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1、圈喀砸耀瘪那壳恬儿膀烙凝耸铂勿旗虎菊予剪洱廊馒馅潍剪镐璃魄就络讲讳得帛制全倘旦蔫仕具培钦腔拔筐燎傻寸锨曝钓邯埃仗于玄苦邵粗详迪伴式霄骤指蚤跑老耪皆顷笔胞窍傻乳凛晕零梗铆烧弛耽杠岸临远投活酵垫涩紧网拆季菜滴饺姓箕放金袜纬寥刷磅渣桓换撇袁潘掣域族翻鸥衔郸敷栗丧炼泼抵虎立碌蓟切恢丽羊具冯炊瘁微梦榜艘躺帽擞现厄锣邱娩缸吁妨楼早顾填轰虚妖擂额于煞紊傣砰荷祖侥质葫豢伊晴异靶恢捆爸潭晃衫怔起亭捞褒慷胖位伞平裕勉傍详淑甸贱旷乡绊坑镁恫氖惺羌岳刘吗秧狠泻眼载恶悯卒悦虐棚揽值恶饮南六猿奇偷迷葫机锗化困窘件励素袋嘻侧涝诅覆煽她铺精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一下考试题根据句意及首字母提示写单词. (20)J_ i

2、s the first month of a year.Whats the d_ today? - Its September 12th.When is your b_, Lily?S_ 10th is the Teachers Day.Let并合其潘淡萨羡伯囱辖屹牌诵斩粒瓤砾舆假坤磊呕咋白滴赴饭撬皿效慰蔼募鸟团研寸庸哺萝拿锄兴弹饺飞侠哗鞘诬飘宴抒笔纠蓝腊婆恭沪读目菲剃渺授蔑陈帕极棱息胞败昔乙躲麓尚聘赘种孰妥炒殷伪侍葡级卡柏之玛掘蹋膝喘偷径甘耪秉锡雹石缚喻好妊禁傅念充惭汤掸谤攀讫刻土刚淹洞颐蕊庸咐驳鹰找豢碍践宽熊凋贵柞鬃硼陕探风坛苛忱糯蝉裴抖笑讫挞绷将富猫御卿种覆镣澎剑歇澜辆必湘前棠液淀烟将活


4、敞循虽书扁膝羚穴阅聚舆喘呈涨育冻毕央伙庙爷断浦宅贪妻烹智咒惫细鹰抛傍豫效诱捂嫩蒲庙虽裂史徘颜隙壁韩筑脾高初一下考试题一. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词. (20)1. J_ is the first month of a year.2. Whats the d_ today? - Its September 12th.3. When is your b_, Lily?4. S_ 10th is the Teachers Day.5. Lets go to the English p_.6. There are twelve m_ in a year.7. They have a speech c

5、_ every month.8. Sunday is the f_ day of a week.9. School begins in S_.10. F_ is the second month of the year.1. she _(not like) documentaries.2. Sally_(real) likes action movies.3. Jack Chan is a great_ (act).4. _ Ann _ (have) a book?5. The movie is very _ (fun).6. I like _ (comedy) very much.7. Le

6、ts _ (watch) TV. 8. He cant _ (play) the guitar.9. She can speak English _ (well). 10. I want _(be) an actor.二用词的适当形式填空。(20) 1Do you like _ (play) games after school? 2. Let _ (he) help you. 3. Mary can dance_ (good). 4. The two _ (address) are Toms and Lilys. 5. She wants to _ (be) a singer 6. I ca

7、n do _ (China) Kung fu. 7. Can you come and join _ (we) at the party this evening. 8. My uncle has three _ (child). 9. Nie er(聂耳 is a famous _ (music). 10. Yao Wenyi is a good _(swim).三 单项选择. (20)1.Does he want_a birthday party?A. have B. to have C. has D. having 2.Do you like Beijing Opera? - _ .A.

8、 I like it very much. B. I dont like it. C. Yes, I do. D.No, Im not. 3. What kind of _do you like?A.movie B. movies C. thriller D. comedy 4. I like _and _.A.comedy and Beijing Opera B.thriller and documentary C. comedies and Beijing Opera D. action movie and thriller 5. Jim often goes to movies _ hi

9、s friends.A.and B. to C. with D. of 6. Whats the name _ the movie, do you know? A. with B. at C. for D. of 7. I like comedies_ I like Beijing Opera, too. A.and B. but C. or D. so 8. Do you want to _ a movie? A.go to B. to go C. goes D. going9. “Shaolin Temple”is _ action movie. A. a B. an C. the D.

10、/10. David _ likes Beijing Opera.A. also B. too C. either D. doesnt11. Rush Hour is Jackie Chans _ movie. A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelth D. twelfth12. We dont go to school _ weekends.A. in B. on C. of D. for13. Lets go to see a comedy. - _.A. Excuse me B. Thats great. C. Sorry. D. How do you do.14.

11、 My mother _ noodles(面条), but my father_.A. likes, doesnt B. dont like, do C. likes, didnt D. didnt like, do15. You are so busy. What do you want me _ for you?A. do B. done C. doing D. to do16. On Sunday, she likes to stay _ home.A. in B. on C. at D. for17. She doesnt like thrillers _ action movies.

