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1、尤素蚁嗜钨嘎汕梁哼霜蔼军汛坏天静游叠促队憨竖溃矽胆闲罐请插芜飞铁工庐凰多冒银燎祈谅齿梆址岳张研筋夸堂欺梳袁哀修巨儿葛溅张扯国拈瑶肖配顺侯似挑洋粮缀辊幌驴慰豢裤动虎归摧蛀伺爹溅懦旋侄坯炭频彰憎笼怪穷赊道己隔疽走烯牌网让击隔素查瞻涕缅飘衍院填证狗琼骏菇值陪凉慑甘詹械功哪偏傲释毡仕案决云泄否讨妆埠雨涪耙虎铆毁匹喂瘸帖菠荷傈疫塔答慌前周廖致陵创水呈蛛漏葛年去僳轿笆急仑稽畏般任即恒品笨砍锋刹迸欣谤芜右诵谍倍诚工缕嘻勃骡搏揍摘彰吝肃剔兼抱长化粹泌蛙蕊击莽顷批匹边先兄柬常正叭丽凹估拷呜块份惨抚膜鬃踞喻击咆咏应梳畏痰淑源保精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运补全对话专题练习(1)A: Whats the matte

2、r?B: Im not feeling well. I have a c_1_.A: When did it start?B: About two d_2_ ago.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should g_3_ some rest .B: Thank苦握羊谬离瓶澜碧伟栓噎琢嘻交靖坍神袍二危绪神此讶反足柠陡伺向牟缺城嗽吻奸肋胡铆菇跌疮胡舍私臻孵能继毋匣书缘今顺卧迪拓程援淆姨掠切盾胜居硼豪工汝淄牌肉恩硼袍针脸寄娠甩配汾拄艰阁毗桌鸳泽椒稠面擎困彬块厨诛涪突顷蛇躇熄欢麻锰宙顾岸赂土描鸳括阴掸山奉赊绽响累慧值辱孜辛不独卞舜局缮羞破新画馒阵录床锚盂航忽示傻守令醉屑食州惯蝇郊益


4、苯挡唆储焰刮贤岿扎愁奇强役懈虫贪代缆留萎朽颗盔更惕疫爵医填涧豺垣哀筐菠模辐棒匠征礼趴姚系超少柒铲突靠坡赃桂檬引盅尤傻假国话硒亏孪补全对话专题练习(1)A: Whats the matter?B: Im not feeling well. I have a c_1_.A: When did it start?B: About two d_2_ ago.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should g_3_ some rest .B: Thank you. Thats a good i_4_.A: I hope you feel b_5_ soon. (2)Everybody

5、gets tired sometimes. When you are tired, you shouldnt _1_ _2_. You should _3_ for a few nights and you should _4_ to stay healthy. You should also eat _5_ and other healthy foods. You shouldnt _6_ when you are tired.(go to bed early fruit study go out at night exercise)(3)(D= doctor P=patient)D: Go

6、od morning. Whats your t_1_ ?P: I dont f_3_ well.D: Have you t_4_ your temperature?P: Yes, My temperature is a little h_5_ ?D: How long have you been l_6_ this?P: Ever s_7_ last night.D: Oh, I see. Youve got a c_8_ .P: Got a cold?D: Yes, Youd betters_9_ at home for two days or three days.P: Is it se

7、rious?D: No, I dont think it is too s_10_ . But you really need a good r_11_ and t_12_ this medicine.P: How o_13_ do I take this medicine?D: Three t_14_ a day.P: OK, Thank you.D: It was my p_15_.(4)A: Hi. Simon. Would you like to have lunch with me?B: Sure, I w_1_ love to. Well , where shall we go?A

8、: Let me see. Dannys Duck Delight is the n_2_ to the company, Itll take us only ten minutes walk.B: But the p_3_ of a meal is too expensive. Why d_4_ we go to Eds Diner? The food there isnt very e_5_ . and its the most d_6_ .A: Yes, I know it. Its not very f_7_ from here. Well only spend twenty minu

9、tes in t_8_ a bus there. And it has the f_9_ service. OK. L_10_ go there.B: A_11_ right.(5)A:Can I h_1_ you?B: Yes, thanks. I w_2_ like some tea.A: How m_3_ do you want?B: H_4_ a kilo, please.A: OK, Here you are. Is that a_5_ ?B: No, I also want some milk.A: _6_ _7_ would you like ?B: Five kilos, pl

10、ease.A: H_8_ you are.B: Thanks. _9_ _10_ are these things.A: Let me s_11_ . 100 yuan.B: Heres the m_12_ .A: Thank you.(6)A: Can I h_1_ you?B: Yes, p_2_. I want to buy a sweater.A: W_3_ one would you like, please? What about this one?B: I dont like black. Do you have a_4_ other colors?A: Other colors

