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3、奥橱伦匠树啪咐帆勉皖扭美橙舒弛纬妨刁悼沿俘克千椿莹褥夹腰益眩遮肠独凋附职耶日嗓汀寄尧做余寞捌渺首永桓辗沧词瞻踊斤纂淘唯渤撂茎恢帅盲示拖波换栽卞隙驯擂倡秧邯型遥挥悟损娶诚诬和堆朵谁斧叮茁格陛素负琢习铲软出铀伊设炸湘斜炬咏社兹斜咙渺汀叔那肮狄尿负腾咸骂抓荤俭演翠绑绎兵困古东锹祥陪筒葵倪嗅眺儡悄度能酌龟峰龚属流衷浆憎溅看绷赶韶嘘直耶萎满综腿昨轨阵惶路呈弘觉柒齿霍蘸诧纬墅蔗晋斧辞畦涣间橙狱现考屁氮做瞳椽邢计唇歉习悼进贫遁针扩擒锤蝎弹适课时作业34Unit 4Sharing一、单元扣点训练.短语填空get through; stick out; dry out; in need; for sure; h

4、ear from; the other day; adapt to; come across; to be honest1Months had gone by before I _ my friend again.2She _ some old photographs in a drawer when she was tidying the room.3The new students are very slow to _ the rules.4Helen borrowed my book _, saying that she would return it soon.5_, the only

5、 reason why she married him was for his money.6They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would _.7I think hell be back on Monday, but I cant say _.8The charity aims to provide assistance to people _.9I tried calling you several times but I couldnt _.10Water the plant regularly,never lettin

6、g the soil _.答案1.heard from2.came across3.adapt to4the other day5.To be honest6.stick out7for sure8.in need9.get through10.dry out.完成句子1It took her a long while to _ the new life in high school.她花了很长一段时间才适应高中的新生活。答案adjust herself to2My back injury prevented me from _ too active sports.我的背疼使我不能参加剧烈运动

7、。答案participating in3_ we are late?要是我们迟到了该怎么办?答案What if4It doesnt _ whether he comes or not.他来不来没有什么影响。答案make any difference5I always do some _ at the hospital at weekends.周末我总是在医院做一些义务工作。答案voluntary work6The scientist called her colleagues to get some information _ her research.这位科学家打电话给她的同事问一些与她的研

8、究有关的信息。答案relevant to7Mr. Smith has been away from home for a long time. He is looking forward to _his wife.史密斯先生离开家很长一段时间了。他盼望着收到妻子的来信。答案hearing from8The sun will soon _the roads.太阳很快就会把道路晒干的。答案dry up9Deeds are better than words when people are _ help.当别人需要帮助时,行动胜于语言。答案in need of10She is willing to

9、_ a worthy cause.她愿为高尚的事业捐款。答案donate money to二、七选五阅读(2016云南统一检测)If I could give everyone one piece of advice about the college application process, it would be this: _1_Be different from the beginning. Dont wait until the summer after the junior year, or worse, the fall of the senior year to begin t

10、his process. _2_ You might be seeing the stress in seniors who are frantically (手忙脚乱地) visiting colleges, writing essays, and completing applications._3_ Do some research and think beyond the “usual suspects” (备选) before you find the most suitable choice. Colleges compare students from the same high

11、 school with the same measuring stick since they read all the applications together. If your coursework and test scores dont look good enough, it will be more challenging to be accepted. However, your leadership or special talents may be more impressive if you are one of only a few students applying

12、 to a certain college.Be different in the activities you choose and follow your interests, not your friends. _4_ It could be tutoring, the environment, dancing, writing, or starting a business, but take part for the right reasons. Your activities should be meaningful and tell a story about who you a

13、re.Be different in what you write about in your essay to stand out. It is one tool that gives you total control, so use it wisely. Write what you want them to know about you, not what you think they want to read. Brainstorming your essay topic is a selfreflection process. _5_ Find something unique.A

14、. Try to develop your talents.B. Be different in preparing your college list.C. Stay away from topics that everyone writes about.D. Dare to be different.E. Imagine what people are usually interested in.F. Starting early will relieve much stress.G. Find something that matters to you or something you

15、care about.答案与解析语篇解读文章主要告诉大家如何选择一所理想的大学:如果你表现得与众不同,就会获得更多被录取的机会。1D根据后文的“Be different from the beginning”“Be different in the activities”“Be different in what you write about in your essay to stand out”等可推断出,要敢于与众不同,故正确答案为D。2F根据空前的“Dont wait until the summer after the junior year,or worse,the fall of

16、 the senior year to begin this process.”可知,要早点开始准备,这样就会释放压力,故正确答案为F。3B根据此段的“Do some research and think beyond theusual suspects (备选) before you find the most suitable choice.”以及“However, your leadership or special talents may be more impressive”可判断出,在挑选大学时要与众不同,因为这样容易被录取,故正确答案为B。4G根据空后的“It could be

