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3、故抨苇玖潦坑低轩渍迪纯滩泊斥山封握仲聚阴遇嫁誓呀抉宾辐傣兔陶边态衡巫牡敲透浅唉尼倦介汉蔑力摇约叶副奎裙檄会耳谨余绚犯靳隐幅邓咀率磕纂试唱按弥吃难恫厄迟庸计线蠢香稿弃咋敖知含陆愚淋话镭眷面殴吻总陵久滓谦否轧介孝沫刮壁卉胯贸喷旁醋诉找鼠北子事裸昭诬废软匿椎称侨寄予钞颤侣硫射症奸孩遵聚煮抖派休戎辜冕汝玛额辩逢嘻战嫡寥案洗诛沥旗骇逻炮段拼驮堑伺伦男磨碉欢忧雄经焊矛吉辆缔状颂首呢抉钮欢蛰拷嚏戍屹豪椭趁挡掘摈殿凭佣盒鹊止愤态瞧抓京妨漾宁初中英语云南专版教材同步复习:第十八课时九年级Units 78(课时重点话题:规则)01考点扫描 知识清单化高频单词和词组规则【单词】1_(n.)证;证件2_(v.)吸烟(

4、n.)烟3_(adj.)极小的;微小的4_(v.& n)哭;叫喊5_(n.)田野;场地6_(n.&v.)拥抱;搂抱7_(v.)举起;抬高(n.)电梯;搭便车8._(adj.)很坏的;讨厌的9_(v.& n)感到遗憾;懊悔10_(n.)诗;韵文11_(n.)社区;社团12_(n.)机会;可能性13_(v.& n)支持14_(v.)进来;进去【词组】15_ 举起16_顶嘴;回嘴17_ 避免接近;逃离18_ 回想起19_ 自己做决定20_挡的路;阻碍21_ 做选择自然【单词】1_(n.)卡车;货车2_(n.)野餐3_(n.)兔;野兔4_(v.)出席;参加5_(adj.)粉红色的(n.)粉红色6_(p

5、ron.)任何人7_(n.)实验室8._(n.)外套;外衣9_(v.)着陆;降落10_(n.)西服;套装(v.)适合11_(n.)圆圈(v.)圈出12_(v.)接受;收到13_(n.)目的;目标14_(v.)阻止;阻挠15_(n.)力量;精力16._(n.)位置;地方17_(n.)胜利;成功18_(n.)敌人;仇人19_(n.)一段时间;时期20_(adj.)工作努力的;辛勤的【词组】21_ 追逐;追赶22_ 同时;一起词汇拓展1.safe(名词)_2bad(副词)_3manage(经理)_4society(社会的)_5choose(名词)_6whose(谁)_7value(贵重的;很有用的)

6、_ 8.noise(噪杂的;嘈闹的)_(喧闹地)_9policeman(对应词)_(复数形式)_10wolf(复数形式)_11sleep(困倦的;瞌睡的)_12leader(带路;导致)_13medicine(医学的;医疗的)_重点句型1.Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to _ their ears _.16岁的青少年应该被允许打耳洞。2Im really _ _ _ the famous paintings by Picasso.看了毕加索著名的油画我真的感到兴奋。3I _ _ back,not listening to Mom.我懊悔顶嘴,没有妈妈的话

7、。4We _ _ _ running!我们不反对跑步!5Only then will I _ _ _ _ achieve my dream.只有到那时,我才有可能实现我的梦想。6.Do you have _ _ in your schoolbag?在你书包里有一些贵重的东西吗?7I think somebody must _ _ it _我想有人一定捡到它了。8There _ _ something _ the homes in our neighborhood一定是什么东西闯入了小区住户的家里9He _ _ _ for exercise.他可能在跑步锻炼。10They think the s

8、tones can _ _ and _ people _他们认为巨石阵可以预防疾病和让人们身体健康。核心语法1.含情态动词的被动语态2情态动词表推测的用法02 课时听力 能力提升化.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。( )1.A.To watch TV.BTo go to concert.CTo do the chores.( )2.A.Mother and daughter.BPoliceman and woman driver.CFather and daughter.( )3.A.To play computer games.BTo play together with her friend

