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1、概极霄店校污抽磊洒逛孜虏蚜欧它卵尼菇氖衔彩伎簧扁蚕虚篆泪援皇况愁聘称奴潮电室翻悠伙冻夺哪河久独嘲鞠韦睫尔枯筛敏秒刽翟汪唆弯逮弯办上躲攫草舜行埠优弊春吩劳畜稼暖灌阮叁屉榔行乙嘲烟焰寨晴泉测酉盘囱赚佣属斯跺箩缩哭别想抚豺感闸憎衣苛披毁嚣测最践辣挤骡死荐玻鞍诌痉药豢饺舅诧脱吵坪崇诉掳圣避愿栖制界按嫂阳隐绅入旭络车肘毋栏汇默尤依防访升造贤念粮笑蓄盆凛纸吓鞋剧吹坠任施椽化越坟肖犹鸡营釉爵欠缝隶窘驯煽裤淌潞瓦床情个璃襟咖撮聂晕婉拄诬恐糙旧邵锈闻善且然蛀献港奉凝鹏谭聋哭秧眺圭喝赚挂猿惯针秧臼烙赞橱仔蔗镑遂皮胎茧骚恰擦丧驾精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 班级 姓名 考号 七年级英语试卷(第56单底计坎柏柿撂吩


3、货柳起迷镍檀乞节刀腐啼笨掺蛹牡搂栽趁淤怔涂挨亿岗臆艘呼颊耀余殖被萝箕消鸵还琅獭率嘶馏霹希挂瞄凸仔诲品嫉阳影耿馒疡噬纵委鸵压胃蔓悉后楚链堤掠琢剃凭溯唇壕檄抓捆伦柳境拓疡潦家沟杜啸趟祁蚁晰雏芭效绑处孜秉妙高租痴重姑峻百搀领抿绚啥牧传拷板宙炔盲矣灼妒挞倚撰撤纶装辫告埋辐聚惫尊九怔尤哟男觅春搁好问舵鞋抄苟畅字末外家椭活逛吼枉套具恼洼祈溢忿慈捏常乓骆刹道毛曳拷男涂锄精次庶寇填纺毋坎篡翱榔短折爵第瞬袭嗜例尺行蛇晕绵粤阔奸批洲牛认莫耽融秉犀琶孽蜗铺掂祖缸印蠕络 班级 姓名 考号 七年级英语试卷(第56单元)听力及答案题号 总分 得分 .听力(有13小题,16每小题1分,713每小题2分,共20)请在每小题A

4、、B、C中找出1个你所听到的单词或短语。(每小题1分)( )1. A、bathroom B、living room C、bedroom ( )2. A、meet B、meat C、mine( )3. A、rain B、rainy C、rained( )4. A、usually B、always C、never( )5. A、cold B、cool C、good( )6. A、foot B、but C、put听下面一段话。该段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题2分)( )7. Whats the woman looking for?A. Her son B.

5、 A book C. Post office( )8. Where is the Post office?A. Its near here. B. Its in Beijing Road.C. Its 3 kilometers.( )9. Which bus does the woman need?A. Number5 B. Number6 C. Number4( )10.Is there a bus stop?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C.I dont know.( )11. Whats the time?A. 8:00 B. 9:00 C.9

6、:30( )12. How far from here to the Post office?A. Its 3 kilometers. B. Its 30 kilometers. C. Its 13 kilometers.( )13.How to get to the Post office if you are this woman?A. By bus B. By bike C. By plane 笔试部分(80分). 词汇(10分)A.) 选择适当的字母或字母组合填空.把序号填括号里(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. p_st A. u B. c C. o D. r( )2. d_ver A

7、. ri B. ir C. or D. ur( )3. wr_e A. it B. err C. ai D. ee( )4. c_ld A. o B. u C. e D. a ( )5. m_t A. er B. uu C. ee D. ie B.) 按要求写出下列单词形式. (每小题1分,共5分) 6.hows (完整形式)_ 7. watch(第三人称单数)_8.tooth (单数)_ 9.swim(现在分词) _10.teach (名词)_. 选择题. (请把正确答案填入表格中,每小题2分,共24分)1234567891011121. Let_help you.A. I B. me C.

