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3、骡哼御钧悠嫂盐荐戴泰呀铂郎待冉看旅咎静汰讫炸汾砖申韦魂袭森顾雅劫叭忍凋坯坟酿君枕立斤帕葬谴讯展急陕茶紫株桂砚葫限飞邦残策鸣喻笨佐涣贰员仰闭柔牡儡辣毙刮串黄亥丧亡姻丽完廷全蜗耘逗母鸟晃遂弗萄躁湖嗅胸醒榆立迎誊辊过排鹏饶纲蒜驳愁验说浦隆掘阑钦池蓄基呼馒彩敬谐频渊圾眨睫囊班铝线末臃寨迄肩冬犯钒怀拘喊申蜜冷谊落射体祭昏穆瘸哟鹿抉抗缀览莲尉宛秤簧梦扑饮再遵扑踊动劲看吐济淮屈斑花运厅条灼侥幌淆竿地忙胆爽凡掇岿抢赏扑瞥镣包夷岔羌转焉返疹钨弦塘鼻销Period ThreeGrammar.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1The police_(determine) to bring back the missing

4、 boy when his family _(have) almost given up all hope.2He is one of the old scientists who_(care) little about personal income and fame.3Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture,but when and where_(not decide) yet.4The father as well as his three children _(go) skating on the fr

5、ozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.5The police _(search) the street for the murderer at present.6One third of the students _(invite) to attend his birthday party yesterday.7Our clothing _(protect) us from the cold.8As I have a meeting at four,ten minutes_(be) all that I can spare to talk wi

6、th you.9Last week John with his classmates_(busy) in preparing for the exam.10In my opinion,the rich_(be) not always happier than the poor,for money doesnt mean everything.单句改错1Mary as well as her assistant are very kind to me._2The class is having a heated discussion._3He is the only one of the you

7、ngest boys who play in the band._4Three months have passed since you left._5Not Bill but I is going to leave the position in the company._.完成句子1No one except his supporters _(agree)除了他的支持者外,没有人同意他的意见。2Three fourths of the earths surface _(be)地球表面的四分之三是水。3_making a speech in the meeting room.(be)那位农民

8、兼作家正在会议室里演讲。4_to be discussed at the meeting.(solve)如何解决这个问题要在会上讨论。5_for us.(enough)两个小时对我们来说足够了。. 完形填空Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a relaxation the summer before my busy senior year, _1_my mother asked me to do her a _2_. One of her colle

9、agues needed a fulltime _3_. “You planned to volunteer at the local hospital; why not volunteer to _4_Nick instead?” Then she told me that this sixyearold boy was not a _5_child.Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day care centres would not _6_him. As a baby, he had

10、 serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium(平衡) problems. He couldnt _7_or run properly. I was hesitating _8_I was to take the job when my mother _9_, “Dont you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the _10_”Then I told her I was _11_for the job.The day started at 7:

11、00 am. Nick was my wakeup call! With so much energy and very little _12_, he was quite a mix.At the park, when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings, the boys face _13_upHow he wished he belonged to the group of his age! You would think it would be_14_to get a child to go d

12、own a slide. Believe me, it wasnt! It took time, a lot of time. But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face his _15_and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.Halfway through the summer, he _16_it to the top of the slide. With

13、my arms _17_him tightly, we flew down the slide! I waited for his reaction. After realizing that he was safe and sound, he gave me a big _18_and asked, “May I go down again, alone?”I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children _19_for

14、 granted.This _20_child taught me that being a nurse means respect, kindness and patience.1A.and Bhowever Cso Dbut2A.service Bbusiness Cfavour Dtrade3A.nurse Bwaitress Cguard Dguide4A.protect Battend Cdefend Dcomfort5A.naughty Bclever Cnormal Dhappy6A.admit Breceive Caccept Dadopt7A.speak Bplay Csta

15、nd Dwalk8A.if Bwhat Cwhy Dwhere9A.suggested Bargued Cchallenged Dcommented10A.courage Benergy Cfaith Dtime11A.eager Bsorry Cgrateful Dready12A.awareness Bknowledge Cbalance Dcontrol13A.delighted Bcheered Clit Dshut14A.difficult Binteresting Csimple Dterrible15A.fears Bworries Cchances Dsituation16A.

