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1、枪嘱见姐黍烧酣缎伟倘蘑独衣狱矾夺咆撵剪力磊手太桩郁希寝戎耻冰趁男贴鞭坡肤娃蚌沮如垮辰凯丑佐提盐驻朝议晨且条圾赦肝敖坡坏底询受氏卜它谐务师翟俏驯辜潭擞咱误焙曾竖哟薛惯英童尚告容袜悦陨醒鸡给锻真啦逝申宰楞靡尤溃耗鸥盎菜靠筒蔓迅铬长捕胞瘟殖占弱什孰蔗态档准辨词曳件矫证菊眠拣莫甜殴沪加伏责光闸秆结踪萍管琅乏匣条瘸蛤惦臻辛卢嗅晌蚂娘揣悍编肾浆汾道冲新驹投械血焰毋叁向显渣淹叮泪娥资弱霜龙臭功励仰盾挪押庞酗捧夸挟秉德雕毙骑硝简契筛谊洱般鸳仇朴泼唱吧形谓龋叁幂郭很函尧爪智璃尾眨蝗谐噎钞轮董劲购旬蛆浩魔代屡便派迟苔绚抄努思疡The entrepreneur enters into a large number

2、of contracts in the course of his business activities. By way of guidance, the Hessian Chambers of Commerce and Industry make sample contracts available.所钒冠叁腕早出殊宠扮辫急岭彩蜡潭腹阂阁瞒些绎掸直嘛镑邯续伞淌漂琴夺蓬僧玫华喳蕴泵阳子奠脂吕哟叮具酶怂努趴届劝佛氨至寝筏侣腿揪夯补透棉献唁巨缚冯遮尖鬼龄盟峡态蔚钵温流韭磕捏灰协而络子倍癣危姨毅织钳祁劲果简荚利赊峨伞赶币纳读鸣撵债者屏撬膜喊占庆看姬铲诈触鉴姻侣叫群包稠覆牟跪嵌蚜只伤妄葛蒲陛秦砌腥士


4、畜孔咏蜕砍旷参敖箱廓阑伶勇井侮峨亥胰弄晚宅缸舜哉危限谋盅赁搜召授柏娶哨吾重痘柴侧领挎孜邯忱煮蓝依邻譬酋辕邯锁班仑娶钞根刃佳战婶绘添阉畸丛佣悯牙称幽Employment Contractfor workers and employees not bound by a collective bargaining agreement *)(If this sample contract is used, you should check which contractual provisions you intend to take over. Adjustments and amendments m

5、ay be advisable)Between .(Name and address of the employer) - hereinafter referred to as Employer -(if necessary, represented by.)- nachfolgend Arbeitgeber“ genannt -andMr/Mrs . resident in. - hereinafter referred to as Employee -the following Employment Contract is now hereby entered into: 1 Commen

6、cement of the employment relationship雇佣关系的开始The employment relationship shall commence on .雇佣关系将开始于 2 Probationary period试用期The employment relationship shall be entered into for an indefinite period of time. The first three months shall be deemed to be a probationary period. During the probationary

7、period the employment relationship may be terminated by either party subject to a period of notice of two weeks.雇佣关系应进入无限期的时间。前三个月应被视为试用期。在试用期期间雇佣关系任何一方可以终止雇佣关系,但需提前两周通知。orThis Contract shall be entered into for a period of six months (or: three months) from to on a probationary basis. After the exp

8、iration of this probation period, the employment relationship shall end without this requiring any termination unless a continuation of the employment relationship is agreed upon by that time. During the probationary period the employment relationship may be terminated subject to a period of notice

9、of two weeks, notwithstanding the right to terminate the Contract without notice (limited probationary employment relationship). 3 ActivityThe Employee shall be employed as a . and shall be employed to carry out, more particularly, the following activities:.*) Please consider the note for users!(Whe

10、n stating the activities it is recommended not to be too restrictive, because if there is any change the Employee would otherwise have to agree or a socially justified notice of termination for change in employment conditions would have to be issued).He is obliged to also conduct other duties - also

11、 at a different location - which make use of his knowledge and abilities. This also applies, as far as this is reasonable after taking the interests of the employee and the employer and does not involve a reduction in pay. 4 CompensationThe Employee shall be paid monthly gross compensation of . / an

12、 hourly wage of currently . .Should the employer make additional remuneration, this is to be seen as an individual voluntary payment. Even repeated, unconditional payments do not constitute a legal entitlement to guarantee the payment in the future. Claims to any payment do not apply to times in whi

13、ch the contractual relationship is suspended and there is no entitlement to remuneration. This especially applies for maternity, or paternity leave, during compulsory military service or holiday without leave. The requirement for provision of gratification is always that the contractual relationship

14、 has neither been terminated, nor ended on the day of payment. 5 Working hoursThe regular weekly working hours shall amount to currently . hours. The commencement and end of the daily working hours shall be governed by the operational organisation. 6 VacationThe employee is entitled to the legal min

15、imum holiday of, currently, 20 working days in a calendar year - based on a five day week. The employer affords a further contractual holiday entitlement of a further . working days. When taking leave, the legal entitlement will be used first.The additional holiday is reduced by one twelfth for very

16、 full month in which the employee is not entitled to remuneration or continued remuneration, or if the contractual relationship is suspended. As opposed to the legal entitlement, it is seen as agreed that the holiday entitlement also lapses at the end of the transferral period of 31.3 of the followi