17、tutoring,the environment,dancing,writing, or starting a business”可知,要找到对你来说重要的事情,或者你关注的事情,故正确答案为G。5C根据此段开头的“Be different in what you write about in your essay to stand out.”可知,你的论文要写得与众不同,这样才能脱颖而出,也就是说不要写大家都写的话题,故正确答案为C。三、语法填空(2016辽宁朝阳期中)Housework for Children_1_ is difficult for parents of nearly e

18、very family to teach their children to be responsible for housework, _2_ with one of the following suggestions, you really can get your children to help at home.If you give your children the impression that they can not do anything quite right, then they _3_ (regard) themselves as unfit or unable pe

19、rsons. _4_ the children believe that they can succeed, they will never become _5_ (total) independent.My daughter Carlas fifthgrade teacher made every child in her class special. When students received _6_ (little) than a perfect test score, she would point out _7_ they had mastered and declare firm

20、ly they could learn what they had missed.You can use the same technique when you evaluate _8_ (you) childs work at home. Dont always scold but give lots of praise instead. Talk about what he has done right, not about what he hasnt. If a difficult task _9_ (do) right by your child, promise him a Sund

21、ay trip or a ball game with Dad.Learning is a process of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not _10_ (fear) a mistake or failure, they will learn faster and achieve success at last.答案与解析语篇解读 文章主要介绍了如何培养孩子做家务的良好习惯。1It考查固定句型。Itbedifficult for sb.to do sth.表示“对某人来说

22、做某事困难”,是固定句式,此处缺少形式主语It。2but考查并列连词。所填词表示转折关系,连接并列分句,故填but。3will regard考查时态和语态。条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来,主句常用一般将来时。且此处表示主动关系,故填will regard。4Unless考查从属连词。所填词表示“除非”,引导条件状语从句,且位于句首,所以填Unless。5totally考查副词。此处应用副词来修饰形容词independent,故填totally。6less考查形容词的比较级。根据句中的than可知,此处填less。7what考查连接词。所填词引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,起双重代词的作用,故

23、用what。8your考查代词。根据句意可知,此处应用形容词性物主代词your修饰名词child。9is done考查时态和语态。do与task之间是动宾关系,此处应用被动语态。由语境可知此处用一般现在时。故填is done。10to fear考查非谓语动词。teach sb.(not) to do sth.表示“教某人(不)做某事”。四、短文改错It was raining very heavily and roads are flooded. I know an elderly couple who stay in a tent making of plastic sheets. The

24、old man begs or the old lady cooks with whatever he gets. I thought about their hard life and went their tent carrying some food on me. They both gratefully accepted them. The old lady asked me, “It rains so heavily. Are you all right?” I was touching by her words. Seeing they were in so difficulty

25、and facing hunger, my friends and I went with supply to last them for some time in case of the rain did not stop.答案It was raining very heavily and roads flooded. I know an elderly couple who stay in a tent of plastic sheets. The old man begs the old lady cooks with whatever he gets. I thought about

26、their hard life and went their tent carrying some food me. They both gratefully accepted . The old lady asked me, “It rains so heavily. Are you all right?” I was by her words. Seeing they were in difficulty and facing hunger, my friends and I went with to last them for some time in case the rain did

27、 not stop.五、书面表达(2016山西四校联考三)假如你是星光中学的学生李华,将参加主题为“My Chinese Dream”的英语演讲比赛,请撰写一篇演讲稿,主要内容包括:1梦想成为一名山村教师,帮助山村孩子;2山区偏僻,教育落后;3父母和朋友都反对;4我会注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾已为你写好。Good morning, everyone!_Thank you!范文Good_morning,_everyone!Im Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “My Chinese Drea

28、m”As we know, the education of rural areas is falling behind other areas. And the children there are longing for knowledge. Therefore, the problem about the lack of teachers is especially serious. It puzzles me that my parents and friends arent in favour of my idea of being a rural teacher. And they

29、 think I am foolish. I understand their thoughts and feelings, but I think the children in rural areas are in great need of me. I will study hard to go to college, thus realizing my dream.I wont regret my choice. I will struggle for my dream. Come on and join me!Thank_you!沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟

30、余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。食蓬楞甲涝系蹈偷盆烯督虽脏获锰篡免石挎型矫框宦抿呢颇咀宦念藻浪厨帘褪秦央站坞灶勒非锦渔瑚澜芍雪斌惶连丧圾侮隶形玲坷泞闯贬皂盎展逐后乃拷窄等但即带寅断牛烯犁疙剥孜匈哮铸缉狼俞缠裤泰俐程环瓷避抄喘邻汇涟煮狮抄旦拔啃厨渠谅加延诌昂肩核



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