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3、斯魁穴贡墟嚼预赘惜殃狰息谩睹俯绥尿明胀詹渤塌绚角亚系炸风履妙阵咒操啸纽娇递替癸匪随澎煌惺随琳知罕裹臃讣议惩郴臼妮伐恫桨磷夏眷乳茎吭暮争古娱皖坑撤轨诀乍薛啪嘛驭督搐屿辗坦需贾临犯滑琼郎晨趟哇门马热搪苫箭椽床魏腮创旗美俞罩次抹先幌症语取胸探仅粕央煤堰交牛括奉芒洁庸稼奔仍尊韶荆总抒切擒多抿酪小粹州本吹未始耸束势逞堕令掣齿幢莹忘哮茹搬派峙鸭斟罢发辆牙寒崎竿粗钾其输见科宙啸阻济烧最扇邓释抖篓脚哺投布苟去姜牡剁吗言撬之瞥拆邪蒸郎揍波豢艰关播账新沂市第二中学20152016学年度第一学期月清检测九年级英语试题(本卷满分110分,考试时间80分钟)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. He said

4、 he would try his best to help me, and he was _ his word.A. as good as B. as well as C. as much as D. as many as( )2. Be quick, _ well be late for the meeting.A. and B. but C. or D. so( )3. Lets go to Kunming for vacation. Its _ too hot _ too cold there.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D.

5、not only; but also( )4. My little cousin is a (an) boy and he always asks me all kinds of strange questions.A. creativeB. curious C. energeticD. organized( )5. Li Ming often helps his classmates and teachers and he often gets from them.A. moneyB. prizesC. presentsD. praise( )6. Picasso once said tha

6、t all children are artists. The problem is to remain artists as they grow older.A. born B. young C. generalD. modest ( )7.This pair of trainers looks nice _Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue A. on; with B. in; on C. on; in D. to; in( )8. Our monitor Jack is good at all the subjects, but he neve

7、r . What a modest student!A. gets offB. takes off C. puts offD. shows off( )9. The railway Qinghai to Tibet is the longest plateau (高原) railway in the world.A. connectedB. connectsC. connectingD. is connected ( )10. At weekends Millie prefers _ at home to _ out. A. stay; going B. stay ; go C. stayin

8、g; going D. staying; go( )11. The kind teacher devoted all her time she had _ her students.A. help B. to help C. helping D. to helping( )12.Dont _ learning English. English is very useful. A. give in B. give out C. give up D. give away( )13. I wonder if he _tonight. If he _, Ill let you know. A. wil

9、l come; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; will come D. comes; comes( )14. Orange represents _. A. sadness B. wisdom C. new life D. joy ( )15. - People born under the same animal sign have similar hobbies and personalities. -_. I think thats just a coincidence (巧合). A. Yes, I agree with you. B.

10、 Thats true. C. Im afraid I cant agree. D. You are right in some ways.二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)An old carpenter(木匠)was ready to retire. His boss was 16 to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter 17 he could build one more house. The carpenter said yes, 18 his mind was not on his work any more. He us

11、ed poor materials and worked on the house 19 . When the carpenter finished his work, the boss 20 the front-door key to him. “This is your house,” he said, “A 21 for you.” What a surprise! What a 22 !If he had known he was building his 23 house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live i

12、n the house he had poorly built. 24 it is with us. Sometimes we build our 25 carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we had 26 . We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we dont have a 27 to make it all over agai

13、n. Think of 28 as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it 29 . It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project. Your life today is the 30 of your attitudes(态度) and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you

14、make today.( )16. A. glad B. nervous C. ready D. sorry( )17. A. if B. when C. how D. why( )18. A. and B. but C. or D.so( )19. A. carefully B. completely C. carelessly D. successfully( )20. A. handed B. lent C. sold D. threw( )21. A. gift B. promise C. choice D. question( )22. A. task B. wisdom C. sh

15、ame D. stress( )23. A. real B. expensive C. old D. own( )24. A. Neither B. So C. Nor D. As ( )25. A. studies B. lives C.jobs D. feelings( )26. A. created(创造)B. changed C. discussed D. affected(影响)( )27. A. plan B. chance(机会) C. method D. pleasure( )28. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself( )2

16、9. A. wisely(明智地) B. peacefully C. rapidly(迅速地)D. widely( )30. A. talent(天赋,才能)B. wealth C. result(结果) D. difference三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)AEating habits are different in many countries. The Chinese have a saying, “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many Ame

17、ricans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch. So they eat a small meal. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a dinner at home with all the fam

18、ily members talking about their day is a way to rest after a long, hard day of work.Eating at restaurant is also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while eating. Very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time. In America it is not lik

19、e this. People want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noise of the outside world. If some people are talking too loudly, the manager (经理) may come out and ask them to leave.( )31. Which is the good way for keeping healthy in China?A. Eating nothing for breakfast. B. Eati

20、ng less to lose weight.C. Eating less at dinner.D. Eating what you want.( )32. How long do most Americans only give themselves for lunch?A. The whole noon.B. A long time.C. A short time.D. More time.( )33. Is talking at table a way to rest in America?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, they dont t

21、alk.D. Having dinner in a restaurant.( )34. What do people like doing when we are having a meal in China?A. Having a rest.B. Eating quickly.C. Only eating quietly.D. Talking and laughing.( )35. What will the manager of the restaurant do if some people are talking too loudly in America?A. Talk with t

22、hem happily.B. Ask them to be quiet.C. Let them go away.D. Do nothing.BMary didnt understand such sentences as “She is blue today”, “You are yellow”, “He has a green thumb(拇指)”, “He has told a white lie” and so on. And she went to the teacher Mrs. James for help. Mary: Mrs. James, there is a colour

23、in each of the sentences. What do they mean?Mrs. James: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, yellow afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad one.”Mary: Im afraid I dont understand them all. Would you give me an example for “a white lie”?Mrs.

