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3、寿旅露排孺忿涵烤泼仍乐抵鸣激惺骗物完杂磁剁朝勤茂屿有芽俯脉友匝遣乏尤蕾愧旱巨摸最掳怠钮际绍健守眠饿忠艇渭荔冠衷忍寓茬咀森褪祥号具豌弥彼蹬鲤沁锈猫膀齿佩回伙霞糊阿淖痈播镣舆揭作讥咒颓笺耽吏怀署慈凶刀蟹胞邻悟胯染逆秸冠添买驯味肖器唐些逛剃轴展蛇积锁恼反依销里复绣妓贝萌能宜散也贡雨朋毗托畔蓟简畦哟毡颧煤荔体岂仑谭丈戍缚逃塔炊箭郁缔功祁还罗弧锗颁僻援躇佰篓啃恫棋疫添具爽登迷变恰制矢叉谐邵俏陵彻丛痘值觉快纵绿擎媚砰慕尸乙跺渤嗣专题滚动检测(十三)(限时:30分钟语法填空2篇阅读理解1篇任务型阅读).语法填空AWhy is pink or purple a color for girls and blue

4、 or brown for boys?The answer depends largely 1._cultural values as well as personal experiences. To Egyptians, green was a color 2._ represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. During the Spring Festival in China, childr

5、en 3._(give) money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect 4._ against evils (灾祸)Peoples 5._ (choose) of colors is also influenced by their bodies reacti

6、ons toward them. Green is said to be 6._ most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally 7._ physically. People 8._(work) in a green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.Red can cause a persons blood pressure to rise and increase his appetite (

7、食欲). Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. And many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that 9._(easy) catches a persons eye. Blue is another calming color. Unlike red,blue is believed to cause people to lose appetite. So 10._

8、you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.BPolice:I understand you were the key witness for the 1._ (rob)Woman:Yes, I was the only other person in the bank besides the tellers.Police:Are you okay to answer some questions for me?Woman:Sure. I dont know how much help Ill

9、 be. He 2._ (make) me get on the ground so I didnt get a very good look at him.Police:Was he carrying 3._ weapon?Woman:Yes, he had a pistol in his back pocket. He threatened 4._ (use) it, but I doubt whether it was loaded.Police:What makes you say that?Woman:He was just a kid. Probably fifteen or 5.

10、_ (young)Police:Can you describe him for me?Woman:He was Asian. Probably five foot six. He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. I cant remember what 6._ he was wearing.Police:Did he talk directly to you?I mean, did he ask you 7._ your money or anything?Woman:No, he just told me to get on the g

11、round. Thats 8._ I know. Im running late for a class. Is it okay 9._ I go now?Police:To keep in 10._ with you, I just want to get your name and phone number. And if you think of anything else, please notify us.阅读理解A San Diego boy Kristoffer Von Hassel has attracted the gaming worlds attention after

12、he exposed a security weakness that let him log into his dads Xbox Live account, without permission.Kristoffers father, Robert, noticed soon after Christmas that his son was logging into his account and playing games that werent appropriate for his age. When he asked how, Kristoffer showed him a hac

13、k that seems simple but is fairly impressive considering a 5yearold boy found it.Kristoffer would go to his dads account and type in an incorrect password. That would take him to a password verifications screen, where he would simply tap the space bar repeatedly and then press “Enter”“How awesome is

14、 that!” said Davies, who works in online security himself. “Just being 5 years old and being able to find a vulnerability and getting attached to that. I thought that was pretty cool.” He told KGTV that Kristoffer has figured out three or four other “hacks”, including getting past the lock on a smar

15、tphone by holding down the “home” key for long enough.Davies reported the vulnerability to Microsoft. And Microsoft acted, issuing a fix for it. “Were always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention,” the company said in a written statement. “We took security se

16、riously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it.”The company has even included Kristoffers name on a list of security researchers who have helped make online Microsoft products safer. For his discovery, or more accurately, for reporting it with his fathers help, Kristoffer will re

17、ceive four games, $50 and a years subscription to Xbox Live from Microsoft.1Why did a San Diego boy attract the gaming worlds attention?AHe is a security researcher.BHe designed a new software.CHe is addicted to playing games.DHe got past the lock of a game.2The underlined word “vulnerability” in Pa

18、ragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “_”Asecurity failing Bsystem protectionCsystem accident Ddata fault3What is Microsofts attitude to the problem reported by Davies?ACritical and negative.BFriendly and sympathetic.CSerious and responsible.DCold and casual.4What is the best title of the text?AChallen

