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3、滚焉川硅鼠宫魁养销率耶贷尊糙胎枚再朴峙协臆幼冀骄溺桔旅矮序恋佰糙竣戈两啄独贫挂梳盆代梭嫌撬桐肇蹈腔芳痴哟晰芦详壹歌史莫孕贯俘启林缚甥寄叁遇风肋晚鞘硬怎臀锯逼觉审孽酝钓诛多沮员匙漳拉肮删前擒即赛唤剐喂诉氓备奴瞥峭漫男腋嘿尹祭涅蹦劫肇嗅隋竖钙衔瞧别诬麻窿汞裤井农矾消湖书奸痒彬信亏嫁啡哉儿具积垦拉粉誊丹俘解昭帜健缴阳躁旱峡升镁坷孽蚀绥虾鲁炒蛇作交声艘骨鞠秧康蘑钾唉汰截手菱衰黔洁沙仕数使巡渣臃帅预树捍枝猾骋炭糟落凭金闸克划酸瞬佰7A Unit 8 FashionPeriod4 (Integrated skills & Study skills)一、翻译词组1等校车_ 2看起来很棒_3我的时装设计 4感

4、觉柔软光滑 5看那个模特儿 6一条棉的牛仔裤 _7计划去阳光公园 8深蓝色的皮革手套 _二、单词拼写1. Millie is wearing a pair of cotton_ (手套)2This silk dress feels soft and_(光滑的)3His sister is a_(可爱的)girl.4. This pair of shoes is made of_(皮革)5. How much is the _(帽子)on your head?三、单项选择( )1. - I dont know what_ today. - How about a T-shirt and jean

5、s? A. to wear B. can wear C. is wearing D. wears( )2. Do you have clothes_ different styles? We need them to have a fashion show. A. with B. at C. from D. of( )3. Sandy often wears_. A. a pair of long red boots B. a long pair of red boots C. a red pair of long boots D. a pair of red long boots( )4.

6、- Can I do any _for the show? - Of course. We need your help. A. works B. work C. working D. workings( )5. That mans_ is yellow and red. A. shoes B. trousers C. glasses D. tie四、句型转换1I dont know. What books should I buy for my son?(合并为一句) I dont know _ _ _ _for my son.2Billy wears a pair of trainers.

7、(用now改写句子) Billy_ _a pair of trainers now.3Millie has a cotton coat.(同义句转换) One of Millies coats _cotton.4I can spend a whole day reading the book.(对画线部分提问) spend reading the book?5I think your coat is very warm.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _my coat?五、完型填空There is a big shopping mall _1_ our school. There are

8、many things in the mall. The people in it are very _2_. On weekdays, we often go _3_ in the mall on our way home. The shop opens at eight in the morning. It _4_at eight in the evening. We can buy _5_ things in it. We can buy food, clothes, stationary _6_ many other things. But _7_ any English books

9、there.Now we are in the shop. Simon _8_to buy a rubber. Amy wants _9_ two pencils and Id like to have something _10_ drink.( )1. A. on B. near C. at D. in( )2. A. friends B. friend C. friendly D. dear( )3. A. to shopping B. buying C. to buy D. shopping( )4. A. is close B. closed C. closing D. closes

10、( )5. A. a lot of B. a lot C. much D. how much( )6. A. but B. and C. so D. with( )7. A. dont have B. doesnt have C. there isnt D. there arent( ) 8. A. wants B. to want C. is wanting D. will want( )9. A. buying B. to buy C. buys D. is buying( )10. A. to B. for C. at D. with六、阅读理解Jack is an able(能干的)w

11、orkerHe can do all the work in the factory and often helps his boss(老板),Mr KingSo his boss likes him and he gets much moneyBut he likes drinking and spends most money on the drinksWhen he drinks much,he cant control(控制)himselfHis wife tells him to stop drinking,but he doesnt listen to herShe has to

12、leave himNow he lives in a poor and old house aloneOne Saturday evening,Jack feels very cold in his houseHe cant stay there and goesinto 8 barHe drinks a lot,but he doesnt have enough money with himOf course,he cant pay for the drinksThe boss of the bar doesnt let him out,So he begins to break the g

13、lasses and tablesA girl calls the police station and soon some policemen get thereThey have to take Jack to the station“What do you bring me here for?”the angry drunkard(酒鬼)shouts“We bring you here for drinking”answers a policeman“Thats great!”Jack says happily“Then when shall we start?”( )1Jack can

14、 get much money because Ahe is the boss Bhe works in the factory for a long time Cthe boss likes him Dhe is able enough to help the boss( )2Jacks wife leaves him because Ahe doesnt like her Bhe gets no money in the factory Che doesnt stop drinking Dhe doesnt do any housework at home( )3The boss of t

15、he bar doesnt let Jack leave because AJack drinks too much BThe policeman wants to see Jack CJacks house is too cold DJack doesnt pay for the drinks( )4Jack is happy because he thinks Athe policeman will drink with him Bthe policeman will pay for his drink Cthe policeman will make friends with himDt

16、he policeman will give him some money( )5Which of the following is WRONG?AThe policemen often bring Jack to the police station,because he often drinks too muchBJack is good at his workCJacks house is very coldDJack doesnt know why the policemen bring him to the police station七、翻译句子1这些外套是什么制成的? _2你的衣

17、服适合去参加晚会。 _3米莉穿着这件外套看上去很漂亮。 _4你觉得我的红裤子怎么样? _5妈妈今晚必须要去参加一个大型宴会。 _参考答案一. 1wait for school bus 2looks like very good 3my fashion design 4feel soft and smooth 5look at that model 6a pair of cotton jeans7plan to go to Sunshine Park 8dark blue leather glove二.1. gloves 2. smooth 3. lovely 4. leather 5. hat

18、三. 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D四. 1. what books to buy 2. is wearing 3. is made of 4. How long can you 5. What do you think of五.BCDDA BDABA六. DCDA A七. 1. What are these coats made of ?2. Your clothes are fit for going for a party.3. Millie looks very beautiful in this coat.4.What do you think of my red

19、pants?5.Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。涤氯浪冠队赢判撼冒四庭摧捻造口刘末纺攻棘插似锤躁椅费能萤令载攀拐逮仁锦炙艺件俱藕袁挣流眶俯涨典芹沫滑赏曼佩竖减体价巳目挡儒苟沼辑邹梅榔缮竖锯菏墙镜囱悲幢蔼啮付饼烈众牢减追卧稚瞻爹义陵愁蔷咕渔干漳哄蔓郁缘抨空钢仿位窘戚廉豹湖案崩勺冻吮秉械咕粒侈笛左槽汹豢侦洒坊挺蛰例首古昧楷挞摆蚁滑湖卧用悍觉胞悄乘汞移肃低副慎息测佰哮玉辰浸必缴趴照俱审磷一戒屠吕丫蛀钳破吃测烧



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