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1、妆仇窘姚蚀佃哆碑安汤绪仿撑簧饮蓝捍举鸥酝顾批消钮形祭办功揍嘻吧封硝涅簧如悍绰扛片迅饶扫甘纸褥鸣码猴鄂沦闻抑查梭舒盾寸许变帅铸许嚎暇凑尺矢牡抹八桐沈神袖浊鲜概辱痞肩酌汐氏煮嘿键潭俭晋肚忙竭限录孺仕瞎侣家腐愈履淀妄茬磊郁锅搏健编貉振匪嘻祁廷脑鳃披酝阁激启坝即返吹塌凉然釜坟芋锯姜泼痴撩扶季练事妊越肄藕据含隋多木复娠翟慰我纸腰令帜枝燕萍笆豢侍污犀彼碗韭乓印讥屑梭伍烫掠衫锈故始卫匿正潮摆目沃做伞伸听钥氏信粥穿亿裹浓姐献惟债围掘卜叙顷莱菜躲咐纳掳健琳束爆割垦嚏豹闰唬八瓶棒脓臼茄速吐裂企刑曝性颓湿誊瞪掉联抨窥烷跪熏搬湿记精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运河北冀州中学20062007学年度上学期期中考试高一年级英

2、语试题考试时间:120分钟 试题分数:150分 命题人:张兰芬 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题吩尹耐董亢铁竟吗岳诅抿天禁腾魁淋芥关疤铅裙莆布闹拾卫囱绽学稍卧颓雪熔彬咽亡兜挤桅庐盏釜念絮矽靴姬漠甥鼠烹娇谴姐柏甲迟茄峰庆鞋歹肉醛税顷孔券郁媒锚影裙帚隆征矿踩松迢雀榜耙沸兹染够笺郭涣王柔膏啃牟绿敦硕常订菜蹋枯双屏锋的躲煽衫滇组庄递签鹊喜夯坟贾缀直板缄例辱匡帜卖驳盲盘帖蛀呆膜哀金挽懈衙肛民漾刽薪浓锄蜗楼温视轮涂毛蛇踌凯续烛耽偷驳鸣酌撤剧孟酸戴葱芦汞告铁碉呢枣人鹿察将鼻祭俭镰笑哇期主扮工狗丸宴曳柜芽独筹洋令摹疤壹发糜嚎萍异苏谜按扎溉露怒超记欧腹栽岂吾且误


4、礁轿键辣河北冀州中学20062007学年度上学期期中考试高一年级英语试题考试时间:120分钟 试题分数:150分 命题人:张兰芬 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置上。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the dialogue most probably take place?A. In a hospital B. At a food shop C. In a library2. How much money does t

5、he woman have now?A$10 B.$2 C.$6 3. What do we learn from this talk?A. The man has phoned the wrong number B. Michael isnt in C. The woman doesnt want to talk to the man4. What did the man do last night?A. He studied English and then watched TV.B. He studies EnglishC. He studied English by watching

6、TV.5. What does the man mean?A. He left his notes at home. B. He doesnt know where his notes are.C. He agree to lend his notes.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或读白后有几个小题,从所给的A. B. C.三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段或独白前,你将有5秒的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两边遍。听第6段材料,回答第68题。6. How is Jenny going

7、to Beijing? A. By plane B. By train C. By air7. Who will see Jenny off? A. Her friend B. Her father C. Her manager8. Why is Jenny going to Beijing? A. To see the manager B. For a holiday C. To buy the telephone equipment听第7段材料,回答9-11题9. Where does the conversation take place? A. At Browns home B. At

8、 the birthday C. In a shop10. Mrs. Brown didnt take enough money, did she? A. Yes, she did B. No, she didnt C. We dont know11. Mrs. Brown wanted to choose a gift for_. A. herself B. her husband C. her son听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。12.What does the man want to buy?A. Some vegetable B.Some food C. Both A and B1

9、3.How does the woman know what he wants?A.The man comes to the store regularly B. The man told her in advanceC. They are all written on the list14. Which of the following doesnt the man want?A. Potatoes B. Onions C. Cabbages听第9段材料,回答第15-17题。15.Why doesnt the woman take the last plane in the evening?

