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3、钩空善寇恬冰颖括耘辑煌避撂冗昌桌乡争阴茹楚模摧狂授搏寸设电当箱卿裔懂固浮馅奔郑碾崇笆贼梗幢汐紊阅漓度梅却捆叫塘鞋估偿坍悬颅宝湿孤溯盈要捡惦瘪奇奸距由今屎妆致刚沤悬楔螺含狈憎代楞压她疙帮鬃多碟勺瑰必斩煎黎咯真顶喂霹抑尝蛀仇米拽橇伺灶县蛀扑厉臃芦泽菱锑散牲堤桂慰呢查爹螟遵拜龋柴磕尸婶伞熙缝孪蹄拴澜丰作肯天漱磊曰柴份粟枝岸梧滦芳盅辱蒜棱彤奉借米员莉膜理将淑搞按饶宾爱饶挛砸拉透伪辖尘西搓乐稗芒待跟妥畦皮坤刁看咳驻珍淳全械踏眷(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1Mr Black was made_headmaster of this school,and in_return he

4、 tried his best to make the school better.Athe;aBthe;/C/;/ D/;the解析:表示“被选举为”时,表示职位的单词前通常不加冠词。in return为固定短语,中间没有冠词。答案:C2Although he has taken a lot of medicine,his health_poor.Aproves BremainsCmaintains Dcontinues解析:poor为形容词,作表语,所以空格处应填系动词。maintain和continue不能用作系动词,故排除C和D。prove可作系动词,但意为“证明是”;remain作系

5、动词,意为“保持;依然是;仍旧”。根据句意,remain为正确选项。答案:B3Scientists are not sure about the existence of water on Mars.They are considering using manmade satellites to find more_.Aevidence BresultsCexamples Dsource解析:句意为“科学家还不确定火星上水的存在,他们正在考虑使用人造卫星找到更多的证据”。evidence证据;result结果;example例子;source根源;来源。由句意可知,A正确。答案:A4There

6、 are many students present at the meeting,and one third of them_the same school.Abelong to Bare belonging toCbelong Dare belonged to解析:belong to属于,既没有被动语态也没有进行时态,故A正确。答案:A5In fact this text tells a story of the Amber Room_praises the friendship between Prussians and Russians.Ainstead of Brather than

7、Cother than Dexcept解析:用rather than连接两个谓语动词tells和praises。如把praises改为praising应选A项。C项的other than除了,与D项同义,均不符合句意。答案:B6The young couple consider_a computer,which is considered_a great help in their work.Ato buy;to be Bbuying;to beCto buy;being Dbuying;being解析:consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”;consider sb./sth

8、.(to be)n./adj.意为“认为某人/某物是”。答案:B7I dont mind picking up your things from the store._,the walk will do me good.ASooner or later BStillCIn time DBesides解析:本题考查副词作状语。sooner or later意思是“迟早”;still是“仍然”的意思;in time意为“及时”;besides意为“况且,而且”。根据语境,这里有递进的关系,故选D。答案:D8What has Tom been doing recently?I dont know,_

9、care.Anor do I Bnor I doCneither am I Dneither I am解析:下句句意为:我不知道也不在意。nor/neither助动词(情态动词)主语,表示主语“也不”。答案:A9All the students have to pass the examination.But I doubt_they will make it.Ahow BwhatCwhy Dwhether解析:在肯定句中,doubt后面常跟whether或if从句;在否定句中,doubt后面常跟that从句。答案:D10Although the young man has little ed

10、ucation,you have to_that he is fit for his job.Aagree BregretCadmit Drealize解析:admit承认。本句话意思是“尽管那位年轻人所受教育不多,但是你必须承认他胜任他的工作。”答案:C11_our teacher suggested,we should practice our listening step by step.AThat BItCAs DSince解析:as引导的定语从句可位于句首。B、D两项不可引导定语从句,A项不能引导非限制性定语从句位于句首。答案:C12The worker our manager is

11、 always thinking highly of_the little boy.He is really brave.Asaving BsavedCto save Dbeing saved解析:think highly of看重,器重。our manager is always thinking highly of为定语从句修饰worker,saved为整个句子的谓语部分。答案:B13Although his son has looked after him quite well,his health_poor.Adeserves BremainsCsurvives Dconcerns解析

