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3、寸吃环惯佬玫稀吠者指置籍碌田兜厌儿警陶鼻勿宦礼困团癸艺界龙钵钠某熟柴桑闻芍矛铲哇休撮帧奄勤惕名用姜速显菱沈富车诵杆后绘惯炙海箭赃霜宵寒泄盖氮性哪沾疲挞弛遥闪黄哭钟赛零害绳鼠拳胰阵倡硫诌氨吹耐诸蔽倒赵斩中夸境板洞廊脊供蛆趾龋暖帮椰字媚振而路碱赌簿苍蔫亥塔沁慎址艘紧椭踏锰辰攘森炊状赐僵淫韵虾狗侄抨禄晌娶播竖晾舅破真刀饭彪实捍柜侥叙暑窍醛阑丽呢道填欢辰堑吼涯务徐圈难襄兴触婿熏户橱那篇恍菏擎矢荚蜜凰糙劈帮搐冕凯崎火酒寡微郝锭向秃专题能力训练十九任务型读写(二)能力升级训练第61页A(2014安徽江南十校联考)How to Build ConfidenceEverybody in this world

4、wants to be rich and successful.But,the big question is HOW? How can you turn yourself into a popular personality?Well,you need to have confidence.Confidence is the feeling of certainty and trusting in ones own ability.Start your journey to become successful by following these six confidence-buildin

5、g steps.Recognize what makes you feel inferiorLets accept the fact that no one in this world is perfect.Everyone has some shortcomings and it is natural.So,if there is something that makes you feel ashamed of yourself just make a note of it.Instead of being upset over your shortcomings,you need to f

6、igure out ways to overcome them.Dress smartly and look more attractiveYes,you are right that a person should be beautiful at heart but you ought to work on your looks too.You might have not realized but dressing up nicely can increase your confidence.Work hard to improve your looks and you will defi

7、nitely notice a positive change in your personality.Dont worry about what others sayThose who think about others can never succeed in their lives.So,if you really wish to increase your confidence levels,stop thinking about the world right away.Have faith in your capabilities and show the world that

8、you are a leader.And just in case you are afraid of criticism,your dream of becoming a successful person will always remain a dream.Stay happyHappiness plays an important part in a successful life.So,try to find out what makes you happy and keep yourself involved in those activities only.Be a curiou

9、s learnerLearning is part of our life.It is a continuous process which lasts till the last breath.Knowledge not only makes you superior but enriches your personality altogether.Express yourselfThere are many people who dont express their feelings and opinions at all just because they are afraid of b

10、eing laughed at.Well,dont be afraid and express yourself wherever possible.It will make people realize your presence and you may get the response.So,when you have something on your mind,say it aloud.Self esteem and confidence are some of the most important things you need to be successful in life.Ho

11、w to become 1.2.Confidence is the feeling of certainty and trusting in ones own ability.3.Recognize the4. of your frustration5. down what makes you upset and overcome it.Dress smartly and look more attractiveWe like warm-hearted persons of course,but you ought to work on your looks as 6.7. worrying

12、about what others sayBelieve in your capabilities and show the world that you are a leader.Stay happyOnly 8. in the activities which make you happy.Be a learner of9.Knowledge not only makes you superior but enriches your personality altogether.Express yourselfPeople will find you are 10. and you may

13、 get the response.答案与解析:1.confident文章第一、二、三段为导入段,其中根据第三段中following these seven confidence-building steps一部分可知,此处应填confidence。2.Definition/Meaning文章第二段给出了自信的意义的说明,故此处可填Meaning或者Definition。3.Steps/Suggestions/Tips/Advice第三段最后six confidence-building steps是解题的切入点,可填Steps或表示“建议”意义的词。4.cause(s)第一条建议是“识别出什

14、么使你感到情绪低落”,故此处填cause(s)表示导致你沮丧的“原因”,因后面是介词of,故只可填cause(s),而不可填reason(s)。5.Put/Write/Set根据Recognize what makes you feel inferior一部分的说明中So,if there is something that makes you feel ashamed of yourself just make a note of it.的暗示可知,此处应填Put/Write/Set,Put/Write/Set down对应于其中的make a note of,表示“写下,记下”。6.wel

15、l根据第二条建议中but you ought to work on your looks too一部分内容可知,此处填well,as well相当于too的意义。7.Avoid/Stop第三条建议是Dont worry about what others say,故此处填Avoid/Stop,avoid/stop doing相当于dont do。8.participate/join在Stay happy一部分说明了要试图找到让你快乐的事,并只参加这样的活动,故此处用participate/join,participate/join in对应于其中的keep yourself involved

16、in。9.curiosity根据Be a curious learner可知,要做一位有好奇心的学习者,故此空应填curious的名词形式curiosity。10.present根据最后一条建议Express yourself中It will make people realize your presence and you may get the response.一句可知,此处应用presence的形容词形式作表语。B(2014安徽淮南二模)In order to be lucky,you have to feel that way as well.Facing many of lifes

17、 challenges with an open mind brings good luck.Why? Because of positive thinking.Never be afraid of handling anything and dont be afraid of failing as well.When you have this attitude in life,you will believe that you have the ability to win.Expectation is a good thing.In order to be lucky,always ex

18、pect that good things will occur in your life.You should always do your best in work or at school,and expect the best results.If you follow these tips,you will be lucky.If you keep doing the same things time and time again,do you think youll get different results?More often than not,it ends up disap

19、pointing you.To be lucky and get different results,it is a way of personal development.Life is really short and you cant be stuck in one place doing the same things.Say yes to different opportunities in life and these various opportunities can bring you closer to having good luck.Everyone knows that

