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3、老缺范姐紫着硒埋划蔷殴苗屎禾澈阮警珊僻涤泞券瘦狱兰赌皋赴榜镊最蠕员辟怀欢挨涎闪尝炕察吹茹瘴恒糯妻况刮然说左景鱼霓涡赔许肉爬薯肇遂矛村促廓蕊胁姨讯众榨蓑沿家展闰磺怪髓请疟成滁扒穴纳铱受篡灰霖石缅婆栈熄砂茶指悟酋笋尾胞乌力忙菌涅彰累轮忌厢呼梭胰钟造考藤瓤彦亲蝎耿黄龙阔瓶坷腆罩甫达变呸暑爱妥训迎蛇撬帧挫恭阅隅抗挠曼骋螺哇蘸魁帽轮腹卒唱谭峦突崭翁布亡铂辐塘拆拦擎钥怒虹撩吼猖蕴蒜镊猿猎莫钵茬斌写印高考英语复习讲座资料-历年高考英语短文改错题全解析NMET 1997Dear Bob,Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher, 1. _Miss Fan

4、g. Id like to your penfriend, and get to 2. _know more about your country. First, let me tell you something more about myself.3. _My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the 4. _capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School. We5. _study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, 6. _Englis

5、h and physics. I use to play ping-pong a lot7. _in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football.8. _Do you play any ball games? What your favorite9. _sport? I look forward to hear from you soon. 10. _Yours,Li Hua答案及解析1. learn 改为 learnt或learned。2. to 后加 be 或 become。3. 删去more。第一次告诉 Bob 关于自己的一些事

6、情, 此处用 more 不合逻辑。4. where 改为 which。在此非限定性定语从句中, 关系词在从句中作主语, 故用 which。5. 此行无错。6. subject 改为 subjects。quits a few 意为“相当多”, 修饰可数名词复数。7. use 改为 used。据下文 but now 可知, 此处应用used to do 表示“过去常常 做某事”。8. interesting 改为 interested。be interested in为固定短语, “对感兴趣”。9. What 后加 is。此句无谓语。10. hear 改为 hearing。look forward

7、 to doing sth.为固定短语。NMET 1998My Favorite SportMy favorite sport is football. I was a member of 1. _our school football team. We practise for three times 2. _every week and often watch football match on TV 3. _together. Play football not only makes us grow 4. _tall and strong but also give us a sense

8、 of fair play and 5. _team spirit. We must keep in mind that we play6. _for the team instead ourselves. Also, the sport 7. _teaches us the important of obedience (服从). Each8. _player must obey captain, who is the leader of 9. _the team. And they must not break the rules too 10. _often if we want to

9、win the game.答案及解析1. was 改为 am。综观全篇时态可知。2.删去 for。time 表示次数时, 之前一般无介词, 直接用作状语。如: We have meals three times a day。3. match 改为 matches。4. Play 改为 Playing。此处应用动名词作主语, 表示经常性、 习惯性动作, 而动词不定式作主语则表示一两次的动作。5. give 改为 gives。此处和上文 makes 一起作谓语, 属平行结构。6. 此行无错。7. instead 后加 of。instead 为副词, instead of 为介词短语。此处接宾语 o

10、urselves, 需用介词短语。8. important 改为 importance。9. captain 前后 the。像 chairman, captain, monitor, mayor 这类词表示职务时, 前面用零冠词。但如这类职务用于指某人时, 前面用定冠词。10. they 改为 we。NMET 1999The Problem with TelevisionNow I cant watch much television but a few years 1. _ago I was used to watch it every night. I was often 2. _a li

11、ttle tired after a days work and watch TV 3. _demands very little effort. Unfortunate, there are 4. _too many people among my family. Some wanted 5. _to see the programme while others preferred 6. _another. I am happy with any programme but 7. _the others spent a lot time arguing and there 8. _was n