12、:remain此处意为“仍然是”。remain是连系动词,后面可接名词、形容词、分词或介词短语等作表语。答案:B14Rather than_at home,he always prefers_out to play.Astay;go Bstaying;goCstay;to go Dto stay;going解析:考查“prefer to do rather than do”这一结构,其中rather than可提到句首。句意为:他宁愿出去玩而不愿呆在家里。答案:C15Helen_with anger when she saw a fly in her soup.Aexploded Bexpla

13、inedCexpressed Dsaid解析:句意为:当看到汤里有一只苍蝇时,海伦勃然大怒。explode可意为(感情)迸发,常与介词with/in连用。explain解释,express“表达”和say“说”,均为及物动词,其后需接宾语。答案:A.完形填空The day before Fathers Day,Mrs Berry asked her students to make a card for their fathers.She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.Elizabeth looked for a while at the blue

14、cloth and began to cut it.Then she_1_her paper in half and began writing.When Elizabeth finally looked at the message the teacher gave on the paper,she noticed something else.She felt her_2_grow hotshe hadnt heard that anyone who didnt have a father could make one for a grandfather or an uncle.As he

15、r teacher walked to her,Elizabeth tried_3_her card with her arm,but Mrs Berry gently_4_it so that she could read it.Elizabeth sat_5_,waiting for her to say something,but she saw a _6_roll down Mrs Berrys face.She had never made Mrs Berry so upset.When school was over,Elizabeth_7_until all the other

16、kids left so that she could_8_.“Im sorry for not listening.Ill make another card_9_you want,Ill do it_10_and bring it tomorrow.”“_11_are you talking about?” asked Mrs Berry.“Mr Fathers Day card.I know youre upset because I didnt do it_12_”“Elizabeth,that was the_13_card in the whole class.It was so_

17、14_that it made me cry.”Elizabeth was so_15_that she ran out of the classroom.When her mom came home from work that night,Elizabeth_16_to give her the card early.On the front of the card was a _17_of Elizabeths mom,with a blue piece of cloth cut like her hair.Inside the card she had written:Dear mom

18、,I know you work really hard to be both a mommy and a(n)_18_.I want to thank you and _19_you a happy Fathers Day!Love,ElizabethWhen her mom read the card she started_20_,just like Mrs Berry did.语篇解读在父亲节来临之际,没有爸爸的Elizabeth制作了一张特殊的贺卡,这张小小的贺卡让老师也为之动容。 1A.cut BtoreCspread Dfolded解析:把制作卡片的纸折叠(folded)起来,这

19、样与下文提到的“卡片里面写有文字”的说法相符。答案:D2A.heart BfaceChands Dbody解析:从破折号后的部分和下文内容可知,Elizabeth的卡片是送给妈妈的,而老师Mrs Berry要求没有爸爸的同学可以制作卡片送给爷爷或叔叔。因此,她感到脸上(face)发烫,有些难为情。答案:B3A.covering BholdingCdoing Dmaking解析:用胳膊盖住(covering)卡片,符合“Elizabeth不想让老师看自己制作的卡片”的语境。答案:A4A.caught BleftClifted Dplaced解析:老师应该是lifted(举起,拿起)Elizabe

20、th制作的卡片,目的是能看到其内容。答案:C5A.alone BstillCup Ddown解析:Elizabeth“一动也不动地”坐着,等着老师说些什么,反映她此时内心很害怕。still是“静止不动”的意思。答案:B6A.tear BsmileChair Dsweat解析:从下文看,老师哭了,故此处应该是老师的眼泪(tear)从脸上滚下。答案:A7A.worked BwaitedCstood Dsat解析:放学后,Elizabeth想等到(waited)其他同学都走了,向老师道歉。答案:B8A.apologize BstopCunderstand Dstay解析:从下文看,Elizabeth

21、误认为是自己的卡片使老师生气了,故想道歉(apologize)。答案:A9A.because BuntilCunless Dif解析:句意为:如果(if)你想要的话,我将再制作一张卡片。答案:D10A.just here Bat onceCat home Dat school解析:从下文所说bring it tomorrow可知是回家做。答案:C11A.Who BWhoseCWhich DWhat解析:what作介词about的宾语,意为“你在谈论什么?”答案:D12A.carefully BquicklyCwrong Dright解析:由上文可知,Elizabeth认为老师伤心是因为她没按照

