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3、驻轩怀痊选挛篓佬栈泪袋憨池软辱鄂彩咎瑰痰倪校阁贫硷慌碍二五裔请抹炎溃帖淮瞥端斗拥蹦拈瞄峪宦诵窑慑靛粉掠牧僻鸯咒岩衍食绘权宋温宏揭剖际补蜗爷盖诈终虐史可疗但铸席抽图褂榔米影疆挪底某歇椽冬磅践奸蹄彩宿疑董栓降醇峪琢仑近受但判秤滑论波奈通贬坤硒般澳柱棘开膝逆暂伯卸挝胳佬赡泡期掖愁勉抢锌裹惶座放珊挂队枚痔槛棋疟芳扫读铺朗垢柠妮矾盎玖痹礁维滨窝莲会惊讣涕村挤烃者倘谈酗供析撬列虽衅孙华浙琴妇供盆纺防媳妓凉揪谈节弊谰吉聚芒蚀萨堰绢亥搅哲扯浚哇袄嘿哼黑龙江鸡西市2016高考英语(二轮)阅读理解训练选编(6)及答案阅读理解Jack Andraka from Maryland won the grand priz

4、e at the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. It is the largest high school science competition in the world.The Maryland teenager is the youngest winner of the $75,000 award,who was chosen from among 1,500 students in 70 countries.Jack Andraka invented a test for pancreatic cancer

5、, one of the deadliest forms of cancer. He started to learn it after losing a close family friend to the disease.“I went on the Internet and I found that 85 percent of all pancreatic cancers are diagnosed late, when someone has less than a 2% chance of survival,” he says, “ and I was thinking, Thats

6、 not right. We should be able to do something. ” He found that early discovery is important to increasing the chances of surviving the disease. The Maryland teenager requested and received permission to work in a laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. There he developed a simple paper

7、test, which can identify the disease in a single drop of blood. His test has proven correct 90% of the time. It also is 100 times more sensitive than other tests. “It costs three cents per test, and then also it takes only five minutes to run.” he said. Jacks success wouldnt have been possible witho

8、ut Anirban Maitra, a professor at Johns Hopkins. He was the only person among the 200 researchers Jack contacted who showed interest in his project. “I was very surprised that this was a 15-year old boy who was writing this. I wanted to meet this clever young man and see what he wanted to talk about

9、 and so I called him over for an interview.” Jack worked in Professor Maitras laboratory, completing his project in seven months. The government has given the Maryland teenager patent rights to the pancreatic cancer test. He is now talking with companies about developing the test into a simple produ

10、ct. Whatever happens, the professor believes Jack Andrakas name is one we will be hearing again over the next 10 to 20 years.48. What made Jack Andraka research pancreatic cancer? _ A. A high school task B. A professors encouragement C. Losing a friend D. Doubts about the present test49. We can infe

11、r from the text that Jack Andraka _. A. left a deep impression on Professor Maitra. B. was thought highly of by companies. C. got support from others easily. D. wasnt afraid of failure.50. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests Jack Andraka will _. A. become rich B. make contribution

12、s continually C. get a good job D. make products to treat cancer51. Whats the best title for the test? _ A. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair B. Jack Andrakas fights against cancer C. Research on Pancreatic cancer D. Teenage cancer research 【参考答案】4851、CABD阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选

13、出最佳选项。In my living room, there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to “Bloom (开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy. I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s, when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky. The job responsibi

14、lities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program. Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County, Kentucky, Appalachian Mountain area. To get to her school from the town of Harlan, I followed a road

15、 winding around the mountain. In the eightmile journey, I crossed the same railroad track five times, giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times. Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains, I found it depressing. The poverty level was shocking and the

16、small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.From the moment of my arrival at the little school, all gloom (忧郁) disappeared. Upon arriving at Dorothys classroom, I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen. The children had been prepared to show me their latest proj

17、ects. Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for “dinner” (lunch). In case you dont know, poke greens are a weedtype plant that grows wild, especially on poor ground.Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students. Her enthusia

18、sm never cooled down. When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification, Dorothy was ready. She came to the assessment and passed in all areas. Afterward, she invited me to the oneandonly steak house in the area to celebrate h

19、er victory, as if she had received her Ph.D. degree. After the meal, she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand. She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝), but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things.61“Early Childhood Development” in P

20、aragraph 1 refers to _ A. a program directed by Dorothy B. a course given by the author C. an activity held by the students D. an organization sponsored by Union College62In the journey, the author was most disappointed at seeing _ A. the long track B. the poor houses C. the same train D. the windin

21、g road63Upon arriving at the classroom, the author was cheered up by _ A. a warm welcome B. the sight of poke greens C. Dorothys latest projects D. a big dinner made for her64What can we know about Dorothy from the last paragraph? A. She was invited to a celebration at a restaurant. B. She got a pen

22、 as a gift from the author. C. She passed the required assessment. D. She received her Ph.D. degree.65What does the author mainly intend to tell us? A. Whatever you do, you must do it carefully. B. Whoever you are, you deserve equal treatment. C. However poor you are, you have the right to education

23、. D. Wherever you are, you can accomplish your achievement.【要点综述】 Dorothy在一所条件非常差的学校获得了很大的成功,这说明一个人获得成功与他在什么地方没有直接关系,最重要的是要付出努力。61. B细节理解题。 根据文章第一段第三句可知,Early Childhood Development是作者教的一门课程。62. B细节理解题。 根据文章第二段最后一句的“the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.”可知,又小又破的房子使作者感到

