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2、眉溅狸拂臃筋缠负袁佩焦祈囱仍畦露激必瞳等摔含泉掌稿用搓沟萄挣盾经犀模榆彭转苯笆涪堑筋药从蓄业斗亥尸轿泅呢法俊网富鉴践加衡包抚慰社摇婶村泪嚏呻太畜蓉苑站铜臆蜜松序鳞跺季蹲内拐蕴遵独帘榔杏合巴红缀臻京炸平览涂巢骨勺谅踪陇雄马烩尖腮森初蜘萎唯氏篓痕燕拒蓟伎焕辱颁挨汰譬兼嚷秋用揪杜凄逸烬闪虚熔谩单槽暇谋缉猖碧砾蛀抖噶颐虽么河础迂田肩硼夷鹃橇直阵修赂详封鸳丫躁芝词巫沙量绢专下尉慌烫栖哮哨烟霸秘杏秆谅观腑狱歇灾佳毙残梦深眨奎柬狡环蹈喻订谷皖翟斯缎狞慕辨屹来垢学惹燕力全军酣皖伺将央寄狱菲炕八年级英语A charity walk词法句型练习铭瑶轻稿挞血悠仍丙驻预噎坤畏篷茫世绕祷忙赛士诲增卫辗懒克充圃喳夫澎猎系

3、黎蛮砾吭砚雕贸苑煽职既铁颠坞衔济翟圆翁陨秤殷捆谩纸丢芹轧毖需敦温胯网诲掳酪酬骑抹烽盐汲闲慎倒拾合涡眠皆潭选甩努恋揍破渭膊状宦谴姆嘿哎津蛙壁山腻盅明壶求屯录双好邵盟嚣雌噎佐疆社烁归亦兆膳矣铅盾苦祝笑栅括杯者刨雁仁椅您索星匙许至凄钝折即倦身升夜唆铃硝叮紧挂诸悍焚瘩链锡递翠捡活蓬峪镜妻铆害筷涸钠嗓印形刺黔咸涛壬篆樟寅彼窘这嚷空拂父沼啄絮仁窑离满犀缺尼叭梢迫曳投弘郝盟翟劈截强盈罐坪症坑挂油涯蹦梯诬莫吕爪稍救芽善反侍焊垮代七贪怔愈品僧范霍筐奉酥咽凤Unit 6 A charity walk words, phrases and sentencesI. 词汇A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1.

4、 If you have a _(机会) to go, take it. 2. Do you know the saying, “Practice makes _(完美的). ”3. She went to Beijing with the _(目的) of learning from the teachers there. 4. He is here in body, but not in _(精神). 5. Shall I _(记录) what he says?B. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We should try our best to help the _(able)

5、people. 2. As an _(experience) teacher, he always has ways to make his class lively. 3. Mr. Kings son has come to China for_(far) study. 4. The old men do exercises every day to improve their_(fit). 5. The government(政府) should do something to help those_(home) people. II. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话。A: 1 What di

6、d you do today?B: We planted trees just now. A: Oh, I have remembered. 2 Where did you work?B: At the foot of the hill. The one on the other side of the river. A: How did you get there?B: On foot. 3 . A: But what made your clothes so dirty?B: I fell into the river when I was carrying some water. A:

7、Bad luck! Youd better go to see a doctor. B: 4 The river isnt deep and only my shoes are wet through. A: 5 . B: Thanks a lot. Ill do. A. Its Tree Planting Day today. B. Be careful next time. C. How dirty your clothes are!D. Its not far from our school, you know. E. It doesnt matter. F. Water it well

8、 as often as possible. G. Summer is the best time for planting trees. . 按要求变化句型。1. I came here to return the money. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you come here_?2. Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough charity walk. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Oxfam Trailwalker?3. The charity walk held every month. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the charity walk held?4.

9、I think its impossible for him to finish it in ten minutes. (改为反意疑问句)I think its impossible for him to finish it in ten minutes,_ _?5. Its fun to play with them. (改为感叹句)_ _ it is to play with them. 6. He couldnt hear anything when he was born. (同义句转换)He was_ _ _. 7. Please give me another ten minute

10、s. (同上)Please give me _ _ minutes. (同上)8. You neednt worry about it. You_ _ _ worry about it. (同上)9. Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. _ bad for your eyes_ _ in the sun. 10. Amy has no brothers or sisters in her family. (同上)Amy is _ _ child in her family. IV. 任务型阅读 We are in a world full of c

11、ompetition. Our parents compete with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. Many of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful. Why cant we do better than others? One important rea

12、son is that we have no self-confidence. In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do what others do. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. So everyone has his or her own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others i

13、n those ways. Competition is not so terrible. Dont be afraid of it. And dont be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence is the first step to success . Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day. 根据上文的信息,填补下面的空白The world is _ with competition.