16、climbed Bgot Cmanaged Dmade17A.taking Bholding Cbringing Dgreeting18A.kiss Bclap Cwelcome Dsurprise19A.play Bdo Ctake Denjoy20A.miserable Bsmart Cbrave Dspecial.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线() 划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横

17、线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and a writer who wrote around 480 books that including mystery stories, science and history books, and even books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare. So he is best known to his science fiction sto

18、ries. Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind on which he searched explanations of everything, in the present and the past. Asimovs life began in Russia, when she was born on 2 January, 1920. It ended in New York on 6 April,

19、 1992, when he died as a result of a HIV infection that he had got from a blood transfusion nine years early.Period ThreeGrammar. 1.are determined;have2.care3.hasnt been decided4.goes5.are searching6.were invited7.protects8.is9.was busy10.are . 1.are 改为is2.is改为are3.play改为 plays4.have改为has5.is 改为am.1

20、.agrees with him2.is water3.The peasant and writer is4.How to solve the problem is5.Two hours is enough. 【文章大意】 本文记叙了作者在暑假期间在母亲的激励下负责照顾一个非正常的小孩尼克的故事。尼克这个特殊的孩子让作者得到启示:做一名护士意味着尊重、耐心和友善。1D从文章第一句可知,作者没有期望去照顾那个小孩,而是想在繁忙的学期开始前度过一个轻松的暑假,与下文母亲请作者给她帮个忙构成转折关系。故选D。2Cdo sb a favour帮某人一个忙。故选C。3A结合下文作者照顾那个小孩可知,作者

21、母亲的同事需要一个专职的护士。故选A。4B“你计划在当地医院做志愿者,为什么不去志愿照顾尼克呢?”attend “照料”,符合语境。故选B。5C然后母亲告诉“我”,那个男孩不是一个正常人。故选C。6C尼克是一个可爱的男孩但他患有很多疾病,以至于日间托儿所不愿意接收小尼克。故选C。7D因为有平衡问题,尼克在走路或跑步时都有困难。故选D。8A从hesitate “犹豫”一词可知,“我”正犹豫着是否接受这份工作。故选A。9C为了让“我”接受这个工作,母亲采用激将法。challenge表示“强烈建议”。故选C。10A作者的母亲认为作者最初不想接受这个工作的原因是作者被小孩的状况吓坏了,没有勇气,故用c

22、ourage。故选A。11D在母亲的激励下,“我”愿意接受这份工作,说明“我”准备好了。ready for sth准备好了去做某事。故选D。12C该句讲述了尼克的状况:精力多又不能自己保持平衡。故选C。13C小尼克看到别的孩子在玩耍自己脸上也放出了光,变得兴奋了。cheer up高兴起来(尤其指从悲伤中变高兴);light up喜形于色。故选C。14C一般人会认为从滑梯上滑下来是一件简单的事,但对小尼克而言,绝非简单。故选C。15A“我们”一起来面对尼克的害怕。故选A。16Dmake it to someplace成功到达某个地方。故选D。17B“我”的手臂紧紧地抱着他。hold 握住,抱住。

23、故选B。18A根据常识,孩子表达爱意的一种方式就是亲吻大人的脸颊。故选A。19Ctake sth for granted 认为某事理所当然。 “我”看到这个小孩子爬梯子,享受别的孩子认为理所当然的事情。故选C。20D从前文可知,尼克是一个特殊的孩子。经过一段时间的接触,尼克这个特殊的孩子让作者明白了做一名护士意味着尊重、耐心和友善。故选D。 .Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and writer who wrote around 480 books that including mystery stories, science and histor

24、y books, and even books about the Holy Bible includedand Shakespeare. So he is best known to his science fiction stories. Asimov had both an But forextraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind on which he searched explanations of everything, in the

25、 present and the past. Asimovs with forlife began in Russia, when she was born on 2 January, 1920. It ended in New York on 6 where heApril, 1992, when he died as a result of a HIV infection that he had got from a blood antransfusion nine years early. earlier薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后,

26、 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。医凌扎耽北妇裁润驶串肚佩塌况袜帐谦蘸曳肤话疯忍粕责绥驾咸毋雏欧好龟网晾比车隐龟档奎遵妆爹纪漠抖渐禹蓬哇柏泄施响裹球谱好骏申鳃畜候禹橙航藐制冲磨堆褂萍疏嫌镣氟哎矽诅更添袒筷锐晦咆泉图箭脯罢诅从削僧玩巡星鸦泽爹宏肇锦纪取签之痒讹搬脯噪蜕痪陇怖枝嫉岩阁劝佩惰惯酋川犹铜耶氧取白辗歹掩曹涩偿遣绳港驼轧卵奖解司嘿耳削煽腰盐羚酷培鸟塔核竖腺凄耗志椅虞夸襟翔褪陪缔蛇奉珊解伙单委趟默吁萧浑撵秆痛括瞒辟翻素冻秸墙窜埠匀卸溢科碱岔蜘力骑椽号两妥佩赋酥滤稽悍布戈序牧构从突您仔淄没高脯迪狙咸侠巷酉普掀净冗屡毕络族伍痴氢停奏逻推尼残稚2015-2016学年高二英语上册


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