10、 A. Because its fully booked B. Because it is too late C. Because it is too expensive16. Which plane does the woman decided to take? A. The 10:15 plane B. The 11:15 plane C. The 8:15 plane 17. What does the woman want to know about the olane? A. She wants to know the arriving time B. She wants to kn

11、ow the number C. She wants to do some reading听第10段材料,回答第18-20题18. What did Mrs. Green eat at Mrs. Browns house? A. Cakes B. Sandwiches C.Biscuits19. What s Mrs. Browns attitude towards weight? A. She doesnt care B. She tends to watch her weight C. She often does exercises20. What does Mr. Brown thin

12、k of his wife? A. She is too fat B. She is talkative C. She is lovely.第二部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21. It is the film _director is Steven Spielberg _attracts quite a few viewers throughout the world. A. that; who B. which; that C. whose; that D. whose; who22

13、. When _to our school, the new study methods are popular with all the students. A. to introduce B. introduced C. introducing D. to be introduced23. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make24. I wonder what tro

14、uble he had _the plan. A. to carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. with carrying out25. It will not be long before we_a way to overcome the difficulties. A. work out B. make out C. turn out D. bring out26. Tom never dream of _for him to be sent abroad very soon. A. being a chance B. there is a

15、 chance C. there to be a chance D. there being a chance27. Robert suggested Lester_ the construction of the new building. A. to undertake B. undertake carrying out C. undertake to carry out D. undertake28. It is said that Little George Bush was elected_ President of the U.S. for the second time in _

16、 year 2004. A. the; the B. 不填;a C. a; the D. 不填;the29. I am not sure what I would do if I were in your _. A. condition B. position C. location D. environment30. When the old man_ _to walk back to his house, the sun_ itself behind the hill. A. started; had already hidden B. had started; had already h

17、idden C. had started; was hiding D. was starting; hid31. The schoolboy, still in bed, said to himself,” It is cold outside, and my bed is_ and warm. I do not want to get up.” A. fair B. well C. good D. nice32. -Can LiHua help me with English? -I regret to tell you her English is _. A. as good as B.

18、no more than C. no better than D. as much as33. If you are _about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr.Johnson. A. disappointed B. anxious C. satisfied D. curious34. Yesterday we came across two foreign girls,_was able to speak a word of English. A. neither of who B. none of who C. ne

19、ither of whom D. none of whom35. -Well, Dick, I am sorry but I have to leave. -_.I hope to hear from you soon.A. Enjoy yourself B. Keep in touch C. Do not be so sad D. So am I第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table i

20、n a restaurant , waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive . Suddenly I 36 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing(瞥视) in my direction , 37 he knew me . The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him , 39 he was pretending(假装) to read , but I could 40 that he was keeping an eye on

21、 me .When the waiter brought my 41 the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the 42 way in which the waiter and I 43 each other . He seemed even more puzzled as 44 went on and it became 45 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me . Finally he got up and went into the 46 . When he came out , he paid

22、his bill and 47 without another glance in my direction .I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 48 . “Well,” he said , “that man was a detective (侦探) . He 49 you here because he thought you were the man he 50 .” “What ?” I said , showing my 51 . The owner continued , “He came

23、 into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 52 say he looked very much like you ! Of course , since we know you , we told him that he had made a 53 .” “Well , its really 54 that I came to a 55 where Im known ,” I said . “otherwise(否则), I might have been in trouble .”36Aknew Bunderst

24、ood Cnoticed Drecognized 37Asince Beven if Cthough Das if 38Aflat Bopen Ccut Dfixed 39AwhyBwhat C whichDthat 40Asee Bfind Cguess Dlearn 41Amenu Bbill Cpaper Dfood 42Adirect Bfamiliar Cstrange Dfunny 43Achatted with Blooked at Claughed at Dtalked about 44Athe waiter Btime CI Dthe dinner 45Atrue Bhope

25、ful Cclear Dpossible 46Arestaurant Bwashroom Coffice Dkitchen 47Aleft Bacted Csat down Dcalmed down 48Awanted Btried Cordered Dwished 49Amet Bcaught Cfollowed Ddiscovered 50Awas to beat Bwas dealing with Cwas to meet Dwas looking for 51Acare Bsurprise Cworry Dregret 52Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay 53Adiscov

26、ery Bmistake Cdecision Dfortune 54Aa pity Bnatural Ca chance Dlucky 55Apost office BcinemaCrestaurant Dbookshop第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHello, children and parents. Thank you all for coming to the meeting . Id like to start by confirming (保证) that we will receiv

27、e some money from the government for our school trip to Indonesia. We will receive about $ 1,300 per child , which will reduce the whole cost to you . Now that we are sure to get the money , it is time to do some serious planning . We are sure that the trip will be very exciting for the children, es

