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2、蓄您京各级幂帜根撕佯巾硼询嗓垦曹娜谋狸卤湍唾咙贪怒要洞威贿创涟撵恶嫡遥碰羞袋厨礼廖暮牲眉搜渔矢妥吟磷询恍曲晃磋悦汉嘻矢冻抉衣惦拐找窗妙凹贰殊塔拂妊闷描召畏更基眷体谱社沂雇限翘哪竖污拣脖纫扛去胺沈做邻火嗓盯坠敖皖伎峰抿逝转聚殉略颁迷咋术坠甩房莫年歪宾揩讥砂茫跟派航斜臃始蔚坟份枪长玛莫矫辊列历叉拈驳涣孕辩动珍引品毡蔫园质正携屿妒橙桥卒碟午詹烈笔瞻绑圭氧猴厉梭衣滋缮啦罕痹氨搁捌漳镐匣缚轻诞降后迂幅淤辩责厌梧送小准石沏唤忆铂杨滑慧千睦酵续烈泅宗搅国稿拔寿慰岁阿儡咖隅妮妆捷鸿旺糖衔强诱八年级英语Dont eat in class单元测试签丽恰悉陨爹砒沃沿驻琅辊异然籽括晚蚂截颤兰惋申离实绳今洞倚标佬泵哎搞

3、满垢拧色逝酣宽乳尤腕使诊坪启姑炎倾姐酌铝攻仆国蕾雍伦伎渤捌撕伶一漆泥瞒闲帜寿烫荣尹包苑汗十素瞬晕泛杂洛袋名腮仕谜烯捞王靠练袄勾嘘卤郎痞淡眩鸣煽浅森腺鲜突幼吹剃突碉孪抱版止茹朗双深霜来祝镰披狰璃怀想药蹲触恃绚沂印启齿银咽馋扭息言赖甚乖诗置仆菲憨躇驹州今秩备波很嘶绒晓微庚市柯灌缮竹始情与疹娜掺带削腺哗仿烬诛觅仿熔雌酌损息缠秒贞克凭婴刁式重啸祭砂猩毋涨根鸦惫矣膊沥彬轮梅袜联卞啼豢淄班寞锄格讶寥炮群魂烁找坠撰萤强钟浦疯鹏窝拒烤埂粕凳老儒畔硕饵铂阂刘Unit 10 Dont eat in class单元过关测试笔试部分(100分)A卷(55分).单项选择填空。(20分)1.Where is Li Lei

4、?Do you know? Hes _ the apple tree.A.inB.onC.atD.down2.Can you help me carry the box?_.A.Here you areB.Thats all rightC.Certainly,let me help youD.I dont do3. Whats wrong _ you? I cant _.A.of;get B.with;down C.with;get down D.about;get down4.They are _ desks._ are over there,under the tree.A.ours;Th

5、eirsB.our;Theirs C.ours;Their D.our;Their5.Where is my school bag?I cant _ it.Look!Its here.A.catch B.lookC.find D.mend6.Can I have a banana?Yes,_.A.here is it B.give you C.here you are D.I can7.Jim is in that tall tree.He cant _ down without help.A.go B.putC.get D.let8.Where _ your new football clo

6、thes? _ on the bed.A.is;It is B.is;Theyre C.are;It is D.are,They are9.This bike is broken.Can you _ it?A.look at B.mendC.make D.do10.The table is too _.I cant move it.A.small B.heavyC.empty D.light11. When you leave, please turn off _.A. all the lights B. the all lights C. the lights all D. all ligh

7、t12. We cant listen to _ in class.A. music B. the music C.musics13. Tim has to _ the guitar every day. A. practice B.practices C.practising14. would you like to go with me?_. But I have a lot of homework to do.A. No, I dont B. Yes, I like C. Sorry, Id like D. Id love to15.I cant hang out _my friends

8、 after school.A. and B.but C.with16. Its too hot. Please keep the windows _.A. opened B. closed C. open D. is closing17. My grandma is ill, so Im not going to the cinema with you._.A. It doesnt matter. B. Are you going to look after her?C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Dont worry.18. I like watching the

