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4、骚脉蒂危收映裕番售狭北语1003春大学英语三导学资料二同学们,大家好,现在我们进入第二阶段的学习,这一阶段我们会针对大学英语统考中的交际用语考题进行讲解和详细地阐述。I交际用语测试目的:检测考生在不同的情境中运用英语进行交际的能力。在复习该部分知识时,注意以下两个方面: 一、解题技巧 (一)英语国家应答的总体原则(3个) A委婉原则 无论在任何场合,发话发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉问接表达。命题中特别测试考生拒绝对方要求和发表不同观点的能力。例如: Do you think I can borrow your pen? AIm afraid not BNoyou

5、cant CI wont let you do that DAbsolutely not 解析:拒绝一个请求时,要么使用委婉句型:Im afraid not,要么采取“先扬后抑”的做法,即“先表同意或者赞许,然后用“but”来个转折,表达出不同意的意思。例如: Mary,do you want to go to the movies with me tonight? Thats very kind of you,but the final tests is coming 在这个结构中,常见的还有:Thats very kind of you,but(太谢谢你了,但);Thats a good

6、idea,but(太好了!但是);Id love to,but(我愿意啊,但) B主动同情原则 在日常交际中,要尽可能主动为对方提供帮助和方便(offering),对别人遇到的好事成功要表示高兴(sharing),坏事要表示难过惋惜(sympathetic),在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向,例如: I am going to the Water Cube,can you tell me how to get there,Sir? AWell,it is a modem building in Peking BI dont know CYes,you willDSorryI am new he

7、re tooBut there is a information center over thereCan you believe it? I won the scholarship! AImpossible! BSo what? CHow much you got? DCongratulations! My mom have been not feeling very well recently! AI am sorry to hear that! BReally? But she looks very healthy though CAll right! DWonderful! C文化遵从

8、原则 在选择交际用语时,要有跨文化视角,也就是说,要克服本民族的习惯思维和应答模式,要使用得体的、符合对方习惯的方式来应答。这个原则常被反向用来设置错误选项,因此,当考生看到自己感觉亲切的回应方式时,一定要小心是否掉入了命题者的圈套。 Mary,your dress is really beautifulHow is John? AThank you very much BNo,no,John is not bad CThank youHe is fine DDont say thatIts uglyJohn is good (二)逆向思维,巧用排除法 在应对测试的时候,我们往往会发现有些题目

9、的正确性难以达成或者较为隐晦,又或者我们所建立的数据体系无法确定选项的正确性,这时,我们一定要充分地使用题目(由题面和选项构成)本身所提供的线索来进行解题。这不是投机取巧,相反,巧用排除法恰恰是一个人英语能力的直接反映,甚至命题者本身命题的出发点就是考查考生运用周边信息解题的能力。 通常情况下,在标准化命题中,选项的构成是有正确答案、强干扰项(近似项)和无关选项(错误选项)构成的。在题目构建过程中,命题者常常采取的是做法是尽可能掩盖正确选项的正确性,尽可能加大选项的相似性或者无关性。因此,我们常常发现,往往最不可能的选项是正确的,而越是看似原文的选项是错误的。我们常见的错项的类型大体有:A选项

10、本身语法错误:B选项议题与谈话主题无关;C选项明显违反上述三原则;D选项虽然与谈话主题有关,但不能提供发问者要求的信息、态度或观点; 例如: 1)Maryare you and your husband busy this weekend? AThis weekend we may go to cinema BNo,were not COh,its none of your business DWelcome to our party 2)You are not the manager here,are you? AYesIm not BNo,I am CYes,I am DNo,not at

11、 all 二、交际用语测试必须记住的知识点和典型题型 交际用语在统考试题中,考察题型主要可分为以下三类:询问类试题;看法类试题;功能类用语试题。 (一)询问类(5种情况) 1、请求允许和应答 A 提出请求(此部分常由题面给出,注意句型的提示作用、MayCancould I use (borrowtakeasksee)?我可以用借问看吗? I wonderI am wondering if?不知道我能否? Would you please?能请你吗? Do you think?你是否认为? B回答请求(此部分常由考生选择,关键是考查考生能否正确地表达“同意”和“拒绝”) 同意SureCertai

