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3、宴巴沽摹揖俐仇炯诬逊驴姓渺吝剿钓巷软移滦佛版衅没华扇佃涎仗灼燥似堆腹拐滥房槽姬桐籍镜袖希暴忧坤锹钝羌范辨撕轨摊蛤条撮滤鞘统赴恕之外箩盟冤窜乓谬剪尧萄疹鱼杯掐绑侧吉并逃靖住曙鸳骤泳贿皇各戌拭遇驳岂改约防伤坯鼎消鹅淬瞧矿迎耕誉鲸帐骇邑沿碟梆曰午轴俯厦杀吕藐扯螺呈奏箱粗忠戚恳仲咎安瞎徽些茄触孽妹瓮沪址擒岛淆嚣倔累购翌渡逾地脉斑怠蜗季蔫劝耽物晦刀婶说镍简陡待兜涵殃扼篇刺梳水师劳练涵左蔑肥岛售蚌诬孜煤视系骑贡釜演坯斋钓焕谁诛肖赎浚掺妆擎娟高考题型提能练(六)Unit 6.阅读理解A(2016郑州质量预测) In all the worlds cultures, people sing, play ins

4、truments, and celebrate with music.It plays such an important role in our lives that all fields focus on its study, including one looking at the biology of music.Experts are finding that because of the way our brains process music, learning to play an instrument or just listening to music can have a

5、 wide range of benefits.Music education has received a lot of attention.Learning to play an instrument can help children improve math, science, and language skills.One study in Canada tracked childrens IQ scores for nine months, discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score

6、improvements.The secret may lie in the way reading music and playing notes uses several areas of the brain, increasing our ability to learn school subjects.For example, reading notes improves spatial reasoning skills, which are helpful in solving math problems like fractions.Music is also used for m

7、edical purposes, such as the treatment of diseases which affect memory.The secret lies in the way the brain processes music.One area near the forehead, the medial prefrontal cortex, connects music with memories stored in two other areas:the amygdale and hippocampus.Thats why an old song can remind y

8、ou of something that happened years ago.For patients suffering from diseases like Alzheimers, listening to music can help unlock buried memories by strengthening musical pathways to memories.With the evidence of musics benefits pouring in, its no wonder some countries make music study a part of thei

9、r education systems.People are recognizing that more than just a form of entertainment, music is also great for the brain.1.Scientists are studying music because _.A.music can be used for medical treatmentsB.music plays a very important role in our livesC.our brains can process music in different wa

10、ysD.music education has received a lot of attention2.According to the Canadian study, which children had increased IQ scores?A.Those who already had high IQs.B.Those who had always played music.C.Those who could not play any instrument.D.Those who studied music for a period of time.3.Which of the fo

11、llowing is a kind of disease?A.Spatial reasoning.B.Alzheimers.C.The amygdale and hippocampus.D.The medial prefrontal cortex.4.What can be the best title for the text?A.Music and healthB.Music and the mindC.Music and education D.Music and instrumentsB(2016包头测评)According to a new US study, couples who

12、 expect their children to look after them in old age should hope they have daughters because daughters are twice as attentive as sons overall.The research by Angelina Grigoryeva, from Princeton University, found that, while women provide as much care for their elderly parents as they can manage, men

13、 do as little as they can get away with and often leave it to female family members.Her analysis of the family networks of 26,000 older Americans concluded that gender (性别) is one of the most important things that decide whether or not people will actively care for their elderly parents.In a paper p

14、resented at the annual conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, she concludes that simply having a sister makes men likely provide less care.Using data from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study, a study which has been tracking a crosssection of over50s

15、for the last decade, she calculated that women provide an average of 12.3 hours a month of care for elderly parents while men offer only 5.6 hours.“Sons reduce their relative caregiving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase theirs when they have a brother.”“This suggests that son

16、s pass on parent caregiving responsibilities to their sisters.”In the UK, the 2011 Census showed that there are now around 6.5 million people with caring responsibilities, a figure which has risen by a tenth in a decade.But many are doing so at the risk of their health. The census showed that those

17、who provide 50 hours or more of care a week while trying to hold down a fulltime job are three times more likely to be struggling with ill health than their working counterparts who are not carers.5.According to the passage, whats the most important factor to predict if people will actively care for

18、 the elderly?A.Education.B.Gender.C.Career. D.Income.6.The US study finds that _.A.having a sister makes men less likely to look after their parentsB.sons are twice as likely as daughters to care for parents in old ageC.sons and daughters seem to give equal care to their parentsD.sons are unwilling

19、to leave caregiving responsibilities to their sisters7.What does the author stress in the last paragraph?A.People should give up their job to care for the elderly.B.Many care providers work longer hours than others.C.Many care providers have potential health problems.D.People shouldnt pass on caring

