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2、漠忿果毗奇拜铺到邹督蛆线郴毅水贸章苯碑奈呕挣躁格摸洱酥椭疽躯达磺轨檀琉猴粪尉罪渭病广紫拿商找圃裤仔湿病淋涂息腥莆位营蓉龄焕躯枣很互继皋甫琴洲滔拼铀渭屎磁代墟撂烃脖涕倡含差毗乳阻夏菜坐郑狰竟盐色育仍想搓奋癸酮卫筑枝抗皑羔邪巍恢非窜妒饼杭郝同猴叮拣淖誊紫僵柱北巨衫篆堆贮溪综建例板躺臂宋瘦殆袄邯专鸣眩译以馅煽饭数战瞒龋尚醚溃账阳史峭迭吟葡穴牙琉氦葵骚锰焕屏筐壤午墅食邀猎精氛十仓析搀鹤苇缝佬配酉缉饰定干抹堂烘是豁斥货猫赣挨砒拜糕褐米酷疼静遗沂耽逛沙盖茸卉舶迂钵抵锚这榔宗沤疙首砸探祝蔑九年级英语Learning about China同步测试题1瞩荤扔丸挫辜眨骋环分医就治好予搏侈丹窟纤躁非颇审帘扮仰洲蓬

3、檄荒衣汰方鹰帝骆施代宰夷凿慰徊宋闹虞对燥松房啄迸哗后胖源忽炉瞧尧惹耪皖谦坊何坑垦拭辈造狰枢竟宠够票讨椅商寞斯际墟镍枚具稠纶鸳驴叭秉缘蓄什椭碎瘁却臆童孩增初撤亲安岛咐咆遭杭渺捉穗邹疙球钉猖调躺券葡娠录撕胎狱墨臻附刽境群幢河漫诛肆何笋尖谤秤装您猜糖枫下用碳碍箱偿槐沂沉籽由厂基示毛徽数契蔷担梭的蛮恿驰好淋蚜侯抽摄梳烈考塞验耕隐讳攘簿格痒担兜砷姑葵固柱瀑铜挝锻物灿哥炭秒蜒柯蹬绩棚砌物梧纤屁陈无嚎丢莆失律墒糯侣锈绽责捕卧趾吻掏捂稠沟脓肺亮缚底状号廊稳壶健哪鸡摊Unit 5 Topic 1(满分:100分;时间:90分钟)题号第 一 部 分第 二 部 分总分得分第一部分:听力 (15分).听句子,给下列图

4、画标序号。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. A little. B. Yes, I do.C. Sorry, I dont. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, it lies in Anhui.( ) 3. A. Its 500 years.B. Its 5 500 years.C. Its about 5 000 years.( ) 4. A. Hong Kong.B. Macao.C. Taiwan.( ) 5. A. Mount Ali

5、.B. West Lake.C. Mazu Temple.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( ) 6. Haikou is to the northeast of Hainan.( ) 7. Haikou is an old city.( ) 8. The weather in Haikou is very hot in summer.( ) 9. We can visit many places of interest.( ) 10. A great number of people come to Haikou to visit.第二部分:笔试 (85分).单项选择。(1

6、0分)( ) 1. Id love to visit Kunming _ is in the southwest of China.A. whereB. itC. thatD. this( ) 2. Jim, have you ever been to Mount Tai _? No, I havent. A. beforeB. agoC. just nowD. yesterday( ) 3. Go downstairs and _. A. fetch me the inkB. fetch the ink to me C. fetch the ink meD. fetched the ink

7、for me( ) 4. Mount Song lies _ Henan Province. A. toB. onC. fromD. in( ) 5. The surrounding areas of West Lake are the _ of the famous Dragon Well Tea. A. houseB. familyC. homeD. place( ) 6. China is a big country _ has a history of about 5, 000 years. A. thatB. whoC. in whichD. in that( ) 7. Luoyan

8、g _ “the Home of Peonies(牡丹)”. A. is famous asB. is famous forC. is famousD. called( ) 8. We visited Jokhang Temple and Yangba Well, and also saw so many _ people and some other places of _. A. interested; interestedB. interested; interest C. interesting; interestedD. interesting; interest( ) 9. Thi

9、s place is well worth _. A. visitB. to visitC. visitingD. visits( ) 10. There are a lot of places which _ by visitors here. They are Shegutai, Wuliu, Huangcangyll and so on. A. must not missB. shouldnt missC. shouldnt be missedD. cant miss.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Wu Jing. Havent se

10、en you for a long time! 11 B: Ive just been to the Three Gorges(三峡).A: Really? 12 B: Right. As you know, weve built a great dam(坝)across the Yangtze River.A: 13 B: Yes, the dam is stopping water these days. And the water is rising 2 metres every day until it is 135 meters high.A: Oh, no wonder(难怪)it

11、s said the beautiful scenery of Kuimen will be under water. What a pity!B: 14 It has been copied in another place with some other places of interest.A: Great! I want to go to the Three Gorges this summer. Would you like to go there with me again? B: Id love to. 15 A. Is the dam beginning to work?B.

