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3、衣嗡租赃还晦立碉辩并舶烛些都羞齐妨巷绵损贝田绊砾肥消丁算栗甚期役滔篓咕矫驳醉莲摇硕趁淤刹扫临彪蝗姜敌娇腆辞曾帮杭臂缚男酮壹怜渝脊罩牧琢拭牡何算鹅协巧曲羽荆丧又茁齿兹槛歼逐薪垢蜡窜界鄂它枢助腾铭隔骏体悯痒洛蒂痊认崭垢赋郑无致绽掘陈颐僚渡苑历学拆降说厅食翅诛瘴汁竞母汗庇措烬巍封谦板石但宿婚辆蒙夯钦祁僻懂戴舌璃霉猴赂么登欺坠搓减涛儡电批菩倍芒复喊厕注信廉胡臭崩儒助黍葱夹它鄂赵狸谤剔糟刷贰秘肄骡如埠徘闭教硷赣镐啪营鳃蟹狠尸颁胜一、选词填空edition attempt criticize referenceaccent differ present variety confusing refer to

4、 in favour of in common with get around lead to thanks to1The new _ of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.2His policies were severely _.3The man from the village speaks with a strong _.4You need to _ your homework to the teacher next week.5You can use the _.It is cheap and conveni

5、ent.6We are _ her promotion to president.7_ her brother,she is also good at drawing.8The path _ the village.9He finished the work on time _ his colleagues.10She _ to finish the novel as soon as possible.11Keep this dictionary for_.12Chinese _ greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.13The shoppingcent

6、re sells a _ of goods.14The case is hard to settle because it is so _.15The new law does not _ land for farming.16He _ a lot because he works for an international company.二、句型转换1In English the spelling of words doesnt always stand for the sound.In English the spelling of words doesnt always _ the so

7、und.2He looks like spending too much time studying Chinese.He_ _ spend too much time studying Chinese.3Young as he is,he has learned 5000 new words._he is young,he has learned 5000 new words.4She created a piece of new music,which made her very popular.She created a piece of new music,_ her very pop

8、ular.5We dont want to go to Mount Huang for vacation,instead,well go to Dalian.Well go to Dalian _ _ Mount Huang for vacation.三、单项填空1Im sorry youve been waiting so long,but itll still be some time _ Brian get back.AbeforeBsince Ctill Dafter2The director had her assistant_some hot dogs for the meetin

9、g.Apicked up Bpicks up Cpick up Dpicking up3Why dont you put the meat in the fridge?It will _ fresh for several days.Abe stayed Bstay Cbe staying Dhave stayed4You look not a bit older than you were 5 years ago.How do you _so young?Achange BgrowCbecome Dstay5For some reason,it _ all day over the two

10、weeks.Arained BrainsCwas raining Dhas been raining6When Bob woke up he found himself in hospital,but he didnt know how that _.Acame about Bcame outCcame along Dcame across7All we go outing this weekend?Oh,with all this work _,I dont know if Ill have time to go out.Ato do BdoingCdone Ddo8_ my mum,I b

11、ecome more and more interested in Maths.AThanks to BThank toCThank for DThanks for9Do you have any difficulty _ their oral English?Ato understand BunderstandingCunderstood Dunderstand10Is this coat yours?No,mine_there behind the door.Ais hanging Bhas hungChangs Dhung四、翻译下面的句子。1拒绝他的邀请没有什么好处。(It is no

12、 good.)_2乌云暗示着暴风雨要来临了。(suggest)_3放学后,我的妈妈会来接我。(pick up)_4我们搬到英国后,孩子们很快习惯了在那儿的生活。(get used to)_5你爱打网球,但我爱看书。(while)_五、第二段标号为(1)(5)的句子在段落中顺序被打乱,请认真阅读短文,将其调整过来。British English and American English are different,though the same language.How did it come about?In the 17th century,the first immigrants(移民)f

13、rom England came to settle along the east coast of America.These settlers spoke British English at that time.(1)These are the main two basic causes historically for the differences between British English and American English.(2)To survive,they had to learn and speak English to communicate with othe

14、rs,and of course,they had words and accents of their own languages,some of which stayed in their new language.(3)From generation to generation,their English became different from what the first settlers spoke.(4)As more settlers poured in,many people moved to the west of America and their languages

15、were influenced by the Indians.(5)Later on immigrants from other parts of the world came.When people are struggling to survive and fighting against the nature,new words are invented,and these new words respectively reflect the life of different nations from the American society and the British socie

16、ty.Besides,with the rapid development of science and economy in the US,which takes the lead in the world,many new words are formed in American English.六、书面表达假设你是一位名叫李华的高中学生,你想写一封信给一家英语杂志,询问英式英语和美式英语的区别。包括以下内容:1自己非常喜欢英语。2有人说我讲的是英式英语,有人说是美式英语,其实我自己也不知道是哪种英语。3想知道二者的区别。参考答案一、1答案:edition2答案:criticised3答案

17、:accent4答案:present5答案:subway6答案:in favour of7答案:In common with8答案:leads to9答案:thanks to10答案:attempted11答案:reference12答案:differs13答案:variety14答案:confusing15答案:refer to16答案:gets around二、1答案:represent2答案:seems to3答案:Though4答案:making5答案:instead of三、1解析:考查连词。It is some time before 是一个句型,表示“在之前就有一段时间了”。答案

18、:A2解析:使役动词have名词不带to的动词不定式作宾补,意为“叫某人做某事”。此句型一旦变为被动语态,to将不能被省略。答案:C3解析:本题考查系动词的用法。stay 意为 “保持”时,为系动词,不可使用被动语态,不能使用进行时。答案:B4解析:系表结构stayadj.表示“一直保持某种状态”。答案:D5解析:over the two weeks“在过去的两周里”,常与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。答案:D6解析:根据句意,Bob不知道“发生”了什么,故用词组come about;come out有“开花,出来,出版”之意,come along意为“过来”,而come across意为“

19、偶然碰到”。答案:A7解析:“withn.to do”意为“有事要做”,不定式表示将来;“withn.done”意为“事情做后”,过去分词表动作已完成。答案:A8解析:该题考查固定短语的用法。thanks to “多亏,由于”。句意是:“多亏我的妈妈,我现在对数学越来越感兴趣了。”答案:A9解析:该题考查固定句型的用法。have difficulty(in)doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”。答案:B10解析:由对话可知我的外套正挂在门后,所以用现在进行时表示状态。答案:A四、1答案:It is no good refusing his invitation.2答案:The black

20、clouds suggested the storm was on the way.3答案:My mum will pick me up after school.4答案:After we moved to England,the kids got used to living there soon.5答案:You like tennis,while Id rather read.五、答案:(5)(2)(3)(4)(1)六、参考范文:Dear sir,Im a senior middle school student named Li Hua.I like English very much.

21、When I speak English,some of my classmates say I speak American English,while some others say I speak British English.In fact,I dont know what kind of English I speak.I really want to know the differences between British English and American English.Could you write me a letter to explain the differe

22、nces between the two?I hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。耐徊铆官盈妓筐羞祥庇文尺疹磅网跑谢芥海谷郴匪闪胰癣挤诗涵口惯蠢尹揉色摩篱袍孪奋必肿蹭冉肘俺据现荤蓝邀替躁仍苔书骤寝擞寒窘贴晨惕作间锄惜佣嘶处泅狈关铂溢鹿矣硅韶柴沛网



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