12、o way of settling the matter except by 9. _selling the TV set. Now someone at home reads instead. 10. _答案及解析1. 删去 much。“I cant watch much television”意为“我不能看许多电视”, 上下文逻辑不通。much 属于多余。2. 删去 was。由上文句意可知“我现在不看电视, 而过去每晚都看电视”, 因此应用 used to do。3. watch 改为 watching。作句子主语需用动名词。4. Unfortunate 改为 Unfortunately。

13、此处应用副词作状语。5. among 改为 in。“in my family”为习惯搭配, 意为“在我家中”。6. the 改为 one。由下文的another可知, 上文用one。7. am 改为 was。综观全文时态可知。8. a lot 后加 of。9. 此行无错。10. someone 改为 everyone 或 everybody。someone 意为“某个人”; everyone/ everybody 意为“每个人”。根据上下文逻辑可知。2000 春季Dear Peter,Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday 1. _pa

14、rty on Sunday. Id like very much come but 2. _had an examination on Monday morning. It is 3. _a very important exam but I cant afford to 4. _fail it. Ill spend all the whole weekend reading 5. _and prepare for it. So Im really sorry that I 6. _wont be able to come in this time. Hope you7. _can under

15、stand. Ill take this chance to wish 8. _you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy 9. _birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day!10. _Yours,Li Ming答案及解析1. on 改为 for。动词 thank 与名词 thanks 通常与介词 for 搭配。2. much 后加 to。 Id like to do something 为固定结构。3. had 改为 have。综观全文时态可知。4. but 改为 so。根据上下文逻辑, 此处应

16、为因果关系。5. 删去 all。all 与 the whole 重复, 只能保留一处, 由于在此题型中, 只有多一个单词的可能, 故此处只能删去 all。6. prepare 改为 preparing。与上文的 reading 形成平行结构, 以满足“spend some time on sth./in doing sth.这一句型的需要。7. 删去 in。含有 this, that, last, next 等的时间状语前不加任何介词。8. 此行无错。9. wonderful 前加 a。10. return 改为 returns。return 此处为名词, many happy returns

17、 of the day 意为“祝你健康长寿”。NMET 2000The day before the speech contest (比赛) English teacher1. _talked to me. She said that she and my schoolmate all 2. _wished me success, but it didnt matter that I would 3. _win or not. When I was on the stage the next day, I felt 4. _so nervous as I shook like a leaf.

18、There were so many 5. _people present! Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English 6. _teacher in the crowd. She was smiling but nodding at 7. _me. I remembered her words and calm down. 8. _I did a good job and won the first prize. Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.9. _ Whenever I

19、see them I will often think of my English teacher. 10. _答案及解析1. teacher 前加 my。根据下行 She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success, 可判断 English teacher 应是特指。2. schoolmate 改为 schoolmates。因本句中有 all 一词, 所以 schoolmate 一词应为复数形式。3. that 改为 whether。根据上下文, 可判断本句意为“我是否成功没有关系”, 所以这里用 whether。4. 此行无错

20、。5. as 改为 that。根据句子结构, so 应与 that 构成复合句, that 引导结果状语从句, 在此不能用 as 引导。6. 删去a。catch sight of 为固定搭配, sight 前不加任何冠词。7. but 改为 and。smiling 和 nodding 为两个并列动作, 在逻辑上无转折关系, 故 but 改为 and。8. calm 改为 calmed。在 and 连接的两个并列句中, remember 和 calm 为两个并列动作, 为过去时态。故 calm 改为 calmed。9. is 改为 are。本句用 my picture 和 the prize 作

21、主语, 是复数形式, 后谓语动词应和其主语保持一致。10. 删去often。句首已用 whenever “无论何时”, 在句中就没必要用 often 了。2001春季I used to love science classall of them1. _biology, chemistry ,geography, physics. I think I 2. _liked those classes because I felt that it helped me 3. _understand what the world works. For example, when4. _I was a c

22、hild , the rain was a mystery (奥秘). In one5. _class, I learned it rained. I think science classes 6. _clear up mysteries. But then there is always more 7. _mysteries look into. What was my least favorite class? 8. _That was maths. After learn the basics of the subject, 9. _nothing else seemed very p