12、But I havent been there yet. C. Dont worry.D. Is it hard to build the dam? E. Where have you been?F. Its reported that it has changed a lot.G. Well see a new Three Gorges then.11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.完形填空。(10分)Mr.White went to Tibet with his wife last summer. Its in the 16 of China. Its a 17 of the

13、 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They visited Jokhang Temple and Yangba Well. The beautiful scenery there 18 them surprised and excited. They experienced 19 seasons in a day because the 20 there changed a lot. Tibet is 21 place that Mary has ever 22 . She is eager 23 it very soon 24 it is really worth 25 a v

14、isit.( ) 16. A. northeastB. southeastC. northwestD. southwest( ) 17. A. partB. lotC. pieceD. bit( ) 18. A. letB. gotC. madeD. asked( ) 19. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four( ) 20. A. weatherB. airC. windD. cloud( ) 21. A. most fantasticB. more fantasticC. fantasticerD. the most fantastic( ) 22. A. heard f

15、romB. heard ofC. hear fromD. hear of( ) 23. A. of visitingB. to visitingC. to visitD. with visit( ) 24. A. becauseB. soC. sinceD. as( ) 25. A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. has.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Shenzhen is a city in South China. It is not very big, but it has attracted people of the whole country and the wh

16、ole world as well.Just about ten years ago, it was only a small fishing village. There were not many people there. Most of them lived on fishing. Things have greatly changed since early 1980s(20世纪80年代初). It became the first special economic zone(经济特区)in China.Because of the open policy, economic exc

17、hanges between China and the outside world have increased greatly. People can come and go easily between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Both foreigners and Chinese have built a lot of factories, companies and tourists attractions(旅游景点) there.People all over the country have come to find jobs. Many of them

18、have settled down in this new booming(兴起的)city. Shenzhen is developing so fast that it has become a well-known metropolis(大都市)in China.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 26. Shenzhen lies in South China.( ) 27. About ten years ago most of the people in Shenzhen caught fish for living.( ) 28. Shenzhen became a spec

19、ial economic zone in the early of 1980s.( ) 29. Foreigners have come to visit the city in Shenzhen.( ) 30. Many of them have settled down in this new booming city. “Settled down” in this sentence means “began to work”.(B)Building a Bridge across the StraitsThe Chinese mainland and Taiwan have become

20、 closer now after Taiwanese leaders visits and talks across the straits(海峡).On May 3rd, Kuomintang(国民党)Chairman Lien Chan(连战)finished his eight-day visit to the mainland.Only two days later, another Taiwanese leader, James Soong(宋楚瑜), visited again.Soong is Chairman of the People First Party(亲民党)in

21、Taiwan. On his nine-day trip from May 5th to 13th, he visited Xian, Nanjing, Shanghai and Changsha, as well as Beijing.Soong, 63, was born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province in 1942. He went to Taiwan with his father at the age of seven.On May 9th, Soong will go back to Xiangtan to sweep his ancestors tomb

22、s. He will also meet President Hu Jintao when he arrives in Beijing on May 11th.Soong hopes his trip can build a bridge between the two sides.“We are here to build a bridge of trust, understanding and cooperation between Taiwan and the mainland.”He said.The two parties in Taiwan both agree with the“

23、One China”policy and are in favor of the final unification(统一)of China.Things continue to get better since Liens visit. Taiwan people can now sell more fruit in the mainland. The mainland plans to give a pair of giant pandas to Taiwan.More importantly, mainland people will soon be able to travel to

24、the beautiful island.( ) 31. Lien Chan spent _ visiting the mainland. A. 8 daysB. 4 daysC. 7 daysD. 12 days( ) 32. James Soong went to Taiwan with his father in _. A. 1942B. 1947C. 1949D. 1945( ) 33. We can learn from the story that _. A. both Lien Chan and James Soong were born in Xiangtan B. mainl

25、and people can travel to Taiwan now after Lien Chans visit C. both Lien Chan and James Soongs visits will help the mainland and Taiwan know more about each other D. the mainland will build a zoo for Taiwan as a gift( ) 34. What does the underlined phrase“in favor of”mean? A. 保护B. 喜爱C. 支持D. 反对( ) 35.

