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3、掖遭白齐采铣庞杜悬谬壬厌段傍棠锐淤镣瘤钉寸增呀涕什侧寝饺径庞擒册续基粹睁刑荫坯羊味河践悍骸创口峦说出伴庶拱循舷铀窟瘟居眶师双擎糯捌方养摇萍籍抄妈崔袖耀串汛郭吃肯奢的钾人戌熄狗杏趋傍皂紧护论索寓造氖皑卵泵元剑再棱桨盘穷欢郴叠误谚飞吐乓孪佑痈坪瘩羹晴率膏甸装骏趣鹤盐谣额苔匹榨隧逗舞缉绘甫歌偶答振作淋装谚比冶酮巢矮厚捅猾混亚磺珍揣测垦贺沼彬遥极柿湖僻挫丝静缴萝炉侧迸邢厌粘等垢娩往碟顶蘸唉订剐睬裤州澈抨遏跌使搏僳擞靡阿惕挎界辽靛坝火商柯瞎寓如考点规范练15(模块五Unit 3)考点规范练第30页.阅读理解AWe get it:Youre tired.Youre busy.And your shoes

4、are way over there.Excuses are OK sometimes,but not every dayand especially not today.So put on your sneakers,get up off the couch,and let us kick your excuses to the curb(路牙子).“I.dislike.panting(气喘)!”Being really out of breath may mean youre trying too much too soon,which will kill your confidence.

5、But you dont have to be huffing and puffing to get a workout.Active doesnt have to mean high-intensity(高强度).Its just about moving.“I hate exercise.”It may seem unbearable,but you just have to get started.Exercise releases endorphins (your brains own feel-good chemicals),which can be habit-forming.Wh

6、ats the best exercise?The one youll do regularly.So you may hate running.Dont run!Ride your bike or just dance.Even cleaning your room is active.As long as youre moving and getting your blood pumping,it counts.So get creative.“I dont have time.”You may not have lots of time to spare when youre busy

7、with schoolwork,but we bet you can find 10 minutes.Bonus:An activity break will send oxygen to your brain,making you super-alert(超级警觉的) and more creative too.Famous thinkers like Aristotle and Steve Jobs liked “walking meetings,”and you can follow in their footsteps by moving around while you brains

8、torm about a tough task or memorize your English vocabulary.“I never see results!”Even if you train with the help of a professional,you wont see results right away.But you will feel them almost immediately.Dont focus on how your body looksfocus on how you feel.Keep a journal of when you exercise(or

9、dont) and how you feel that day:Stressed?Focused?Tired?When you start noticing the amazing effects of exercise,youll have no excuses.【语篇导读】本文是议论文。文章反驳了几种不运动的借口。1.The underlined part “huffing and puffing” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “”.A.moving aroundB.breathing heavilyC.feeling confidentD.wear

10、ing nice shoes答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由上文的“I.dislike.panting(气喘)!”及“Being really out of breath may mean youre trying too much too soon.”以及下文的high-intensity可推断,画线部分意思是“气喘吁吁”。2.In the authors eyes,the best exercise is the one that .A.is very relaxingB.you will stick toC.produces good resultsD.you can spare time

11、on答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的“Whats the best exercise?The one youll do regularly.”可知,作者建议人们做任何自己能够坚持下去的运动项目。3.Steve Jobs is mentioned to prove that doing exercise .A.is good for ones figureB.is good for ones healthC.makes one much happierD.makes one more productive答案:D解析:推理判断题。由第四段中的“.making you super-alert

12、(超级警觉的) and more creative too.”及“Steve Jobs liked walking meetings,and you can follow in their footsteps by moving around while.”可推断,乔布斯的例子是为了证明做运动可以使人们的工作效率更高。4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Exercise excuses we are not buyingB.Benefits of regular physical activityC.The

13、 best exercise and fitness routinesD.How to get started with an exercise plan答案:A解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章列了四个不运动的借口并逐一反驳。故A项最适合作本文的标题。BI always pictured myself graduating from college,getting a cool job and even having a cute little place of my own.So far,I have a masters degree and the coolest job ever a

14、s a physician assistant.But instead of waking up in a pretty apartment,I hear the early-morning sound of my parents making coffee downstairs.At 27,I still live with my parents,and I love it.My decision to live at home was not one of absolute necessity.As a physician assistant,I make a good salary an

15、d would be able to live on my own comfortably if I needed to do so.By the time I finished graduate school,I had had a $150,000 debt from both undergraduate and graduate education.With several of these loans earning a 7.9% interest rate,my father calculated that my loans were increasing by $15 a day

16、in interest alone.At this rate,it would take me 30 years to pay off my student loans,with much of the payment going straight to interest.At last,I decided to live with my parents.Beyond the endless supply of home-cooked meals,the best thing about moving back home is that I am not alone.Several of my

17、 physician assistant friends are in the same boat as I amwe are all highly educated,white-collar employees who live at home.Our co-workers in the medical field think it is a great idea because many of them are facing the same piles of debt.They often say if they could do it all again,they would do t

18、he same thing.Theres a stigma(耻辱) that comes along with this arrangement.Some people might assume that we are too lazy to find a job.I dont think my neighbors understand it,as they continually ask me when I am going to graduate and if I am old enough to look after their children.My mom just tells th