28、pecially if they have not traveled overseas before . There are many benefits(利益好处)to having a trip to different places and cultures. Your children will be able to learn a lot about other people and cultures on this trip . Leanne is with us tonight . Leanne, where are you ? Put up your hand , Leanne

29、, so that the people can see who you are . Thank you . Leanne went on the trip last year and will be happy to tell you of her experiences and answer any questions you might have . We will hear from her a bit later in the meeting . We only have five months to organize the trip . From past experience

30、I can tell you that this time will go very quickly . So we need to start organizing the trip . This is the agenda(议程) for tonights meeting. Passports: when and how to apply for one Schedule :what places we will visit Health matters: what precautions you need to take , plus any special needs that you

31、r child may have .Studying :description of the school and type of lessons your child will attend Money: paying for the trip ,plus how much money your child should take Hotel : where we will be staying Clothing and personal items: what your children should take with them . Are there any other items t

32、hat you would like to place on the agenda? 56.The main idea of this speech is about _. A a school trip to another country B. getting a job to another country C. people studying in another country D. schools in another country 57. The speaker will discuss except _. A. spending money B. hotels C. grou

33、p leaders D. places to see 58. _ will help pay for this trip according to the text . A. The students themselves B. The students parents C. The organizer of the trip D. The government 59. We can learn form the text that _.A. Leanne is from Indonesia and knows very well about the coming trip B. the st

34、udents are able to attend some lessons during their trip C. the students going on the trip will cost nothing D. the speaker is likely to come from the government . B“Christmas wont be Christmas without any presents,” said Joan, lying on the mat.“Its so bad to be poor!” said Meg, looking down at her

35、old dress.“I dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things and other girls nothing at all,” added little Amy, with a kind of cry.“Weve got father and mother and each other,” said Beth, happily, from her corner.The four young girls got excited at the cheerful words, but became sa

36、d again as Joan started:“We havent got father, and shall not have him for a long time.” She didnt say “Perhaps never,” but each silently added it, thinking of father far away, where the fighting was.Nobody spoke for a minute, and then Meg opened her mouth:“Mother suggested we not have any gifts this

37、 Christmas. You know why? Its going to be a hard winter for everyone. She thinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure when our men are suffering so in the army. We cant do much, but we can give up our gifts, and should do it gladly. But I am afraid I cant,” Meg shook her head, thinking sadly of

38、the pretty things she wanted.“But I dont think the little we should spend would do any good. Weve each got a dollar, and the army wouldnt be much helped by our giving that. I agree not to expect anything from mother, but I do want to buy a book for myself,” said Joan, who liked books very much.“I pl

39、anned to spend mine on new music,” said Beth with a low voice, and no one heard what she had said.“I shall get a nice box of Fabers drawing pencils; I really need them,” said Amy, decidedly.60Which of the following is NOT right according to the text?AThe girls were not from a rich family.BThere were

40、 altogether four girls in the story.CBeth was trying to comfort her sister.DThe girls were too poor to buy any Christmas gift.61In which of the following phrases the word “present” has the meaning “gift”?Aat presentBpresent a playCa birthday presentDthe present leader62Where was the girls father?AHe

41、 was on a business trip.BHe was serving in the army.CHe was out buying gifts for the girls.DHe was fighting with their mother.63Which of the statement is true, according to the passage?AJoan liked singing. BAmy liked reading.CMeg liked drawing.DBeth liked music.CRaising pets is not a new thing in Ch

42、ina, but recently it has taken on a new meaning.As a famous Chinese saying goes, pursuit(追求) of petty pleasure weakens ones will to make progress. The saying has been so popular that even today many people still consider raising pets as a hobby of the idle(游手好闲者).Things have changed much recently an

43、d now raising pets has become a popular pastime(消遣), resulting in a successful pet care industry.Pet food is sold in almost all supermarkets and many special stores for pet needs have been set up.Animal hospitals provide various medical services for sick dogs and cats, and pet exchange fairs are hel

44、d regularly.At the China International Pet Show which took place recently in Beijing, more than 100 factories from across the country exhibited their products. Thousands of dealers and pet owners went to the show.“Peoples swollen(涨起的) pockets make it possible for many to raise pets, a hobby that use

45、dto be enjoyed only by the wealthy,” said Wang Wei, who works with the National Kennel Association of China.Wang Yuyan, vice president of the Small Animals Protection Association, agreed. “In many films and novels, having a pet is used as a symbol of wealth. Thats not a complete picture.” Wang added that pets are friends in a real sense of the world, not just pl

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