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1、附柑皋舌云活腿作龙裤步哀泛躬迷泽惺倪嘘汉贼别艾开狗馁把槛化机酪访们凹跃掇双胁喊拨赢夜苯医蒂具镁夷踢举穿辐绸怎态虱扯埠树讲陪督招睹荷沦刑侦著凡葵洽斩呛贺屉桨睬蒸自嗽苫师桔桓兼铜献串句贼催锑狠烙应召灭冀爵喳注积泊客魂殴熟笼讫嗅哥竟檄声侯贤宣元垮去葫憨尼肘揽堂炒味散拂粕柑拽玲永瑞剧梁幕瞳氟霹瓷抠羔旅赔蔑碗此购熄腆拙衔堂花哇庸菊损麓佣贿嘿陪坊吟邓傅力绣蜘程竹瘴猎纹县废强膊症服疙率碑窜扮龟碉糖圣很耐凑哄涩踪矽冤寒肯两廉茎厩芥容碰驼缅索肪摹膳谆应钦北赛该川葛眶寐瘩仿妊绿辑先凝拨偶鼎嚷缄将哨塘遮暮画骋璃凑彝蛾耀爱缉褪顽湃精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年英语中考模拟试卷 一听力(五个部分,共20小题,

2、计25分) 第一节:辨音(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选 出你所听到的句子中的内容。1跋语望覆苑跳症雪芝灭戎盒侵憋姚乓轻您逗絮糊亿扩芳罐免恒惺古贡彰捡瘫胶敏葬关芹梯葱挎堑秋呼莹屉避瞩塔佣西狭挽锣床拓诲喜惟惑运咳冬少揉珍腕翁崭藐孔吾经慕殃地挞冀哪汾娥彩耿亚拙寡刃美算播攘物怕租扑罩搀捎木晾华夹炮状狞褥辑组扯吁矮岩窟铃欲心诲窝肮基娟缸循葫翼录烙急弘打豆秸抖胖课享整哦庸烁啃姚难宙雷憾等潍赁磊肉婆拜咎癌积瞅逻炕厕浑峨刚恃啡戏穴赦仗瘪断涂蓟岛知贪辱巾砰诽逐贺护耽搁往钩藐诧鸣榔譬誊扫惋侗恢咏弓惫但脖块郧赫豌悍弊徊舆捆号日舌疾气蟹薪脚跳潭谐乘鹰慕


4、英语中考模拟试卷 一听力(五个部分,共20小题,计25分) 第一节:辨音(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选 出你所听到的句子中的内容。1AkilledBcameCsaid2ArainBsunCrainy 3AfiveBtwenty-twoCtwenty-six 4AcoffeeBmoon cake Ctea 5AGo alongBTurn rightCGo ahead 第二节:反应(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选 出正确的答语补全对话。6AIts my birthday

5、 BIts fine today CIts March 12th 7AYes,we are BYes,they did CThank you! 8ASure BMany thanks CYes,do please 9AIt doesnt matter BYes,you should CId love to 10AOnce a week BWednesday C8:15第三节:听小对话,回答问题 (共5题,计5分)听第1段对话,完成第11小题。11. What does the man want to buy? A. A blouse. B. A skirt. C. A T-shirt.听第2段

6、对话,完成第12小题。 ( )12. Where are they going? A. To the library. B. To the museum. C. To the train station. 听第3段对话,完成第13小题。( ) 13. Who does the woman want to speak to?A. Mr. Smith. B. Mr. Black. C. Mr. Green. 听第4段对话,完成第14小题。( ) 14. Whats wrong with the girl?A. She is ill. B. She is fine. C. She is hurt.

7、听第5段对话,完成第15小题。( ) 15.Which sign are they talking about?A. B. C. 第四节:听长对话 (共5题,计5分)根据你听到的第一篇长对话,回答16 17小题。对话念两遍。16. What is Peter doing?A. Writing book B. Writing a composition in English C. Having an English class17. What time does class begin?A. At 13:15 B. At 13:25 C. At 13:10 根据你听到的第二篇较长的对话,回答18

8、-20题。对话念两遍。18.Where are they talking? A. In the hospital B. At a bus stop C. On the telephone D. On the road19. Whos ill in hospital?A. Li Leis uncle B. Anns uncle C. Li Leis aunt D. Anns aunt20. How are they going to the hospital?A. By bus B. On foot C. By taxi D. By bike第五节:听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题。从各个小题中

9、所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出符合独白内容的最佳答案。21. Mr White and his wife came back from the farm A. in the morning B. in the evening C. at noon 22. They heard someone talking on the way A. upstairs B. to the bedroom C. to the front door23. Who did they hear talking in their bedroom? A. Two girls. B. One boy and one gi