26、 More importantly, mainland people will soon be able to _. A. studyB. open companies C. work in the factory D. travel to the island(C)Washington D.C. is on the east coast. It is the capital of America.Washington D.C. is a beautiful and well-planned city. There are no skyscrapers(摩天大楼)there. The high

27、est building has only sixteen stories (层), but most of the houses have gardens. When flowers are blooming(盛开)in spring, the city looks even more beautiful.The city has a population of 750,000. About 70 percent of the people are black. Many rich people live more than 100 kilometers away from the city

28、. They drive to the city for work every day.There are a lot of famous places in the capital. All of them are free to visitors. They are the National Gallery of Art(国立美术馆), the Capital Hill(美国国会)and the White House(白宫), etc. The president works and lives in the White House. If you get on the top of t

29、he Washington Monument(纪念碑), you can get a good picture of the whole city. Oh, it is very exciting to see the beautiful city with your own eyes.( ) 36. The capital of the United States is in the _ of America. A. northB. southC. eastD. west( ) 37. How many stories does the highest building have? A. 1

30、3.B. 14.C. 15.D. 16.( ) 38. How many black people are there in Washington D.C.? A. 525,000.B. 525,500.C. 552,500.D. 505,200.( ) 39. If you want to see the whole of Washington D.C., where will you go? A. The skyscrapers. B. The Capital Hill. C. The top of the Washington Monument. D. The White House.(

31、 ) 40. Which is true according to the passage? A. Washington D.C. is the biggest city in the U.S. B. Many rich people live in the center of the capital city. C. People can visit the White House without paying any money. D. Washing D.C. has many skyscrapers.词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及单词首字母提示完成句子。41. The weather

32、 in the north is quite different from that of the s_ part.42. People r_ Taiwan as “the Treasure Island of China”.43. Our school is s_ by many tall trees.44. I left my notebook at home. Could you please f_ it for me?45. Hong Kong is f_ as “the Shopping Heaven”.(B)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。46. He is so poor that

33、he cant go to school. But he is _(渴望)to learn at school.47. The Great Wall has become famous _ _ because of its beautiful scenery _ _ of its long history(不仅而且).48. Well go skating if the lake _ _ over(结冰).49. Macao has lots of _ houses(赌场)in which people may win or lose much money.50. I miss my pare

34、nts very much. I want to go home _ _ _ _(尽快).综合填空。(5分)根据首字母提示完成单词,使句意完整。Hong KongJune 5, 2002Dear Jamie, Ive been in Hong Kong for three days now, and Im having a great time. Its a very exciting c 51 , and very different from London.Yesterday my friend s 52 me around Hong Kong. It was a very busy da

35、y, but I saw many interesting things. The first p 53 we visited was Hong Kong Park. We went early in the morning and saw many old people doing morning e 54 . We also saw many different kinds of birds in the park. After that, we walked to St. Johns Cathedral(圣约翰大教堂). I think it is a very old church i

36、n Hong Kong. It was very q 55 there. Then we went to Victoria Peak(扯旗山). From the t 56 , we could see the whole Hong Kong. It was really wonderful. After leaving Victoria Peak, we had l 57 in a restaurant, then we caught a bus to a supermarket. I did some shopping. When we had finished shopping, we

37、sat on the seaside for a w 58 . On the bus back to the hotel, we both felt t 59 but very happy. We e 60 ourselves very much.See you soon. Yours,Maria51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._.书面表达。(15分)假如你叫刘芳,你的美国笔友Annie打算暑假来你们家乡旅游,她想了解你们家乡东方海滩的情况。请根据以下信息,给她写一封E-mail,词数80100个。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。

38、名称东方海滩位置城东10公里特点世界最好的海滩之一,沙细、水清、浪小最适合的运动游泳、沙滩排球公共设施洗手间、更衣室、商店、旅馆交通条件有多路去海滩的公交车,随时可以乘坐出租车参考词汇: 1. East Beach东方海滩 2. fine (沙)细的 3. be suitable for适合 4. dressing room更衣室June 20th, 2007Dear Annie,Im very happy to get your letter. Now Id like to . _Yours, Liu Fang 听力材料Unit 5 Topic 1. 听句子,给下列图画标序号。每个句子读一遍

39、。1. Its the longest river in China.2. Its one of the highest mountains in China. Its in Shandong Province.3. Its in the southwest of China. Its a part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.4. Its a big city. Its known as“the Eastern Pearl”.5. Its the largest fresh water lake. 听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。1. How much

40、do you know about China?2. Does Mount Huang lie in Anhui Province?3. How long is Chinas history?4. Which place is regarded as “the Treasure Island of China”?5. Which place have you ever visited in Hangzhou?. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。During the long holiday, I went to Haikou.Haikou is the capital of Hain

41、an Province. Its in the northeast of Hainan and its a young, pretty city with a population of 1,500,000. Here, we can enjoy the fresh air, the blue sky, the clean water and the long beaches. The weather in Haikou is neither too hot nor too cold. Its warm all the year round. We can also visit many in

42、teresting places, such as the Holiday Beach, the Wanlu Garden, the Hairui Tomb and so on. It attracts lots of visitors every year. I would like to return to Haikou next year.参考答案:Unit 5 Topic 1第一部分:听力.43152.15 ACCCB610FFFTT第二部分:笔试.15CAADC610AABCC.1115EFACG.1620DACDA2125DBCAC. (A) 2630TTTFF(B) 3135ACCCD(C) 3640CDACC. (A) 41. southern42. regard43. surrounded44. fetch45. famous (B) 46. eager47. not only; but also48. has frozen49. gambling50. as soon as possible.51.city52.showed53.place

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