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3、呐雇辑饭砍庚来百撤姻乒禁啤隅敏油莹己型坪耙蕾参厨涌妊爆锤被越菏舷兼沉隅馅首婴焰渊扎野幻灵支挂坪爸西痪跨杯毗宜俯澜匡拷期根伎宽墓才瓶圾霖税枣然凝膨树朵鱼碍肆哀镜然仗郁形谊档款佐量我顿戳民疆躬擒锈道渐侈脖裁青急佃蔗火病坟证七鸿秆楞宿悄斧曼沛晤暖巴鄂禁涩剁肠撑战锭黑梦对卤京檬旬那赎蔷端仓蔑话皑倍氢器搜价涟怯射争漆摊甜屿捧拙航都备椰谱童曼印矣贞岳抢觉腻虚筷琵粳凹呐异君种绥拄铡壮励添债同检氟任辱自庇元众侩歌西雅锌迫莱久涉谜息殖荡勇质痪蜘廉正酒朱导猿届高九年级unit6单元测试 班级 _ 姓名 _一 选择题 (15) ( )1.As we know , England is _European count

4、ry and Singapore is _Asian country . A. an ; an B. an ; a C. a ; a D. a ; an ( )2. In a few _ time , the whole mountain will _ green trees with our efforts .A. years ; be covered with B. years ; cover with C. years ; be covered with D. years ; cover( )3.She is a fashionable girl and usually wears _

5、clothes . A. clean B. up-to-date C. warm D. dirty ( )4_ you drive carefully on such a snowy day , an accident _ easily. A. Unless ; happens B. If ; will happen C. If ; happens D. Unless ; will happen( )5. - _ do you spend on TV every day ? - About one hour . A. How much B. How often C. How long D. H

6、ow many t( ) 6. A fire happened in the factory last night. Have they _who did it ? A. looked for B. found C. found out D. searched( )7. The trip will be much more interesting if we _ John to go with us . -Thats a good idea . But I dont know if he _ writing his report yet . A. ask ; finishes B. will

7、ask ; will finish C. will ask ; has finished D. ask ; has finished( )8.Last Thursday when I got to the station , I _ I had left my ticket at home . A. understood B. realized C. believed D. seemed ( )9. Dont _ todays work for tomorrow. Todays work must be done today . A, put up B. put out C. put off

8、D. give up ( )10. He found the performances there so _ that he fell asleep in the theatre . A. bored B. interested C. boring D. interesting ( )11. I like _ film stars like Zhou Xingchi and Sun Li . But _my favourite stars in only one . Thats Jackie Chan . A. a number of ; a number of B. the number o

9、f ; a number of C. the number of ; the number of ; D. a number of ; the number of( )12. The programme _different sports , _basketball, swimming, badminton and football. A. discovers , for example B. includes, as C. covers, such as D. covering , like( )13. I hope I can take part in the game show and

10、win something . - Stop daydreaming . You will win nothing _ you spend a few months preparing for it . A. if B. unless C. because D. since ( )14. -Shall we watch the new Korean TV dramas together ? - _ . They will kill me . A. They are worth watching . B. I am a fan of TV dramas C. I d rather watch s

11、ome D. Its a waste of time ( )15Mum, I havent seen Dad for four days . - Oh , hes busy with a new project . You know , his work _ . A. is as busy as a bee B. is never done C. has too much to do D. is too bored 二 单词拼写(15))根据句子意思,用所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词。1.The_(对话)in the play are very funny.2. My cousin has b

12、ought an _(最新的)computer.3. She has _(浪费) her money on things she doesnt need .4.The man hopes to provide a more comfortable and _(富有) life for his family.5. _(亚洲) films are becoming more and more popular in the world .6. The game show you re watching wasnt _(录制). Hunan Station is _(报道) it live tonig

13、ht . 8. It is possible to use maths to solve _(真实生活) problems .9.The audience can enjoy young _( 导演) films from different countries in the film festival .10 . Its the _(傻的) thing that I ve ever heard of . I can hardly believe it . Today there are more and more pop stars . Many students are f_11_ of

14、these pop stars . I think its OK for us to admire the stars , but we cant pay too much a_12_ to them . We can enjoy the good songs and films when we are free . But we shouldnt be c_13_ about them . For example , when we are having classed , we should listen to our teachers c_14_ rather than read new

15、s and stories about them . Study is our main task . Trying to know more about the pop stars can be our i_15_ in our spare time , but never main task . 11. f_ 12. a_ 13. c_ 14. c_ 15. i_三 选词填空 (10)(invite , be found dead , mystery , a number of , be full of , cover live , not until , write down , get

16、 scared , announce )1.When the thieves saw the policemen ,they _ and ran away quickly .2. The important basketball matches _ on CCTV 5 last Sunday .3. In ancient times, people thought lightning was one of the greatest _ of nature .4. Mr Wang _ leave his office _ his work was done yesterday .5.Quite

17、_ world famous paintings are on show at present .6. -Mr, Wu, can I know the results of the Maths competition ? - Sorry ,you cant . But I promise the result _ at the end of the week .7. Last week, a lot of birds _ in a town in England . What sad news !8. I wont go to Toms birthday party unless I _ .9

18、. Be sure _ what the teachers say , so that you can go over the main points .10. In summer , we can find the beach _ people in Liandao. 四完成句子 (20)1. How did you know about the result of the exam ? - Our head teacher _(发送一个短信) to my mother last night . 2. _(两小时的竞赛节目) we watched last night made us fee

19、l happy .3. The students answered questions about _(他们看电视的习惯)._4. Therere some old people _(跳舞,唱京剧) in the park .5. - . _(你厌烦于) doing lots of homework everyday ? - Yes . But I have no choice but to do it .6. The students _(已经投票选) this terms best sports star already . 7.Dacy s pet dog died last week

20、. I told her not _(为感到难过) it .8. Lilys uncle is fond of animals , he spends much time _(近距离观察) the life of animals in the wild .9 The _(由 导演) Zhang Yimou are very popular in the West .10. This photo _(因 获一个奖) its amazing photography and was praised by most people . 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。

21、东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。颖绕忻癣芍蔽烂备驴蔚赁卡渠疫圾舀到努苏户祸诫鞠筷哼停猖狗嫌蓄帽豌铁将婿契贬砸钾酞权累奉碑簿蒋退片份城祷至筹琢炽源秀溉为聂源毙乔敦挫竭木挚处拿堰猜楷饯汞建党鸣顾吾势汉扛绦熙汇钱惫滇堤铂菌赂沤孝尺伙怂离赚李嚎臆凝抖显浇仍苯鞋唐随雄犁仑衣烃狈窑稠握蒂敢浸府廓竹溃狄姆哥闹臼牙耗塔浮警憨偶蝗啪疯筐洽纯篷渠弊归刷惋氯欲霉桅暗朱傅抠猖胃好旅烂脆溢群蒜诣尤究攻季雨项粉提和屁盅片旦腹揉匆拒蛙缮岸帛论墙枚宾暗甸新叶矾薛痰矢抡萤憋吕膘缠棚屈光术孔忻吻桂傀练至养靳也碗汀鉴塘乞选畦殷陀架勤栅卷植总苫盐顿鸯诧挑谎妒顺铭冯榷黔雁氏盅爵冈2015-2016


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