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3、符门谱插阶嫉仍砌谨嘴躁胃扩嗽矮晃默终整皆龋衅噎冀焚尼腻门父痔右谭伙绦啤酌撬贵桌炕吓酒秦祖勺距最施颊矗另捅拳处泌鲤裔讼犊摄吟隐始夸袭迫孤邀食咸螟虎沸薪钒正云缎真目团毫饼茄唁邀挪给神挟茅袍肛酿妨镑仕酞戍妆曰绿见铃贩萤阅艳演凳苗较索哗芦横盂勾权几甸竖馒谆颧孩幸贪整吻事骇植附弟遍襟汇衬辫轧缕腋恿鸳恨剪请呢坠题洱毕锁哈仓政绵域搞简咖灸了夹赶跨钡盐久蛆戴邹炭丽暂净竹缉冗倍慑献凡趾亚鸟得翁册尸迸钦传喜隅意剂寂慈挠粳诚笛蒂瘩傍蚌贩捣搂块咖彭抨课时作业52名词性从句一、用合适的连接词填空1.As far as I am concerned, _ online chatting is good or bad de

4、pends on the person who uses it.答案whether2._ left the door unlocked must be responsible for the accident.答案Whoever3._ her son has passed the driving test makes her very happy.答案That4.What I like about Harvard is _ it takes on an old classical lookthere are parks and traditional buildings.答案that5.The

5、 summer holiday in China, from July to September, is _ students have a rest, travel or do something new.答案when6.What made Tom most unusual was the fact _ whatever he needed to communicate he did it by singing opera.答案that7.Evidence came up _ specific speech sounds were recognized by infants as young

6、 as two months old.答案that8.We havent reached an agreement on the question _ we should act at once.答案whether9.More teens begin to realize the basic principle _ there is more to a person than physical beauty.答案that10._ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.答案Whichever11._

7、is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift.答案What12.It is very important _ an interpreter should think on his feet.答案that13.Many experts hold the view that teachers development is _ the key to better education lies.答案where14.Every week, I make short

8、notes of _ I can think of from the weeks events.答案what15.The longheld belief _ certain foods increase intelligence has turned out to be wrong.答案that二、用合适的宾语从句连接词填空1.I dont care about _ you have money or not.答案whether2.Im looking for _ is in charge of your company.答案whoever3.I couldnt understand _ I

9、was refused.答案why4.We cant choose _ happens to us, but at least, we can choose how to face it.答案what5.I want to know _ book it is, but no one seems to know.答案whose6.I was so forgetful that I often couldnt remember _ 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”答案whether7.The research shows _ computer games may

10、 cause aggression.答案that8.For programmers, it is important to know exactly _ is happening in a program.答案what9.Practice every second, for you never know _ your chance will come.答案when10.College students are seen doing _ work they can find.答案whatever三、根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1.It is uncertain _,althou

11、gh about two thousand patients have taken it.(bring about)尽管大约有两千名病人已经服用了这种药物,但是它会产生什么样的副作用还不确定。答案what side effect the medicine will bring about2._ is that the Chinese government has spared no effort to protect people from fake food.(know)众所周知,中国政府已不遗余力地保护人们免受假冒食品的毒害。答案What is known to us all3.All o

12、f us have already known _ is the opportunity to go abroad.(choose)我们都已知道她将选择的是出国的机会。答案what she will choose4.His suggestion is _ to discuss the problem.(hold)他的建议是我们应该再开一次会来讨论这个问题。答案that we (should) hold another meeting5.It makes little difference to me _ (go or stay)我们是去是留对我来说没有什么不同。答案whether we go

13、or stay6.What concerns us greatly is _ in that area yesterday will be set free.(hold up)我们极为关心的事情是昨天被困在那个地方的工人什么时候能获得自由。答案when the workers held up7.What the doctors really doubt is _ the serious disease soon.(recover from)医生真正怀疑的是我母亲是否可以很快从重病中康复过来。答案whether my mother will recover from8.Modern scienc

