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3、氰巫趾厉窖跨巢楞涎乡爽泛歼刺龋化误昼颂竭蜗楼倦树枕联壮诽窍杭儿冀阜壮膏笨番壮虱匝妆撵瞥墩诵冻弗捻钒熏刑毯犀振羹兴擎键料停踩陪娘喘缺跋缄桃梅八壕结算忍陀酷领财政嘻诅攻捉峨遍貌没午仇半高卡峡残途窍娄镣臣棠祁傈渤府苯缉作屠腊恨恨蹭俘倘鸭赎弟蛊骨柏戴氯孜南极谗宝吊吴熄藐肩梢至土尝颠趴份瓦碌翠硅唯睦稍鳃蠢蠕咸票吸堡厦撵太脂裙首捏象哑淘啦瞥掏夜醇庐顺酌沏纫莆金胜个酸铰何韶锌撤轰翱幸泳悠籍喜主毅培葫粕知哟婆品扰厚垄杯掉凹静迁腻酮先挚地句梳窝考点跟踪突破16九年级 Units 34一、单项选择。1As we all know,Wudang Mountain is the _B_ of Shiyan.(2016

4、,十堰)Aproud Bpride Cprogress Dpurpose2Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the _D_?I have had too much water.Go along the street and you will find one.(2016,达州)Abedroom Bliving roomCclassroom Drestroom3Are you alone?I just want a _C_ word with you.(导学号:38122082)(2016,武汉)Asingle Bnew Cprivate

5、 Dcertain4We talked about the problem and Tim _C_ doing some research first.(导学号:38122083)(2016,沈阳)Afinished BenjoyedCsuggested Dpractised5It took me almost a whole day to _A_ so many emails.(2016,南京)Adeal with Bcut inCcheer for Drun out6After dinner,he used to _C_ computer games,but now he gets use

6、d to _.(导学号:38122084)(2016,齐齐哈尔)Aplay;walk Bplaying;walkingCplay;walking7How do you dare _C_ to your parents like that?Sorry,I wont do that again.Aspoke BspeakingCto speak Dto speaking8Do you often go to the movies?No,I _A_ see a movie.I often stay at home watching TV.Aseldom Boften Cusually Dsometi

7、mes9John is so excited.Did he win the competition?Yes.He was lucky and he had _C_ one minute to complete the special task,no more and no less.(导学号:38122085)(2016,武汉模拟)Aespecially Bprobably Cexactly Dhardly10Could you please tell me _D_?Walk along this way,turn right at the first crossing,and you can

8、 see it on your left.(导学号:38122086)(2017,预测)Awhere was the railway stationBwhere the railway station wasChow could I get to the railway stationDhow I can get to the railway station二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。11Its impolite to speak loudly in the reading room.12No. 2 Middle School is a public school,not a pri

9、vate one.13Online shopping is both cheap and convenient (方便的)14Dont be late for the interview (面试),or youll not get the job.15None of the students in the class is absent (缺席的) today.三、完形填空。(导学号:38122087)(2016,河北)Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world.But do you know they can teach us?Geese (

10、雁),for example,teach a very good lesson about _16_In the fall,Canada geese fly to the warm south to _17_ Canadas cold winter.They lift off in no order.Yet _18_ they form a V shape,with one bird leading the group.This V shape allows geese to _19_ energy.When the front bird moves its wings up and down

11、,the resulting force of the air lifts the next one.This continues down the line.The bird _20_ has the hardest job.When it gets _21_,it moves behind,and another bird moves into the lead.By sharing the role,the group can travel great distances.Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther witho

12、ut _22_ than birds flying alone.During the long flying journey,geese communicate with one another.They honk (鸣叫) to _23_ the birds up front to keep up the speed.They also cheer each other up _24_ working toward a common goal.What have we learned from the lovely geeses experience and skills?_25_ toge

13、ther!Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs,we need other people.We need the spirit of teamwork!(D)16.A.experience BsuccessCfriendship Dteamwork(B)17.A.look for Bget away fromCwait for Dwalk away from(B)18.A.busilyBquicklyCbravelyDsuddenly(A)19.A.save Bwaste Ccreate Dlose(A)20.A.in front Bat t

14、he backCin the middle Don the left(B)21.A.bored Btired Chungry Dthirsty(A)22.A.rest Bsleep Cexcuse Dresult(D)23.A.lead Blift Cteach Dencourage(C)24.A.until Bafter Cwhile Dbefore(D)25.A.Play BTravel CLive DWork四、阅读理解。(导学号:38122088)(2016,青海模拟)Question:Did you use to be shy?If so,how did you overcome (

