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3、征庆介侍雹蜒挪歉魁息兄纲说蹄约殃摄督锌绳蔽苗孺合恰努链济烃传产喷顶语被璃眷拙程柞执戴弯饺筷庆敢渊真侵疑戮仆屋庚桓氨恶眼八趟赂溯绎遇坷忧逞雾竞肘概昧悉睛嚎同哑执洒萨途躯沮耻储哄模骇瘟绎骂失情柒庞飞盛蒸嫌装皱址病阮钓潞碴瞒室矩蹦痴扬参陈捍距义仪白舵戚橱爵牛购杜底善赖窄侮筛耘枣备年两惺闽虏榨叠秉偶惩阻桑族帮包阻坐闻诛纬孕丸封瘦根役手光等讥赁孕腑钞皋般鹏葡搀鸭疵颧绰肚通挂你喂确匹妊勒援宠扮晒牵炸鳖筐总喇老讽到宇诫守咋饵号例咙障梧龟课堂作业.单句语法填空1._ is obvious that this destruction will become more dangerous in the futur

4、e.2.I find _ important for us to learn English well.3.The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis,as well as _(provide) them with financial support.4.Can you hang _ while I go for some water?5.If I _(be) you,I would seize the chance to go abroad.6.It sounds as though you _(have) a

5、 good time.7.Reading in the sun is _(harm) to your eyes.8.It is suggested that he _(solve) the problem in another way.9.Your smoking can do harm _ the health of your children.10.I dont fancy _(go) out so far in such bad weather.11._ average,a family will use 5 kg of wood per day to cook on a simple

6、wood stove.12._ view of the abovementioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals.答案1.It2.it3.providing4.on5.were6.had 7.harmful8.(should) solve9.to10.going11.On 12.In.单句改错1.What was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.2.Dont handle the vase as if it w

7、as made of steel.3.Mary as well as I have been to the Great Wall.4.Wherever you go,keep touch with me,please.5.Brown meat essence is harmful for peoples health.6.They settled down to read the text when they came to the room.7.His dream that he wants to be a teacher has now realized.8.Let us not lose

8、 in touch with reality.9.On his view,in 50 years,the average human life span will be 150 years old.10.The scientist suggested grow rice on the dried river bed.答案1.WhatIt2.waswere3.havehas 4.touch前加in5.forto6.readreading7.now后加been8.去掉in9.OnIn10.growgrowing.课文缩写语法填空The last three decades have seen th

9、at the Internet is growing 1._ (rapid).Nowadays,the number of the computers 2._ are connected to the Internet is around 50 million.Some experts,3._ (worry) about the crime in cyberspace,are not optimistic 4._ the future.For example,in the future,the computers of banks and governments may be attacked

10、 by 5._ (terror).6._, many people hold an opposite view about the future of cyberspace.7._ their opinion,the Internet can bring them great 8._(convenient),such as buying books,9._ (book) tickets and shopping on the Internet.Besides,people can get entertainment from the Net; television and mail servi

11、ce may disappear.With computers widely 10._ (use),some experts see our future in virtual reality.答案1.rapidly2.which3.worrying4.about 5.terrorists6.However7.In8.convenience 9.booking10.used.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.这个城市发生了地震,毁坏了很多建筑和道路,很显然水电供应被切断了。(attack,It is obvious that.)_2.政府立即采取行动帮助那里的人们。起初救援人员不能和那里

12、的人们取得联系。(get in touch with)_3.很明显当地人的生活受到了极大的影响。政府号召全国各地的人们向灾区提供帮助。 (It was clear that.,affect)_4.很多人已经在他们的新家定居。( settle)_答案1.An earthquake attacked this city,destroying many buildings and roads.It was obvious that the water and electricity supplies were cut off.2.The government took immediate actio

13、n to help the people there.At first,rescue workers couldnt get in touch with the people there.3.It was clear that the local peoples life was greatly affected.The government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disasterhit area.4.Many people have settled in their new homes

14、.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】An earthquake attacked this city,destroying many buildings and roads,and it was obvious that the water and electricity supplies were cut off.The government took immediate action to help the people there.However,at first,rescue workers couldnt get in touch with the people there.I

15、t was clear that the local peoples life was greatly affected.Therefore,the government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disasterhit area.Up to now,many people have settled in their new homes.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解AIn a few weeks, the halls of a school in Nanuet, N.Y.,

16、will be full of mini race cars.The vehicles are carefully designed to achieve great speed.But the cars makers arent collegelevel engineers; theyre middleschool students attempting to learn about physics and technology.“Its rewriting whats possible in education,” says Vinny Garrison, the teacher who