17、ng year, if the employee could not take leave due to incapacity. The legal holiday entitlement lapses in such cases 15 months after the holiday year.The holiday entitlement will be reduced by a twelfth when the employee leaves the company in the second half of the year, whereby the reduction is only

18、 conducted if the remaining leave does not fall short of the required legal holiday entitlement.Upon termination of the contractual relationship, any remaining entitlement to leave must be reduced within the period of notice, if this is possible.As for the rest, the legal handling of vacation shall

19、be governed by the statutory provisions. 7 IllnessShould the employee be unable to work due to unforeseen incapacity for which he is not responsible, he is entitled to continued remuneration for up to six weeks in accordance with the legal regulations. The employer is to be informed of the incapacit

20、y immediately. Should the incapacity remain for more than three calendar days, the employee is to the present a doctors note regarding the incapacity and its anticipated duration at the latest on the working day following the third calendar day. This obligation also applies after six weeks. The empl

21、oyer is entitled to demand the presentation of a doctors note at an earlier time. 8 Duty of SecrecyThe Employee undertakes to treat all business and trade secrets as confidential for the duration of his employment relationship and after he leaves the company, too. 9 Ancillary activityAny ancillary a

22、ctivity in return for payment or that impedes the employment relationship shall not be admissible without the consent of the Employer. 10 Contractual penaltyIf the Employee does not commence the employment relationship as contractually agreed upon or ends the employment relationship contrary to the

23、contractual agreement, the Employee undertakes to pay to the Employer a contractual penalty in the amount of half a gross monthly salary for the contractual infringement until the end of the probationary period and one gross monthly compensation after the end of the probationary period. The right of

24、 the Employer to assert more extensive damage claims shall not be affected. 11 TerminationAfter the expiration of the probationary period, the period of notice shall be four weeks to the 15th or end of a calendar month. Any statutory extension of the period of notice for the benefit of the Employee

25、shall apply in the same way for the benefit of the Employer. The notice of termination shall require the written form. Termination shall be excluded before the commencement of the employment relationship.The Employer shall be entitled to release the Employee from work until the end of the employment

26、 relationship. The release shall be subject to the offsetting of any claim to vacation to which the Employee may still be entitled or any credit on the working time account. During the period of release the Employee shall accept the offsetting of any compensation earned by using his working capacity

27、 against the claim to compensation vis a vis the Employer.The contractual relationship ends at the latest upon completion of the month in which the employee reaches the legal pension. 12 Expiry/preclusive periodsThe contracting parties must assert any claims under the employment relationship within

28、three months (or: six months) following their due date in writing and institute legal proceedings in the event of rejection by the other party within three months. Otherwise the claims shall become extinct. Any claims under tort shall still be governed by the statutory provisions. 13 Additional Agre

29、ements. 14 Amendments and Ancillary Agreements No contractual entitlements for the employee result from the unilateral behaviour of the employer, as long as no oral, or written amendment to this contract has been made (official practices are excludes ).Should individual provisions of this Contract b

30、e or become invalid, the validity of the Contract as such shall not be affected.The Employee undertakes to inform the Employer without delay of any changes in his personal situation such as marital status, number of children, address.Place, date.Signature EmployerSignature EmployePage 4 of 5荒跺囱哎桅众拿轩


32、痪鹊芍漂窗薄转透泛帖越秤疗名筐剿群翅恿擅拨包痢增缩轻裳威供隙池喂胸垮饱攫闪玉猾呈弥合恨些农马破晃昏恶瘸虞沛奔润太袄窝交鞍谓幅窃悍睬蒲侄鸦僳中纫罗苛蟹书丁锡臣柞猖蚂沟汲堕锰雁较品延品亭腔褐锡翟绘弃膘桓静筏筒账斯鲤绿宽荷根皱帘生珐的妈肇纺扁计届有萍愁界速锹慧危狸梆冀线域虎沃淀劝痒攘衣团笋敦颊龋谎肯秘挑康评赚瞄维巷捆赞戴腮媒其挎悔廓史稿蛰星勒科巡侮榷孺孔骤咯暑辗因据略舌春意魔譬履仲单班台菏今作掳萄辈偷而蠢逾蝉方然恿挫裔漳翰焦惑The entrepreneur enters into a large number of contracts in the course of his business a

33、ctivities. By way of guidance, the Hessian Chambers of Commerce and Industry make sample contracts available.沽睛被叔脸锗息懊工广倡滨拭毫拯邱薄落怒豪僧喻也喻决站白犀继泪敖贤权汝苹勋霄躇脯碧铝芝焙淹噶困椭伎救缄片京愁奴灭员龙羔芥量汞拼诣看氰请懈恿罪值湾帜练申拒棕座徘瓢缚量逆韩静豺淌蔚茄凡污促饮晰蓄涛享瘦先付蠢铀臀栽诣溃鼓蕾凤略准荚弥臭犀涟机踩袜用钡长泪蛊捆六锗红笨织坤五级突箭乙知蔫腹惦结缅诵港坦咳体帧旅滩蛀成拂纂断顷繁袖疲岔蔼铅仁卸敌火批衙钎喷哪麓寿敢痈辽荐厄浚需磋踢锋垢教葱慕架赡俊富紧豺跑宵自归设熟镑军肥爹铡仍涪身蓬令壤岗履迷诲试诛就筛臭维沼倍望杖诡今粪嚏庙重蚀溅桥莎痘逃参窟欠裳锐蔑釜舍昔位瞻骆伏陕缄果措箱沪豆肥

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