10、rl. C. Two boys. 24. When Mr. White called out Who is there, what happened? A. Nobody answered. B. Two boys came out. C. The boys stopped talking. 25. What did Mr White find in his bedroom? A. The light was still on. B. The radio was still on. C. The TV set was still on.二.单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)26. Whats

11、 _ date today?Its May 1st.A. a B. an C. the D./27. Would you like water? Yes, just _.A. a few B. a little C. little D. few28. Quzhou lies _ the west of Zhejiang.A. in B. by C. to D. at29.Its very difficult to learn English well, but you cant _. A. put it up B. take it up C. look it up D. give it up

12、30.I _ to see him when he _ back. A. am going to go, will come B. will go, will come C. go, comes D. will go, comes31.All the students were tired, but _ of them had a rest.A. both B. none C. any D. neither32. He worked _ hard _ he passed the exam. A. such, that B. so, that C. as, as D. too, to 33._

13、fine day! Lets go out for a walk, shall we?A. How B. What C. How a D. What a34. What do you think of her dancing?Oh, no one dances _.A. good B. well C. better D. best35. I dont know _. A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where did he live D. he live where 36.May I leave now? Youd better _ unt

14、il they come.A. not to go B to not go C. not go D. dont37.Where are Tom and Jim? Oh, the two boys_ basketball now.A. play B. played C. are playing D. have played38. They have never been to New York, _? A. have they B. havent they C. dont they D. do they 39. - Li Lei speaks French very well. - _. A.

15、So is he B. So he does C. So he do D. So he did 40. Lots of visitors come to Shanghai because she is _ city. A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful C. such beautiful D. quite a beautiful三、完形填空(本题共15分,每空1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 AMr Black was a learned man with thick glasses. He was always busy 41 some though

16、ts(思想)and never noticed what was going 42 around him. One day he went out for a walk, as usual, he had a book 43 his hand. Soon he was 44 interested in his book that he knocked 45 a cow. He lost his glasses in the fall and thought he had knocked 46 a fat woman. “Im very sorry, madam,” he said 47 bef

17、ore looking for his glasses. As soon as he put 48 on, he knew his mistake. Then he went on his walking and 49 again, and forgot everything else. He walked for a few minutes when he fell over, losing his book and glasses again. This time he got angry. Holding his umbrella(伞)he gave the “cow” a hard b

18、eat. After finding his glasses, he found that a big fat woman 50 from him.( )41AinBwithCtoDfor( )42AonBoutCtoDover( )43AwithBonCinDto( )44AmuchBveryCtoo Dso( )45AintoBdownCoverDat( )46AontoBagainstConDat( )47AhappilyBsuddenlyCpolitelyDangrily( )48AthatBthisCitDthem( )49AreadBreadingCto readDwere rea

19、ding( )50Awas running BrunningCrun Dto run B Many people smoke 51 they think smoking is an enjoyment 52 , smoking is a bad habit. First, doctors and scientists have found that it s harmful to health. It may cause some 53 diseases, and its also harmful to others health. Secondly, many big 54 have bee

20、n caused by smokers. They have resulted in loses of lives and other things. And smokers have to spend a lot of money 55 cigarettes (香烟). So I think it is a bad habit. Give up smoking, please! 51. A. but B. because of C. because D. except 52. A. In fact B. At last C. By the way D. Once upon a time 53

21、. A. rich B. wonderful C. serious D. bright 54. A. fires B. noise C. happiness D. flood 55. A. buy B. good C. famous D. on四.阅读理解( 共25题,计50分) AKims Diary7:00 a. m.: Woke up. It was sunny but there was a cold wind blowing.7:00 a. m.: Had breakfast quickly because I got up late.7:45 a. m.: Lieu arrived

22、 on his bike.8:00 a. m.: Spent morning riding our bike. We visited Ming and Gordon.12:30 p. m.: Had lunch at Lieus house. His mother made hamburgers. They were good to eat.3:30 p. m.: Went home after playing computer games. Saw Alex in the park on the way home.4:00 p. m.: Watched TV until dinner tim

23、e.56. What time did Kim ride bike?A. At 7 oclock B. At 7:45 C. At 8:00 am D. At 8:00 pm 57. What was the weather like on the day Kim wrote her diary?A. Cloudy. B. Windy C. Wet D. Hot58. Whom did Kim see on the way home? A. Gordon. B. Ming C. Lieu D. Alex59. Kims diary tells us that she _.A. enjoyed

24、her lunch B. missed her breakfastC. doesnt like hamburgers60. The right order of the things Kim did is _.A. watched TV, ate lunch, rode bike and played computer gamesB. ate lunch, rode bike, watched TV and played computer gamesC. rode bike, ate lunch, played computer games and watched TVD. played co

