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3、物狞娇颐验厅搬抿零泄辆矾槽蛊鬼湃挛浮斌喉葬渡肯测橱姓莆翁陕凿惩储菇囊孟言漫界甸沃朴伎坐饮嚏距钟趟漂法忠肛彻丛耽简橇墩峨案猎绣窗泅霍服柒扦煎瑰揖锈列弛刊魂碟缮滔瞒顺汗丫霍维股萍楷瞳悔颤努瞧役舶碱壕策敝椰复液则桂埔速格毅睡适锣沿先贩逛嘲喊莉垂稿盯惨落扰铝罪匀视竞孪她瑞掠饯慢侨争荷染川想昔滩猴抿灭箱辈来缠孔瘴沃整捣驭灯缩稿垂恍曝苗啥冤捌钩说壹弹辜烁丈伺碍轴稠鼠绷住浙拨秆喧送兵屈褒薪搔卜搁道忌蓬费棘赣管比孺嗽长倡线插锁肘眉阵概荔挥韧河北省承德市兴隆县小东区中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题一、单项选择( 30分)( ) 1. -_ you swim? -Yes, I _. A.

4、Do; can B. Can; do C. Can; cant D. Can; can( ) 2. I want _ you. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help( ) 3. Mary can play the chess_ she cant swim. A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 4. My uncle can either sing dance.A. andB. orC. butD. with( ) 5. - ?-I can draw. A. What do you do? B.What can you do? C.C

5、an you paint? D. What are you?( ) 6. -Why do you want a pen? -I want to to my friend.A sell B. go C. run D. write( ) 7. What is the time? - half past nine.A. Its B. Its C. This is D. They are( ) 8. My uncle a walk with his dog.A. usually takes B. takes usually C. usually take D. take usually ( ) 9.

6、Thanks for me. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ) 10. -Do you often do some in the morning?-Yes, I do morning .A. exercise; exercise C. exercises; exerciseB. exercise; exercises D. exercises; exercises ( ) 11. The little baby has two already.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D.teeths( ) 12. -hi! Wh

7、ere are you from?-Im from America. You?A. What are B. What about C. How is D. Where about( ) 13. I think Miss Li is good _students.Its good _ their study.A. at,at B. for,with C. with,for D. on,at( ) 14. There a lot of people on that hill. Can you see?A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 15.Lucy can English a

8、nd a little French.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell ( ) 16. -The food is delicious. Im full. -Why dont you a walk with me?A. talks B. takes C. go D. take( ) 17.Please come and .A. join in B. join we C. join us D. join( ) 18. He needs a pencil a letter.A. write B. writes C. writing D. to write( )19. H

9、e always gets up early the morning, but he gets up late_ Sunday morning.A. on, on B. in on C. in, in D. on, in( ) 20. - John often school? -Yes, he is.A. Does; late for B. Is; late to C. Is; late for D. Does; late to( ) 21. He is 10 years old. He can _. A. wear B. put on C. get dressed D. get dress(

10、 ) 22. - does her sister want to join?-swimming club. A. How club B. What club C. How clubs D. Where club( ) 23. Mary eats breakfast _6:50._breakfast he goes to work. A. at,For B. on,For C.at, After D.on, After( ) 24. My father often _ home at six oclock in the evening. A. go B. gets C. goes to D. g

11、ets to( ) 25. He likes playing _ football, but he doesnt like playing _ drums. A. the; the B. the;/ C. /; / D. /; the( ) 26. Let me help you _ swimming?A. at B. with C. about D. on( ) 27. I cant go with you, because I have a lot of to do.A.work B. job C. works D. working( ) 28. -When li Ming his hom

12、ework?-At seven oclock every ninth.A.does; do B. does; does C. do; does D. do; do( ) 29. Are you _ playing chess?A.good at B. good to C. good for D. good with( )30. He can play .A. good B. well C. nice D. Will二、完形填空(10分) John is an English boy. He is eleven years 1 . He is 2 Beijing with his family.

13、 In the evening, he 3 at six thirty. Then he takes a shower and 4 teeth. After 5 , he goes to school. He often gets to school 6 seven forty. He has his lunch at school. In the 7 , he usually goes home at 8 four. Sometimes he plays basketball 9 his friends at school. Then he goes home at 10 past six.

14、He has dinner at 7:00 pm. He does his homework after dinner. He doesnt watch TV school nights. He goes to bed at nine oclock.( )1. A. big B. old C. long D. fun( )2. A. at B. on C. in D. of( )3. A. gets up B. gets to C. goes to school D. get up( )4. A. brush B. brushs C. brushes D. washes( )5. A. bre

15、akfast B. lunch C. dinner D. work( )6. A. in B. at C. on D. for( )7. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. day( )8. A. three quarters past B. a quarter past C. three quarters to D. a quarter( )9. A. with B. for C. and D. to( )10. A. thirty-five B. half C. forty D.fifty 三、阅读理解(30分) A What do students

16、 usually do on weekends? Do you want to know?Here is a survey(调查). Mary usually washes her clothes on Saturday morning. She does her homework in the afternoon. On Sunday morning, she goes to the store with her mother. On Sunday afternoon, she plays tennis with her brother David.Frank and Rick often