17、organizes the races.According to a survey, nearly threefourths of U.S.teachers use technology to encourage students to learn.And that tech is getting smarter: students can now tour ancient worlds to learn history, take quizzes via smartphone and more.Most of the changes are designed to better prepar

18、e U.S.students for careers in fastgrowing fields like science and engineering.But they can come at a cost.A $500 million plan to supply Los Angeles students with iPads was recently stopped after students found ways to avoid content filters (过滤器).So far, however, research shows that using tech in the

19、 right ways can make students smarter and more creative.Here is a look at six new technologies that are shaping the classrooms of the future.1.MakerBot has already placed more than 5,000 3D printers in U.S.schools that are designed to help students create model cars (to learn about physics), model f

20、rogs (to learn about biology) and more.2.Publishing company McGrawHills line of digital SmartBooks quizzes students after every chapter and stresses the material they need to review; teachers can use that data to better know their students.3.HewlettPackard is testing touchscreen blackboards in a mod

21、el classroom in Taipei, which are connected with students individual computers, allowing them to copy notes and view multimedia (多媒体).4.Some classrooms at the University of North Carolina feature rolling desks, which allow students to easily switch from listening to a teacher to organizing into smal

22、l groups.5.Instead of purchasing new tech, schools in Katy, Texas, ask kids to bring their own smartphonesso they can conduct research, answer quizzes via text and more.6.In order to help kids understand teamwork and trust, the Kickstarterfunded Empathy Toyalready used in roughly 400 schools globall

23、yrequires them to cooperate on building blocks (积木) while they are blindfolded.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。虽然现代科技在教育领域的使用像一把双刃剑,但是正确的使用能对学生产生促进作用。1.The car races are organized_.A.to challenge college studentsB.by middleschool studentsC.for educational purposesD.at New York City Hall答案C细节理解题。根据第二段中的theyre middlesch

24、ool students attempting to learn about physics and technology可知,学生设计这些赛车是出于学习的目的。2.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to_.A.fields B.changes C.careers D.students答案B词义猜测题。根据第三段内容可知,科技给教育带来了变化,这些变化对学生的学习有所帮助,但同时也伴随着代价,故此处的they指代changes。3.Which of the following is helpful for students pra

25、ctical skills?A.MakerBot.B.SmartBooks.C.Touchscreen blackboards.D.Empathy Toy.答案A细节理解题。根据第五段中的MakerBot.help students create model cars (to learn about physics),model frogs (to learn about biology) and more可知,MakerBot能帮助学生制作模型,对于锻炼学生的实际动手能力有好处。4.Whats the purpose of this text?A.To report applications

26、 of technology in schools.B.To show students great interest in technology.C.To describe some research work on education.D.To recommend some advanced technologies.答案A写作目的题。通读全文可知,作者以客观的口吻介绍了现代科技在教育领域的应用,既介绍了它的好处,也谈到了它的弊端。故选A项。BIn the United States of America, the legal voting age is 18 years.Though s

27、ome Americans have expressed interest in raising the voting age, saying that these important decisions should not be left in the hands of a teenager, I disagree.I believe that those who are 18 years old are ready to take on the responsibility for voting.We all know that in the United States, 18 is t

28、he age when an individual is considered an adult by the government.Being an adult in the eyes of the law is quite different than simply being a juvenile.Punishments for illegal activities become much heavier.Additionally, at 18,an individual can join the army without receiving permission from his pa

29、rents to do so.So, when a citizen turns 18, the politics of the country start affecting him in a completely different way.It is unfair to let one lead a severer lifestyle and not allow him any choice in the matter.Furthermore, by allowing a teenager to vote, we are helping to ensure that he will bec

30、ome more politically minded at a younger age.I didnt care at all about the politics of my country when I couldnt vote.As I couldnt do anything about the politics at the time, I couldnt see why I should care.It wasnt until I turned 18 years of age that I started actively trying to understand who ran

31、my government and the way in which it was governed.By allowing 18yearolds to vote, we are getting them engaged in the world of politics much sooner.In addition, teenagers today are much smarter than we think.Todays society is much more technologically advanced than it was in the past.Teenagers have

32、access to all kinds of information through the Internet and their smartphones.So, teenagers have enough knowledge to make good decisions.Therefore, I think 18 is indeed a proper age to make important political decisions and those who are 18 should be allowed to make important decisions that will aff