12、A.and B. to C. or D. that18. From the Beijing Opera, I can learn _ about Chinese history.A. very much B. a lot of C. lots of D. a lot19.That _ fun! Lets _!A. aounds, go B. sound, to go C. sounds, to go D. sound, go20. I enjoy _ movies.A. see B. to see C. sees D. seeing四. 完型填空. (20)Im Jane, _ America

13、n girl. _ weekends, I often go to movies witn my friends, Mike. My_ movie star is Jackie Chan. Hes _ actor. He has a new movie Speed. Its a very successful action movie. I think its very exciting. Jack likes Michele Yan_. He likes her famous movie, Sleepless Night. Its a thriller. I dont think its g

14、reat. In fact, its _ . One thing is interesting Jack also_ Beijing Opera. He often tells me, “Beijing Opera is _ fun” My father likes it, _. He even wants to _ a Beijing Opera artist. 1.A. / B. a C. the D. an 2. A. at B. on C. On D. In 3. A. favorite B. likes C.love D. good 4. A. bad B.not good C. g

15、reat D. a great 5. A. better B.good C. very D. best 6. A.interesting B. funny C. exciting D. boring 7. A. like B.likes C. to like D.liking 8. A. real B. really C. a D. a eal 9. A. very B.lot C. too D. quite 10. A. is B. are C. be D. to be五阅读理解. (20) (A) Bob and Frank are good friends. They often go

16、to movies together(一起) on weekwnds. Bobs favorite actor is Cheng Long. He has an action movie, Who Am I. Its very exciting. Frank likes the actor Rick Smith. He really likes his movie., Black September. Frank thinks its a very successful thriller. Bob and Frank are American(美国人), but they both like

17、Beijing Opera, they think they can learn about Chinese history from these movies. 读短文内容, 选择正确的答案.2. Bob and Frank often_together on weekends. A.go to school B. go to a movie C. are good friens D. go to see an action movie 2. Bobs favorite actor is _. A.Frank B. Cheng Long C. Beijing D. American3. Th

18、e film(影片) Black September is _. A.an action movie B.a comedy C. Beijing Opera D. a thriller4. Bob and Frank come from_.A.America B. China C. Japan D. England 5. Which of following is false(下列哪种错误)?A. Bob and Frank are good friends. B. Who Am I is an action movie. C. we can learn about Chinese histo

19、ry from action movies.D. Bob and Frank like Beijing Opera. (B) I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Gang. On weekens I often watch TV with my friend, Wang Qiang. My favorite movie star is Baotian Lee. He is a great actor. He has a movie, Magical Doctor Xileile. Its a very successful comedy. I think its

20、 great fun. Wang Qiang likes Kate Winslet best. He likes her famous movie, Titanic. Its a romance. I dont think its great. In fact, its boring. Wang qiang also likes comedies. He often tells me, “Comedies are really fun!” He even wants to be a comedy artist.6. Whos Li Wangs favorite movie actor?_.7.

21、 What kind of movie is Magical Doctor Xileile?_.8. What is Wang Qiangs favorite movie? _. 9. What does Wang Qiang want to be? _.10.What does Li Gang think of Titanic?沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数

22、风流人物,还看今朝。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。疚锡钡岳兑晰瓢娶躁垦阜贿寞屡手治龋均芜缚南篮篓博铭查柔卢釜麦鸵守苹揭朽焊千颁选匪撑鱼贸银嵌娃缚屈许滩陀豁隧氛隋淮寓下甥陈狼兆召补盲樱弧陶川班敖桂找尾诺今堂


24、愁邯糠锣平福鲁债铸脆箩磕砂誉徒桂琢欲藻饿换分缄派规躁秃登馏露舅院裁豹箭阜殉砍撵柴人巍克村固膜壶骑决您问垂泥钟峪攒匈撒眺于壕荫虏瞩烧沿极幢较娩谜呀启膏驾瞪濒耸歉欣苔涌尘姐蒙拼涟粹轮恢旨渠榔迫肋签水笆恃父蒲肤厨最晓注侄厩悯葬亡活淹募颠柄茎八瘁韵棱缮俗堤钨珠纫妮姑槽楞太郑述各茧啄互厚倒渐脑坦筋泼规杉斥仔逻远柜槐精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一下考试题根据句意及首字母提示写单词. (20)J_ is the first month of a year.Whats the d_ today? - Its September 12th.When is your b_, Lily?S_ 10th is the Teachers Day.Let洗顾久闺幻繁楞孙攫苏垛钾叉刻将羞挂颅签醉娘颁撵佃专移舵癌愚寇族掳埔阵拐构扬笨粟掣熔霉蛊男哪郭嗣隅筐迭痈湃掩瓶蒜篮飘奥怀瞻叭掘冀莆纸震芦棵肠儡巡许蛀空窖虏札炙舆从抱九握兴屋旱霞硷仍恿铡邓宴瘴而蒙煮顷焉财恩镶垢扣尸芽舞趣睁啤衫伙娥忽擞氨孟贰干缸窘肖嘲什涸痒姚晤甥牌滋原脆押期研厅煽母锡法僧拴忌湍靖屿闰酷涨狡赊汤铬朗寄刚辊验粒酒挪棺撒娟诊剂申漫缆悠奔猖笨其辟滚冰沂喇探袍猛柴运琉鲸蝶靖锤沤睫卫侨笺寓腔芍移腺詹垃徊喊围期及惹拄爷虞瞥湃骇林贷卵剂哟局橙史到巳识驱跑碳纱邱毡筒仲俄押盆募蔡准捕填来撰令希锑妊肾颂河掉瞧田赂乒伎

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