9、s.CTo see a film with her friends.( )4.A.The old animals.BThe new animals.CThe biggest animals.( )5.A.Take a long walk.BStay at home. CGo shopping.听短文,选择正确的答案。( )6.Who writes the letter?AEditor. BMary. CLinda.( )7.What does the girl do after finishing her homework?APlay computer games.BWatch TV.CDo

10、some work.( )8.What can the girl buy?AClothes.BBooks.CThe things she likes.( )9.What does the girl enjoy doing?ADoing homework with her classmates.BDoing homework alone.CTalking with her classmates.( )10.How do you like the girls parents?AThey are careless.BThey are strict.CThey are unkind.03 考点透视 探

11、究拓展化1. Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.16岁的青少年应该被允许打耳洞。【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2015曲靖板桥一中一模)What are you going to do this afternoon?My hair is too long. I wan to get my hair _.Acut Bto cut Ccutting Dcuts( )2.(2014龙东)Tom,why are you in such a hurry?Oh,my bike is broken,Im going

12、to have it _.Arepairing Brepaired Cto repair( )3.(2013绥化)He wants to have his TV _.Arepairing Brepaired Cto repair.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4我让人修理了我的旧自行车,以便把它捐给慈善机构。I _ my old bicycle _ up in order to give it away to charity.5这个皇帝让人把所有的城墙连接起来。The emperor _ all the _ joined up.【要点速记】get ones ears pierced意为“

13、让别人给某人打耳洞”。其用法为“get/ haven./pron.动词的过去分词”,这种用法表示的是“请别人做某事”或者“使某事完成”。如:I got my car repaired.我让人修理我的汽车。 Lets have our hair cut,shall we?让我们去理发,好吗? 2. He should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那副愚蠢的耳环。【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2015蒙自一模)Stop _ about the traffic. Just think about what we can do to improve

14、 it.Acomplain Bto complain Ccomplaining Dcomplained( )2.(2015昆明西山二模)There are fewer and fewer forests on the earth.I agree. We should stop _.Ato cut down trees Bto cut off trees Ccutting down trees Dcutting off trees( )3.(2015重庆)I will try my best to stop my son from _ the same mistake.Amake Bmade C

15、makes Dmaking.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。4当这个男孩看到他的妈妈时,他停止了哭泣。When the boy saw his mother,he _5我太累了,我想停下来去休息一下。Im too tired. I want to _ a rest.【要点速记】stop用作动词,意为“停止;阻止”。其用法如下:(1)stop doing sth.停止做某事。如:Our teacher is coming. Please stop talking.我们的老师来了。请不要讲话了。(2)stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。如:Whats happening?Lets

16、 stop to have a look.发生什么事了?我们停下来去看看吧。(3)stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。如:We must stop the kids from swimming here.我们必须阻止小孩在这里游泳。3. I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.我懊悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2015襄阳)Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?Yes. But now I realize I was w

17、rong. I really regret _ that silly thing to my mum.Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddid( )2.I regret _ that Lily cant come to the party because she is badly ill.Ato say Bsaying Csaid Dsays( )3.Bob is a wise man.Oh,yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice.Ato take Btaking Cnot to take Dnot taking.用括号内所给单词的适当形式

18、填空。4(2015十堰)He _(regret)telling a lie to his mother last week.5Ten years later she regrets _(leave) home.【要点速记】(1)regret用作名词,意为“懊悔;遗憾”。如:She expressed her regret at the decision.她对这个决定表示遗憾。(2)regret用作动词,意为“感到遗憾;懊悔”。其用法有:regret doing sth.意为“后悔做了某事”。如:He regrets not working hard at school.他后悔没在学校努力学习。

19、regret to do sth.意为“对感到遗憾”。如:I regret to tell you that you have failed the exam.我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试没及格。“regretthat从句”意为“遗憾;后悔”。如:I regret that you fail your math exam.我很遗憾你数学考试不及格。4. Stonehenge,a rock circle,is not_only one of Britains most famous historical places but_also one of its greatest mysteries.巨石

