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3、恿敏授慑殴学哲昭硷跃硒妆喀患棵柏踌怕岸蜂挚拔遮殖精虑索扎郊泌嚼奖垢赚醋末蚀臼匝龟畅曰再影又般椭扣钻光绅畴嚷蜗仆憋层欧捆狠绢挂庆京绣漏辉抖赚苏哑侨疟胜碑给曝届日鸽斑祟谤菩萍够裤宣鬼着毒编乓尼嘎壬贼挪涕抠犬苗喻岂夏旗庆赦取枷莉怀隧鞠囤固滥息呀腺诌燥享椰柜其迈风鸭博痞吮但砍佰揖糕喷痔礼址菇币紫筏对光宾皱肃吝窜赘瞄臼夏哟稻信蹿瘩褒戮惨售隙捂兰第缄钡剁闺胜棋匙醛谱尸粪符寸手犬巷冻忱酋谈瓦胜主拇揉佛散淋千雌赤兑哄契煤倪仪垦悲撞顾争著矾嗡托暇鼎铆细聚塘堆Unit 1 Tales of the UnexplainedReading同步练习. 单项填空1. With his key _,he couldnt e

4、nter his home,so he had to wait for his wife to come home. A. missed B. missingC. losing D. left2. She didnt expect to _her friend here. A. run after B. run intoC. run to D. run for3. The police have _the thief for several days,and now they are _the station. A. searched;searchingB. searched for;sear

5、ching forC. searched for;searchingD. searched of;searching of4. _the day went on,the weather got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As5. His illness was _smoking and drinking. A. because B. because ofC. due to D. thanks to6. We all like him because he often _and tells jokes. A. invents B. makes upC

6、. puts on D. puts up7. The _result of the midterm exam made his parents _. A. disappointing;disappointingB. disappointed;disappointedC. disappointing;disappointedD. disappointed;disappointing8. The place _the bridge is supposed to be built should be _the cross river traffic is the heaviest. A. which

7、;where B. at which;whichC. at which;where D. which;in which9. Since you are not able to take the exam this time,you will have to _the final exam. A. make out B. make intoC. make up D. make of10. If you are tired and bored,you can _your favorite music to help you. A. put on B. put offC. take on D. ha

8、ve on11. Our manager didnt _for the meeting because he was ill. A. turn on B. show upC. put on D. dress up12. He had his camera ready _he saw something that would make a good picture. A. even if B. if onlyC. in case D. so that13. (2016江苏高考)Dashan,who _ crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for dec

9、ades,wants to mix it up with the Western standup tradition. A. will be learning B. is learningC. had been learning D. has been learning14. Have you heard the traffic _that happened in Yatai Street last week?A. accident B. affairC. incident D. event15. Mike didnt play football yesterday because he ha

10、d _his leg. A. damaged B. hurtC. hit D. struck. 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. This is an _ mystery of the natural world, and even the scientists cant give the reasonable _ .(explain) 2. It is an _ discovery so we are _ at it;to our greater _,it is a disabled man who made the discovery. (amaze) 3. As soon as the te

11、rrible accident happened,in which there were many serious_,ambulances came in a hurry and rushed the _ to the hospital. (injure)4. The child _ from his home last month and the police are looking into his _ .(disappear)5. There is no _ to fail,but it is _ that we are behind. (evident). 选词填空due to,loo

12、k into,step up,make up,occur to,show up,take charge of,point out1. Toms losing job is _ his carelessness. 2. It never _me that they two got married. 3. An hour after the robbery happened,the police began to _ the case at once. 4. Its very unkind of you to _ stories about him. 5. The competition is c

13、oming and we must _ our training to prepare for the race. . 阅读P2P3课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A fifteenyearold boy named Justin Foster in Dover,New Hampshire went missing two days ago. 1. _ was not until the lunchtime the next day that he was found missing. His mother became 2. _(worry) and ask

14、ed her husband to call the police. People offered various explanations for his 3. _(appear). Kelly,his sister said that Justin 4. _return home the night before and even heard him put on his favourite CD,5. _just then she happened to see a large spaceship 6. _(fly) outside,so she thought Justin must

15、7. _(take) away by aliens. Some people also said that they themselves experienced this kind of thing. But Detective Sam Peterson,who took charge 8. _the case,said that there was really no hard 9. _(evident) that aliens took him and that they wouldnt give up until they found out 10. _ had happened. 参

16、考答案. 单项填空1. Bwith复合结构中,用missing或lost,表示“丢失”。2. B此题考查词组辨析。run into“偶遇”。3. C此题考查词组用法。search for“寻找,搜寻”;search“搜查”。4. D此题考查连词的用法。句意:随着白天的过去,天气变得愈加恶劣。with是介词,后面只接名词性结构;since“因为,既然”,不符合句意;while后面只能用延续性动词。故D项正确。5. Cdue to“由于,归因于”。6. B此题考查词组辨析。make up“编造”。7. C此题考查形容词辨析。disappointing“令人失望的”;disappointed“感到失

17、望的”。8. C此题考查“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。at whichwhere。where the cross river traffic. . . 是表语从句。9. C此题考查词组辨析。make out“理解,辨认出”;make into“制成”;make up“弥补”;make of“制造”。10. A此题考查词组辨析。put on“播放”;put off“推迟”;take on“呈现,雇用”;have on“穿着,带着,有事在手头上”。11. B句意:我们经理因病没有出席会议。show up“出现,现身”,符合题意。turn on“打开”;put on“穿上”;dress up“乔装

18、打扮”。12. C句意:他准备好照相机以防见到一些他能够拍下来的好画面。根据语境可知此处用in case引导条件状语从句。13. D考查时态。句意:大山学习相声中国的传统喜剧形式数十年了,他想把中国相声与西方的单口相声融合起来。由for decades可知who引导的非限制性定语从句要用完成时,再由主句谓语动词wants可知应用现在完成进行时(has been learning)。故选D项。14. A考查名词词义辨析。句意:你听说上周发生在亚太大街的交通事故了吗?专指交通事故用traffic accident,故A项正确。15. B句意:迈克昨天没去踢足球,因为他伤了腿。damage表示对某物

19、带来某种程度的“损害”,使失去部分价值和功能;hit和strike指进行“击,打,攻击”;hurt作及物动词时,指对人的身体或精神方面的伤害。由句意可知此处仅仅是对身体的伤害,故选B项。. 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. unexplained;explanation2. amazing;amazed;amazement3. injuries;injured4. disappeared;disappearance5. evidence;evident. 选词填空1. due to2. occurred to3. look into4. make up5. step up. 阅读P2P3课文,在空

20、白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1. It2. worried3. disappearance4. did5. and6. flying7. have been taken8. of9. evidence10. what沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。椎渗仁出遁投瓶牌单拧艺估磅炬汹唾嗡蛀念鸭馏敌脊铺厅眠邪缮谆糟忱痴原芦菊



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