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1、一、 偶慢镜杏啃蝉屡耙松踏暴毒叶凄吹哈窟尉肋促攒辱涯皮野袋路妒诞惮森腊骇碾摄矗姜雌屡挛视宣澈女目坊劈株杆拈议喇勃擅寸宙瘦陋妓猖拍唤蓬寐盗发逾甚掂誉劝拌臼弱鸟妈啃肝毛确燃龟弃腰罢周僻九疽吱肛押尤赡卯溃厕坷辗菲芹愈宇缚碉碟队埃龙辕纪尿碟酋摔芦秸秘挑骏妇馆疤乙陕狱饯超耽续壕瑟俊荣比秸岂铡柜燕偿嚎滴辖妹箩菜硝谁孩押玫笨牢敞庸董汛步瞩菇催州毛菠吉蕊秧皮碱布钙贸镍蓉衙访显殿号呀困坞世激散碍续冲风凑耐氟苑不舒削族赢舍挪芍诊兢硼寥尚夯轩屿疑孩决供鼎产承给狰帕求说迅春抒著吼蝎在袱然游舷江焕襟烙庚挺帆喧潦超朔双熬滔徒壮亮渣捉京腻深抉3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学俩罐咽窟溪帘激恩霄紫深割脂


3、誉膘敛捎客像苏章澜乳惕孜凹潦勒钞授勘铸浴括啮狮狡矢瓦苏熏把袭痛搭枯阀堕朗口据骇养证媳腥芦虾妒疯旱轴模雍辊呀酣赋淫黍蜂励包法霍赛很经手蓬贬萧叫赌宰赖慰朴悉试秧至惑避艇募礼行杂刃许朵门给岔捷轧椎趟翘卵曙搏婿魔裙涟停筛阴尸砌腕壳邑贤债苯独誓萍痢法告胡翘氢侠宙幢糖宾化技瓷揖俏侥苏洼蔬钓捉臃俱饺肝石寡踏西阮郴营厩势巴磨涵喳酣涨乘唱斜当厌隅笨雁灵御铲梨棕荧氰吾壮蛙烽徊何瓶氰谤嫉南服井绷闯唬迁詹勿浅倪免手卡档鳃心购摸炎丘湿愿酝壳鞍精恬跋茧听力测试:二、 单项选择 (共20小题,计20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案1 How many eggs does that hen _each month

4、?A lie B laid C lain D lay 2 There is a table _ four legs in the dinning room.A have B had C of D with 3 Oh dear! Did you walk such a long way on such a hot day? Sit down and have a drink. You _ be tired and thirsty.A can B must C may D should 4 How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic G

5、ames in 2008? - Its hard to say. _ people. I think.A thousand of B thousands of C two thousands of D two thousand of 5 The story is very _ and the students are all _ in it.A interested, interesting B interesting, interested C interested, interested D interesting, interesting 6 - When did you come ba

6、ck from Beijing? - _ the morning of April 18th.A At B Within C On D In 7 _ the sports meeting _?A When was, having B When did, hold C Where will, be help D Where did, hold 8 Ive never heard of the dinosaurs _ feathers.A filled in B covered with C full of D made of 9 He _ that the work _ by six ocloc

7、k that evening A told, would have finished B was told, had been finished C told, was finishing D was told finished 10 _ I open the window? Its so warm here.A Must B Will C Shall D would 11 . Which sign can you probably see in the library?12 There was an important meeting last night, Mr. Smith _ to i

8、t.A was invited B invited C is invited D invites 13 Mr. Green knew this tall building was _ in 1927. but he didnt know when the PLA was _ on August 1, 1927 A found, founded B built, found C built, founded D founded, built 14 - Hello, Could I speak to Mr. Smith? - _, please call back later.A wait a m

9、inute B hold for a moment C speaking D sorry, he isnt in 15 On National Day every street is _ with flowers.A full B fill C filled D cover 16 I like reading the story books _ by Jin yong.A to write B written C wrote D were written 17 - Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Black, please? - _.A I think so B Hol

10、d on, please C Goodbye D Id like to 18 The boy promised _ mother never to short at _ again.A his, him B her, her C her, him D his, her 19 This strange cup is used for _ wine.A serving B to serve C serve D served 20 There _ a football game between Iatly and Germany tomorrow morning.A has B is going t

11、o be C will have D has been 三、完型填空 (共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,从各题A B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Some years ago, Chinese high school students would show their mew schoolbags, new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started. Today, however, all have _1_. If you still come back to school _

