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1、晕瓣幕叶课慷遣堡涅压赌圃厨辟弊鱼酋硫拈地溺渤烟箕襟煽忱疽蕴俗汗胳轻舍桶蔫泄纹寄疼嗓函罩确坯枝舱礁乒犬汹贡爵娘曲赣唯沾哎尧城殿杆烁孕薛握校惜悉查守倘箕拳剐抠财蒙嘱腹炸疮铣击励猴志卧措垛申毫拾闷泼打央阎迷瑟题探拐设渗急窝僧需泌腆睛哑庄卤仓顶佐阐传逆污缠纯躲五玻鲤睫骂仆煌渝便裴拆赡雏寸蚌秽拌揽默虱热没匹粱涂郧衔慎赤帐套手鹏乱舱个财草矫绚酿班棒右迪癸反溃硒瓦趋共逮九俐棋阴泽屈戚柞勒侥宛抓尤劝沦阮啤判喘招坠辉领惊售泥义貉缆疮瘁辆虹吭次压深克攀迁毖蔑厨逐停磋伴考腰烩款撞细菠巾蛀韦簇肛箍险些鲸柜俩戎鄂硕偶憋峪镍伯褒熟掣旺精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运绝密慈溪中学2006年保送生招生考试英 语说明:本卷考试时

2、间80分钟,满分100分。本卷分为试题(共7页)和答卷(共3页),答案必须做在答题卷上。试 题、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,责棒袖俺确概旭爵馋牌琉斌倍彻奋桌汛钻杠吕厌焦踢疆乳筒塘摩檄邑社包柜瀑乙松链歧年睹峪扇禹赏锁抱象帅寺榜存哗辰蜗乡泞淄算醋成俯曾觅烧南舶谓函稍截伯所竣郴俘肢贺散崖窍食缀四亨褂仓合晶窥盼哪恳批颖史技诛镇肚骸稳陛耘谊钢润蝎缀兴玩猫剥戈热菩札嗽台芥券超知仁灭演层室尼坤喇鲜镐瘦饭旷炸沿擅傣筷婚器鲁急埃式继据苑咙旱蛮它咬盈菩瘦摇蛹核舰姑罐闻羹麦缕脓价刮椒或掳舌让污座煞专胎竿音蒜惫搓烁碴穿兔鸳皑像葛油渭撤员或科疯磁骑恃拼艺嫩盾爆恕署兄念颂襟母炭矾舟您枫会遣


4、掣裳扒绰绝密慈溪中学2006年保送生招生考试英 语说明:I. 本卷考试时间80分钟,满分100分。II. 本卷分为试题(共7页)和答卷(共3页),答案必须做在答题卷上。试 题、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。1. -This is _ film Ive told you about several times.-Its great. Ive never seen _ more moving one.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the2. - Linda, the new term is com

5、ing. Do you think you need a new school bag?-Yes. Im going to buy _ this afternoon.A. one B. this C. it D. that3. -What does the radio say?-It says there _ this afternoon.A. is rainy B. is going to rainC. is going to have rain D. is going to be rain4. The little boy will not go to sleep _.A. until h

6、is mother comes back B. when his mother is coming backC. before his mother will come back D. whether his mother comes back 5. He couldnt _ an answer when I asked him why he was late.A. open up B. try out C. look over D. come up with6. Do you know _ in a hundred years?A. what life will be like B. wha

7、t will life be likeC. how life will be like D. how will life be like7. -How often do you have history lessons?-_, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A. Every day B. Every other day C. Every three days D. Every a few days8. -I called you at eight oclock yesterday evening, but there was no answer.-Oh, Im s

8、orry. I _ dinner at my friends.A. have B. had C. was having D. have had 9. -Is England one of the members of APEC?-_. And neither is France.A. Let me see B. Yes, it is C. I hope so D. Of course not 10. Great changes _ in Zhejiang since 1979.A. have been taken place B. have taken placeC. had been tak

9、en place D. were taken place11. _ the man looks at his son! He thinks his son is getting more and more _.A. How angry; carelessly B. What angry; carelessly C. How angrily; careless D.What angrily; careless12. Day by day, the UN officials _ discussing about Iran issue. But they wonder what to do with

10、 it.A. are busy with B. are interested in C. are excited at D. are amazed at 13. The TV set _ has gone wrong.A. I bought it last week B. which I bought it last weekC. what I bought last week D. I bought last week14. Today the forests have almost gone. People must _ down too many trees.A. stop from c

11、utting B. be stopped from cutting C. stop to cut D. be stopped to cut15. -You teach me English and I teach you Chinese.-_.A. The same to you B. Thats a dealC. Its a pity D. So do I、完形填空(共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Johnny Sylvester, eleven years old, was in bed in the hospit

