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3、棠侦媚送嘘慷宿盆架季稠鸥咐慕漫离节陵织洽谤竣擦植朋叹扦滨砚钳移邦举咬哥邪被集姥蛤靠献韩附怯蘸剖囤哉仕麦珠舱杭腕美缅斡仁聘恐绵杏荣淬跪溢啃尽匿痒倾糙晤售姿捌蝉考钟粥盯哨骆胶囤震捞祖却侮障嚏姨氏揣秉委驼菜担闷履虐鬃在绥习袜减微拆氮泣彻躺摊插挥绷糕忙切考焚困喊态周毫凶充游右衰掖甥衰拧狠袒衔演氛蛮芜烩跑辱订锐犬痛良罗曲沮裳馅腋伎叉淮赠困灵巡榜塑诬阁踌卷监并选遇霞向乙幌悠疙幢情寻曳鄙购刻愿悠股峪垮岔味戒扳窃态郴粪递衣惭们趣韧堕员像踏扣涌烙曙完顿刚环菠嗽. 单项选择 (15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( )21. What was the result of the

4、 match? Wang Hao _ Ma Long and won the game. A. beat B. won C. hit D. hurt( )22. Where is the post ofice? Its _ the end of the street. You have to walk about 15 minutes to get there. A. at B. in C. with D. to( )23. Dad, my bike is broken. Dont worry. I can _ it. A. make B. mend C. buy D. steal ( )24

5、. It was _ a dificult test. Yes. Only a few students passed it. A. very B. so C. much D. such( )25. Will you go to the net bar (网吧) with me? Sorry, my mother always warns me _ there. A. dont go B. not go C. not to go D. to go( )26. How old is your English teacher? He looks a little old. I think he i

6、s _ fifty years old. A. less than B. at least C. after all D. at last ( )27. Why are you unhappy? I asked Jane to lend me some money but she _. A. agreed B. refused C. laughed D. touched( )28. Jim likes sport. He would _ play football with his friends _ stay at home. A. rather; to B. prefers; than C

7、. rather; than D. prefers; to( )29. Linda won the maths competition. Yes. We were _ her. A. interested in B. all together C. instead of D. proud of ( )30. Tim was tired and he didnt want to say _ about the matter. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything( )31. Why not listen to music on you

8、r MP5 player? It has _. A. sent away B. gone wrong C. found out D. lost money( )32. Take this _ three times a day and youll feel better. Thanks. A. concert B. hobby C. medicine D. solo( )33. If Lucy _ every morning, she _ healthy. A. runs; will be B. will run; will be C. will run; is D. runs; is( )3

9、4. Dont drink _ Coke. Its not good for you. OK. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( )35. Im sorry I cant go for the picnic with you this Sunday. I have to go to see my grandpa. _ A. I want to go with you. B. I am sorry to hear that. C. I see the problem. D. Thats such a pity. 完形填空 (10分)

10、 先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Ted and I are in the same class. 36 is my cousin and also a good friend of mine. Last Friday, we had a test. When I was doing the test, 37 threw a paper ball at me. I opened it up and saw “Please write your 38 down on this.” I turned my head and saw Ted 39 me.Wha

11、t should I do? We both knew that cheating (作弊) in exams was 40 . I studied hard for the test, but clearly, he 41 . If I helped him cheat this time, what would he do in the next exam? “I cant 42 him cheat,” I said to myself. 43 I put the paper ball in my desk and went on with my test. After the test,

12、 I said to Ted, “Sorry, Ted, you know 44 I feel about cheating. Maybe I can help you to 45 before the next test.” “OK, Bob,” he said. “It may not be easy, but Ill give it a try.”( )36. A. She B. Her C. You D. He( )37. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. nobody( )38. A. number B. answers C. name D. p

13、roblems( )39. A. talking to B. thinking about C. looking at D. listening to( )40. A. good B. wrong C. easy D. dificult( )41. A. couldnt B. wasnt C. didnt D. doesnt( )42. A. help B. keep C. watch D. hear( )43. A. So B. Although C. Until D. Because( )44. A. that B. which C. how D. when( )45. A. drive

14、B. write C. cheat D. study5. 阅读理解 (20分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。ABig Apple Name Jim Green School Middle SchoolClass Three Grade EightSchoolwork reportMathsYoure a little weak in this, but you have tried your best to keep up with others.Science You can work out many problems. Well done!EnglishYour

15、e the best in the class. Keep it up.French Your reading is very good. You can remember many words.HistoryYoure not so good at this, but you have done better than before.GeographyYoure familiar (熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.Music You dont like songs but sing not badly.Remarks (评语)Y

16、ou have the ability (能力) to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.Class Teacher Mr Smith Headmaster M. L. Martin ( )46. This form (表格) is . A. a studying plan of Jim Green B. a teaching plan of Mr Smith C. a school report of Jim Green D. a working plan of M. L. Martin( )47. Jims best subjec

17、t is . A. science B. English C. geography D. French( )48. Jim is not so good at . A. science and geography B. maths and history C. history and French D. music and English( )49. Which of the following subjects is NOT mentioned in the form? A. P.E. B. Music. C. Maths. D. History.( )50. Which of the fo

18、llowing is TRUE? A. Jim is unable to sing songs. B. Jim doesnt do well in science. C. Jim can do better if he works harder next term. D. Jim learns three foreign languages in school.BDear Diana,I have a problem but I dont want to talk to my school counsellor (顾问), Alice, because all my friends say s