12、nlyOf courseBy all meansYes,do pleaseHere you areHelp yourself可以当然拿去请便。 回绝 Im afraid我恐怕Im sorrybut对不起,但是Im sorry you cantYoud better not很抱歉,不行。你最好别这样。 【典型示例】 1)Could I borrow your car for a few days?(大学英语(B)Test 33) AYes,you may borrow BYes,go on CSure,here areEnjoy your journey DIt doesnt matter 答案

13、: 2)I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? Im not using it right now(大学英语(B)Test 61) ASure,go ahead BI dont know CIt doesnt matter DWho cares? 特殊题型: A 提出请求DoWould you mind if Imy doing 你是否介意?B 回答请求 同意No,I dont mindOf course notNot at all不介意当然不介意一点也不介意Please doGo ahead,pleaseOK行,做吧。 不同意YesI d

14、o我介意 【典型示例】 Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? AGood news for you BGo ahead,please CYes,sure DNo,I cant *在用mind句型征求对方的意见时,如果表示同意,也可明确表示“please do做吧,Go ahead,please行”。 2、邀请与应答 A提出邀请Would you like to?可以 吗?WillCan you come to?你能来参加吗?Id like to invite you to 我想邀请你 B 回答邀请 同意 Yesthank youId

15、 love to谢谢,我愿意。 That would be very nice那太好了。 Yes,its very kind of you愿意,你太好了。 回绝 ThanksSorry,I 非常感谢抱歉,我 Id like to butId love to but 我很愿意去,但是 【典型示例】 1) Can you go to the concert with us this evening? (大学英语(B)Test 4,2) ANoI already have plans BId love to,but Im busy tonight CNo,I really dont like bei

16、ng with you DIm ill,so I shouldnt go out 2)We are going to have a dancing party tonightWould you like to join us? AYesits very kind of you BOfcourse notI have no idea CNoI cant DThats all set 3、提供帮助及应答 A提供帮助Can I help you/What can I do for you?有什么可以为您效劳吗?Would you like me to help you with?我能帮您做吗? B应

17、 答 接受帮助ThanksThat would be niceIts so nice of you多谢,那太好了 Thank you for your help感谢你的帮助 礼貌地回绝No,thanksThats okI can manage it myself 【典型示例】 1)This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs (大学英语 (B)Test 5,5) AYou may ask for help BLet me give you a hand CPlease do me a favor DId come to help 2)Can I

18、help you with your suitcase? AThats OKI can manage BIts not very light CI can help you with it DPut it down on the ground 4、 问路 A询问道路Excuse mecan you tell me the way to?Excuse mewhere ishow can I get to?抱歉,请问去怎么走呢?Is this right(the right way to)? 请问这是去的路吗? B 回答 当知道对方询问的道路,就一定要给出具体信息Go down(up)the st

19、reetTurn right(1eft)顺着街道往上下走。在右左转。Go straight ahead till you see往前直走直到你看见Its on the right(left)comer just ahead在前面右边左边转角处。 当不知道对方询问的道路,抱歉地说明原委Sorry,I dont knowSorry,Im a stranger hereI am new here抱歉,我不知道。 【典型示例】 Excuse mebut can you tell me the way to the post office? (大学英语(B)Test 3,9) ADont ask tha

20、t BSorry,Im a stranger here CNoI cant say that DNo,youre driving too fast 5、询问具体信息 A询问询问的主题为:时间、地点、距离、费用、人物、事件、频率等。 WhoWhatWhenWhere(何人何事何时何地) How longHow oftenHow many(时间多长或距离多远频率数量多少) B回答: 直扣主题,提供对方需要的信息。注意: 特殊疑问句的答语通常针对特殊疑问词做出具体的回答。 一般疑问句通常用yes和no来回答,时态人称要一致。 当情态动词must引起一般问句:“必须吗?”,其否定回答通常用“you n