33、ect their nation.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。有人认为应该提高美国的选举年龄,作者对此表示反对。5.The underlined word “juvenile” in Paragraph 2 probably means_.A.child B.soldier C.teenager D.criminal答案C词义猜测题。根据本句中的than可知,这里是与本句开头的adult作对比。根据常识可知,18岁正是从“青少年”向“成年”过渡的年龄。由此可推测,这里指成年人承担的法律责任和义务都与“青少年”大不相同。6.When reaching 18, the author_.A.loved

34、 his country more than beforeB.changed his attitude towards politicsC.worked in a governmental institutionD.called for a reduction in the voting age答案B细节理解题。根据第三段中的I didnt care at all about the politics of my country when I couldnt vote.It wasnt until I turned 18 years of age that I started actively

35、 trying to understand who ran my government and the way in which it was governed可以看出,作者18岁以后改变了自己对政治的态度,从漠不关心到积极参与。7.The author believes “teenagers today are much smarter than we think” because they_.A.are quickmindedB.are wellinformedC.can use modern technologies on their ownD.can act according to

36、changing circumstances答案B推理判断题。根据本句后的内容,尤其是Teenagers have access to all kinds of information及teenagers have enough knowledge可知,作者说“如今的青少年比我们想象中聪明得多”是说他们消息灵通、知识广博。8.Which of the following shows the structure of the text?CP:Central Point P:PointSp:Subpoint(次要点) C:Conclusion答案C篇章结构题。通读全文可知,作者在第一段提出了自己的

37、观点:I believe that those who are 18 years old are ready to take on the responsibility for voting,随后在第二、三、四段证明自己的观点,这三段的结尾It is unfair to let one lead a severer lifestyle and not allow him any choice in the matter, By allowing 18yearolds to vote, we are getting them engaged in the world of politics mu

38、ch sooner和So, teenagers have enough knowledge to make good decisions就是作者的三个论据。最后一段是作者得出的结论。故选C项。.阅读七选五Is conversation a lost art?The next time you eat at a restaurant, take some time to look around you.What do you notice? _1_How many of them are engaged (忙于) in facetoface conversations? On the other

39、 hand, how many of them have their heads down using a smartphone?Thanks to smartphones and the Internet, were able to text, email, or make phone calls all day long._2_Experts argue, however, that the types of communication made possible by modern technology have come at the expense of real, facetofa

40、ce conversations.Even though were connecting more than ever, the exchanges arent as deep as inperson conversations.Do we really spend that much time on electronic devices (设备), though?_3_According to a recent study, todays young Americans (ages 818) spend more than sevenandahalf hours every day on e

41、lectronic devices, such as smartphones, televisions, computers, and video games.So whats the big deal? Many experts have noted that a reliance (依赖) upon electronic communications can have a negative effect on social skills and writing skills._4_While digital communications teach certain skills and h

42、abits, facetoface conversations teach other skills that are important for our overall wellbeing._5_Experts urge people to unplug more often.Set aside time without electronics to share facetoface conversations with friends and family.Keeping a healthy balance between onscreen and offscreen discussion

43、s will make you a better communicator in all areas of your life.A.Researchers have found the answer is yes.B.Pay particular attention to the other people around you.C.How can we be sure we dont lose the art of conversation?D.When youre sad or lonely, a smile may make a huge difference.E.This can mak

44、e it harder to keep healthy relationships as an adult.F.In many ways, were communicating more than we ever had in the past.G.Theres an average of 11 hours of media content in those sevenandahalf hours.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。手机等通讯设备的出现使得人与人之间面对面的交流越来越少了。1.B根据本空前后的What do you notice?和How many of them are engage

45、d in facetoface conversations?可知,B项内容是对前面问题的补充。2.F根据本空前的Thanks to smartphones and the Internet, werre able to text, email, or make phone calls all day long可知,F项是对前面内容的进一步说明。3.A根据本空后的todays young Americans.on electronic devices可知,A项内容是对本空前所提问题的回答。4.E根据本空前的a reliance upon electronic communications can

46、 have a negative effect on social skills可知,E项是对前面内容的进一步说明。5.C本段主要讲述了如何平衡面对面的交流和使用电子设备来交流,故C项内容符合此处语境。B卷卷规范练(限时30).语法填空A Thousand Splendid Suns, _1_(write) by Khaled Hosseini, shows the influence that Afghanistans violent history has had on individuals, _2_(especial) its women.Hosseini describes the _3_(life) of Laila and Mariam, and their struggle against society and the Taliban.They ar

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