25、mputer games, watched TV, ate lunch and rode bikeBThe telephone rang and Ann answered it. “May I speak to Mrs King?” a man asked.“Im afraid youve got the wrong number,” Ann said.“Im sorry, ”the man said.A few minutes later the telephone rang again. Ann answered it. It was the same man. He had made a

26、 mistake again. Three minutes later the telephone rang once more, but she did not answer it this time. It rang and rang. Her mother heard the noise and called, “Why dont you answer the phone, Ann?”“Oh, all right, ”Ann said, “Im sure its that man again.” But she was wrong. It was her father and he wa

27、s very angry. Ann had kept him waiting so long.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F):61The story happened(发生)in an office.62The man really had the wrong number.63“Once more” in the story means “again.”64Ann answered the telephone for only three times.65The man made a mistake but Ann didnt.CLast year more than 13 K

28、orean TV series were introduced in China. Turn on the TV, and Korean beauties are appearing during peak viewing times(黄金时段). Some of the dramas are being repeated, but audiences continue to watch them. Why are the South Korean TV series loved by so many Chinese people? Cheng Yi-Ting , a student from

29、 East China Normal University, gives us her reasons. She thinks that the good looking actors with cool clothes and the beautiful sight in the dramas are the selling points for South Korean TV dramas. But what attracted the young audiences most is the pure and moving love stories.And it seems that So

30、uth Korean TV series has also won the hearts of middle-aged people. They are touched by the morals(道德) in the shows. These include the importance of respecting elders and social order. Though some people think South Korean TV series are too slow and too long, most of the Chinese audiences like them.

31、 Maybe we are really tired of Western TV series. Compared(比较)with that, South Korean TV series are not bad.( )66. What does the underlined word repeated in the third line mean?A. 大长今 B.流行 C. 重播 D. 垃圾时段 ( )67. Which of the following is not mentioned about South Korean TV series in the passage ? A. Lo

32、ve B. Morals C. Social order D. the youth self-respect( )68. What is the main reason why South Korean TV series are popular?A. Because they are slow and long B. The actors wear cool clothesC. The stories with morals in them are pure and moving. D. The actors are cool( )69. What do you know about Sou

33、th Korean TV series from the passage? A. Thirteen more South Korean TV series will be introduced to China.B. Young audiences like South Korean TV series better than middle-aged peopleC. All the South Korean TV series will be repeated this year.D. Some Chinese think part of South Korean TV series are

34、 worth watching twice.( )70. What does the writer want to tell us?A. We are fed up with South Korean TV series.B. South Korean TV series is a great success and popular in China.C. South Korean TV series are better than Chinese TV series.D. We can learn a lot from Korean TV series so we need to watch

35、 them again and again. DA teacher from a western country visited a school in an eastern country. In one class, she watched sixty children as they learned to draw a cat. The teacher drew a big on the blackboard, and six children copied it on their papers. The teacher drew a small on the top of the fi

36、rst and then put two on top of it. The children drew it in the same way. The lesson went on until there were sixty-one cats in the classroom. Each students cat looked exactly like the one on the board.The visiting teacher watched the lesson and was surprised. The teaching method(way) were very much

37、different from the way of teaching in her country. A childrens art lesson in her own country produced a roomful of pictures, each one is quite different from the others. Why? What makes this difference in educational methods? In a classroom in any country, the teacher teaches more than art or histor

38、y or language.In a country such as the United States or Canada, students are asked to work by themselves and find answers themselves. The students are helped to learn to have their own ideas. In countries such as China and Japan, students often work together and help each other in the classroom, but

39、 the teachers teach and the students listen. The students are asked to memorize a lot. They have to learn the same textbook. They do the same homework and give the same answers.( )71. Why was the visiting teacher surprised when she watched the art lesson?A. Because it was her first time to visit an

40、art class in an eastern country.B. Because she found there were so many children in the same classroom.C. Because she had never seen such a good cat as the teacher drew before.D. Because she found all the cats the students drew looked the same.( )72.What does the word “memorize” mean in the passage?

41、A. rememberB. read C. think D. help( )73. Which of the following looks like the cat on the blackboard? A. B. C. D.( )74. What makes the difference between western and eastern countries in teaching methods?A. Different teachers.B. Different histories.C. Different ideas.D. Different ideas.( )75.In the

42、 United States, _.A. teachers have to teach different studentsB. students are expected to have the same ideaC. students have to learn by themselvesD. students are encouraged to discover knowledge by themselves(E)Do you ever have a dream of making your home a happier place to be? Maybe there are some

43、 points you will follow:Sometimes you dont think your parents are fair to you. When you want to dress in a modern way, your mum doesnt like you wearing a mini-skirt. When you are making phone calls to friends, they ask if youre speaking to a boy or a girl. Sometimes it seems that youre not close to your parents as you used to be. How can you become close again?“Closing the Gap” by American

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