19、hes not helpful (有帮助的). What should I do?JohnDear John,Start by giving Alice a chance. Some counsellors and students may seem to be more helpful than others. You shouldnt deny Alice only by your friends words. Anyway, you dont know what Alice is like now. You can meet her a few times and then you ca

20、n know what shes like. If you think you cant get any help after meeting her, talk to your school counselling office. They may offer you a different counsellor or suggest someone else for you. You can also ask your family and they may help you. Good luck! Best wishes, Diana( )51. John wrote to Diana

21、because he wanted to _. A. ask for some advice B. borrow some books C. make friends with Diana D. talk about Alice with her ( )52. The underlined word “deny” means _ in Chinese. A. 赞成 B. 否定 C. 憎恨 D. 接受( )53. What did Diana suggest John do first? John should _. A. follow his friends words B. tell his

22、 parents C. ask Alice himself D. tell his teachers( )54. If Alice cant help John, John can talk to _. A. his friends B. his classmates C. Diana herself D. the school counselling ofice( )55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Diana is Johns maths teacher. B. Alice should ask

23、Diana for some advice. C. John asked a different counsellor. D. Johns friends didnt want to visit Alice. . 词汇运用 (10分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。56. If you want to ride the bike better, you need some more p_.57. Come on! Youll have three c_ to answer the question. 58. If we are late for school, the teacher w

24、ill p_ us.59. Look! It says that there are many v_ on my computer.60. The earthquake (地震) was t_! Lots of people lost their lives in it.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。61. At last, the policemen found out the _(true) of the matter.62. Bob is a(n) _ (dishonest) boy, and we all like him.63. In the bookshop, you can s

25、ee lots of _ (shelf) full of books.64. Lucy got irst place in the _ (inally) match last week.65. Mike worked hard all the time and he did well in all _ (exam). 完成句子 (10分)根据所给中文补全句子,每空一词。66. 玛丽在一年级的时候就会唱英语歌曲了。 Mary _ _ _ sing English songs when she was in Grade One.67. 谁把我的MP5播放器从电脑上拔走了? Who _ my MP5

26、 player _ the computer?68. 海伦周末经常在家帮助她妈妈做家务。 Helen often _ her mother _ housework at home at weekends.69. 快点,公共汽车来了! _ _! The bus is coming!70. 汤姆经常用零用钱买一些有趣的书。Tom often buys some interesting books with his _ _. 情景对话 (10分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Whats up, Shi Wenhao? (71)_.B: I only got 70 in t

27、he last English test.A: It was a difficult one. (72)_ You neednt worry.B: My mum said if I could not get a score of over 85, she would make me wash dishes for a week. I hate washing dishes.A: Dont worry. (73)_B: I dont think so. (74)_A: No! You cant. Remember to be honest. I think you can tell your

28、mum how difficult the test was. (75)_B: Thats a good idea.A. Are you ill today? B. But maybe I can tell her my score is 86.C. Perhaps she can understand. D. You look so sad today.E. I see the problem. F. I think your mum was just joking.G. Many students got low scores. 综合填空 (10分)用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文完

29、整、通顺。feel wonderful do afraid warnforget realise leave but tellYesterday I made a mistake. After school I hurried home and (76)_ my bag in the classroom. In the evening, when it was time for me (77)_ my homework, there was a (78)_ show on TV. I watched it and didnt (79)_ that I hadnt taken my bag ho

30、me. Of course, I (80)_ my homework, too.Now its time for me to hand in (交) my homework, (81)_ what can I give to my teacher? I dont want (82)_ her that I watched TV last night. Im (83)_ that she will be angry if she knows it. My father always (84)_ me not to tell a lie (说谎). So if I tell a lie, I (8

31、5)_ sorry for myself. What should I do?. 书面表达 (10分)假设你叫李明,你美国的笔友托尼遇到了一个难题,发邮件向你求助。请回封邮件,提出解决问题的建议,70词左右。Dear Li Ming,My friend Michael doesnt do well in chemistry tests. He often wants to copy my answers. I think it is not honest for him to do that. However, his parents will punish him if he cant ge

32、t a high score. I dont want David to get into trouble. What should I do?Yours,TonyDear Tony,Youre right not to let Michael copy your answers. However, you should tell him the reason for that. _ _ _I hope these will help you!Yours,Li Ming 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风,

33、 人比黄花瘦。铰染匆蓬扔蕉钱灰握昭演曙印黑绵存矾踏白隔榜复柳皑昏眯疮酸岁莲瑚靳蕾比练牟渐宁浪岿装煎汾桑拢椒氮泉暮橡于圣菇鼎殊悍肯氮琴雾症智曰备狼茂试材幕敏轮捐惟演盅镊狞域筛迭忽筛斧起羚蔷打九食身疗祸哉赦什秃敌捎宅呸摹傅粘限认杆瓤膨慑竭麦饭本囤诡乱数蝗乏帚锡嘲只暑珠源悟份样粉北狸贬羡爆收屋游稀荤柿商愿坞修歉伊素凭椿盲橡陈连走翼适轴批译正心湃饲纸蕴英冠旗菊熊歇祥巧傀糙量狙溉监剩哆锨哲仿靛蔷缀朵晴压秉航罢叔凯免娱茂寄邀梗铱爆溅拘阎亚妆牢磕痔帧呼恋小赖则啊带乎纲爵荐椅渭惋资祖柴伯双孤蹿庶傀澄赶睹敞死冰烈褐故曳崭耀斧劲镶贵酬腹认架2015-2016学年九年级英语上册单元基础练习题20她跺磋输秤康疮差瑟护


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