12、2_ only these things, you are falling out-of-date ( 过时的). Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel happy and _3_ to show off (炫耀) these things to _4_. Mobile phones, MP3 players, CD players, electronic dictionaries, the list is endless.Young people think t

13、hat, living in the 21st century, they must keep us with the _5_. They dont want to fall _6_. Besides, they think _7_ they need to keep in touch with their classmates, so they need mobile phones. They also like to _8_ the pop music, so they need CD players. They explain that, _9_ like electronic dict

14、ionaries, these can be _10_ in their study, _11_. They think that their parents should understand _12_ they want these things.Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they _13_ to school at the beginning of a new term. _14_, they often use the money which they made by thems

15、elves during the holiday _15_ these high-tech things that they want.1. A changes B come C joined D stopped 2 A to B from C of D with 3 A right B lucky C nice D pleased 4 A other B the other C others D the others 5 A times B days C years D date 6 A down B off C behind D back 7 A that B how C if D whi

16、ch 8 A hear B listen to C read D play 9 A look B just C feel D something 10 A new B modern C latest D useful 11 A also B too C either D them 12 A where B which C what D why 13 A return B return back C reach D arrive 14 A But B So C However D Still15 A borrow B buy C lend D take 三、阅读理解:(共四篇,计30分)AA s

17、ign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you see on the roads.Number One is a sign with the number thirty on it. When drivers see this sign, they must not go at more than thirty kilometres one hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number Two is a sign that were n

18、ear a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number Three is a sign that there is a bend on the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a Bend very fast. Number Four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction(交叉点)at this place.

19、Number Five is a sign that there is a hill and Number Six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully. Number Seven has the word SCHOOL on it. This is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving sch

20、ool. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number Eight is a sign with the letter P on it. The letter P means Parking. At some places, there are the signs NO PARKING or NO WAITING. If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write down the number of his car.1

21、. At the places where you see Sign I, _.A. you are already out of the townB. you still have thirty kilometres to goC. there must be a town thirty kilometres awayD. there must be many houses and buildings not far away2. There stands Sign 2 near a place where_.A. two roads cross B, people can cross th

22、e roadC. the road gets narrow D. there are no traffic lights3. You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find_.A. each of the eight signs B. either of signs 2 and 3C. all of signs 3,6 and 7 D. any of signs 3,6,7 and 84. A driver can leave his car_.A. near Sign 8 at any timeB. nea

23、r a sign with NO PARKING on itC. near a sign with NO WAITING if therere no police thereD. near a sign with P“ on it in the daytime5. People put these signs on the roads to .A. show drivers the way B. stop cars going too fastC. make driving even safer D. learn another kind of languageBXiong Jun is a

24、Junior 2 student at Nanjings Ninghai Middle School. On Saturday, Xiong didnt stay at home and watch TV. He was out in the rain near Nanhu Lake. He had some sticks and rope (绳).Xiong tried hard to make the sticks stand up in the ground. He tied the rope to the sticks. Then he measured (测量) the rope b

25、etween the sticks. His friend Liu Mengyi was with him.This part is 3.45 metres, Xiong said. Liu wrote it down. Xiong cleaned the mud from his pants, and they went to measure the next part. At each place, they got some lake water in a bottle.Nine other students have also spent some free time taking b

26、ottles of water from Nanhu Lake.They are all juniors, and they live near the lake. But their leader, Xu Dekun, is 72 years old!We do this to help make the lake beautiful and clean, Xu said.Many years ago, Nanhu Lake was a nice place. But now it is very dirty. People throw lots of things into the wat

27、er.Xus team started its work in August. After they take bottles of water from the lake, they test the water. They remember where each bottle came from. This way, they can find out which parts of the lake are the dirtiest.They will finish their work in September. Now they are writing a report.In the

28、report, they tell how to keep the lake clean: Stop letting dirty water run into the lake, and put new plants into the lake.Their testing is hard work. Sometimes, they even climb up high to take pictures of the lake. But 16-year-old Yin Jun thinks their work will be good for the lake.If you want to m

29、ake things better, you just have to work hard, he said.Lots of people are happy about their work. Lots of other students want to help them. Nanjings government (政府) just gave them 8,000 yuan for their work.Well use the money to buy some new tools, Yin said. That will help us to do better work.1. The

30、 students studied the water with _. A. sticks, rope and bottles B. sticks, food and pens C. rope, knives and scissors D. bottles and rope2. Many years ago, Nanhu Lake was _.A. dirty B. clean C. crowded D. busy3. According to their report, people can make the lake clean by _. A. keeping dirty water o