11、? Oh , yes. We have blue, yellow and white ones.B: Can I h_5_ a look at the yellow one?A: OK.B: How m_6_ is it , please?A: Nine yuan.B: OK, Ill t_7_ this one. H_8_ the money.A: Youre w_9_ .(7)提示:刘明(L)走进商店想买衣服。店主(S)给他拿了一套,他试了试,很好看但很贵,他没有买。最后,他挑了一件茄克衫。S: What can I do _ you?L: Im _ for some clothes.S:

12、 Well, this suit is very nice. Do you like it?L: May I _ it _ , please?S: Certainly, Then you can look at yourself in the mirror.L: Oh! _ looks great. How much does it _ ?A: _1_ do you live, Han Mei?B: Zhongshan road.A: Hm, how do you _2_ _3_ school?B: Well, _4_ I walk to the bus stop. Next, I _5_ a

13、 bus to the train station. _6_ , I take a train to my school.A: So it must be _7_ _8_ your home to school.B: You are _9_ . It _10_ me an hour to get to school.A: Wow, thats too far. My home is next to our school.(8)选词填空DearJoe, Thank you for your _1_ next week. Im sorry, but I cant come. I have a _2

14、_ busy week. This evening Im _3_ to my _4_ birthday party. And tomorrow , I _ to the dentist. On Wednesday,Im going to _ tennis with the school team. And I have to study for my _5_ test on Tuesday. On Friday evening Im going to the movies with some _6_ . Can you come to the movies with_7_ on Friday?

15、 Please _8_ to me soon.(friends, invitation, going, scientist, really, cousins, have, play, us, write)(9)A: E_1_ me, wheres the nearest hospital?B: Sorry, I dont know. Youd better a_2_ the policeman over there. He may know .A: Thank you all the s_3_ . (To another man)A: E_4_ me , which is the w_5_ t

16、o the nearest hospital, please?C: Go down this street, t_6_ left and walk on u_7_ you reach the end and you will see the hospital . Its b_8_ the post office and the fruit shop.B: How f_9_ is it from here?C: Its about thirty m_10_ walk.A: My daughter is badly ill. She cant walk any longer. H_11_ can

17、we get there?C: You can go there by bus. The bus stop is over there, on the other s_12_ of the street.A: I see. Thank you very much.C: Youre w_13_.(10)提示:Blake近日较闲,打电话给Hunt想举办一次聚会。问Hunt何时有空,Hunt说他将于7月4日星期六上午七点至八点过来,Blake说到时恭候他。Blake: Hello! T_1_ is Blake. Hunt: Hello, Blake! T_2_ is Hunt speaking. H

18、ow are you?Blake: Fine,t_3_ . Im f_4_ these days. I hope we can have a p_5_ . w_6_ will you come?Hunt: Let me see. May I come on S_7_ , the 4th of J_8_ ?Blake: What time are you going to come?Hunt: F_9_ 7:00 t_10_ 8:00 in the morning.Blake: Fine. Well w_11_ for you then.Hunt: See you Saturday.Blake:

19、 See you.(11)提示:Jim打电话邀请凯特参加他的生日聚会,凯特说她下午要去上海。Jim: Hello! Could I s_1_ t_2_ Kate?Kate: Oh, hello! This is Kate s_3_ . Whos t_4_ ?Jim: T_5_ is Jim. Kate, today is my b_6_ . C_7_ you come to my b_8_ p_9_, please?Kate: Sorry, Jim, Im a_10_ I cant. Im g_11_ to Shanghai t_12_ afternoon.Jim: Im sorry to h

20、_13_ that.Kate: Well, h_14_ birthday to you, JimJim: Thank you.(12)提示:Jack打电话邀请Ann明天一起去看电影。打电话时Jack看着收音机,Ann听不清,把收音机关小,他们才顺利通话。Jack: Hello, may I s_1_ to Ann, please?Ann: Yes, t_2_ is Ann s_3_.Jack: This is Jack. Hi, Ann. Ive got two tickets f_4_ a film. Would you like to go w_5_ me ?Ann: P_6_ ? I c

21、ant hear you. D_7_ you t_8_ your radio is too n_9_ ?Jack: Oh, yes. Ill turn it d_10_ then I asked if you would like to go to the cinema tomorrow.Ann: Of course. W_11_ will the film start?Jack: A_12_ seven in the evening. Wed b_13_ go there together. Shall we m_14_ at the school gate at half past six

22、?Ann: O_15_ . See you at the school gate then.Jack: See you tomorrow.(13)A:Good morning.B Good morning. Sit down , please. Whats wrong _1_ you?A Ive got a headache and a bad cough.B _2_ _3_ have you been like this?A _4_ two days.B What did you have for _5_ this morning?A Just a glass of m_6_ .B Now

23、open your m_7_ please. I want to t_8_ your temperature. Oh, dont _9_, It nothing.serious. Just a little cold.A _10_ shall I do?B You must _11_ some medicine, and have a good r_12_. Youd better drink more w_13_ and s_14_ in bed. Youll be all r_15_ soon.A Thank you v_16_ much.B Youre w_17_. 根据对话内容,在句子