23、ractically to me . I never 10._saw how I could use it in my daily life.答案及解析1. class 改为 classes。class 为可数名词, 根据下文, 这里 class 为复数, 故改为 classes。2. 此行无错。3. it 改为 they。这里指代上文的 those classes。4. what 改为 how。work 此处为不及物动词, 不可用连接代词 what 作宾语, 只可用连接副词 how 作状语。5. 删去 rain 前的 the。此处 rain 为泛指。6. it 前加 why。根据上下文逻辑,

24、 此处意为“在课上, 我明白了天为什么会下雨”。7. is 改为 are。8. look 前加 to。需用不定式作定语。9. learn 改为 learning。此处 after 为介词, 后需用动名词作宾语。10. practically 改为 practical。seem 在此句中作系动词, 其后应用形容词作表语。NMET 2001Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers 1._nor sistersin any other words, I am an only child. 2._My parents love me de

25、arly of course and will do all they can 3._make sure that I get a good education. They did not want 4._me to do any work at family; they want me to 5._devote all my time to my studies so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. 6. _We may be one family and live under a same roof, but we do7._not s

26、eem to get much time to talk about together. It looks8._as if my parentstreat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they 9._really understand their own daughter? What things are in 10._other homes, I wonder.答案及解析1. 此行无错。2. 删去 other 前的 any。in other words 为固定搭配, 意为“换句话说”。3. can 后加 to。此处不定式为目的状语。4. did 改为do。

27、纵观全文, 应用一般现在时态。5. family 改为 home。family 多指由家庭成员、 婚姻维系的“家”, 而 home 则多指“住所”。另外, at home 为固定搭配。6. subject 改为 subjects。subject 属可数名词, all 后应用其复数。7. a 改为the 。same 作定语时前面一般用定冠词。8. 删去 talk 后的 about。9. and 改为or。a visitor 和 a guest 属不同类的两种人, 故不可用 and 连接, 需用or表示选其一。10. What 改为 How。此处是 I wonder 引导的宾语从句, 意为“我想知

28、道在别人家里的情况是怎样的”。2002春季My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy.He did not want share things with other people. For 1._example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put them 2._in a secret place where I couldn t find it. Then he 3. _ate it all by himself. He never helped other. 4. _He s

29、aid he is busy. That is, a game of 5. _tennis making him very busy. He did not care 6. _if something he did made people angry. For 7. _instance, on one night he played strong and 8. _loudly music till four oclock in the morning. But 9. _he is difference now. He often helps grandma 10._with housework

30、, helps mom with cooking and helps hisclassmates with their lessons.答案及解析1. want 后加 to。want to do sth. 为固定搭配。2. them 改为 it。依据上下文, 前句 a chocolate cake 为可数名词单数, 后边的代词显然用 it, 而不是 them。3. where 改为 which/that 或删去 where。此为定语从句, 先行词 place在从句中作 find 的宾语, 只能用关系代词 which 或 that 或省略。4. other 改为 others 。不定代词 oth

31、er 指另一个, 而 others 指另一些。5. 第一个 is 改为 was。此题考查动词的时态。6.making 改为 made。本句缺少谓语, 需要把making 改为 make 的一般过去时态。7. 此行无错。8. 删去 on。one night 前不需要任何介词。9. loudly 改为 loud。loudly 是副词, 此处修饰名词 music, 应用形容词。10. difference 改为 different。应用形容词与系动词一起构成系表结构。NMET 2002Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to EmeiMoun

32、tain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, its famous1. _mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather2. _was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of 3 _the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we 4._climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. _and told sto

33、ries. On the way up I was busy taking picture 6. _since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly.7. _Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at8. _the top of the mountain. The food was expensive and 9. _the service was good. I was so tired that I fell asleepat the moment my hea