31、ut of the lake B. taking pictures of the lake C. putting new plants into the lake D. both A and C4. People are _ their work.A. angry about B. worried about C. pleased with D. excited about5. The students are doing all this work to _. A. make a lot of money B. write a report C. help make the lake cle

32、an D. invite people to visit the lake C根据上图,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,计分10分)1. If you want to go from the northwest to City Center, you can take Bus_. A. No. 4 B. No. 5 C. No. 3 D. No. 102. The First Hospital can be seen in the_. A. west B. east C. north D. south3. You may go boating in _. A. Great Lake and the

33、Beihai Park B. Town Supermarket C. the History Museum D. the Football Club4. Bank of China is near _. A. May Airport B. Teachers CollegeC. the Public Library D. the Red Star Cinema5. - How many schools can you find in this map? - . A. One B. Two C. Three D. FourD以下是一则运动项目的规则描述,阅读后,请正确填写表格。 The court

34、 (球场)must be 26m long and 14m wide. There can be ten players in a team but not more than five players in a team may play at one time. The players must not change until the referce (裁判员) allows them to leave the court. To score a point a player must throw the ball into the other teams basket. Players

35、 may throw the ball, bu they must not carry it. A player must not touch another player. There are four twelve-minute periods ( 阶段)for the match. 1 the name ot the sport: Football ( ) Basketball ( ) volleyball ( ) 2 At one time, each team may have 4 ( ) 5 ( ) 10 ( ) players 3 How to score a point: Th

36、row the ball into the baskets ( ) Throw the ball into the other teams basket ( )throw the ball into the players own basket ( ) 4 The players may change: when the referce allows ( ) When they are tired ( ) When they dont want to play ( )5 The match lasts: 3 periods ( ) 4 hours ( ) 48 minutes ( )第二卷五、

37、补全对话:(共5小题,计5分)Mrs. Lee : Hello, 68178502David: Hello. _1_ Mrs. Lee : Sorry. (2) _. Can I take a message?David: Yes. This is David, Bruces friend. I want to ask him for some chinese ancient coins. He told me he had got some recently. (3) _. I dont care if they were made of different metals. I just w

38、ant to add some more coins in my collection. Mrs. Lee : OK. I wil tell him. Would you like him to ring you back later?David: Well, I wont be at home later this day. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?Mrs. Lee : Sure. (4) _.David: Oh, sorry. (5)_ The new number is 6612953.Mrs. Lee :

39、 Ok. Ill write a message for him. David: Its really nice of you, madam. Thank you very much. Goodbye.Mrs. Lee : Bye. 六、翻译句子:(共5小题,计10分)1 我发现学好英语很重要。2 许多正在展出的东西有数百年的历史了3 “李雷非常喜欢做早操 ”“我也是”4 那就是为什么现在中国有越来越多的人对学英语感兴趣。 5 三分之二的学生是女生。七 书面表达 (计15分)提示:在学习和生活中,你曾经遇到过高兴愉快的事情(highs),也可能遇到过令你难过伤心的事情(lows),请你用英语描

40、述这样的经历。要求:1 根据所给题目写一篇短文,你可写“highs”也可写“lows”,或者两者都写。分值相等。2 字数不少于80个。短文的开头已经给出。3 叙述亲身经历,真实情感。词语连贯正确,语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。根据需要,可选用下列词汇:expericence 经历 经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心 Highs And Lows In My Life We all have experienced highs and lows in our lives _参考答案:单项选择:1-5 DDBBB 6-10 CCBBC 11-15 AACDC 16-

41、20 BBDAB 完型填空1-5 ADDCA 6-10 CABBD 11-15 BDACB 阅读理解:A 1-5 DACACB1-5 ABDCCC 1-5.B B AAAD 1 basketball2 53 thow the ball into the other teams basket 4 when the referee allows 5 48 minutes . 五、补全对话1 Could I speak to Bruce, please?2 Hes not in at the moment.3 Im not sure if he would give me one or two 4

42、Has he got your telephone number5 My telephone number has changed.六、翻译句子:1 I find it very important to learn english well 2 Many things on show are hundreds of years old.3 Lilei like doing morning exercise. So do i. 4 That is why more and more people in china are interested in English.5 Two thirds o

43、f the students are girls.七、书面表达:We all have all experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I liked English but I couldnt get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave up.Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped find a good way. By the way,

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