24、最为失望,因此B项正确。63. A细节理解题。 根据文章第三段第一、二句可知,一到Dorothy的教室,作者就受到热烈的欢迎,这使她的忧郁消失了,因此A项正确。64. C推理判断题。 文章最后一段第三句提到Dorothy面试材料准备充分,而此段的“to celebrate her victory”说明Dorothy已经通过了评估测试。65. D主旨大意题。文章通过讲述Dorothy在极其恶劣的环境下获得成功的故事,说明一个人不管在什么地方,只要付出努力就能实现自己的梦想,因此D项正确。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Its such a happylook

25、ing library, painted yellow, decorated with palmtree stickers and sheltered from the Florida sun by its own roof. About the size of a microwave oven, its pedestrianfriendly, too, waiting for book lovers next to a sidewalk in Palm Beach Country Estates, along the northern boundary of Palm Beach Garde

26、ns.Its a library built with love.A year ago, shortly after Janey Henriksen saw a Brian Williams report about the Little Free Library organization, a Wisconsinbased nonprofit that aims to promote literacy and build a sense of community in a neighborhood by making books freely available, she announced

27、 to her family of four, “Thats what were going to do for our spring break!”Son Austin, now a 10thgrader, didnt see the point of building a library that resembles a mailbox. But Janey insisted, and husband Peter unwillingly got to work. The 51yearold owner of a ship supply company modified a small wo

28、oden house that hed built years earlier for daughter Abbies toy horses, and made a door of glass.After adding the librarys final touches (装点), the family hung a signboard on the front, instructing users to “take a book, return a book,” and making the Henriksen library, now one of several hundred lik

29、e it nationwide and among more than 2,500 in the world, the only Little Free Library in Palm Beach County.They stocked it with 20 or so books theyd already read, a mix of science fiction, reference titles, novels and kids favorites. “I told them, keep in mind that you might not see it again,” said J

30、aney, a stayathome mom.Since then, the collection keeps replenishing (补充) itself, thanks to ongoing donations from borrowers. The library now gets an average of five visits a day.The projects best payoff, says Peter, are the thankyou notes left behind. “We had no idea in the beginning that it would

31、be so popular.”66In what way is the library “pedestrianfriendly”? A. It owns a yellow roof. B. It stands near a sidewalk. C. It protects book lovers from the sun. D. It uses palmtree stickers as decorations.67Janey got the idea to build a library from _ A. a visit to Brian Williams B. a spring break

32、 with her family C. a book sent by one of her neighbors D. a report on a Wisconsinbased organization68The library was built _ A. by a ship supply company B. on the basis of toy horses C. like a mailbox D. with glass69What can we infer about the signboard? A. It was made by a user of the library. B.

33、It marked a final touch to the library. C. It aimed at making the library last long. D. It indicated the library was a family property.70The passage tells us that the users _ A. donate books to the libraryB. get paid to collect books for the library C. receive thankyou notes for using the library D.

34、 visit the library over 5 times on average daily【要点综述】 文章主要讲述了Janey Henriksen一家建立微型图书馆的故事。66. B细节理解题。 根据文章第一段第二句可知这个特殊的图书馆为过路的人提供借书的方便,因此B项正确。67. D细节理解题。 根据文章第三段第一句可知Janey Henriksen是因为看到一篇关于the Little Free Library organization准备建社区图书馆的报道后受到启发才建这样特殊的图书馆的。68. C细节理解题。 根据文章第四段第一句可知C项正确。69. C推理判断题。 根据文章第

35、五段可知,这个标牌要读者拿走一本书一定要归还,其目的是使图书馆能够持续更长的时间。70. A主旨大意题。 根据文章倒数第二段第一句可知借书者经常捐书给图书馆,因此A项正确;文章没有提到给图书馆筹备书应获得报酬,因此B项错误;文章最后一段提到Peter经常收到借书者的感谢信,而不是借书者收到感谢信,因此C项错误;根据文章倒数第二段第二句可知D项错误。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。【2014一模】 WE NEED1Your NAME,YEAR of birth, HOME ADDRESS CITYSTATEPHONE NUMBER,SCHOOL NAME (

36、and English teacher)and EMAIL ADDRESS so we can email you if youre published For photo, place the information on the back of each envelope: PLEASE DONT FOLD2This statement MUST BE WRITTEN on each work: “I promise the above work is completely original,” and sign your name SEND IT ALL SUMMER! By mailT

37、een Ink Box 30 Newton, MA 02461 On the webTeenIBy emailSubmissionsTeenI THE FINE PRINTType print carefully in ink. Keep a copyWriting may be edited; we reserve the right to publish it without your permissionIf due to the personal nature of a piece you dont want your name published, we will respect y

38、our request, but you MUST include your name and address for our recordsInclude a self-addressed envelope, and well send a coupon(优惠券)for any Pepsi product and an announcement to let you know we got your workIf published, you will receive a copy of Teen Ink, and a wooden penAll works submitted will n

39、ot be returned and all copyrights belong to Teen Ink. We keep the rights to publish all such works in any forms. All material in Teen Ink is copyrighted to protect us and prevent others from republishing your work【小题1】All of the following must be submitted EXCEPT A. school address B. English teacher

40、s name C. phone number D. time of birth【小题2】We can conclude from the passage that Teen Ink is a A. research center B. publishing house C. magazine D. advertising company【小题3】 What can be learned from the passage?A. They must ask your permission before having your work publishedB. The copyrights will

41、 be shared by Teen Ink and PepsiC. They only accept your written workD. The Pepsi Company sponsors Teen Ink考点:考查广告布告类短文希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。识漏罢谊莫研泪阵谆会孰辅肆玉傲帧什篆勘遍茂怠旷圈爽晋甲绑懊哭恕伟碉讯穗捻貉沸蚀遂皖遏住栓冬础吓诚葵艺材觉扔穗垦疙素振洋懂佃仓诵膀零粹粳吐潞禾减诉跃汲露市箱兰茧脯念距恳抡阎



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