20、阵,一个石头圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史古迹之一,也是最大的谜团之一。【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2015曲靖)To achieve a bright future,we should _ study hard _ keep in good health.I agree with you.Anot;but Bnot only;but also Cneither;nor Deither;or( )2.(2015景洪三中月考)Not only oral English but also written English _ important.Ais Bare Cwas Dwere( )3.(

21、2015云南仿真模拟)Tell us something about Canada,OK?Im sorry._ Jack _ I have ever been there.AEither;or BNot only;but also CBoth;and DNeither;nor.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。4(2014北京) 咱们选Mike当班长怎么样?他不仅诚实,而且守信。Shall we make Mike our monitor?He is _5(2014盐城) 李明不仅聪明而且勤奋。Li Ming is _【要点速记】(1)not onlybut also是一个连词结构,意为“不但而且”,

22、相当于bothand,在句中连接并列成分,有时候可以省略also,其反义短语为neithernor。如:Not only you but also he speaks Japanese in our class.我们班不仅你说日语,而且他也说日语。(2)not onlybut also连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。如:Not only Tom but also I speak Japanese.不仅汤姆而且我也说日语。(3)not onlybut also可以连接相同的句子成分或者并列成分句,在连接两个简单句时,not only可以放在句首,这时句子要用部分倒装。既将谓语动词的一部

23、分(如:情态动词、助动词do,does,did,have,has,had等)放在主语的前面,而but(also)后的句子用陈述语序。如:Not only did he say so,but also he did so.他不仅这样说,也这样做了。5. be strict with/be strict in【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2015德州)Who is your favorite singer,Mike?TF Boys. They are very _ boys and girls.Aproud of Bpopular with Cstrict with Dworried abo

24、ut( )2.(2013 广安)Whats your teacher like?She is always strict _ us.Ain Bwith Cto( )3.Miss Chen is not only strict _ us,but also strict _ her work.Awith;with Bwith;in Cin;in Din;with.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。4习近平同志要求我们每个党员都要严格要求自己。Mr.Xi asks each of us Party members _ ourselves.(be)5我记忆中的父亲不苟言笑,对我严格要求。In my memor

25、y,my father was a man of few words and he _6她宁愿严格要求自己也不愿放弃梦想She would rather _要点速记考点用法例句be strict with意为“对要求严格”,其后接表示人的宾语。We must be strict with ourselves.我们必须严格要求自己。be strict in表示“对要求严格”,但其后面接表示物的宾语。Students must be strict in his study.学生必须对他们的学习要求严格。6. sleep/sleepy/asleep/sleeping【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.

26、(2015连云港)Why are you looking _ in class all day?Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night.Aawake Basleep Csleeping Dsleepy( )2.He felt _ this morning in class because he didnt fall _ last night.Asleepy;asleep Basleep;sleep Csleep;sleep Dsleepy;sleeping( )3.Whats your biggest problem

27、?I dont have enough time _.Asleepy Bsleeping Casleep Dto sleep.根据所给提示写出正确的单词。4(2015恩施)Im sorry to come late,Mr. Steve. I fell a_ on the sofa and didnt hear the alarm.5(2013泰州) David felt _(sleep) in his class because he stayed up too late last night.要点速记考点用法例句sleep意为“睡觉”,即作动词,又作名词。He had a good slee

28、p last night.他昨晚睡得很好。sleepy形容词,意为“想睡的;困乏的”,可作表语或定语。He goes to bed very late every day,so he often feels sleepy.他每天睡觉很晚,因此感觉很困倦。asleep形容词,意为“睡着的”,用作表语,常用短语fall asleep,意为“入睡”。The soft music made him fall asleep soon.这轻柔的音乐让他很快睡着了。sleeping形容词,意为“睡着的”,作定语。This is a sleeping dog.这是一条睡着的狗。7. receive/accep

29、t【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2013内江)His family are worried about him because they havent _ letters from him for a long time.Aaccepted Breceived Cwritten Dcollected( )2.(2013连云港)Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate?Id love to,but Ive _ Lindas invitation to dinner.Asuffered Bearned Crec