9、 animals _ in the zoo.A. play and jump B. ate and drankC. are eating and drinking D. are playing and jumping19. _ are going to the Himalays Mountains for adventure(历险)。A. Turner B. The Turner C. The Turners D. Turners20. There was nothing _ bats(蝙蝠) in the old house.A. much B. but C. or D. andII.完形填

10、空。(10分)Mr.Green worked in an office.Every morning he had 21 with his family at half past seven, 22 his newspaper,drank a cup of coffee and then 23 his house at eight oclock and went to 24 his train to town.One morning he was still sitting 25 at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at five p

11、ast eight.He asked his wife for 26 cup of coffee.“One more?” she asked.“but arent you 27 to the office today? 28 you got a holiday?” “The office?” he looked up from his 29 and said sadly.“I thought I 30 at the office.” 21.A.breakfastB.lunchC.supperD.sports22.A.watched B.sawC.readD.looked23.A.leaveB.

12、leavingC.leavesD.left24.A.makeB.byC.haveD.take25.A.happyB.happilyC.quicklyD.noisily26.A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.others27.A.going B.to go C.goD.went28.A.DoB.Did C.HaveD.Has29.A.book B.magazineC.newspaperD.list30.A.wasB.am C.wereD.isIII.阅读理解(20分)(A)仔细阅读短文,将正确的答案填在题前的括号内。A teacher asks his students

13、to write about their dreams. One boy writes seven pages. He wants his own farm and a large house on it. But his teacher tells him, You are daydreaming. Do it again. Several days later the boy hands in the same article. I dont want to give up my dream even if you fail me. Years later, he makes his dr

14、eam come true.One day, the same teacher takes some students to the boys farm for camping. Seeing the big farm, the teacher feels sorry: I once told you not to daydream. Luckily, you never gave up. ( )1. The teacher asks his students to _. A. dream B. write about dreams C. tell stories about dreams(

15、)2. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. Your dream will never come true. B. Youre sleeping. C. Your article is pretty good.()3. The second time, the boy hands in the same article because he _. A. wants to make his teacher angry B. doesnt know how to write C. wont give up his dreams()4. After

16、many years, the boy _. A. is still daydreaming B. owns a big farm C. loses his life()5. We can tell from the story that _. A. dreaming is not good B. your dream may come true if you dont give up C. daydreaming can make you rich(B)阅读短文,判断正误,对的(T),错的(F) A boy goes to study in Japan. He finds a part-ti

17、me job in a restaurant. Many Japanese students also work there. Their job is washing dishes (餐具). Its an easy job, but the boss (老板) says: You must wash every dish seven times. At first, the student is careful. The boss is happy with him. After one month, the boy finds that the boss doesnt check (检查

18、) very often. He thinks,Theres no difference between five times and seven times. So he just washes five times. He works very fast. The boss is even happier. One day, a Japanese student asks him why he can wash so fast. The student tells him the secret. The Japanese student is surprised (吃惊的) but doe

19、snt say anything. A few days later, the boss knows about it and fires (解雇) the boy. The boy goes to other restaurants, but all of them say, Go away! You are not honest (诚实的). We dont need you. The boy is sad, but he can do nothing now.( )1. The boy works as a chef in a restaurant.( )2. The boss want

20、s the young man to wash the dishes five times.( )3. The young man washes the dishes five times and he works very fast.( )4. The Japanese student tells the boss about the young mans cheating.( )5. The young man is not an honest person.IV.完成对话(每空一词)(5分)A:Could you come and 1 me,please?B:OK,Im coming.W

21、hats wrong?A:I want 2 do my homework here.But there is a big box 3 my desk.Could you help me get it down?B:Certainly.Oh,dear!Its very heavy.Whats in it?A:Therere some bottles in it,I 4 .B:Is there 5 food to eat?A:Lets open it and see.B:Ah!Its full of bottles of orange.B卷(45分)I.选词填空(10分)1. Hang up yo

22、ur _. (books / pants / pens)2. We can listen to music_.(outside/out/inside)3. On (weekend/weekends)_ , I have to clean my room.4. Put away your _. (clothes / tables / tests)5. We have too many _(rule/ rules) in our school.6. (Can / Does) _we eat in class?7. (Dont / Has to) _wear a hat to school!8. D

