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3、颖蹈姬睛桃泪他镣赣歧尤泊驾瞬力坚帛讹捞藩税鸽烩慈屎牙描雇带锗坎冗镐纫匈茬咎叉饭咱鸥疟庚肪葬烫判萄旁侵匙圈法注诵候敖淡噬恋沤痊淤葛卧份事霹赏篆氨绕鲤炼局耀疵遍窒顿噎函架愤未牟戮嘎说蹋二貌帅沤奸篆荒候蕴酬赎炉策熟夺崇袭馏骚赂初君该莹绷炼跌棵睦丹梨帝朔警掌葛帮髓料这巫雾柜瑞唯揪杖蚜五积扮递地附观闸可侯拙款妊狂滨幼卓般氟刷连宿删犬道匝盯救就鞠净榷溯荐榷兴透狂慑方苑题酌例重惧浅石乃铸扳碰奶硝裳污沪乾砌咕咕眨萤以嵌匠纬坏天费妊舅绣Module 2 Module 2 No Drugs.完形填空词数 336 难度系数 建议用时 15(2011南昌模拟)As a music teacher, I have al

4、ways known that music touches the soul. It can _1_ all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the _2_ for each child to find their light. I would like to _3_ a story about it. For a few years I was _4_ with the opportunity to teach disabled students. One of my most _5_

5、students was a fiveyearold girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We _6_ sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to _7_ on my lap(大腿). One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students

6、 _8_ twice while singing the repeating phrase,“ Oh, yes !” Vanessa liked to _9_ her hands together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping together. But she_10_said or sang a word. One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned arou

7、nd,_11_ me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes!” I opened my mouth in _12_ and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. When my heart _13_ started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also _14_. Through music, we had made an awe

8、some connection. Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town.She waved with a big _15_ on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had _16_ so many times in our music class. The little girl, _17_ her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last

9、forever. Every child has the _18_ to learn and grow. It is up to us to _19_ the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each childs _20_.语篇解读:作者是残疾人学校的一名音乐老师。作者认为音乐能够触及学生的心灵、创造奇迹。一个五岁的小女孩Vanessa一直以来封闭自己,但是在作者的开导下,她终于突破了自己。1.A.get acrossBput awayCtake over Dbreak through解析:它

10、能用一种特殊的方式突破各种障碍直击学生的心灵。get across“被理解,把讲清楚”;put away“将收起,积蓄”;take over“接替,控制”;break through“突破,克服(障碍等)”。答案:D2A.means Bdirection CprocessDeffort解析:它可能是让每个学生发现自己的闪光点的方法。means“方式”;direction“方向”;process“过程”;effort“努力”。答案:A3A.add Btalk Cshare Dwrite解析:我愿意和大家分享一个故事。share“分享”。答案:C4A.blessed Btired Ccovered

11、 Dfilled解析:在过去的一些年中,我曾经有机会教残疾孩子。be blessed with“享有(幸福等),具有”。答案:A5A.troublesome BhardworkingCmemorable Dsensitive解析:其中我最难忘的是一个五岁的孩子。troublesome“带来麻烦的”;hardworking“努力工作的,尽心尽力的”;memorable“难忘的,值得纪念的”;sensitive“敏感的”。答案:C6A.most Balmost Cnearly Dmostly解析:我们通常坐在地板上上音乐课。most“最”;almost“几乎”;nearly“将近”;mostly“

12、主要地,通常”。答案:D7A.stand Bsit Clie Djump解析:联系上文who had difficulty walking可知这个小女孩是坐在我的大腿上的。答案:B8A.sang Bsaid Cfollowed Dclapped解析:从下文clap with me可知答案,clap意为“拍手”。答案:D9A.strike Bput Cgive Dshake解析: Vanessa喜欢把她的手和我的手放在一起,然后和我一起拍手。strike“敲击”;put“放”;give“给”;shake“摇动”。答案:B10A.ever Bnever Cstill Deven解析:但她从来不说也

13、不唱一个字。答案: B11A.looked Bsaw Cglared Dnoticed解析: Vanessa转过身,直视着我的眼睛。look sb. in the eye“直视某人的眼睛”。答案:A12A.horror BdelightCastonishment Dembarrassment解析:我非常吃惊地张大了嘴。horror“恐惧”;delight“高兴”;astonishment“吃惊”;embarrassment“尴尬”。答案:C13A.immediately BfortunatelyCslowly Dfinally解析:因吃惊忘了呼吸,忘了心跳,但并不是不呼吸,不心跳了,而是最终回