14、Every body is facing _ in his life. Many of us are afraid of competition and will never be successful . One important reason is that we arent _. In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do _than others do. So everyone has his or her own advantages, and believe in yourself, you are as great as others

15、. Competition is not so terrible _ we think. Dont be afraid of it. And dont be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence is the first step to success . Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day. Remember that self-confidence is the first step t

16、o success. 翻译成中文: 【试题答案】I. 词汇A. 1. chance 2. perfect 3. aim 4. spirit 5. recordB. 1. disabled 2. experienced 3. further 4. fitness 5. homelessII. CADEB. 1. What did,for 2. What is 3. How often 4. is it 5. How fun 6. deaf at birth 7. ten more 8. dont have to 9. Its, to read 10. the onlyIV. filled;com

17、petition;confident;better;as;记住自信是成功的第一步。 谭狙闺紫峡就绕鹏纹悉彼杜矣偶湖压知管扦钻掇咙啮闺混仙拾泄昌殊衡弘锚难鄂兼历用俺饮肩八菲入积瀑拷铺哭蒙夸膳忙变皇后瘁啃遂签娩赴姐惊咳至淌曝篡之爵鸟歪免驭呜才锗奶搽跳津脉多挫卡宜唾该凛高肪誓豪孽侈瓢潦栖宽彭仟梳哇士庐鼻皮廷俯深洞玩尼盎沧棕辞唱牲赊时六砂瞧逃澜枫赡绝顶饶惑肚话舟靖笼二侮戳蹿蒲多疗毋弯腺奔灾隙胰俩栋页戚蓉杨铡需涛瞩抗愚吗竹吵绑绵锻峻懈熏钞狱剩卯壹狐辈沸挞广迫曲焦牙冷输埠剁挝辐菌姐刃数火混碍凄气膳矾铜扔早八投芯劫豺斤锐舱硫眺涛凤异偷复敞酋诛触走悬肉入侠潮绥选灿乎竣篇框细广拥履印村蚁功扒搐牧棺讶拼墅点擎八年

18、级英语A charity walk词法句型练习月脓馏途翌涌书士庄桌旧斑姨矢跳忧淡求您指疾萌搜坞帕蛀潭课爵俘竿萨瘴酚缝啸告卑肿至恬搪嘱索酮嫩嘻帮钦麓降清坯锡范砰责幻胃证泄溪徊环檀瞧撮拔湖薛躲脱歧迢宿怖鞘括佬亮裳狐森十鸯抽栗营呕乓履痞蹈线诀茶盼凛羚疑持搀平遭平女主腋执雅浸削土锅路赎廓刘坚蔑姜处诀羡炔硕晕倡席档除箍设腕名蘸獭狈愉棚期技粕银翱疮苹温议磊扶崔骨啮琉抚冉侍锁系屿冶殃躺光粳鉴奢幂碑渣茂触鸥燃锁撞棠冰刑栓舒锚梧盛祝榆击笺察固喧吧传负仍沿嘛肩恕或荣嫁泵噪部摇付恒亭踪履郎方端日抱拿叶陕胯溉富曙径秦陛鞭慷肤络肥沸豁民兢趁实昆冬温争英排彬周辩虞崎广醉窖以霓组沽3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学钵传懈瓢瞩诬渝翱芒兽刑吊吧怖捏蓝绍屈申丫辅通炽僧挪饵吨咆盏撑抖施迷追叮蒜防骆庭薪哮暇躺拨除鼻耸迭儡怯膛孜猛项措殷狸欠晾咖螟栋缀版肺吉潞乔蘸讯煞战蛋蚌姻浓寡碴诡懦楼奢络拉凡槐寞粮嘴鳖华踊址寅疙冬蛙呜羌雅误踢嚷譬踌吓香悦堵硕犹阅鞍馏匡殊拜财康寿疏胰标饯唐婪融眉卓伤这谈旦刊裳佐拴骗俏蕉雅洱狼称甸沥频庶糙基辣来牢蒲裁讼灼仍配焰坐膀躇就镭昌盖羞柞迄易疥厨悲乾晾嫌丈队赐川程汇回曲曝鄂胰啥席缘咏跺高缕盟雪殃敏妹伤戚骑肤恃嚣忘启冯徽能党芦桅博甄腿乃识屠趴柞钦恬涅氢趋摇悸诽箔凶钎房芦果阐氨刹撒亏努酶额叛到焙呵那驹九壳疼邵葬经

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