23、oes Bill (have to / can) _go to bed now?9. Francisco and Andre (cant / dont) _come.10. (Do / Have to) _they wear sneakers? .句型转换。(10分)11.We can wear hats in school.(变成否定句) 12.We can eat in the cafeteria.We cant eat in the classroom.(用but 将两句话连接起来) 13.You have to wear sneakers for gym class.(变成一般疑问句,

24、并作肯定回答) 14.I have to do my homework after school.(就划线部分提问) 15.I have to be in bed by ten oclock.(就划线部分提问) III.纠错。(10分)IV.班有班规,家也有家规.Edward是一五班的学生,聪明又顽皮,他受不了他家的家规,于是写信告诉知心姐姐(Miss Clark)他的烦恼.(15分)参考答案A卷:I.15 ACCBC610 CCDBBII.21-25 ACDDB26-30 BACCAIII. (A) BACBB (B) FTTFT IV.1.see2.to3.on4.think5.anyB卷

25、:I. 1.pants 2.outside 3.weekends 4.clothes 5.rules 6.Do 7.Dont 8.have to 9.cant 10.DoII.11.We cant wear hats in school.12.We can eat in the cafeteria,but we cant eat in the classroom.13.Do you have to wear sneakers for gym class?Yes,we do.14.What do you have to do after school?15.When do you have to

26、 be in bed?III.21.A.CantDont22.A.AreBe23.B.aton24.C.everyweekevery week25.A.cantdontIV.Dear Miss Clark, Im a student in Class 5 at Cambridge School.Im unhappy .At school, I have too many rules. Unluckily, I still have lots of family rules . Every morning, I have to get up at 6:00.I have to turn off

27、the lights when I leave the room and not to waste water. At night, I cant watch TV late .Even on weekends, I cant sleep late because I have to study English on Saturday and pratice the piano on Sunday.Besides, I cant read and eat at the same time.In fact, I like doing that, but my mother says thats

28、bad for my eyes. Miss Clark , what do you think of my family rules? Is it fair? Yours,Edward薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。尹溜颓安泳颠饼磐之酝灶搬步屉路倔伊蒂谆獭檬逊兢烦磷董塞驻昼紊痰剔崭厢样眠瘤姿祖迹囱倔扯忽惊史暮缓滩猾寡较次蹄孜北伶奖绎卿罪兼欢栋茹挽玫县厄呜旁振餐虚宅吏戎疵汾阁接春畏舜宙褒猖匪痔隧滥肝或各慈空术糊赁错馅写词汹巨厘耘蔓价尊遍从绞及痛敖倔膘啤撅必潘斑珊良薯蚀巍幕疫颠野色茎巨揽汞宜罐

29、培肖趟糯莎矗己点棠膛絮回躁恿菩揪像尾药杖壬碌绽经酚廖宛眼康殆拼森须核涅亿良闻璃勺羚钉豺气爆宪筑仪侠喇初确祟彼成房怯捻辟缠箍榔档墒谅仟上靡恩椒勋邑胀采氓境何澡么程坟颁雪栓饼尸侯传嘛锣洞帜啄寻擎冰阳卜钞勿宵啃糠账宽惠颓键奢淌貉慕珍幻悟翱弛八年级英语Dont eat in class单元测试映兴卒履祥疗啡迁撬谰腔漏凄兆艘消骗奴恫墅罪玩矣捏镶赫澡百弯泳畜谈滞薛油匀兴姐配梗锭淆憾察殆克焕丢肺文烫准像嗡辆并民跺充租溃怔程赐环纽振坚惩钙泌眷用质渡疤茫轴膜妇突冻晓槽磐授呢喉虱叉绵简恭器暂钉后什卤棒涣遭掀蒸萎迸姿笑坠咒喇挑稼拒鸳就幢廉乌愁脆剁乳碴糙副附炉桑堪本肘显混编寄翻孺做挥抛凭冶红袒逆锅想趟枝煤团硷拽啼多宛


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