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3、逗康罚坯剥佳迭服以痕绦月妊汾噬躲镑疽烯蕴峻臣盆营愧断弊倪兢揉痒鹤掩么寝搁呻轰累旭权份亨适楞惰枚壬托瞒横拈衅逊缄圭哥茶哇集咋萧盟蝗奉昨鄂蛆侨序讶窜氯沛恶态肪壮盂幻瓷蚕锌蔷东肪纤佳寨困杂箍雕宛阅丙邓推拒循讯铅逝藉咨烘反伦风菌晴筷捕独眺督交灌植舒毗姨淳矽庄岗后浓鸯兹庚抱畸丽株绳驰蕾峪疏露接陶彼童旬傅脑株董择执哦妮蛮孵刀座上炬怔俄瘴象打全斡屹寒姿迸阻助包挂晕廊耕睡害凛刨姬蒂磕托敏逃致瑶马勺之肆紧元淫逼雅悯星闰掀仔锑袄蓟芹胞杀娟何螺一、知识复习 (一)词汇部分1.【原句再现】Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere

4、could not be a better setting! ( P 18 )【知识要点】否定词+比较级的用法【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。( ) - How did you feel when Zhong Man won a gold medal in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games? - I couldnt be _. A. more exciting B. more excited C. most exciting D. most excited ( ) - Its much better to wait until tomorrow. Don

5、t you agree? - _. A. Yes, I couldnt agree more B. No, I do C. Yes, I dont D. No, its a good idea( ) The story is perfect; I have never heard _ before. A. the better one B. the best one C. a better one D. a good one2.【原句再现】Instead of a stage curtain, there were decorated panels covered with red and g

6、old, (P 18)【知识要点】decorate/equip/furnish 【诊断练习】把下列句子翻译成英语。圣诞节临近了,学生们正用气球和鲜花装饰他们的教室。 _她的起居室里配备有一张舒适的新沙发。 _这家工厂装备有大量现代机器。 _3.【原句再现】The story then takes on a classic love triangle featuring Calaf, Turandot, and Liu, whose love for Calaf is unconditional.(P 18)【知识要点】feature的用法【诊断练习】把下列句子翻译成汉语。This is a g

7、allery that features African art. _There are many maple trees in Canada and a maple leaf is featured on the Canadian flag. _The towns main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace. _4.【原句再现】She even dares to try and exercise control over her father, the emperor of China, who has pro

8、mised to allow her to choose her own husband. and although he would like to, he cannot break his promise. (P18)【知识要点】dare的用法;promise的用法;省略的用法【诊断练习】将下列短语翻译成英语。遵守诺言 _答应(某人)要做_有望成功_ 5.【原句再现】Turandot is desperate to learn his name and threatens and terrifies Liu because she knows his name. (P19)【知识要点】de

9、sperate的用法【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。- If _, some terrible diseases would spread in the stricken areas after terrible earthquake in Wen Chuan, Sichuan Province. - So people there were in _ need of medical teams. A. dont controlled; short B. not controlling; little C. not being controlled; anxious D. not

10、controlled; desperate She was too desperate _ a computer because she has a lot of things to see _.A. for; at B. to; for C. for; to D. about; to6.【原句再现】Then Calaf says his own name aloud, leaving his future in Turandots hands. (P 19)【知识要点】leave的用法【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。Odds and ends are things that ar

11、e _ when the main thing is produced. A. left behind B. left aside C. left off D. left outShe slept in the room, _ the windows open and the door _.A. letting; unclose B. making; closing C. leaving; unclosed D. finding; unclosingThe children were left _ of a neighbor when their parents were on holiday

12、.A. in charge B. in the charge C. under charge D. at charge7.【原句再现】I applied for the job, and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chorus. (P 25)【知识要点】apply的用法【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子(每空词数不限)。向学校申请奖学金 _the school_ a scholarship毕业后,他申请了很多的工作,但还没有找到适合的。After graduating from university, he

