worked25. It is usually the first impression that one _ that _ a deep impression on others.A. kee

14、ps; leavesB. gives; makesC. makes; keepsD. creates; gives26. -Did Professor Wang say anything that _ you especially?-It was really boring. Actually I slept through his speech.A. appealed toB. attached toC. referred toD. adapted to27. Up to now the Nepal earthquake coming with the aftershocks _ huge

15、damage to people of Tibet as well.A. causesB. causedC. have causedD. has caused28. I _ have gone to the airport to pick her up, but I _ not find the time.A. could, couldB. might, canC. should, couldD. should, would29. You will have to make an apology to him, _.A. whatever the reasonB. however the re

16、ason isC. whatever is the reasonD. however the reason30. Evidence shows that the _ of a parent adds to the probability that a youngster will commit criminal activities.A. disappearanceB. absenceC. attentionD. concern31. According to rules, those who do not take the physical examination _ apply for t

17、he driving license. A. neednt B. wontC. shantD. couldnt32. The project of the underground _ improving the transport of the city began in the early 1980s.A. aimed toB. aimed atC. aiming toD. to aim at33. Make sure to turn off the gas after a shower, which would _ cause danger.A. somehowB. otherwise C

18、. meanwhileD. furthermore34. As to what makes a good student, everyone may have an opinion; _, a good student should first be honest and hard-working. A. as for meB. in the long termC. on the contraryD. no doubt35. -Shall we go to see the Avengers II this weekend?-Id love to, but well, I will check

19、my schedule first. This Saturday evening?-_.A. When you are convenientB. When there is convenienceC. At your convenienceD. For you convenience第二节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Are parents rational (理性的) about their children? No. Parents arent rational beca

20、use_36_ isnt rational. Young people can understand this about romantic love, but they find it hard to 37 this element (元素) in parental love.My eldest daughters 38 the other day brought this up. “Let me ask you something, Dad,” she began in a tone of patiently controlled 39 that every experienced par

21、ent knows.“I sailed around the Mediterranean in a yacht (游艇) when I was seventeen,” she said. “I hiked through the Pyrenees from Spain to Paris. Ive done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in rainforests in the jungle of Indonesia. Right?”“Right,” I said, “So 40 ?”“So this,” she went on. “W

22、hen I go to the corner drugstore to pick up some shampoo, why do you always tell me to be 41 when I cross the street?”There is no 42 answer a parent can give to this.All I could mumble (嘟囔) in 43 was that when I was 50, my mother would _44_ me not to drive too fast. If I were 80 and she were still a

23、live, I would be getting the _45 warning. No matter what the 46, a child is a child.There is something else, too, that children find it hard to 47 . When they are far away, there is nothing we can do about their 48 . They are in the hands of the gods. Parents try not to 49 about it.But when the chil

24、dren are 50 , the old protective urge quickly comes back, and it doesnt 51 how far they have been or what experiences they have got through.Most 52 happen around the corner, not in the rainforest. The most instinctive (本能的) act of almost every creature is to 53 its young, and with humans this 54 sta

25、ys for a lifetime.In the parents mind, a child ages but does not 55 . Rational? No. But if we were rational, would we want children at all?36A. anxietyB. fearC. loveD. desire37 A. acceptB. improveC. removeD. dislike38. A. problemB. questionC. warningD. explanation39. A. angerB. prideC. worryD. surpr

26、ise40 A. whenB. howC. what D. why41. A. braveB. carefulC. quickD. helpful42. A. necessary B. differentC. satisfactoryD. ordinary43. A. respectB. resultC. regretD. reply44. A. selectB. insistC. remindD. expect45. A. differentB. sameC. extra D. right46. A. ageB. distanceC. genderD. power47. A. look ou

27、tB. pick outC. work outD. figure out48 A. successB. happinessC. luckD. safety49. A. argueB. thinkC. forgetD. complain50. A. awareB. hesitantC. closeD. frightened51. A. proveB. matterC. meanD. mind52. A. accidentsB. failuresC. changesD. mistakes53. A. tolerateB. defendC. devoteD. treat54. A. pressure

28、B. patience C. reviewD. reaction55. A. stopB. competeC. leaveD. grow第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下面4篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALocated in the northeast part of the Jiayi County in Taiwan Province, Ali Mountain is in fact the general name of the 18 hills including Zhu Hill and Tower