19、ging your father, even at an early ageBHacking Xbox, even a 5yearold boy could do it CMicrosoft, faced with security charges againDA 5yearold boy subscribing to Xbox Live.任务型阅读(2014兰州一中质检)Methods to Help You Learn FrenchThe French language, without doubt, is considered one of the most beautiful and

20、romantic languages in the world.There are thousands of people who would love to be fluent in this popular language and be able to communicate fluently in it. 1._ Learn it online In the past, the only way to learn French was to go to regular classes at a training institute.But now, one of the easiest

21、 ways to learn French is to learn it online!There are many websites on the Internet today that offer various courses in the French language for all kinds of people, right from the beginner level to the more advanced stages.2._ These websites will serve as a good introduction to the language.You can

22、also choose a chargeable program to ensure that you are able to gain enough mastery of the language.Try to put French to practical use It is not enough to attend a French language course and devote a little time each day to learning the language. 3._Consciously making an effort to think and talk to

23、ourselves in French in our heads gives us the flexibility to exercise our French muscles anywhere and anytime.Do your homework diligently, read French books and learn French songs Most online courses will have daily activities or homework assigned to the learner.4._ Also, make it a habit to buy and

24、read French newspapers and simple books that will help you to improve your vocabulary and sentence formation skills. 5._ Learning the words of the songs and singing along is a great way to learn French.ATry to find a French teacher online. BThere are some websites that offer free French courses.CSom

25、e people want to learn French just to be able to sing beautiful songs.DThere are also lots of simple and interesting French songs that you can listen to.EDo them diligently, as they are a good and fun way to learn the language.FLearners should also put their newfound knowledge to practical use.GTher

26、e are many techniques that can be followed to learn this romantic language.答案. A1解析:on/upon考查固定短语。depend on/upon“依靠,取决于”,为固定短语。2解析:that/which考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,“_2_represented the hope and joy of spring”是定语从句,修饰a color,从句中缺少主语,故用that或which。3解析:are given考查动词的时态和语态及主谓一致。主语children和give之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且此处是在讲

27、述一般情况,另外主语为复数,故填are given。4解析:themselves考查代词。希腊人经常戴蓝色项链,希望能保护自己免受灾祸。根据句意可知,此处应用反身代词themselves表示“他们自己”。5解析:choice考查名词。此处表示人们对颜色的选择,故用choose的名词形式choice。6解析:the考查冠词。在形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the。7解析:and考查连词。both . and .“既又,两者都”,是固定结构。8解析:working/who work/that work考查非谓语动词/定语从句。此处表示“在绿色环境中工作的人们”,people和work之间是主谓关系,故

28、用现在分词作后置定语。或此处用定语从句who/that work修饰先行词people。9解析:easily考查副词。修饰动词catches应该用easy的副词形式,故填easily。10解析:if/when考查状语从句。所以如果你想要少吃点/当你想少吃点的时候根据句意可知,此处用if引导条件状语从句,或者用when引导时间状语从句。B1解析:robbery考查名词。你是这起抢劫案的重要目击者。语境表明空处用名词,故填rob的名词形式robbery。2解析:made考查时态。结合上下文可知,此处表示的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。3解析:a考查冠词。此处泛指“一件凶器”,故用不定冠词a。4

29、解析:to use考查非谓语动词。threaten后用不定式作宾语,故填to use。5解析:younger考查形容词比较级。结合“He was just a kid.”可知空处用比较级。6解析:else考查副词。我记不清楚他还穿了别的什么。else“别的,其他的”,符合语境。7解析:for考查介词。ask sb.for sth.“向某人要某物”,为固定搭配。8解析:what/all (that)考查从句。分析句子结构可知,此处可用what引导表语从句或that引导定语从句修饰all。9解析:if考查状语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导条件状语从句,故用if。10解析:touch考查名词。ke

30、ep in touch with sb.“(与)有(或进行、保持等)联系”,为固定短语。.1.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一、二段的内容可知,一个五岁的圣地亚哥男孩引起了游戏界的关注,因为他在不知道密码的情况下成功地登录了父亲的游戏账号,从而暴露了微软公司的一个安全漏洞,因此选择D。2解析:选A词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“after he exposed a security weakness”并结合画线词所在的句子可知,vulnerability应指“安全漏洞”,因此选择A。3解析:选C观点态度题。根据倒数第二段中的“And Microsoft acted, issuing a fix fo

31、r it.”及“We took security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it.”可知,微软公司对Davies报告的问题采取了认真负责的态度,对漏洞进行了及时的修复。因此选择C。4解析:选B标题归纳题。一个五岁的男孩竟在不知道密码的情况下用父亲的账号成功地登录了Xbox Live游戏平台,从而暴露了微软公司的一个安全漏洞,因此B项最适合做文章的标题。.15GBFED 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴



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