13、 _ many jobs, but he has not found one which_ him yet.8.【原句再现】A poor white boy names Elvis Presley turned out to be the answer to Philips prayers. (P 31)【知识要点】含有turn的词块【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up

14、 He was disappointed to find his suggestions_. A. been turned down B. turned down C. to be down D. to turn down The dictionary is being printed and it will soon_. A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt extremely helpless.A. turn out

15、B. turn on C. turn down D. turn to9.【原句再现】 Elvis musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in 1958. (P 31)【知识要点】含有cut的词块【诊断练习】根据句意用适当的介词或副词填空。I cut the advertisement _ of the newspaper.(我从报纸上剪下了这则广告。)His mother has to cut _ all the food for him.Dont cut _! (别插嘴!)He cut _ a bunch o

16、f grapes to entertain us.If we dont sell more goods, well have to cut _ production.10.【原句再现】They continue to have almost universal appeal today, even though they broke up in 1970. (P 31)【知识要点】含有break的词块 【诊断练习】(1)写出下列句中break up的意思。 The plane broke up in mid-air. _ Their marriage broke up just a few y

17、ears later. _ Hes just broken up with his girlfriend. _ Its time for us to break up the party and set off for home. _ We are to break up after the final exams. _(2)根据句意用含有break词块的适当形式填空。 She told the story, _ now and then to wipe the tears from her eyes. - What problems might children have when thei

18、r parents _?- They might have emotional and psychological problems. His health _ under the pressure of work and he had to stay in hospital for a month. The peace talk _ without any agreement reached. When they got home from their holiday, they found their house _ and many valuable things stolen.(二)句

19、型部分1.【原句再现】 Wherever the Beatles went, masses of fans would welcome them at the airport in a phenomenon that was then called “Beatlemania”, as if it were some kind of mental illness. (P 31)【知识要点】 ever和 no matter 的用法;as if/as though在虚拟语气中的用法【诊断练习】(1)选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。_ well prepared you are, you still

20、need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. AlthoughThe lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirts _ the season. A. whatever B. wherever C. whenever D. howeverThe employers often give the job to _ they believe have work experience with astrong se

21、nse of duty. A. whoever B. those who C. whoD. whomever_ shall be punished if he breaks the law.A. No matter who he is B. No matter who is he C. Whoever he is D. Whoever is he(2)根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空。 She speaks English so fluently as if she _ a native speaker. (be) She speaks English so fluently as if sh

22、e _ English in America. (study) He learns French so hard as if he _ to France. (go) The fat lady suddenly jumped and screamed as if _ by a snake. (bite) The little boy went thtough the room as if _ something. (look for) The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked around as if _ whether he was in

23、 the right direction. (see)二、词汇识记(一)单词部分 1. 普遍的,宇宙的_ 2. 壮丽的,辉煌的_ 3. 无条件的_ 4. 背诵,列举_ 5. 恐吓_ 6. 折磨_7. 导演_8. 成分_ 9. 真实的,可信的_10. 特别待遇,特权_11. 失业_12. 颤抖_13. 交响乐_14. 名声_15. 奴隶制度_16. 必不可少的,本质的_ 17. 衰落,下降_ 18. 重新获得_19. 现象_ 20. 精神的,心里的_(二)词块部分1. 以为背景_2. 坠入爱河_ 3. 呈现,体现_4. 醉心于,沉溺于_ 5. 对实施控制_ 6. 食言_7. 被处死_8. 申请_

24、 9. 扎根于之中_10. 种族歧视_11. 中断,打断_12. 征招入伍_13. 对有吸引力_14. 解散,解体,分手_15. 发财_16. 渴望做某事_17. 陷入衰退_18. 此后不久_三、巩固练习(一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(30分) 1. - What do you think of the set of popular science books?- It couldnt be better! It _ many problems we are interested in exploring.A. covers B. consults C. measures D

25、. writes2. - Are we going sightseeing sometime next month?- No. The plan _ at the second meeting.A. was cancelled B. would cancel C. has cancelled D. had been cancelled3. The _ that the injured should be sent to the hospital without delay turned out to be wise. A. benefit B. account C. occupation D.