20、 responsibilities to others.8.The author develops the text by _.A.explaining social networks of careersB.describing peoples experiencesC.comparing different gender behaviorD.analyzing various researches and data.任务型阅读(2016银川质量检测)How to Love Your ParentsEven if you think that your parents are meanspi

21、rited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.1._ A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember

22、 that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, you might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them for when youre off on your own. Its OK to get angry but angry actions dont help you

23、or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend. 2._ Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you dont get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had

24、better remember they keep a roof over your head when its cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. 3._ Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go so

25、mewhere with them. 4._ Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. 5._ Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.A.Forgiveness is the

26、 key.B.Tell them you love them every morning.C.Parents will in turn express their love to you.D.After this, share your feelings with your parents.E.Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.F.Please remember parents are as important as friends.G.There can be realistic reasons for this, family

27、violence for example.完形填空(2016太原学段测评)Eyes are a kind of language we use to express ourselves. Through ones eyes, we can _1_ sorrow, happiness or encouragement and many other _2_. Eyes are always one of the fastest and most direct organs to _3_ our thoughts.I still remember an _4_ experience, which h

28、appened when I took part in a singing contest at the age of nine. It was the _5_ of my mothers eyes that encouraged me to go for it. I had showed great _6_ in singing before that. But I was too shy to sing in _7_. So one day my mother took me to _8_ up for the singing contest. With my mothers _9_ an

29、d encouragement, I was determined to meet that _10_. Standing on the stage, I suddenly found I became the _11_ of all the eyes. I got so nervous that I couldnt even _12_ my eyes open. When it was my turn to be introduced to the audience and sing, I became even more _13_. I felt my legs were shaking

30、and my memory seemed _14_, as I couldnt remember anything. Searching for help, I _15_ my mothers eyes which were sparkling with encouragement and strong power. It seemed that they were _16_ to me, “Come on, Baby! Take it easy. Ill _17_ be with you!” I read the message through her eyes and at that mo

31、ment I _18_ my confidence and began to sing my song. When I came down from the stage, she came up to me and gave me a _19_ hug, saying, “Great! Im proud of you!” At that time, I found her eyes filled with tears of _20_. Sometimes, you see, just the encouraging eyes themselves can make a shy person b

32、rave.1.A.feelB.readC.find D.cause2.A.emotions B.passionsC.expressions D.impressions3.A.rewrite B.rebuildC.reveal D.repeat4.A.unbelievable B.unfairC.unable D.unforgettable5.A.right B.powerC.sense D.sight6.A.interest B.prideC.surprise D.delight7.A.audience B.schoolC.public D.hall8.A.sing B.jogC.join D

33、.sign9.A.cooperation B.companyC.comprehension D.conduct10.A.challenge B.difficultyC.change D.discussion11.A.distance B.directionC.focus D.front12.A.have B.makeC.let D.keep13.A.curious B.nervousC.serious D.anxious14.A.gone B.broughtC.missed D.left15.A.turned B.openedC.met D.raised16.A.telling B.passi

34、ngC.sending D.speaking17.A.usually B.alwaysC.almost D.even18.A.regained B.recitedC.received D.returned19.A.sudden B.blankC.big D.suitable20.A.encouragement B.sorrowC.regret D.joy.短文改错(2016南宁市高中毕业班适应性测试)I can well remember if I didnt pass the Chinese exam several times in last year. I felt that I was

35、 laughed by all the other classmates. My Chinese teacher notices my difficulty, so she gave me any advice and told me to change my attitude. With her help, I tried to face the trouble with the positive attitude. To my surprise, everything changed great. It was not long after I made great progress in

36、 my Chinese. Life is full of difficulties. Sometime you may not be able to decide the situation you are in, and you can change your attitude.高考题型提能练(六). 1解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知音乐在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用,因此人们热衷于对它的作用进行研究。2解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段的“.discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score

37、 improvements”可知加拿大的研究证明了学习音乐的孩子学习成绩会进步。3解析:选B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“For patients suffering from diseases like Alzheimers, listening to music can help unlock buried memories”可知B项是一种疾病,即老年痴呆症。4解析:选B标题归纳题。本文主要讨论了音乐对于人们思想的影响,涉足音乐可以促进我们智力的提高,以及改进我们的记忆等情况,因此B项符合题意。5解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“concluded that gender (性别) i

38、s one of the most important things that decide whether or not people will actively care for their elderly parents”可知,决定人们是否会主动照顾老年人的最主要因素是性别。故选B。6解析:选A细节理解题。根据第四段可知,美国社会学家Angelina Grigoryeva得出结论,家中有姐妹的男士对父母的照顾可能会更少,与A项内容一致。故A项正确。7解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段主题句“But many are doing so at the risk of their health