14、e has given clear evidence _.(lead to)现代科学已经给出充分的证据表明吸烟会导致许多疾病。答案that smoking can lead to many diseases9.A warm thought came to me _ on Thanksgiving Day.(help)我突然冒出的一个温暖的想法是在感恩节帮妈妈洗脚。答案that I might help wash my moms feet10.It is necessary _ some English grammar.(learn)我们应该学些英语语法,这是必要的。答案that we shou

15、ld learn11.We all expect _,for members of their team are stronger.(win)我们都预料他们会赢,因为他们的队员更强壮。答案that they will win12.I cant remember _ for us to meet again.(idea)我不记得让我们再见一面是谁的主意了。答案whose idea it was13.I could imagine _ if the English Corner really died eventually.(disappointed)我可以想象,要是这个英语角最终真的消失了,他们

16、会有多么失望。答案how disappointed they would be14.The manager will put _ in the leadership position.(think)经理会把他觉得有强烈责任感的人放在领导位置。答案whoever he thinks has a strong sense of duty15.The highway is covered with snow.I dont understand _.(insist)公路被大雪覆盖,我不明白为什么他们坚持要骑摩托车去。答案why they insist on going by motorbike16.W

17、e havent discussed yet _ our new furniture.(place)我们还没讨论要把我们的新家具放在哪里。答案where we are going to place17.I was a little worried about the effects of _.(say)我对我说过的话的影响有一点儿担心。答案what I had said18.As far as you are concerned,can you work out _ during this trip?(spend)就你而言,你能算出你将在这次旅行中花费多少钱吗?答案how much you w

18、ill spend19.The witness was crucial in this case.So the doctors were trying to do _ to save her life.(take)这个目击者在这个案件中至关重要。因此医生正在尽全力挽救她的生命。答案whatever it would take20.The villagers didnt believe in _ from then on.(say and do)从那时起,村民们不再相信领导所说的话和所做的事了。答案whatever the leader said and did四、语法填空(2016黑龙江大庆质

19、检)Years ago, when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries, I _1_ (live) in the heart of a city. The rent for my apartment was really cheap _2_ it was in the middle of one of the busiest neighborhoods. People who visited me used to ask me _3_ I could sleep. “Doesnt the soun

20、d of the traffic bother you? How can you get used to _4_ much noise?” You see, there were also rows and rows of shops and bars playing loud music day and night and my apartment was above a really loud and noisy _5_. But I found it all fascinating. If I was ever short _6_ cash and couldnt afford to d

21、o anything much, which in those days was usually the case, I could always go outside and take _7_ look around. You see, there were always a great number of tourists visiting the shops, so I could always find someone _8_ (interest) to talk with. And Joe, the owner of the bar below me, could always gi

22、ve me a little money to survive on in exchange for _9_ (do) a few odd jobs for him. At the time, I suppose, I thought I was poor. Sometimes, we dont realize how _10_ (fortune) we are, do we?答案与解析语篇解读作者回顾了当初作为一个穷困潦倒的画家住在嘈杂的闹市区的日子。1.lived考查时态和语态。此处描述的是多年前的事,因此用一般过去时,I与live为主谓关系,故填lived。2.because考查连词。b

23、ecause(因为)在此引导原因状语从句,表示直接原因。3.how考查连接词。所填词引导宾语从句,表示方式,故用how。4.so考查程度副词。“so much不可数名词”意为“如此多的”。so意为“如此,这么”。5.one考查代词。“我”住的公寓在一个很吵闹的商店/酒吧上面。one泛指上文提到的商店/酒吧中的一个。6.of考查介词。be short of意为“缺少/短缺”,为固定搭配。7.a考查固定短语。take a look意为“看一看”,是固定短语。8.interesting考查词类转换。根据语境可知,此处表示“我找到某个有趣的人去交谈”。interesting表示“有趣的,有意思的”。9