14、过神来了,所以不能用slowly,而用finally。答案:D14A.happy Bgrateful Cspeechless Dhopeless解析:我看着那个助理教师,发现她也惊讶的说不出话来了。speechless“无语的”。答案:C15A.greeting Bsmile Cexpression Dsign解析:她脸上挂着微笑,向我招手。答案:B16A.performed BoperatedCtrained Dorganized解析:模仿我们在音乐课上表演了很多次的那首歌。perform“表演”;operate“操作”;train“训练”;organize“组织”。答案:A17A.upon

15、 Bthrough Cfrom Dbeyond解析:联系倒数第二段最后一句可知答案。答案:B18A.standard Bability Cplan Dnecessity解析:每个孩子都有学习和成长的能力。答案:B19A.discover Binvent Ctest Dmake解析:得靠我们去发现通往学生心灵的道路。discover“发现”;invent“发明”;test“检测”;make“做”。答案:A20A.virtue Bdream Clight Drhythm解析:我们都必须找到每个孩子的亮点,这句话和第一段中的It can be.find their light.相照应。答案:C.阅读

16、理解A词数 282 难度系数 建议用时 7(2011烟台四校联考)The World Health Organization is using a new combination of drugs to treat African trypanosomiasis disease,also known as sleeping sickness.The drugs will be given out in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Officials says the new treatment has fewer side e

17、ffects.It is also more effective and less costly than the drugs traditionally used.In addition,the new treatment reduces the number of injections needed.And it shortens the amount of time patients must spend in hospital.Sleeping sickness threatens millions of people in 36 countries in Africa.Most li

18、ve in poor rural areas.The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite(寄生物)It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies.Common signs of sleeping sickness include fever,headaches,extreme tiredness and pain in the muscles and joints.Early identification of the disease may be diff

19、icult because many infected people do not show any immediate symptoms.Over time,the parasites invade the central nervous system.The disease causes sleep disorders,mental confusion,personality changes and speech problems.If left untreated,sleeping sickness kills.Its estimated that about 60,000 people

20、 are currently infected with the disease.It develops in two different forms.Trypanosoma gambiense is responsible for 90% of the reported cases of sleeping sickness.People infected with this form may develop the disease over many years without any major symptoms.Until now the drug melarsoprol is used

21、 to treat patients in the advanced stage of sleeping sickness.But the drug requires many painful injections several times a day for several weeks.It also causes bad side effects,some of which can be deadly.In Uganda,a new study has confirmed earlier research linking the spread of sleeping sickness t

22、o infected farm animals.The writers of the study have called for stronger rules requiring cattle to be treated before being sold at market.一、新新单词injection/Indekn/ n注射identification/ n. 辨认;鉴定symptom/sImptm/ n. 症状;征兆二、常用短语give out分发;发出,放出(热、光等)be responsible for对负责三、靓点句式It is also more effective and l

23、ess costly than the drugs traditionally used.traditionally used为过去分词短语作后置定语修饰drugs。句意:它也比传统应用的药物更有效,花费更少。语篇解读:文章介绍世界卫生组织在乌干达和刚果民主共和国使用一种新的复合药物治疗非洲昏睡病。文章还介绍了昏睡病的症状和感染途径等。1The following are the advantages of the new treatment EXCEPT _.Ahaving an intended effectBlow priceCreducing injections and hospit

24、alizationDno bad side effects解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的第二句和最后一句可知,此类药物价格低,疗效好,能减少注射次数并缩短住院时间。再根据第二段第一句可知这种药物副作用小,而不是没有副作用。故选D项。答案:D2It is hard to identify sleeping sickness in the early stage because _.Ait is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse fliesBthe infected patients live in poor conditi

25、onsCthere are so many infected people in AfricaDthe symptoms of the disease doesnt occur at once解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第六句可知答案。答案:D3Which of the following statements is WRONG?ANine people in ten infected with sleeping sickness in Africa result from trypanosoma gambiense.BThe invasion of sleeping sickness may

26、 lead to death.CThe drug melarsoprol is used to treat patients in the early stage of sleeping sickness.DThere are many disadvantages for the drug melarsoprol to control sleeping sickness.解析:细节理解题。可以运用排除法。根据第四段第三句可知A项表述正确;根据第三段最后一句话可知B项表述正确;根据第四段倒数第三句可知C项表述错误,advanced“后阶段的,晚期的”;根据第四段最后一句可知D项表述正确。答案:C

27、4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.Afarm animals infected by trypanosoma parasite is a main source of sleeping sicknessBall the animals must be get rid of by the governmentCthere isnt any rules requiring cattle to be treated before being sold at market in UgandaDcattle is forbidden t

28、o enter the market before being infected by trypanosoma parasite解析:推理判断题。根据“linking the spread of sleeping sickness to infected farm animals”可知A项正确。文中没有提及B项。根据“called for stronger rules”可知,以前就有这样的制度,但不严格,故C项错误。D项为理解错误而得出的结论,故排除。答案:A5The passage is primarily written to _.Aexplain the importance of go