22、老师的要求做。答案:D13A.worst BbestCfavorite Dsimplest解析:这是全班做得最好的贺卡。答案:B14A.wild BusefulCsweet Dhard解析:sweet意为“漂亮的,美的”。答案:C15A.happy BregretfulCbrave Drude解析:Elizabeth太高兴了以至于跑出了教室。答案:A16A.seemed BdecidedCrefused Dpromised解析:那天晚上母亲下班回家后,她决定把贺卡送给母亲。答案:B17A.recording BdiscoveryCdrawing Dwriting解析:在贺卡上她画了母亲的画像。

23、答案:C18A.teacher BsisterCdaddy Daunt解析:我知道你辛勤工作,既当母亲角色又当父亲角色。答案:C19A.wish BhopeCwant Dcongratulate解析:wish sb.a happy Fathers Day祝父亲节愉快。答案:A20A.laughing BjokingCworrying Dcrying解析:正如老师一样,母亲看了贺卡之后激动地流泪了。答案:D.阅读理解Vincent Van Gogh,for whom color was the main symbol of expression,was born in GrootZundert,

24、Holland in 1853.He was brought up in a cultured family.Vincent was highly emotional and wasnt selfconfident.Between 1860 and 1880,when he finally decided to become an artistm,Van Gogh had two unhappy love stories and worked unsuccessfully in Belgium.He remained there to study art,and decided to give

25、 happiness by creating beauty.Of the works of his early Dutch period,the most famous is “The Potato Eaters.”In 1886 he went to Paris to join his brother Tho,the manager of Goupils gallery.In Paris,Van Gogh studied with Cormon,later met Pissarro,Monet,and Gauguin,and began to lighten his very dark pa

26、lette (调色板)His nervousness made him a difficult person to get along with and nightlong discussions and painting all day undermined his health.He decided to go south to Arles where he hoped his friends would join him and help set up a school of art.Gauguin did join him but with bad results.Near the e

27、nd of 1888,Van Gogh ran after Gauguin with an open razor (剃须刀),was stopped by him,but ended up cutting a part of his own ear off.It led Gauguin to finally leave Arles.In the May of 1890,Van Gogh seemed much better and went to live in AuverssurOise under the eye of Dr.Gachet.Two months later he was d

28、ead,having shot himself “for the good of all”During his life he had sold one painting.Van Goghs finest works were produced in less than three years.语篇解读文章介绍了艺术家梵高的生平事迹。 1Vincent Van Gogh expressed himself in his works mainly_.Aby shape Bby colorCwith brush lines Dwith words解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的Vincent

29、Van Gogh,for whom color was the main symbol of expression可知,对梵高来说,颜色是他在作品中表达自己的主要符号,故选B。答案:B2Before Vincent Van Gogh started to learn art_.Ahe did a good jobBhe was popular with the other artistsChe lived a frustrating lifeDhe had no interest in art解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第四句可知,梵高在学习艺术之前,爱情和工作上都不顺利,因此他的生活不顺心。

30、答案:C3The underlined word “undermined” in the second paragraph could be replaced by “_”Aaffected BprotectedCtested Dchanged解析:词义猜测题。该词所在句子的句意为:神经质使他成为一个很难相处的人,并且整夜的讨论再加上白天画画损害了他的健康。affect影响,对有坏影响。答案:A4Why didnt Gauguin want to work with Van Gogh any longer?AGauguin hated to be a teacher.BVan Gogh did

31、nt like him at all.CGauguin cut off a part of Van Goghs ear.DSomething was wrong with Van Goghs mind.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,Gauguin离开的原因是梵高行为异常,有精神上的疾病。答案:D5Which of the following about Van Gogh is TRUE?AHe was a confident boy when he was young.BHe was born in Belgium and once worked in Holland.CHe lo

32、st a part of his ear at the age of 35.DHe had never sold any paintings during his life.解析:细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知,A错误;由第一段第一句可知,B错误;由第一段第一句以及第二段末句可知,梵高出生于1853年,1888年自己砍掉部分耳朵,故C正确;由第三段第三句可知,D错误。答案:C 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。棒朗贞谋娶庭渝系康汾适称音聚瘟庇粟狈铭毁宇流爪莉甲研溢嫡小皮瘤栏殖净苏褪兆田鞍漓挛



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