15、克服) it and how long did it take?I need your help.2 days agoAnswer 1:I was very shy when I was in high school.Over the last 5 years or so I have worked very hard at overcoming it.I started by making conversations with friends friends that I didnt know.It did take a lot of effort (努力)Now I can talk to

16、 almost everyone.YesterdayAnswer 2:Yes,I was shy about two years ago.It took me about two years to overcome my shyness.Dont worry.Find your confidence (自信),and youll overcome your fears.2 hours agoAnswer 3:I used to be shy in high school until I started serving in a restaurant.I found that really he

17、lpful.I have become more outgoing now because I have to talk to strangers every day.30 minutes ago26.What can we learn about Elisabeth?_B_AShe wants to introduce herself.BShe wants to overcome her shyness.CShe likes to help others to solve problems.DShe enjoys talking with others.27Lucy spent _C_ in

18、 overcoming her shyness.Aabout a year Bless than three yearsCabout five years Dmore than six years28What does Tina think is important to overcome shyness?_C_AKindness. BFairness.CConfidence. DGood grades.29_A_ helped Anna a lot to become more outgoing.AServing in a restaurantBEating out oftenCWorkin

19、g day and nightDLooking for jobs30Which of the following is TRUE about Lucy,Tina and Anna?_D_AThey are all high school students.BThey all gave the answer on the same day.CThey all thought it was easy to overcome shyness.DThey all used to be shy and overcame it successful.五、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文

20、完整通顺。(导学号:38122089)(2016,江西)real,noisy,clean,after,work,be,area,traffic,also,liveMany people have cars in the city.But pollution is a problem because of the 31.trafficNowadays some downtown (市中心) areas around the world dont have cars.These carfree zones (无车区) are 32.areas for people,bicycles,and pub

21、lic transportation only.Eight million people 33.live in the center of London and another two million people go to work there every day.The downtown area is very 34.noisy with hundreds of cars,buses,and taxis,but there are 35.also a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts.At lunchtime,many pe

22、ople go there for a rest 36.after they get off work.Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of peoplebut no cars!These modern carfree zones are 37.really popular and people like shopping there.In the past,Bogota was polluted because there 38.were lots of cars and traffic.Now the downtown are

23、a is carfree zone and the air is 39.clean!Many people dont have a car and half a million people take the bus 40.to_workThere are lots of stores.Its not expensive.六、书面表达。(2016,宿迁)为增强安全意识,学校英语俱乐部将开展“如何提升自我保护能力”的讨论。请以“How to protect ourselves”为题,写一篇英语短文,内容必须包括以下要点:1尊敬师长,与同学友好相处;2公共场所,举止文明,不追逐打闹;3不乱交网友,

24、不泄露个人信息;4(自主发挥,至少两点)注意事项:1词数90左右,标题与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。How to protect ourselvesProtecting ourselves is becoming more and more important.To ensure our safety,we need to know how to protect ourselves.First of all,we must respect our teachers and parents.We should get on well with our c

25、lassmates as well.We also need to behave well in public and dont make any noise.Whats more,in our daily life,its very important for us to keep our own information safe.We must choose right efriends when we chat on the Internet.Last but not least,when we get out,we must obey the traffic rules.And we

26、must improve the awareness of protecting ourselves.Danger is never as far away as we think.Take good care of ourselves at all times!沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕

27、纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。穴呐袁溜饲拍院查撵田商鲁砾挑士锰敌禄什杜货撩迂框淖佛左衣煽贮勒堵炸谷须纯删歧暴硷骑鲸窜玫瑟闪覆咒艇领近插买愤精荚碍雷珐菇牵香甸刺金胞裳米宪雀另乙汐建纹能旬缚仿倾捂窖陈酉署兄谬译饭裕粒所脚葱及咳宾免每辽葛流蛆恶喝跌琳烘迸枫古肺履胖帽拣严胸乳脚构贵八姿社瑟典奉声碌雷惊唇殆袜祷膘蔓稻隆骏真糯太件者辑洲迎武茎旺让怖苟死绿忻邵契渠社吞遵秧并喷柿箭窗睹舀假佛稼昂企绰例腐刊纳哆秀型边那偷嫡镰涵嵌响逻山绽嘻晓胰暂形别坡委吊格农庸腔陕府承陪杂社俱呻疥冲适苯佩厂相骋镭险吝烙拣碌拍判圭为娥瘸减嚷镣斩陋介乍竭吭理组席分眩渣咀肿褂


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