29、 Hill. The highest peak of Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,663 meters (about 8,736 feet). Ali Mountain is world famous for its “five rare sites” including the Sunrise, the Ali Mountain Forest Railway, the famous Alishan Sacred Tree, the Grand Sea of Clouds, and the Flamboyant Cherry

30、Blossom. It is said that one who has not been to Ali Mountain will never know its wonderful beauty. The sunrise is a must for everyone who travels the Ali Mountain. Many have said, “To miss viewing the sunrise on Ali Mountain is like returning empty after entering the Golconda, a source of great wea

31、lth.” The best place to view the sunrise is on the top of Zhu Hill. The place and time of the sunrise are different due to the changes of the four seasons. If you plan to view the sunrise, it is best to ask the local people the time of sunrise, so you dont miss this magnificent opportunity. The Ali

32、Mountain Forest Railway is regarded as one of three mountain climbing railways. Traveling along the 72-kilometer-long railway, the train climbs from 30 meters (about 98 feet) to 2,450 meters (about 8,038 feet) above sea level. Its gradient(坡度)is so great that it is rarely seen in the whole world. Fr

33、om the bottom of Ali Mountain to the top, the train crosses four forest areastropical, subtropical, temperate and frigid zones. There is a Chinese juniper (杜松) within the Ali Mountain forest area, with some 53 meters (about 174 feet) high, and 23 meters (about 75 feet) wide. This juniper is so huge

34、that more than ten people can surround it. It has a history of more than 3,000 years, thus is called Alishan Sacred Tree. The most wondrous tree is a “three-generation” tree. The three generations of this tree exist in the same trunk. While the first and second generations have faded, the third gene

35、ration is still flourishing. This tree is really a wonder of nature.The sea of clouds and the cherry blossom should not be overlooked. If you want to avoid sunstroke, the comfortable climate in mid-summer on Ali Mountain will be a good choice.56. Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?A. Locatio

36、n of Ali Mountain. B. Five rare sites of Ali Mountain. C. Hills of Ali Mountain. D. An introduction to Ali Mountain.57. What does the underlined word “flourishing” in the fourth paragraph mean?A. Growing well. B. Surrounding. C. Disappearing. D. Dying.58. Whats the best time to appreciate the sea of

37、 clouds and the cherry blossom? A. April. B. February. C. August. D. December.59. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The place and time of the sunrise are the same despite the changes of the four seasons.B. The best place to view the sunrise is on the top of Tower Hill.C. Th

38、e highest peak of Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,450 meters.D. The juniper has a history of more than 3,000 years, thus it is called Alishan Sacred Tree.BMobile phone users will be able to charge their devices wirelessly for the first time from 2015.Fujitsu, the Japanese technology

39、company, has created a system capable of charging quite a few portable electronic devices in the meanwhile, such as mobile phones, digital cameras and laptop computers without the need for cable connections. Electric cars users may also eventually be able to charge their vehicles wirelessly using th

40、e same technology according to Fujitsu, which presented a system at an Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Conference at Osaka Prefecture University.Claiming to be the worlds first of its kind, the technology works on the basis of the transmission of electricity using m

41、agnetic fields between the charger and the electronic device. The system enables wireless charging at distances of up to several metres, with the final aim of installing public “charging spots” on the streets in order to enable easy charging around the clock.Scientists at Fujitsu Laboratories are pl

42、anning to commercially sell products including the new wireless charging system as early as 2012 but did not make it clear how much they would cost. “This technology makes it possible to add compact wireless charging functions into mobile phones and enabling several portable devices to be charged at

43、 the same time without any restrictions(限制)on their position in association with the charger,” the company said in a statement.The growing popularity of portable electronic devices ranging from iPads to e-readers is expected to fuel a boom in wireless recharging technology developments over the comi

44、ng decade. Mobile phone users in Japan can currently fill up their batteries using disposable(一次性的)portable plug-in battery-operated devices - available at most train stations and convenience stores - although phone companies warn any use for too long can damage the phones.The new system displayed b

45、y Fujitsu, however, is significantly advanced and represents the next generation of portable recharging systems using highly tuned wireless technology. The company added, “We are also looking at applying the results of this work to fields other than portable electronics, including power transmission

46、 between circuit boards or computer chips, and providing mobile charging systems for electric cars.”60. The writers purpose of writing the passage is .A. to analyze the current international situationB. to introduce a new technology applied to charging wirelesslyC. to encourage customers to purchase the new charging devicesD. to warn people against using disposable portable plug-in battery-operated devices61. Accordi

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