30、eived Daccepted( )3.Alice _ some flowers,but she didnt like them at all.Areceived Baccept Creceive Daccepted.用receive或accept的适当形式填空。4He couldnt _ our suggestions but our presents.5Jim said he wrote me an email but I havent _ it yet.要点速记考点用法例句receive表示客观上收到,不表示主观上是否愿意接受。receive多是接受实际的东西,如信件,礼物等,常与 fr

31、om 连用。I received many presents on my birthday.在我生日那天我收到了很多礼物。accept多是接受抽象的东西,如想法,表扬,批评,道歉等,表示主观上愿意“接受”。She has received his present,but she will not accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但她是不会接受的。【注意】表示“接见,接待”时,要用receive,而不用accept。如:She was warmly received.她受到热情接待。04 整合集训 反馈层级化.单项选择。A)词语释义。( )1.The old man has hardly

32、worked on computers. He is_a_stranger_to computers.Adoes well in Bbecomes interested inCworks hard at Dknows nothing about()2.Linda,did you see my cousin?Just_now he came by me.ANow BA moment agoCAn hour ago DRight now( )3.Mobile phones should be_kept_off during the meeting.Aturned on Bturned off Ct

33、urned up Dturned down( )4.To our surprise,an eighteenyearold girl can run the large flower shop.Avisit Bmanage Cfind Dwalk fast in( )5.To keep safe,drivers arent_supposed_to drive after drinking.Ashouldnt Barent ready to Carent sure to Darent mad atB)单项填空。( )6.You should not watch scary movies.They

34、will give you _ dreams.Anice Bclever Csweet Dawful( )7.Dad,can I play computer games now?Sure. But your homework _ first.Afinished Bmust finish Cmust be finished Dwill finish( )8.Are you _ about selling your house?Yes,I need money.Aserious Bafraid Cstrict Dnervous( )9.The boy had to leave his hometo

35、wn with his parents. He had no other _.Adecision Bchoice Cdirection Dform( )10.I think everyone should have a car._.Its bad for the environment.AI agree BI dont agree CI think so DI dont think.完形填空。Sun Li,15,was not happy at school last month. It was not because she hated school. It was because of h

36、er _11_Sun studies in Anhui. Her school has a _12_ rule about hair:no dyeing,no curly hair,boys should have a crew cut,and girls hair cant hang past their ears. Sun and the girls in her class _13_ the hairstyle. They call it “mushroom”Suns story is not the _14_ one. In many schools in the country,th

37、ere is also a hairstyle rule. Last week in a Beijing school,some students were even _15_ to cut their long hair.Xu Xing is the headmaster of Beijing 101 School. In his school,boys cant have hair on their temples,and girls cant have hair past their shoulders.Xu says the hair rule is there for a good_

38、16_“Everybody needs to have a _17_ that matches his or her job,” says Xu.“Those trendy hairstyles are for grownups. School is a(n) _18_ place.”While the hair rule may seem quite strict,teachers also have to _19_it.“While students cant dye their hair,neither _20_ their teachers,” says Xu.( )11.A.stud

39、y Bearrings Chair Dclothes( )12.A.strict Bgrammar Cpersonal Dcultural( )13.A.like Bhate Chave Dwear( )14.A.soft Bold Conly Dsilly( )15.A.allowed Bused Cstopped Dasked( )16.A.history Bidea Cpoint Dreason( )17.A.look Bsecret Ccold Dvoice( )18.A.different Bsafe Csimple Dvacation( )19.A.study Bcomplete

40、Cobey Dcopy( )20.A.do Bcan Care Dshould.阅读理解。AChildren everywhere like toy bears. People have been making them for hundreds of years. Children also like stories about bears. The most famous storybook bears are Rupert Bear,Winnie the Pooh (Pooh Bear) and Paddington Bear. Most children in Britain and

41、the US are also familiar with the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears!Now toy bears are very popular with adults as well as children. And many stores sell just toy bears of all kinds.Many people call toy bears Teddy Bears,but this name has only been used since the early 1900s.The name “Teddy” is short for Theodore,and there was a

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