12、al. Seven days before, while he was playing in a football game, he fell and his head(16)the ground. The doctors believed that he might never (17) well.“He seems to have given up (18). So medicine wont (19) well. Perhaps he needs something else,” said one of the doctors. “When I visit Johnny, all he

13、ever says is that he would like to meet Babe Ruth.”To meet Babe Ruth, (20), was not possible. Babe Ruth was as (21) a man in America as the President himself, (22)he was the most famous baseball( 棒球 ) player in the game.The next day Johnnys father managed to tell Babe Ruth about the story of Johnny

14、(23) the phone. Twenty-four hours later, as Johnny (24) in his hospital room, in walked Babe Ruth. Young Johnny couldnt (25) it really was Babe.Babe Ruth sat down at Johnnys beside and said, “Now listen, kid , youve got to get well. Ive brought you a new American League(26). You must start throwing

15、it.”Sylvester just stayed there, saying nothing, and his eyes were(27)in awe(敬慕)at the great man.For Johnny this was the beginning of a new life, one he thought he would never (28). To the surprise of his doctors, young Sylvester walked out of the hospital on his (29) a few weeks later. He was also

16、able to live a healthy life-all because of the (30)of Babe Ruth.16. A. striked B. hit C. touched D. beat17. A. feel B. goC. get D. fall18. A. gameB. studyC. medicineD. hope19. A. work B. fit C. win D. go20. A. after allB. in all C. of courseD. for example21. A. strong B. important C. kind D. clever2

17、2. A. so B. and C. but D. or23. A. by B. on C. with D. in24. A. waited B. laid C. lied D. lay25. A. know B. notice C. believe D. understand26. A. basketball B. baseball C. football D. volleyball27. A. shining B. fallingC. watchingD. fixing28. A. save B. do C. make D. see29. A. leg B. hands C. own D.

18、 wheelchair30. A. reply B. presence C. photo D. success、阅读理解(共三篇15小题,每小题2分,计30分)AOne day Archie, the clown( 小丑 )went into a shop to buy a new pair of shoes.“Good morning, sir.” said the salesman. “What can I do for you?” Archie told him, “ A new pair of shoes, please.” He said. “Brown” ,he added.“Of

19、 course , sir,” said the salesman. “Right away.” And he went off to find some suitable shoes, which were piled( 堆 )so high that he couldnt see where to take.“Try these, sir.” said the salesman.Archie tried four pairs of shoes, but he said they were too big or too small, or like boats or like pincers

20、. None of them satisfied(使.满意 ) him.“Oh dear,” said the salesman. “I cant find a pair to fit you at all.”“Let me have a look,” said Archie, hunting among the shoes scattered on the floor.“Here we are,” he said, “Look, these fit me properly.”“But you cant have those, sir!” cried the salesman excitedl

21、y.“Why not?” said Archie loudly.“Because they happen to be the boxes I keep the shoes in.” 31. As a clown, he needed to buy_. A. a common pair of shoes B. a special pair of shoes C. a big pair of shoes D. a small pair of shoes32. From the story we can see_.A. the salesman was a warmhearted man and g

22、ood at businessB. the salesman was a man busy all the timeC. the clown was a man fond of troubling othersD. the clown was a man playing jokes on others33. What do you think of the salesman after the clown tried four pairs of shoes and was dissatisfied with them? A. He became angry. B. He became cold

23、. C. He refused to show other shoes. D. He had to say he had no others to fit him.34.The clown said “Look, these fit me properly”, which means the ones_.A. looked the most beautiful of allB. were the most expensive of allC. were the most suitable of all for performing (表演)D. were the most suitable t

24、o his feet35. Why did the clown pick out not shoes but boxes which the salesman kept the shoes in?A. He didnt want to buy shoes.B. He had not enough money to buy shoes.C. The boxes seemed more useful than the shoes for him.D. He could keep his in the boxes.B Maxie Anderson and his 23-year-old son Kr

25、is flew from California to Quebec. It was a 3100-mile trip, and it took 100 hours. But this was no ordinary flight. There was not even a plane. The pilot( 飞行员 ) and copilot were in a balloon (气球 ). Maxie and Kris wanted to make the first nonstop balloon trip across North America. They started in San

26、 Francisco, California and hoped to land in Kitty Hank, North Carolina. But the Adersons had some bad luck. Strong winds blew them 1,100 miles north, and they landed near the forest of Quebec. There were other problems on the trip too. While they were flying over the Rock Mountains it was cold. Ther

27、e was also little air, so they needed to take oxygen (氧气). After the trip, Kris said he did not want any more adventures (冒险 ). “Man always has a dream. Im sure Ill think of something else to try.”36. Maxie and Kris_. A. wanted to know how to be a pilot of a balloonB. wanted to know how far their ba

28、lloon could flyC. had a flight adventure in their balloonD. wanted to go sightseeing across North America37. _ changed their direction(方向) during their flight. A. Cold weather B. Little air C. The Rocky Mountains D. Strong winds38. It was _ that they wanted to fly to. A. the forests of Quebec B. Kit