21、eedntdont have to”表示“没有必要”。 选择疑问句是问话者提供两个或两个以上答案供对方择一回答的问句,答语应做出一 个明确的选择。 反意问句的答语应根据实际情况确定:内容是肯定的,就用yes,其后则跟肯定句; 内容是否定的,则用no,其后则跟否定句。 【典型示例】 1) Paul,_? ( 大学英语 (B)Test 3,4) 一Ohthats my father! And beside him,my mother Awhat is the person over there Bwhos talking over there Cwhat are they doing Dwhich

22、 is that 2)Are there any drug-stores around here? AYes,there is one on the left comer BYes,it is CNo,it isnt DOh,you must have a cold 3)Must I take a taxi? No,you You can take my car Ahad better to Bdont Cmust not Ddont have to (二)看法类(4种情况) 1、表达惊讶,喜悦 第一:惊讶 Really?Is that so?Oh dear!Good heavens! (真的

23、?哎呀!天哪!) 第二:喜悦 Thats nicewonderfulgreat! (真好!) 【典型示例】 Ed said that his boy fell off tree AOh dear! I hope he wasnt hurt BOhnoA luck boy CHe might have broken his arm DNothing serious 2、表示附和、赞同 第一:附和与赞同YesI think so是的,我也这样认为。I agree(with you)我同意你的看法。I cant agree with you more我非常同意。 第二:不赞同No,I dont th

24、ink so我不这样认为。Im afraid not恐怕不行I cant agree with you我不同意你的看法。 【典型示例】 Is it possible for you to work late tonight? 大学英语 (B)Test 6,4) AI like it BIll do that CId love to DI think so 3、表示肯定与否Im sureIm not sure我确定。我不确定。MaybePerhaps或许 【典型示例】 My camera isnt working properly AMaybe theres something wrong wi

25、th it BHere,have a look CI have no idea about it DThere isnt anything at all 4、表示喜好、厌恶I likevery much我很喜欢I dont 1ike(hate)我不喜欢讨厌So do INeither do I我也我也不 【典型示例】 1)What do you think about this story? AThank you for telling me about the story BYes,its a real storyCI like it very much DSo do I 2)I dont

26、like the sports programs on Sundays ASo do I BNeither do I CSo am I DNeither am I *当第一说话人对问题的看法是肯定、赞同的,用“So do I”表示自己同样赞同的 态度:当第一说话人对问题的看法是否定、不赞同的,用“Neither do I”表达自己同样不赞同的态度。 (三)功能类(19种情况) 1、打电话 A发话方 Hello! MayCouldCan I speak to? Isinover there? (你好!请找某某接电话好吗?) B 受话方 当你就是对方要找的听话人时: This is(speakin

27、g)Speaking (我就是某某,请讲。) Who is that(speaking)? (你是哪位?) 当对方要找的人不在场时,需要去叫他她 Hold on,pleaseOne moment (Ill get himher) (请稍等,我去叫他她。) 当对方要找的人不在或不能接电话时, Sorry,he is busy at the moment Sorry,he isnt hereis out right now(对不起,他她不在现在忙) Can I take a message for you? (我能替你捎个话吗?) 当发现对方拔错电话号码时, Im afraid youve got

28、 the wrong number (我想你拨错号码了。) 【典型示例】 1)HelloIm Harry Potter Hello,my name is Charles Green,but 大学英语(B)Test 1,3) Acall my Charles Bcall me at Charles Ccall me Charles Dcall Charles me 2)Could I speak to Don Watkins,please? (大学英语(B)Test 3,2) AIm listening BOh,how are you? CSpeakingplease DIm Don 2、 购物

29、 A 售货员 CanMay I help you?What can I do for you (你想买点什么呢?) B 顾 客 1 wantId likeI need (我想买) ThanksIm just having a look (谢谢,我只是看看) 【典型示例】 What can I do for you? (大学英语(B)Test 3,8) A1 want a kilogram of pears BYou can do in your own way CThanks DExcuse meIm busy 3、 就餐 第一: A 服务员 What would you like(to ha

30、ve)? Would you like something(to eatto drink)? (你想吃点喝点什么吗?) Are you ready to order? (可以点了吗?) B 顾 客 Id like (我想要) Nothanks (不用,谢谢。) 第二: A 主人 Please help yourself to some (请吃点) B 客人 Just a littleplease (就一点,谢谢。) Thank youI have had enoughI dont like(谢谢,我吃饱了。我不太喜欢) 【典型示例】 1) Would you like to order now

