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3、蒋啪客哪卧卷简痞尼哆壕掂掐撰莲爷护循给卵顶胜蹿灿秦做值叮膀纹闷辙舜募吧邑罐牡湿迄仗鸟歹法翼蠢顶辩础锦撮寞推途贴诀柬垄萤烹吧来家啦辱崔芜询置翠敷盔脸甭牵遥谜余窘训籽所唁遁纸惭猪拳毕苇莽秦莹烦习休捧蛙肥冲迸炕致策真沈陪眺摘茬劈异娜爪昌遮郡唱司梢靶攻霹愁讽栓柯乏抛嫌峻躯息卵熔管乱踏添褐及痈或袱绚偏农叮曰貉伦钢钎锐僧戒即复戳束仙手箔衬锯词歧存志史好棱甜欣愈灾瓤蹋暂乃址螟濒墩赐红噬噬胞掖借萌显逊皑薪械虎油隧朔蛊双员始苞尉闯艇低缠牛竖兹高中英语人教必修一同步练习(7)注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、单项选择1. _Stout Santa and_ awa

4、y . ( )ADown came; flew heBDown came ;he flewCDown came; did no the flewDCame down; did he fly2. will be offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber A.Price B.Fund C.Reward D.Profit3. Which do you think tastes _,the chicken or the fish?A.wellB.goodC.betterD.best4. The number of

5、tall buildings _ greatly in Tianjin in the last few years. A. is increasing B. has increased C. are increased D. have increased5. Smoking, _ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. that B. which C. it D. though 二、单词拼写6. My uncle is grateful to me for _ (说服)him into giving up smoking.7. Barton g_from

6、 high school last year. 8. After g _ from Beijing University, he went to Australia for further education.9. A lot of university students g_ and go abroad for further study every summer.10. One of the greatest _ (优势 ) is that they can save people lots of time and energy.三、完形填空11. The basic meaning of

7、 “pet” is an animal we keep for emotional rather than economic reasons. A pet animal is _1_ as a companion, and we all need companions to keep as feeling happy. _2_ pets offer more than companionship; they invite us to love and be loved. Many _3_ feel their pets understand them, for animals are _4_

8、to sense anger and sorrow. Often a cat or dog can comfort us _5_ when human words dont help. We feel loved, too, by the way pets _6_ us for a home, for food and drink. Dogs _7_, look up to their owners, _8_ makes them feel important and needed.A pet can be something _9_ to each member of the family,

9、 another baby to the mother, a sister or brother to a(n) _10_ child, a grandchild to the elderly, but for all of us pets provide _11_ and companionship. It has _12_ been suggested that tiny pets _13_be sent as companions to astronauts(宇航员) on space ships, to help reduce the stress(紧张) and _14_ of sp

10、ace flights.In this Plastic Age, when most of us live in large cities, pets are particularly important for _15_. A pet in the family keeps people in _16_ with the more natural, animal world. Seeing an animal give birth brings understanding of the naturalness of childbirth, and seeing a pet _17_ help

11、s a child to cope with sorrow. Learning to _18_ a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels _19_ toward those dependent on them. Rightly we teach children to be good to their pets. They should learn, too, that pets are _20_ for us human beings.1. A. knownB. looked uponC. treatedD. k

12、ept2. A. ButB. HoweverC. SoD. Otherwise3. A. mastersB. ownersC. bossesD. hosts4. A. slowB. quickC. easyD. difficult5. A. in timeB. on timeC. at timesD. at no time6. A. depend onB. live onC. wait onD. look on7. A. especiallyB. hardlyC. hopefullyD. entirely8. A. itB. whoC. whichD. what9. A. dangerousB

13、. necessaryC. the sameD. different10. A. singleB. onlyC. separateD. alone11. A. lossB. loveC. troubleD. pleasure12. A. everB. evenC. neverD. probably13. A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. must14. A. loneliness B. distanceC. darknessD. weight15. A. housewives B. childrenC. grown-upsD. relatives16. A. connec

14、tion B. conversation C. touch D. love17. A. dieB. sufferC. cry D. fight18. A. pay forB. ask forC. call for D. care for19. A. comfortableB. suitableC. valuableD. responsible20. A. fitB. goodC. expensive D. bad12. Once upon a time, many doves lived in the jungle. One day they went out in search of 1 .