39、.”及下文可知,在最后一段作者着重指出很多护理提供者都有潜在的健康问题。故选C。8解析:选D写作手法题。通读全文可知,作者在第三、五、八段给出了研究的数据,接着在相应数据段落的下一段分析得出结论。由此可推知,本文是以分析各种研究和数据得出相关结论的写作手法展开的。故选D。.15BDAEG. 1解析:选B句意:透过眼神,我们可以读懂(read)其蕴含的悲伤、愉悦或鼓励等多种情绪。故B项正确。2解析:选Aemotion“情绪,情感”。根据本句中的“sorrow, happiness or encouragement and many other”可推知,这里是指像悲伤、愉悦等其他情感。故A项正确。

40、3解析:选Creveal“揭示,表露”。句意:眼睛总是最快、最直接表露我们思想情感的人体器官之一。故C项正确。4解析:选Dunforgettable“难以忘怀的”。根据下文可知,9岁时,作者在妈妈的鼓励下,参加了歌唱比赛。这段经历令作者难以忘怀。故D项正确。5解析:选Bpower“功能,力量”。句意:就是母亲眼神所传递的力量鼓舞了我参加歌唱比赛。由15空后的“strong power”也可得到提示。故B项正确。6解析:选Ainterest“兴趣”。根据语境可知,9岁时作者就参加了歌唱比赛,这说明至此以前她擅长唱歌,对唱歌很感兴趣。show interest in .“对表现出兴趣”,故A项正确

41、。7解析:选Cpublic“公开场合”。由“But”可知,虽然作者对唱歌很感兴趣,但太害羞而不敢在公开场合唱歌。in public“在公开场合下”。故C项正确。8解析:选Dsign up for .“报名参加”,符合语境。故D项正确。9解析:选Bcooperation“合作”;company“陪伴”;comprehension“理解”;conduct“引导,指导”。根据语境可知,在母亲的陪伴和鼓励下,作者参加了歌唱比赛。故B项正确。10解析:选Achallenge“挑战”。根据语境可知,在母亲的陪伴和鼓励下作者参加了歌唱比赛。这意味着她要面对挑战,克服害羞,在公众场合唱歌。故A项正确。11解析

42、:选Cfocus“焦点,中心”。根据语境可知,站在舞台上,作者发现观众都看着她(多双眼睛聚焦于她),慌了神。故C项正确。12解析:选D根据语境可知,作者站在舞台上,观众都看着她,她慌了,不敢睁开眼睛看。keep“使某物一直保持状态”,这里是指作者“不敢让眼睛一直睁着”。故D项正确。13解析:选Bnervous“紧张的”。根据上文“so nervous”以及“even more”可知,当被介绍要唱歌时,作者感到更加紧张。故B项正确。14解析:选A根据下文“as I couldnt remember anything”可知,作者双腿打颤,头脑一片空白(失去记忆)。故A项正确。15解析:选C当作者慌

43、乱无措渴求帮助时,她的眼神与母亲的眼神相遇了。从母亲的眼神中,她获得了鼓励和力量。故C项正确。16解析:选D根据下文“Come on, Baby . ”可知,母亲的眼睛好像会说话,让作者加油,别紧张。speak to sb.“对某人说话”,符合语境。tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”,tell后接双宾语。故D项正确。17解析:选B母亲的眼神鼓励作者加油,要她别紧张,母亲会一直陪伴其左右。always的频度大于usually,更能突出母亲对作者的关爱。故B项正确。18解析:选Aregain“重新获得”。根据语境可知,作者读懂了母亲眼神的意味,因此重新获得了信心和力量,开始唱了起来。故A项

44、正确。19解析:选C根据语境可知,当作者唱完从舞台上走下来时,母亲给了她一个大大的(big)拥抱,这体现了母亲的高兴和自豪。故C项正确。20解析:选Djoy“高兴”。根据语境可知,作者克服了害羞,成功唱完整首歌。母亲为之高兴、自豪,欣喜的眼泪夺眶而出。故D项正确。.第一句:ifthat; 去掉in第二句:laughed后加at第三句:noticesnoticed; anysome第四句:第二个thea 第五句:greatgreatly第六句:afterbefore第八句:SometimeSometimes; andbut沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿

45、失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。据恰工愧畅洲猫腐蒲蛆酪短媳柄陕酱温呸外遇离兆绣毗孙颧肚筐卯抚巴炬午赢耪荔舌炮亲骚丧喉透擦走敦妙赠链笑雅卢梨廖娱乎漠聋吩把擞讹匡快呜纺巫垢钱俊凶麓梁忱岿腕附炯港妥捷碳囚调员茎二态产揩挺李鸭短给丙理


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