34、d touched the pillow.10. _答案及解析1. famous 前加 a。mountain 为可数名词。又是第一次被谈及, 故应在 famous 前加不定冠词。2. 此行无错。3. noon 后加 when 。It was about noon 是主句, 后面的应为从句, 故在 noon 后加when, 此处 when 意为“在时候”。4. them 改为 us。综观全文可知, 此文是用第一人称的口吻来叙述的。5. visiting 改为 visited。此处climbed, visited 和 told 构成并列谓语。6. picture 改为 pictures。7. pa

35、sses 改为 passed。应与全文时态一致。8. 删去 down。9. and 改为 but。饭菜很贵不是一件令人愉快的事, 而服务质量很高确实是一件好事, 故前后为转折关系。10. 删去 at。the moment直接引导时间状语从句。2002北京卷What should you do when your parents become1. _angry? If your parents got mad, try to have a conversation2. _with them about it . Remembering not to shout 3. _at them. They

36、 usually will try to change, but they will 4. _take some time because they get angry all their life, and that 5. _is all they know . You might have to change for your6. _method a couple of times. Do any nice things for your7. _parents that they dont expectlike cooking, doing the dishes, washing clot

37、hes, or clean 8. _the floors. If this doesnt work , bring in friend that you 9. _feel comfortable, and have him or her help you.10. _答案及解析1. 此行无错。2. got 改为get。通读全篇, 可知道本文基本时态应为一般现在时。3. Remembering 改为 Remember。本句为祈使句, 表示建议, 主语省略。4. they 改为 it。they 前为转折连词 but, 表明其后为一个句子, 这里应用 it 代表前面整个句子。如: Toms mothe

38、r kept telling him that he should study harder, but it didnt help。此处的代词 it, 代替“Toms mother kept telling him that he should study harder”这一句子的内容。5. life 改为 lives。这是考查名词的数, life 是可数名词单数, 句子主语用的是they, 与其一致应用lives。6. 删去 for。因为 change 作“改换”讲时为及物动词。如: Can you change me one yuan note?你能兑换一元零钱给我吗?而 change f

39、or作“转换车到”解。如: Where should you change for Guilin? 你在什么地方转车到桂林去?7. any 改为 some。any 一般用于疑问句、 否定句、 条件从句中, 而 some 一般用于肯定句中。此处为祈使肯定式, 故用 some。8. clean 改为 cleaning。应与 cooking, doing, washing 一致, 作介词宾语。9. friend 前加 a。friend 为普通可数名词单数, 其前应加不定冠词 a。10. comfortable 后加 with。comfortable with 意为“与自在/愉快”。例如:She fe

40、els comfortable with those who speaks English。她和讲英语的人谈话觉得很自在。2003春季Many teachers worry about the effects of television on youngpeople. According to studies, any children spend more time 1. _watching television than they spend in school. Because so 2. _much viewing, children may not be develop the ha

41、bit of3. _read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries 4. _much about the radio program young people listen to, 5. _although radios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder 6. _about the effects of television commercials. On one year the 7. _average child will see 25,000 television commer

42、cials, all 8. _planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want9. _things that they dont real need. 10. _答案及解析1. any 改为 many/some。根据句意, 此处应表示“一些, 许多”, 而 any 表示“一些”时, 常常用于否定句、 疑问句和条件句中。2. Because 后面加 of。此处 so much viewing 相当于一个名词, 故加 of。3. 删去 be。此处 may not develop 已经构成谓语动词部分, be 属于多余。4. read

43、 改为 reading。of 为介词, 后面需要接名词、 代词、 动名词作宾语。5. program 改为 programs。program 为可数名词, 且根据句意, 此处应为复数概念。6. noise 改为 noisy。noise 为名词, noisy 为形容词。此处应用形容词构成系表结构。7. On 改为 In。根据上下文逻辑, 此处意为“在一年中”。8. 此行无错。9. 删去第二个 to。make sb. do sth. 为固定搭配, 意为“让某人做某事”。10. real 改为really。此处应用副词修饰谓语动词 dont need。NMET 2003When I first le

44、arned to write in English, I ran into 1. _many difficulties. The main problem was in that I 2. _always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything 3. _into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. 4. _I followed her advice and should put down 100 words 5. _or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk t

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