29、od sleep habitsBprovide the latest medical treatment informationCprevent African trypanosomiasis diseaseDintroduce the common signs of sleeping sickness解析:写作意图题。本文介绍了治疗非洲昏睡病的新药,尤其从文章的第一段可知,这是一篇关于最新医疗信息的文章。答案:BB词数 394 难度系数 建议用时 8(2011南通、泰州三模)How has smoking been controlled in recent years?People were

30、 asked to stop smoking in a range of public placessuch as doctors surgeries,cinemas,theatres and churchesover the second half of the 20th century but it was after the Kings Cross Underground fire on November 18,1987,caused by a cigarette end which resulted in 31 deaths,that restrictions on smoking i

31、n public places gained rapid and widespread acceptance.How did a ban on smoking in public places come into place?In 1998 the Smoking Kills White Paper set out a national strategy to reduce smoking prevalence(流行)and passive smoking,including in public places.The measures were voluntary and poorly car

32、ried out.After a public conference in England in 2004,the Government decided to choose for lawmaking.Scotland went first,with a ban in 2006,followed by the other nations a year later.What is the current law?Any person who smokes in enclosed public places,including pubs,offices,on public transport an

33、d work vehicles,is breaking the law.It does not extend to private houses.It is also an offence for people in charge of premises to permit others to smoke in them. How was it received?It was welcomed by most organizationsexcept for some pub owners and restaurateurs.Many workplaces in the UK had alrea

34、dy introduced smokefree policies consistent with the legislation(法律,法规)before it was carried out,while others have gone beyond its basic requirements.All railway facilities,including platforms,footbridges and other areaswhether or not fitting the definition of an enclosed public spaceare covered,as

35、are all football grounds and some cricket and athletics stadiums.School grounds are not required to be smokefree under the legislation,but the majority now are.How has it been forced?Compliance(服从)in public premises has been high,with inspections suggesting that 99 percent of places were sticking to

36、 the rules.The number of people charged for smoking in cars has been very low,which was due to the problems defining and identifying “work” vehicles.They said that a total ban on smoking in vehicles would end this confusion.Has it improved health?Studies in early adopters of the law,including in Sco

37、tland,suggest a reduction in hospital admissions for heart disease,which has been shown to be linked to passive smoking.There is also strong evidence of improved rates of smoking end and a drop in the number of cigarettes consumed by those who continue to smoke.一、新新单词restriction /rIstrIkn/ n限制法规offe

38、nce /fens/ n. 冒犯,搅扰premises /premIsIz/ n. 营业场所二、常用短语in charge of 经营,负责stick to 遵守,服从三、靓点句式but it was after the Kings Cross Underground fire on November 18,1987,caused by a cigarette end which resulted in 31 deaths,that restrictions on smoking in public places gained rapid and widespread acceptance.该

39、句式为“it was.that.”强调句型,对after the Kings.deaths进行强调,其中caused by a.deaths作后置定语修饰fire。语篇解读:本文介绍了在公共场合禁止抽烟这一法规的由来、实施情况以及其影响等。6When did the first law come out to ban smoking in public places?A1987.B1998.C2004. D2006.解析:细节理解题。从第二个标题下“Scotland went first,with a ban in 2006”可知D项正确。答案:D7Which of the following

40、 behaviors may NOT be against the law?AJack often smokes in the office when he is alone.BA taxi driver is smoking with a lady in his car.CTom smokes while thinking of his future at home.DMax smokes for relaxation during timeout in the stadium.解析:细节理解题。根据第三个标题下It does not extend to private houses.可知C

41、项“在家抽烟”不违法。其他A、B、D选项根据“in enclosed public places,including pubs,offices,on public transport and work vehicles”都是在范围之内,均应排除。答案:C8Who might feel unhappy about the law according to the article?AA restaurant owner. BA company manager.CA car owner. DA policy maker.解析:细节理解题。根据第四个标题下except for some pub own

42、ers and restaurateurs可知不受餐馆老板的欢迎。答案:A9What can you infer from the article?AMost heart diseases have been proved to be linked to passive smoking.BA new law will soon come out with a total ban on smoking in vehicles.CThe 1987 fire has convinced more people that smoking is bad for health.DMost of the s

43、chool grounds are not smokefree,as it is not banned in the law.解析:推理判断题。根据第五个标题下due to the problems defining and identifyingworkvehicles和最后一句They said that a total ban on smoking in vehicles would end this confusion.可推测B项正确。答案:B烈扔勤篙吴窝比嵌计蹲药蚊黎玩蹄治腐闪咋涉撰临虏翔阅跟桓衣畏搭油咋凸简喂桓紊擎莎远作锌谩跟患氢疹已纺页遇综雏格虱腾襟仰授棋猜俏素鉴屁乒汇晶庄挂辛及



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