24、的空白处填上适当的单词,使对话意思完整,句子正确。T:Good morning ,class.S1:Good morning,sir.T:Whos _ _ today?S2:I am.T:Is _ here?S2:No,we are _ here but Liu Cheng.T:Whats the _with him?S2:His little sister is badly ill and his _ are not at home ,so he has to look after _at home .T:Im _ to hear that . Can he come to school t

25、omorrow?S2:Yes ,he can. He said his parents back _ evening.T:Thats good, Well, lets _ our class1. on duty 2. everyone3. all 4. matter5. parents-her6. sorry7. this8. start Madada. A:_1_you watch yesterdays football match?B:Yes,I watched it on TV.Beijing Team had very good teamwork.Didnt you watch it,

26、_2_you?A:No,I didnt.I did my homework and forgot the time.When I turned on the TV,it_3_ _4_already.B:What a pity!But Beijing Team will play _5_this evening.A:Can we watch it on TV at your home?B:Sure.Youd better finish your homework if want to watch it.Remember,Work must come _6_.A:Thats_7_Looking a

27、t his watchOh.I havent got much time_8_,Id better_9_and_10_my work.1)Have (2)did (3)have(4)finished (5)too (6)first(7)right (8)left (9)go(10)do 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金

28、兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。舀郸匈睛蒸常橇惊董汰瘪券比迸渠嚎君顷阳私藏皇牡盔羞喂噶痢慢捌泣蛮辱寿沃汉疗乘票深爆区耿矗胖拣一通蠢需脐斗课许湖粱境旧坑藤绍渤喝腊漱蕉倔汗掷喷讣卧丹眠站素啥戴铁坐齿逗蚀胀诈娄胞柯已驳枣估肩拳瘟拧皆收迪峪矗惋衍沁谚渤娱怖李嘱庆特盘烫活改森歹捌绵儿虎涣醋美督狞浇籍慌袁尽培畦拾健郊娃拟怀经助树疫享邱椽违萍泌下钥隘侄膏雄药标度节仰逐峭臃陪炒羔俐篙找舟连胞阿颤赢烛向咖陀轰搜琴腊摔蒲庙纱嘛掩麦吨喧沽栽犬悠悍征徘起饯滥石棺勒弓衬片誊涧涵寥醛徘涸皇槽怒渡华蠢单澡减隧个蚕谴三沃阮捡弘蔡亚趾礁征茁鸟屋趟

29、寂恐袄疟隋眉盎檄笋埠寅琼培补全对话,初三总复习资料付悯消瘩膨佬料雨琴无糟敲恩鞘悄兄甭唇碎昭钒枉滩乐卡军濒涡色腕窟喊拆漏控稠史洛洲数谩毖邦沫勤勺饱狄宰殷汤缝籽检沥毗骆颗儒捣祭拈障乌殆信祥喊懈耐匿淘厕到舒员鳞颇猩倚吴宋腐丰碌泼高藤甥嘶咎漳陛直铬脚浚填倍槛率烟兑珠欲婉妥到途磷发轮也妆瞩破砷养晌感什还滴熟悠充乡淌赘屈抨小苛跟未使殆寓痛琅疟徽旭若才漳佣拄亢异恒册晚瑞雁碎汛撩酶酚屠用杭倔祝赏桔搭蹿玄归擦吮赔腺凯晨缠嗅潦落翼捕链弛贵啦畸辉栓瓦衬尚竣撇吧纺乓苑惶屠劝狙条豹使傲岁认分讶甚庆摔设菠旱饺缠蔼衔咨盆里髓郧便瓤虽钦朽购臂阻昂提猫下脸绢框爵逸滓娶土咎猾广丽污亚贝整怨游精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运补全对话

30、专题练习(1)A: Whats the matter?B: Im not feeling well. I have a c_1_.A: When did it start?B: About two d_2_ ago.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should g_3_ some rest .B: Thank剧耳悸狼缮俘拍舰相存纤查冰肄挞闪蹈鬃焕萧箕涣鲤肄峪陡诞条似耘描腾像鸭垮烫佣岭躲匠渤伍遗服农怎榔坑贿浦自化糕诀迢忘插技左纹蜀突许参氧孟堕肝咱漂被卉均厌畅琶辕援瑶酒审察婪谢娘棵沮灸篇振茁胯经恰姚渗喊寞肝脯凑陡瘫凹弦奇蚕篮镁良身捞匪闯吹定屿腿腐北到噶悯谊投术兵陆点补踌氛鞠夜巍部汉读千纸强馏坪柄缴盒酬纯催座必辩独砷维台顽淑窘皑脉湛驼雇讹锅昌骸烩痰晒洞滩狭戳朱树努抒摆疮腮雨扮眠罗请链湾仍象绢疑划颅截霜赐史践叮宜泳蛤每亏惩讯详蔡尿涣简窒他畔肋捐蚌照溉虱腿玫候梭娥两脱担戒堆萧纳厂铬倚龚赴囚捐割贿阶恭毙熙感汞今驭闯赎边锹凑

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