31、? AIm full now BYesId like fish and soupCBut the price is high DIts very kind of you 2)Please help yourself to the seafood (大学英语(B)Test 4,1) ANoI cant BSorry,I cant helpCWellseafood dont suit for DThanks,but I dont like the seafood 3)Have you got a table for four,Waiter? AWe are going to restaurant

32、BYes,sureThis way,pleaseCWe have booked the seats DHere are the menus 4、祝愿、祝贺与应答 第一:祝愿 A表达祝愿 Good luck!Have a good time/Wish you success (祝你好运!祝你愉快!祝你成功!) B 回答 Thank youThe same to youYou too (谢谢!你也一样。) 第二:祝贺 A I won the firstI got A (我获得第一名我取得A等) B 表达祝贺 (Well done!)Congratulations(on)! (干得好!祝贺你) A

33、回答 Thank you (谢谢。) 【典型示例】 1)I was worried about my maths,but MrBrown gave me an A (大学英语(B)Test 3,10) ADont worry about it BCongratulations! Thats a difficult course CMrBrown is very good DGood luck to you! 2)Tomorrow is my birthday (大学英语(B)Test 5,8) AOhI have no idea BIm glad you like itCMany happy

34、returns of the day! DYou must be very happy 5、赞美与应答 AHow beautifulHow lovely (此类句子表达说话人对对方的住房、家 具、衣物、发型、小孩等表示赞扬欣赏。) BThank you (谢谢。) 【典型示例】 Thats a beautiful dress you have on! (大学英语(B)Test 1,6) AOh,thanksI got it yesterday BSorry,its too cheapCYou can have it DSee you later 6、遗憾、歉意与应答 第一:遗憾 Im sorr

35、y to hear it (听到这个我很遗憾。) What a pity!Its a pity that (真是太遗憾了。) 【典型示例】 I have got a pain in my neck AYes,I agree BYes,you are quite rightCIm sorry to hear that DIm feeling sick 第二:歉意 A表达歉意 Im sorry (抱歉) B 应 答 Thats all rightThats ok Thats nothingIt doesnt matter (没关系。) 【典型示例】 Oh,sorry to bother you (

36、大学英语(B)Test 3,10) AThats Okay BNo,you cantCThats good DOh,I dont know 7、感谢与应答 A表达感谢 Thanks a lot!Thank you(very much) (多谢!) Its very kind of you(to help me) (你真是太好了。) B 回 答 Not at all/That s all right Youre welcomeMy pleasure (不客气。不用谢。) 【典型示例】 1)Thanks for your help (大学英语(B)Test l,2) AMy pleasure BN

37、ever mindCQuite right DDont thank me 2)Thank you for inviting me (大学英语(B)Test 3,4) AI really had a happy time BOhits too lateCThank you for coming DOh,SO slowly? 8、 看病 第一: A 医生 Whats the matterproblem? Whats wrong with you? (你哪儿不舒服?) B 病人 I feel terrible (我觉得不舒服。) Theres something wrong with my leg

38、(我腿出了的点问题。) Ive got a high temperaturepain here (我发烧这里疼。) 第二: A 病人 Is there anything serious? (严重吗?) B 医生 NoNothing serious (不没什么问题。) Take this medicine three times a dayYoull be all right soon(一天吃三次药。你很快就会好。) Just have a rest and drink more water (注意休息,多喝水。) 【典型示例】 How are you feeling? Much better

39、(大学英语(B)Test 5,6) AThanks for coming to see me BYou look great CYou are so kind DDont mention it 9、劝告,建议,提醒 A劝告、建议 Youd better (not) doYou should (你最好最好别你应该) Why dont youWhy not (你为啥不) WhatHow aboutShall we (我们去如何?) B 应 答 SureGreatWhy not? Thats a good idea (可以为什么不呢?好主意。) Ill take your advice (我会采纳你的建议的。) No,thanks (不用了,谢谢) 【典型示例】 1)Shall we go shopping this Sunday? AWhy not? Good idea! BIve no ideaCYes,you will DSee you t

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