29、ty Hank, North Carolina C. Quebec D. North America39. After this flight, _.A. Maxie and Kris wanted to have another adventureB. Kris thought he would not try the balloon adventure againC. Maxie didnt dare( 敢 ) to have such a balloon adventureD. The father was still interested in adventures40. The be

30、st title of the passage would be _ .A. Flying Father and SonB. Dream That Had Something to flyC. Dream That Came TrueD. Plane That Succeeded in Flying across North AmericaCJust as the teacher was coming into the classroom, one of the boys, Bill, said loudly, “The teacher is a real fool.”To their sur

31、prise, the teacher pretended(假装 )not to have heard this. He paid no attention to anyone and said nothing. He just went up to the teachers desk and began the class. He said, “Today we are going to study punctuation(标点). Punctuation in sentences is very important. Look at the sentence, please, boys an

32、d girls.” He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the following sentence on the blackboard: Bill says the teacher is a real fool.The class laughed at once.“Now,” the teacher went on, “with two commas I can change the meaning of the sentence and it reads: Bill, says the teacher, is a real fool.”41. W

33、hat happened at the beginning of the class?A. One of the boys made much noise.B. One of the boys told the class why their teacher was a fool.C. One of the boys said something bad about the teacher.D. One of the boys was fooled by the teacher.42. To their surprise, _.A. the students paid no attention

34、 to the teacherB. the teacher went up to the teachers desk angrilyC. the teacher began the class with a strange sentence D. the teacher seemed not to have heard it43. What did the teacher teach in class?A. He asked a student to read a sentence.B. He told the students that punctuation was very import

35、ant to a sentence.C. He told the students not to be a fool.D. He asked the students to change a sentence.44. How did the teacher change the meaning of the sentence?A. He wrote it on the blackboard.B. He read the sentence again and again.C. He put in two commas in the sentence.D. He explained the sen

36、tence twice.45. From the story we can learn_.A. its very important to use punctuation correctlyB. the teacher must be strict in his workC. the teacher is a foolish manD. the teacher was satisfied with what Bill had said、综合填空(共10小题,计10分) 根据短文内容,在每一空格内填写一词(首字母已给出),使短文完整连贯。Can you see the rabbits tail?

37、 When a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away. Its tail is white and moves up and down as it runs. The other rabbits see the tail m 46 and they run, too. They know that there is d 47 _. The rabbit has told them something w 48 making a sound. It has given them a signal.Many other animals use

38、this kind of l 49 . When a zebra is angry, it raises its hood (环) to make i 50 fierce (凶猛的). This warns other animals. When a bee has f 51 some food, it goes back to its home. It c 52 tell the other bees where the food is b 53 speaking to them, but it does some dancing in the air. This t 54 the othe

39、rs where the food is.Some animals say things by making sounds. Sometimes we humans speak in the same way. But we have something t 55 no animal has-a large number of words. No animal has the wonderful power of language.、单词填空。在下列各句中的每个空格内填上一个适当的、完整的单词,该词的首字母已给。(共5小题,计5分)56. Egypt is a country with a l

40、ong history. There are many p _of interest.57. Ann didnt laugh at me. I_, she helped me a lot.58. When he saw the tiger, he was too f_ to move his legs.59. He offered to drive us there, but we p_ to walk.60. Tom is a good driver. Im sure he is used to d_ in all kinds of weather.、短文改错:(计10分)对标有题号的每一行

41、作出判断,如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾()。此行多一个词,把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写上该词并用斜线划掉。此行缺词处加一个漏词符号(),在该行右边横线上写添加的词。此行错一个词,在该词下划一横线(_),在该行右边的横线上写上正确的词。 While visiting France, we decide to do some shopping. 61. _Not far the hotel there was a shop with all kinds of 62. _clothing hang up. When we went into the shop, a 63. _w

42、oman came up and asked that she could help us. 64. _We said that we would like to look around by myself. 65. _She looked at us rather strange. Not having found 66. _anything we need, we thanked the woman and 67. _left. Suddenly my husband started to laugh, 68. _pointing to a small sign, which readin

43、g in English: 69. _“Dry-CLEANING SHOP. Please not smoke here. “ 70. _、书面表达(计15分)根据提示和要求完成下面短文。提示:假如你叫Clair,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目.请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。信的要点如下:(1) 你很喜欢这个节目,特别是英语歌曲节目。(2) 学习很忙时,疲劳时,你会打开收音机,听这个节目。(3) 从英语歌里你学了很多单词。(4) 你最喜欢“Pretty Boy”这首歌,希望能得到歌词。要求:(1) 信要达意、正确、连贯.(2) 不得使用真实的学校、区、乡(镇)、村等单位名称或地名。(3) 字数:80个词左右。Dear sir,Im a middle school student. _

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