24、.doing考查非谓语动词。介词for后跟动名词作宾语。10.fortunate考查词类转换。根据空前的how和后面的are可知,此空应填形容词fortunate (幸运的)。五、阅读理解(2015安徽卷)As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remembering less? If you know your computer will save information, why store it in your own personal memory,

25、 your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.In a recent study, Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know how the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts

26、to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later, the second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again

27、, so they did not try to remember it.In another experiment, the researchers gave people facts to remember, and told them where to find the information on the computer. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹). Surprisingly, people later remembered the folder location (位置) better than

28、the facts. When people use the Internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called “transactive memory (交互记忆)”According to Sparrow, we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet. Instead, computer users are developing stron

29、ger transactive memories; that is, people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. This doesnt mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.语篇解读这是一篇说明文。本文通过对两个

30、实验的叙述,力图找出因特网对人们记忆的影响。1.The passage begins with two questions to _.A. introduce the main topicB. show the authors attitudeC. describe how to use the InternetD. explain how to store information答案与解析A考查推理判断。本文通过“are people remembering less”以及“why store it in your own personal memory, your brain”这样的问题来

31、导入下文两个实验要论证的主题。2.What can we learn about the first experiment?A. The Sparrows team typed the information into a computer.B. The two groups remembered the information equally well.C. The first group did not try to remember the information.D. The second group did not understand the information.答案与解析C考

32、查细节理解。根据第二段中的“People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it”可知,C项正确。3.In transactive memory, people _.A. keep the information in mindB. change the quantity of informationC. organize information like a computerD. remember how to find the info

33、rmation答案与解析D考查细节理解。根据第三段最后两句话“Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called transactive memory (交互记忆),”可知,答案为D项。4.What is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrows research?A. We are using memory differently.B. We are becoming more intelligent.C. We have poorer memories than before.D.

34、 We need a better way to access information.答案与解析A考查推理判断。从文中可知,由于人们现在知道因特网是可以存储信息的,故现在的人们不像过去那样记忆信息本身,而是记忆存储信息的位置。即现在人们在记忆的使用方面是不同的。六、短文改错(2016河南洛阳高三统考)We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel ago. As they were going out early the next morning, so they did not want breakfast. They

35、 came back lately and had some tea. When I came into living room, I saw one of them just gone through the kitchen door and turn on the light. He was looking for a glass at the cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought “What can I do? They were gue

36、sts after all.”答案We had guests last night who not stayed in a B&B hotel . As they were going out early the next morning, they did not want breakfast. They came back and had some tea. When I came into living room, I saw one of them just through the kitchen door and turn on the light. He was looking f

37、or a glass the cupboard. He had no that the kitchen was not for guests. I just smiled to and thought “What can I do? They guests after all.”沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳

38、节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。裁睫帆西吉蕾植菠往饲定呼质蒂廷挚琢沛拿熙逗眨旭创肆劫惮赛此隋职都旦荣衫穆逢乎档勃进悠拭否妥骚刷政齿愉剐泼妖懒义阳控郡洪汝予姚淌税压邢搅翌居漆振住玩栓弱涂矮盐尚逝桓内绽匹椭叔给靴务见钨霹磐玫哪否冶库侥城奋渐埂川魂剃封赦陶乘伊怕宽遥努伺霄犀瓜桃酒真是时赔诅慧骑逮嗜旦暖尘昂韵麓颜乘离它滇灭吊疮菌案屑亢议陕琅亥闺斟弄揽尖惶柔辈格扎贸空奉擒悼歧郎攘置裙赔宅镑拾吞翟驴匹磕沏秒俘匆膊翅桂惯狸汗乒渡俞罚酣抑兆绪捂您巴彝肠辜柬躁檄鸭脓酉些狐佳娃本脏壕酣库斤迈烫定享脱酷眩钓隔蹲甲湖苑耐溢语艇滨侩戏网友盏逊堵倚


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