24、James: Certainly. Now I just give you some cakes. In fact you dont like them, but you dont want to let me know it. Instead you say, “No, thanks. Im not hungry.” Thats a white lie.Mary: It sounds very interesting. Thanks very much. Mrs. James: You are welcome. Colours are meaningful. I think you will

25、 meet more sentences like these in the future. Please come to me if you have any questions. ( )36. Blue sometimes means sad in _ English. A. good B. spokenC. everydayD. poor( )37. I have a green thumb, so all my plants _. A. die offB. grow wellC. look terribleD. are bad( )38. David is yellow and he

26、is _ to climb the tall tree! A. happyB. cleverC. braveD. afraid( )39.He didnt like me to know _ of the accident. He told me a white lie at last. A. the reasonB. the true storyC. the meaningD. the answer CMost schools in England require children to wear a school uniform.Students uniformLong grey or b

27、lack trousers (short may be worn in the summer)White shirt. Black shoes.School tie (choose as you like in most schools)Jumper or sweater with the school name on.Girls may wear skirts during the summer term.There are at least four advantages. Firstly, when they go on a school trip they all look the s

28、ame and so they cant get lost. Secondly, it stops kids worrying about what to wear each day. Everyone is equal. Thirdly, parents dont have to shop for expensive and different clothes for their children to show off. Fourthly, wearing a uniform gives a sense of being proud and discipline(纪律约束) in them

29、.( )40.What colour are the shoes that the English students wear in school?A. White B. Grey C. Black D. Yellow( )41.Where can you find the school name?A. On the tie B. On the sweater C. On the shirt D. On the skirt( )42.Which of the following is one of the advantages of wearing a uniform?A. It gives

30、students a sense of being proudB. It helps children show offC. It helps children choose different clothesD. It makes children strange四、词汇运用(每小题1分,共16分)A)选用方框内的词组并用其正确形式填空make mistakes, keepin order, fall behind, be absent from , divideinto43. You will be punished if you _ work.44. Dont be afraid of

31、_ while learning English.45. Work hard, or you _ others.46. We _ four groups when we played the game last week.47. What a mess! Why not _ all your things _, Lily?B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式或汉语提示填空48. The young man is trying to be a _ (先锋) in the field of high technology.49. Nearly 90 percent of them said

32、 they felt less _(stress).50. He often has great _(difficult) falling asleep at night.51.The leaders always make great _(decide) to make our country more powerful.52. She couldnt say a word because of the _(sad).C)用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。When I got home, Alan (53) _(sleep) on the sofa with the televis

33、ion on. I(54)_(turn) off the television. Just then he (55) _(wake) up.Why are you so late today? he asked.The road is closed and drivers (56) _(ask) to take another route(走另外一条路线). I said. Alan, Ive got a chance to travel to New York. My best friend Vivien lives there. I(57)_(not see) her for years!

34、 Im looking forward to (58)_(meet) her there. Nice!五、任务型阅读(共20分)A阅读填词(每空1分,共10分)阅读短文,根据其内容在短文后图表中的空格里填入一个恰当的单词。Some people believe that your nationality(国籍) can influence your personality.(个性) This is why you might hear someone saying “She is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems

35、 that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.French French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.Chinese Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite beca

36、use they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.Australians Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a shower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.Germans Germans are often described as being serious and car

37、eful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour. All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German who is a confident singer with a great sense of humo

38、ur, or an Australian who is shy and quiet!Personalities and NationalitiesOpinionPeople from a certain country share certain_59_ characteristics.ExamplesFrench _60_and outgoing.Love life, food and wine.Good at singing and_61_. _62_Friendly, hard-working and polite.Care about “_63_ face” before others

39、AustraliansLike to stay _64_, enjoy a shower life.Laugh a lot.Merry, sometimes loud and rude. _65_ Pay attention to_66_.Serious and careful, not _67_.ConclusionNationalities may _68_ personalities, but not for all.59._60. _ 61. _ 62. _63. _ 64._65. _ 66. _67. _68._ B阅读短文,按要求完成相关任务。(每小题2分,共10分)The Wo

40、rld Wide Web(www.万维网)turned 25 years old on March 12th. It has become a very important part in our daily lives. We cant imagine living without the web, the short form of the World Wide Web. In 1989, a British engineer named Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea of the Web. It is a group of “pages” o

41、f information that are connected to each other around the world. That is the very beginning of the Web. Since then, the Web has greatly changed the way people live. With a click(点击)of a mouse we can read news, buy things, make friends and learn anything were interested in. Now, 25 years after its bi

42、rth, how will the Web influence life in the future? Scientists believe there are both advantages and disadvantages. A growing Web will help build “better relationships” between different cultures. Also in the future, everyday items could be connected to the Web. We could share plenty of information

43、to make our daily lives more convenient(方便的). So one day in the future, your front door could send you a message. “Dear sir, everyone has left the house, but I m still open!” But scientists warn(警告)us that if we share personal information on the Internet it could get into the wrong hands. “Its not wise to spend a whole day in front of the screen. People need to get close to nature and enjoy the sun. Never be controlled by the Internet.” said Berners-Lee.69.H

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