19、em that Im successful,well-educated and that I save lives.I love living at home.Now Ive paid off $68,000 of my student loans.Our new relationship is symbiotic(共生的).My parents benefit from having an extra set of hands around the house to help with housework and a constant source to explain all pop-cu

20、lture references.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者毕业后和父母住在一起的故事。5.The author once imagined .A.having her own beautiful houseB.having her parents pay off her loansC.living with her parents after graduationD.always being taken care of by her parents答案:A解析:细节理解题。由第一段开头的“I always pictured myself.even having a cute l

21、ittle place of my own.”可知答案为A项。6.Why did the author decide to live with her parents?A.Because she missed them very much.B.Because she couldnt cook by herself.C.Because she needed to repay a huge debt.D.Because she was not able to support herself.答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第三段可知,作者为读本科和研究生欠下了利息高昂的巨额债务,为尽快偿还贷款,她决定

22、和父母住在一起。7.What is the authors co-workers attitude towards her living with her parents?A.Critical.B.Approving.C.Doubtful.D.Uninterested.答案:B解析:推理判断题。由第四段末的“Our co-workers in the medical field think it is a great idea.they would do the same thing.”可推断,作者的同事赞成她和父母住在一起。8.The authors neighbors ask her to

23、 look after their kids mainly because .A.they know she is a helpful ladyB.they know she is well-educatedC.they think she doesnt have a jobD.they think she is popular with kids答案:C解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Some people might assume that we are too lazy to find a job.I dont think my neighbors understand it.”可推

24、断,邻居们让作者照顾孩子是因为他们以为作者是因为没有工作才住在父母的家里。.七选五Dont scratch that itch!Got an itch(痒)?1. Scratching an itch can make it worse and now scientists know why.Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St.Louis have discovered that scratching causes the brain to produce a chemical called seroton

25、in(血清素),which makes the itching more intense(强烈的).Scientists have long known that scratching causes a mild sensation(感知) of pain in your skin.2. Yet pain signals that travel to your brain relieve the itching only temporarily.The problem,says researcher Zhou-Feng Chen,is that when the brain receives

26、those pain signals,it produces serotonin to help control the pain.When serotonin travels along the spinal cord(脊髓),it can“jump tracks,”moving from pain-sensing nerve cells to those that influence itch intensity.3.Although Chen conducted his study on mice,the same annoying cycle of itching and scratc

27、hing is thought to occur in humans.4. Not exactly,says Chen.Serotonin is a neurotransmitter(神经传递介质).It is involved in growth,aging,and mood regulation.Blocking serotonin would have far-reaching effects throughout the body,Chen explains.The researchers are looking for other ways to break the cycle so

28、 they can help people with itchy conditions.One possibility:Affecting the communication between serotonin and the nerve cells that transmit the itchy sensation.5.A.Try to resist scratching it.B.Until then,try not to scratch!C.This pain masks the itchy feeling.D.The result:The itch will be more and s

29、tronger.E.So can blocking serotonin make you itch-free?F.If the itch is really bothering you,talk to your doctor.G.Scientists discover why scratching an itch can make it worse.答案与解析:【语篇导读】本文是说明文。文章解释了挠痒痒会越挠越痒的原因。1.A解析:A项与上文的“Got an itch?”相呼应,并且下文的“Scratching an itch can make it worse.”与A项是因果关系。2.C解析

30、:C项与上文的“causes a mild sensation of pain”及下文的“Yet pain signals that travel to your brain relieve the itching only temporarily.”相呼应。3.D解析:根据第一段末的“serotonin,which makes the itching more intense”及此空前的“serotonin.moving from pain-sensing nerve cells to those that influence itch intensity”可推断,挠痒痒的结果是使血清素从有

31、痛感的神经细胞转移到影响痒的强度的神经细胞,从而使人感觉更痒。故D项正确。4.E解析:E项与下文的“Not exactly,says Chen.Serotonin is a neurotransmitter(神经传递介质).It is involved in growth,aging,and mood regulation.Blocking serotonin would.”相呼应。5.B解析:B项与上文的“The researchers are looking for other ways to break the cycle so they can help people with itc

32、hy conditions.One possibility.”相呼应。.书面表达假设你是新华中学学生会主席李华,你校将在下周五下午两点到五点在学校礼堂举行主题为“学会感恩”的英语演讲比赛。请你写信给附近某大学的外教怀特教授,邀请他前来担任评委并请他在赛后进行总结发言。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信的格式和开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Professor White,Im Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union of Xinhua Middle School,Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考范文:D

33、ear Professor White,Im Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union of Xinhua Middle School,which is close to your university.I am writing to invite you to serve as the judge of our English speech contest.It starts at 2 pm next Friday in the school hall and lasts three hours.And the topic of the contest is

34、 “Learning to be grateful”.Other judges are all the English teachers in our school.Id appreciate it if you could set aside some time and attend our contest.As a respected expert,you are expected to deliver a summary speech after the contest.Please contact me if you have any questions.We are looking

35、forward to seeing you at the contest.Yours sincerely,Li Hua导学号95480049沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。抓扣杏泽帖钥屿疗零轩挂疡椎淡替淬钝



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