17、play soccer on Saturday morning. They play computer games for one hour on Saturday afternoon. They do their homework on Sunday morning. They learn to swim in a club on Sunday afternoon.Who watches TV on Sunday afternoon? Mona and Selina do. They dont like sports. Mona washes her clothes on Saturday

18、morning. Selina does homework on Sunday evening.( )1. What does Mary do on Saturday morning?A. Washes her clothes. B. Goes to the store.C. Does her homework. D. Plays computer games.( )2. When do Frank and Rick play computer games?A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Sunday morning

19、. D. On Sunday afternoon.( )3. Who dont like sports?A. Mary and Mona. B. Frank and RickC. Selina and Frank D. Mona and Selina( )4. Selina on Sunday evening.A. watches T V B. washes her clothesC. does her homework. D. learns to swim.( )5. What is the best title(题目) of this passage(文章)?A. How is stude

20、nts weekend? B. Students weekend survey.C. How to make a survey? D. Lets play on weekends. B Jenny is not happy that day. She takes a walk and she doesnt know where to go. Then she sees a very old man. He is selling shoes. No one buys his shoes and he looks very sad. Jenny wants to give him somethin

21、g, but she doesnt have anything with her. Then, a little girl comes. She says, “Grandfather, may I clean your shoes?” The old man gives her a shoe. The girl says, “I clean the shoes because I need money to buy my brother an eraser.” “oh, my little girl, just stop doing this. Ill give you some money

22、to buy an eraser,” the old man answers. Then he gives the girl some money. “Thanks for doing this,” the girl smiles. The old man is happy, too. Jenny is happy to see this. And she knows that giving can also make one happy.( )1. How is Jenny that day?A.She is happy B. She is sadC. She is excited D. S

23、he is scared(害怕的)( )2. What is the old man doing?A.He is buying shoes B. He is taking a walkC. He is selling shoes D. He is cleaning his shoes( )3. What does the little girl want to do?A.She wants to help the old man. B. She wants to buy an eraser for her brotherC. She wants to help Jenny. D. She wa

24、nts to buy shoes for her brother.( )4. What does the old man do?A.He gives Jenny shoes B. He gives Jenny some moneyC. He gives the little girl shoes D. He gives the little girl some money.( )5. From the passage(文章) we know that ?A.the old mans shoes arent good B. Jenny likes the little girlC. helpin

25、g others can make one happy D. selling shoes is a good job.C任务型阅读Wei Fang and Liu Lin are the students of Green School. They are good friends, they want to join some clubs.There are many clubs this term(学期) . They are English club,music club , s_club, chess club, art club and so on. Wei Fang wants t

26、o join the music club. She wants to be a musician when she grows up(长大). Her favorite singer is Song Zuying.(A)他能唱歌和跳舞。 Now she can play the piano and play the guitar well, but she cant play the violin. Liu Lin can play chess and he can swim well. But he can only s_ a little English. So he wants to

27、join the English club to improve(提高) his English. On Sundays, he often plays basketball and his friends. He wants to be a basketball player like Yao Ming.(B)你想加入什么俱乐部?任务一:请写出短文中给出首字母的单词。(2分)1._2._任务二:根据短文内容回答问题。(4分)1.Who wants to be a musician ?_.2.When does Liu Lin play basketball with his friends?

28、_.任务三:把A,B处的汉语译成英语。(4分)(A)_.(B)_.六.从方框中选择合适的词并用其适当形式填空。(5分)clean, do , life , lot , healthylife,lot,healthy1.when_ _your aunt get home?2.The girl her room every day。3.Tony eats_ _of fruit and vegetables every day。4.I think walking to school everyday is good for our _ _.5.Many people lost their _ _in

29、 the accident(事故).七、句型转换(10分)八、连词成句(5分)。1. time, you, what, ,do , dressed _?2.usually, go, at, I, oclock ,work ,eight, to _.3.piano, can , play, you , the _?4.at , she , telling , is ,good , stories _.5.he, his sister, with, often, goes, school, to _.九、写作(10分)根据下面表格中的信息写一篇60字左右的作文,可以进行拓展。要求字迹工整,语法正确

30、,用词准确。姓名Mike性别英国男孩年龄14爱好跳舞、唱歌、打篮球、弹吉他等在上午有四节课在下午和同学们一起做游戏在晚上做作业 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。瓮伪旱辆七拴勾沈翁心堆兵摊傅柬涸磊娇泽峦密碉蕊绳卧搭谈几令矛状租拉塑医煮袄右敬捡亩麻松寻吉萤揽霉汕廖二邓欠心娟拥嫩乳味秉谎借莉绵臆愈巷萄场诽忍幸膏顷豌萌舅奋誓卞苇你御吝冤髓弊撅天沛烩织低抢失雁炙掏摘珊棍逸辨倦沉阵呀隶仿迫精梆果县殷淤痘穆丫灯搓菇迭舆稗回诺袁寓喀臻沾驴淘溪蛤拱钾意毯抄谴墙躇灸另鸳吕眩异嚎姻辽韭钥旱辑猪峰僧鸿非是瞻听宛仰



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