26、 command4. Housing prices _ much higher now if the government hadnt taken measures to control housing dealing. A. were B. had beenC. would beD. would have been5. - Which actor or actress has _ in the most movies ever?- The Guinness Book of World Records lists John Wayne as playing the lead in 142 mo

27、vies.A. set B. starred C. joined D. succeeded6. The 3G cell-phone must be of great use and convenience to _ wants to get the information through the Internet quickly. A. who B. whichever C. whoever D. whomever7. The problem was that he didnt know what had hurt her and he _ her.A. dared not to ask B.

28、 not dared ask C. didnt dare ask D. didnt dare asking8. You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.A. run out B. break out C. work out D. put out9. The good news, _, is that the new findings will open up ways of research that could provide scientists with the means to save endang

29、ered animals.A. if so B. if ever C. if any D. if not10. The key word in the sentence has been _, so it doesnt make any sense to us.A. picked up B. left out C. held up D. made out11. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _ it will keep for two or three weeks. A. when B. which C. whe

30、re D. while12. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier _ into small pieces. A. break B. breaking C. broken D. to beak13. The ship-building industry has been in _ decline in _ last two decades.A. 不填; the B. a; the C. 不填; 不填 D. a; 不填14. So I _ our own government employees to

31、 put every effort into saving energy.A. apply for B. apply to C. appeal for D. appeal to15. He was so tired that he fell asleep and left the baby _.A. unattended B. unattending C. to unattend D. to be unattended16. The speaker gave his talk in English at the conference, which sounded as if it _ by c

32、omputers.A. should be translated B. had been translated C. would be translated D. were translated17. What if it _ that life does not become any better, but much worse?A. works out B. starts out C. goes out D. turns out18. The police arrived 20 minutes later and _ the crowd for the sake of safety.A.

33、took up B. wound up C. woke up D. broke up19. The organs that _ the toxins(毒素)are skin, lungs, livers and so on. A. used to remove B. are used to removing C. are used to remove D. used to removing20. - Im thirty years old. Is there anything wrong with my age? - _, man. In your poor Cantonese you sai

34、d youd been in Shenzhen for 80 years! A. Go ahead B. Thats all right C. Forget it D. Sure(二)完形填空:根据短文内容选择能填入短文空白处的最佳选项。(30分) Teaching second grade is always a challenge. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year a student called Billy _1_ me with his behavior as we

35、ll as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his _2_ emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that, to make _3_ progress, his emotions needed controlling.One _4_ I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. Billys mom would _

36、5_ me to alert(警告)me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then, I would focus on _6_ his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.One week our class was studying _7_. I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day.Th

37、at day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes _8_ I was told that Billy had a _9_ morning at home and I might need to get him _10_. As I was talking to his mom, Billy _11_ into the classroom. To Billys _12_, Rocky immediately ran up to his new _13_, wagging his tail and li

38、cking Billys face with doggy affection. Billy couldnt _14_ Rockys charm and began laughing as his anger melted away.Throughout the day, Billy never left Rockys side, feeding him, being gentle with him and even _15_ the other students while Rocky was sleeping.Billy was known for doing anything to avo

39、id _16_, but on this day he found a good dog story, “Cliffords Puddy Days,” and read it to Rocky. How _17_ I was at the sight of Billy reading happily! My little dog was able to _18_ Billys day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter, gentleness and _19_.That day Rocky more than helped

40、me with my _20_; he helped to change the life of a child! After that Billys behavior definitely improved.1. A. challengedB. cheatedC. benefitedD. betrayed2. A. unforgettableB. uncontrollableC. unconsciousD. unfortunate3. A. physicalB. mentalC. academicD. authentic4. A. advantageB. agendaC. reasonD. way5. A. awakeB. callC. visitD. sign6. A. toleratingB. observingC. relievingD. ignoring7. A. emotionsB. petsC. botanyD. diet8. A. afterB. asC. whenD. before9. A. boringB. fantasticC. busyD. rough10. A. settledB. punishedC. t

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