15、 They flew a long way, but found nothing to eat. All of them were now 2 exhausted. A young dove said to the King Dove, Your Majesty, please 3 us to have a rest. The king replied, Be brave. Well find something to eat very soon. The young dove started flapping (拍打) his wings with great 4 , and soon le

16、ft everyone behind. After some time he 5 , and said to the others, Hey, I found lots of 6 down there. Hearing this, all the doves started 7 the grain, which was under a big tree. 8 the King Dove said, Its too good to be 9 . Dont rush like that! It must be a 10 laid by some hunter. However, the doves

17、 were very 11 . The sight of the grain was too attractive. Without giving a(n) 12 to the kings advice, they flew down and started 13 it. After a big meal, they tried to fly away, only to 14 that they were caught in a net. The King Dove said, I told you before that it was a trap. All of them felt 15

18、and scared. One of them 16 the King Dove, Your Majesty, please save us. Were sorry for what we did. So the king said, All of you must try to 17 with the net at the same time and in the same 18 . Just then they saw a hunter 19 them. The King Dove said, Now, everyone: fly together! Dont let him near.2

19、0 all the doves flapped their wings together and flew with the net. The hunter stood there looking up in amazement, unable to believe what he was seeing.1. A. water B. peace C. food D. shelter 2. A. completely B. necessarily C. regularly D. quietly3. A. help B. accept C. teach D. allow 4. A. talent

20、B. surprise C. force D. patience 5. A. held back B. held up C. turned up D. turned back 6. A. doves B. plants C. people D. grain 7. A. picking up B. dropping down C. rushing toward D. looking for 8. A. Gradually B. Suddenly C. Gladly D. Pleasantly 9. A. true B. excellent C. false D. Fair10. A. mista

21、ke B. trap C. magic D. dream 11. A. frightened B. curious C. bored D. hungry 12. A. care B. sound C. thought D. idea 13. A. collecting B. eating C. smelling D. growing 14. A. realize B. appreciate C. predict D. worry 15. A. excited B. pleased C. ashamed D. Moved16. A. told B. asked C. ordered D. beg

22、ged17. A. play B. fly C. jump D. connect 18. A. place B. way C. direction D. circle 19. A. leaving B. researching C. approaching D. catching 20. A. Since B. As C. When D. So13. Every year millions of people travel by plane without difficulty. I dont 1 very often, but I always seem to_2_into trouble.

23、 Trouble seems to like me; it goes with me_3_a friendly dog! Last year, for example, I wanted to come home_4_a winter vacation in Miami, Florida. I had to_5_a plane to Atlanta and then take another plane home. We left Miami on a Sunday morning. The_6_there was warm and sunny. We arrived in Atlanta a

24、t 12:30 p.m., but then it_7_to snow. In the next three hours, ten inches of snow fell._8_the plane could not leave. After twenty-four hours at the Atlanta airport, I was able to_9_my journey. I arrived home and went to_10_ You look tired, the people at work said, You need a vacation!This year I had

25、to go to Washington D.C. for an important business meeting._11_the plane journey, I wore sports clothes; they were old, but I felt_12_in them. My good clothes for the meeting were in my suitcase. That was a very_13_idea! I_ 14_in Washington, but my suitcase didnt. Maybe it went to London or_15_to Sa

26、n Francisco. I dont know. But it didnt arrive in Washington_16_me! I went to my important meeting_17_my tennis clothes. Now, that is not a good way to_18_business! People in Washington wear suits to business meetings, not shorts or tennis shoes. My meeting did not_19_well. That was two weeks ago. No

27、w I am home again, and I am_20_waiting for my suitcase.1. A. ride B. fly C. run D. walk2. A. go B. jump C. fall D. get3. A. like B. as C. for D. with4. A. in B. for C. from D. on5. A. sit B. ride C. make D. take6. A. temperature B. weather C. climate D. day7. A. stopped B. began C. went on D. grew8.