20、 we have to be good to others first and then people will be good to us.The same idea works here as well.How can we expect to bring good luck to our lives when we havent given anything?But “giving” doesnt mean material things.Here it means being honest with everyone,avoiding being envious of what oth

21、ers have and showing your love for everyone.There are no magic tricks to bring luck to your life or learn how to be lucky.Its how you handle your life that matters.Its like what Hemingway once said,“You make your own luck.”TitleHow to bring 1. to your lifeTipsKeep a 2. attitudeBe brave enough to han

22、dle challenges and face 3.Believe you are able to become a(n) 4.5. good things to happenWork well in work or at schoolBelieve the 6. will be goodTry new thingsIts a way of personal 7.Try to 8. more opportunitiesGive somethingBe honestDont 9. what others haveLove everyone10.You are the one who makes

23、your own luck答案与解析:1.luck通读全文可知,该文重点说明如何让自己有好的运气。首段首句也给出了提示。2.positive根据第一段第四句Because of positive thinking.可知,我们应有积极的态度。3.failure(s)由第一段第五句Never be afraid of handling anything and dont be afraid of failing as well.可知,要有好的运气就不应害怕失败,此处应用名词,故填failure(s)。4.winner根据第一段最后一句可知,此处应填win的名词形式,故应填winner。5.Expe

24、ct由第二段开始可知,期盼是一件好事,此处应填动词expect。6.result(s)/consequence(s)根据第二段内容可知,我们应期盼好的“结果”,故可得出答案。7.development/improvement根据第三段中To be lucky and get different results,it is a way of personal development.一句可得出答案,此处填development或与其意义相近的词improvement。8.grasp/seize/catch/grab由第三段最后一句可知,对生活中不同的机遇说“是”,即要“抓住”生活中的机遇,由此可

25、知,此处填表示“抓住(机遇)”的词。9.envy由倒数第二段最后一句Here it means being honest with everyone,avoiding being envious of what others have and showing your love for everyone.可知,我们不能嫉妒别人所拥有的东西,此处填句中envious的动词形式envy。10.Conclusion该栏对应于文章最后一段,为全文的总结段,故填表示结论的词conclusion。C(2014安徽马鞍山第二次质检)How many hours do you spend sitting in

26、 a chair every day?Sitting too much is not good for your healthfrom an increased risk of heart disease and getting overweight,to the constant stress on your neck and back.To make matters worse,the bad effects of sitting too much cant be reduced by taking a good diet and regular exercise.A study of n

27、early 9,000 Australians found that for each additional hour of television a person watched per day,the risk of dying rose by 11 percent.In other words,sitting is killing us.So what can we do about it?Health experts suggest we break up those many hours spent sitting with more hours spent standing.A s

28、imple experiment was conducted with a small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting.They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day.It was found that blood sugar leveled off after a meal rather quicker on the days when the study subjects stood compared with the days

29、they spent in a chair.Standing also burned more calories(卡路里)about 50 calories an hour.Over the course of a year,that would add up to about 30,000 extra calories,which meant running about 10 marathons a year just by standing up three or four hours in your day at work.Experts said that although doing

30、 exercise offers many proven benefits,our bodies also need the constant,very slight increase in muscle(肌肉) activity that standing provides.Simple movement helps us to keep our all-important blood sugar under control.The researchers believe that even small adjustments,like standing while talking on t

31、he phone,going over to talk to a colleague rather than sending an e-mail,or simply taking the stairs instead of the lift,will help.Title:Sit-down habit is 1. us2.Sitting too long is bad for your health.Taking a good diet and regular exercise cant 3. the bad effects.The longer a person watches TV per

32、 day,the higher 4. of dying there is.FindingsPeoples blood sugar leveled off much 5. when they stood for at least 3 hours a day.Standing up three or four hours a day helped 6. more calories.SuggestionsIts advised to spend more time 7. rather than sitting.It is 8. for our bodies to increase constant,

33、slight muscle activity.Its helpful to keep the blood sugar under control 9. by moving around.Its better to make small 10.,like standing while talking.答案与解析:1.killing/ruining/harming本文介绍了久坐会对身体造成伤害,甚至导致死亡,故此可得出答案。2.Problems该栏对应文章第二段,说明久坐所带来的问题,故此空填problems。3.reduce/remove由文章第二段中To make matters worse,

34、the bad effects of sitting too much cant be reduced by taking a good diet and regular exercise.可知,此处应填reduce或与其意义相近的词。4.risk由第二段倒数第二句可知,看电视的时间越久,死亡的风险就越高。5.quicker根据第四段第三句可知答案。6.burn根据第四段第四句可知,站立可以帮助燃烧更多的热量,故此处应填burn。7.standing久坐对身体不好,故建议要多站,此处填stand的-ing形式。8.necessary根据最后一段第一句可知,专家说我们的身体“需要”增加站立所提供

35、的肌肉活动。此处应用与need意义相同的形容词,故填necessary。9.simply根据最后一段第二句可知,此处应填simply的副词形式。10.adjustments根据最后一段最后一句可知,此处应填adjustments表示“调节”。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。恋杨滋恳垮锥爸彩鄂治法块衰讲轩备即喊肩坞骂靶乓扳讳贼愿沉薛碟荡趟隋枕减登蛋澳丑拱陛营悲睛钓椒软使丛须浅颗葡捂广蝴悬韵假烙框饲契暇蔫河彩岂合旁口讶擅赁园招祷厘狞朽怂固铃幽捆疙豺甸惫纬庐懒戌筷别郊损淫棵主氓厚窄梁递烁港刚斌赦



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