28、 A. And B. Or C. But D. So that9. A. go B. keepC. continue D. stop10. A. hospital B. office C. bed D. work11. A. For B. Like C. As D. In12. A. uncomfortable B. comfortable C. warm D. cold13. A. bad B. strange C. good D. curious14. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. stopped15. A. surely B. certainly C.

29、sure D. perhaps16. A. by B. with C. to D. for17. A. on B. in C. with D. without18. A. make B. join C. do D. take19. A. go B. get C. feel D. do20. A. yet B. still C. not D. also14. As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomforta

30、ble moments.Maybe it was the strange_36_things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that_37_me so much. There was never total_38_, but a streetlight or passing car lights_39_clothes hung over a chair take on the_40_of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my_41_, I saw the curtains seem to

31、move when there was no_42_. A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My_43_would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would_44_very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, _45_on the way ho

32、me from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no_46_. After school, _47_, when all the buses were_48_up along the street, I was afraid that Id get in the wrong one and be taken to some_49_neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldnt_50

33、_ the leaders out of my sight.Perhaps one of the worst fears_51_all I had as a child was that of not being liked or_52_by others. Being popular was so important to me_53_, and the fear of not being liked was a _54_one. One of the processes(过程)of growing up is being able to_55_and overcome our fears.

34、 Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.36. A. way B. time C. place D. reason37. A. wounded B. destroyed C. surprised D. frightened38. A. quietness B. darkness C. emptiness D. loneliness39. A. got B. forced C. made D. caused40. A. spiri

35、t B. height C. body D. shape41. A. eye B. window C. mouth D. door42. A. breath B. wind C. air D. sound43. A. belief B. feeling C. imagination D. doubt44. A. lay B. hide C. rest D. lie45. A. especially B. simply C. probably D. directly46. A. discussion B. problem C. joke D. matter47 A. though B. yet

36、C. although D. still48. A. called B. backed C. lined D. packed49. A. old B. crowded C. poor D. unfamiliar 50. A. leave B. let C. order D. send51. A. above B. in C. of D. at52. A. protected B. guided C. believed D. accepted53. A. then B. there C. once D. anyway54. A. strict B. powerful C. heavy D. ri

37、ght55. A. admit B. remember C. recognize D. recover15. Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes. As years 1 the record came closer and closer to four minutes and Roger Bannister, a young English 2, began to believe he might 3 this almost magic barrier. It wa

38、s a cold afternoon on May 6th, 1954, when Bannister knew he had a 4 chance. Bannister had been _5 hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real 6 to him. Describing the 7 later, Bannister said, “On the way to the track, the wind blew strongly. As I 8 for the start I glanced at the fl

39、ag. It moved 9 now. This was the moment when I made my decision.” “The gun fired. My legs 10 to meet no resistance, as if I was 11 forward by some unknown force. The noise from the faithful 12 gave me greater strength. I felt the 13 of a lifetime had come.” “I was driven on by a 14 of fear and pride

40、. My body had long since used up all its energy 15 it went on running just the same. This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the last few yards as they 16 could have done in previous years. When I leapt(冲向) at the 17 tape(跑道终点的细绳), I fell, almost 18.”“I knew I h

41、ad done it, even before I 19 the time. The announcement came, Result of the one mileTime, three minutesthe rest was 20 in the noise of excitement.” 1.A. passed alongB. passed downC. went byD. went over2.A. coachB. athleteC. captainD. judge3. A. defeatB. moveC. beatD. break4. A. real B. luckyC. serio

42、usD. false5. A. competingB. trainingC. fightingD. attending6. A. eagernessB. pleasureC. reliefD. worry7. A. accidentB. eventC. issueD. topic8. A. did upB. made upC. put upD. lined up9. A. safelyB. heavilyC. thinlyD. gently10. A. seemedB. usedC. happenedD. had11. A. draggedB. drawnC. pulledD. pushed1

43、2. A. mass B. residentsC. crowdD. team13. A. momentB. periodC. whileD. date14. A. concentrationB. collectionC. combinationD. classification15. A. soB. but C. orD. as16. A. neverB. everC. evenD. still17. A. startingB. lastingC. finishingD. running18. A. unconcernedB. unconsciousC. unknownD. unnoticed19. A. offeredB. told C. announcedD. heard20. A. stuckB. involvedC. lostD. spread

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