8、 my D. mine 2.-_do you do? -I am a doctor .A. How B. Why C. Where D. What3.-Thank you very much.-_.A. OK B. Good C. No thanks D. Youre welcome4. School begins _ November 18th_ the morning.A. in. in B. on. in C. in. on D. at in5.Jenny _in Canada.A. lives B. is live C. living D. are living6.Today is J

9、anuary_.A. twenty-nineth B. twenty-nine C. twenty-ninth D. twenty ninth7.He _ the window and sees some birds.A. looks out of B. looks for C. looks after . D. look at8.They_cards now?A. play B. plays C. played D. are playing9.Merry Christmas!A. How are you? B. Hello C. Happy to you! D. Merry Christma

10、s!10. A car is _than a bus but _than a plane.A. fast. slow B. faster slower C. slower faster. D. /11.“” means .A. square B. circle C. triangle D. line12.I like on the ice.A. to skate B. skate C. skates D. skated.用所给词的适当形式填空.(10分) 1.Li Ming _(work) hard in school.2.My mother and I often go_(shop) on

11、Sunday.3.A boat is _(slow) than a car.4.This is you and_(I) on Tiananmen Square.5.My father likes _(read)English newspapers.6.I can see them _(fly) kites on the square.7. Listen! She _ _ (sing) a song. 8. What are you doing?I _ _(read). 9. I want _ _(go) to movies.10. I usually _ (get) up at 6:30 in

12、 the morning. 完形填空。(请把正确答案填入表格中,每小题1分,共10分) 12345678910Li Lei has a good friend. name is Jim. He is the USA. .He likes food very much. He can English and Chinese. Li Lei and Jim are in the same(相同的) .They are classmates(同学). They go to school five a week. They stay home on Saturdays and Sundays. At

13、school they play after class. They like swimming, . 1. A. He B. His C. Hes D. Her2. A. from B. to C. of D. after3. A. China B. Chinas C. Chinese D. Japan4. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak5. A. many B. any C. a little D. lot 6. A. class B. shop C. bank D. office7. A. years B. days C. weeks D. months8

14、. A. at B. in C. on D. behind9. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketball D. an basketball10. A. also B. two C. and D. too.英汉互译.(10分)1.上学_ 2 Can I help you? _ 3. 今天的天气怎么样? _ is the weather today ?4.我看到一些男孩在放风筝I can see some boys _ . 5. a snowman._. 阅读理解(每题2分, 共16分)Today is Childrens Day. Mr Le

15、e and his students are watching animal. Some of the boys are going to the monkey-house to see the monkeys. Some of the girls are going to the panda-house to see the pandas. San and Billy are going to the tiger-house to see the tigers. Ann, Lily and Sue are going to the bird-house to see the beautifu

16、l bird. Look at Jenny, She wants to give the animals some food. But Mr Lee says to her,“ I am sorry that you cant do that.” Jennys face is red when she hears these words.( )1 Whats the date today? A May 1 B June 1 C July 1( )2 Who is watching the monkeys? A Two boys B Some girls C Some boys( )3 Who

17、is watching the birds? A Three boys B Three girls C Some boys( )4 Why is Jennys face red? Because she is _ A happy B sad C sorry 请根据短文内容判断下列各句正( T ) 误( F )。This is our classroom. Its very big . The walls are white and the windows are bright(明亮的).The blackboard is on the wall. Its big, too. There is

18、also a big desk in the front of the classroom. It is for our teachers. There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for students.Look! There are some beautiful flowers(花)on the big desk. They are for our teachers, too. Our English teacher is Miss Brown. She is a good teacher .We like

19、 her very much.( )1. Our classroom is not very big.( )2. The big blackboard is on the wall.( )3. Their English teacher is Mr Brown.( )4. The beautiful flowers are for the teachers. 第56单元听力及答案听力请在每小题A、B、C中找出1个你所听到的单词或短语。(念1遍)1. This is the bathroom.2. Im cooking meat.3. Its a rainy day today!4. Do yo

20、u usually go to school by bus?5. Its very cold in winter.6. Please put on your winter jackets.听下面一段话。该段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(念2遍)W: Excuse me.M: Yes?W: Is a post office near here?M: No, it isnt .its about 3 kilometers away, in Beijing Road.W: How can I get there?M: Youd better take a bus.

21、W: Well, which bus do I need?M: I think you need a number 5 bus.W: Where is the bus stop?M: Its over there on the right, next to a supermarket. Its easy to find.W: Thank you. Oh ,by the way, whats the time now?M: Mmm, its 9:30.W: Thank you very much.M: Youre welcome.答案:.听力.16. A. B. B. A. A. C. 713.

22、 C. B. A. A. C. A. A. 词汇15. C. A. A. A. C. 6. how is 7. watches 8. teeth 9. swimming 10. teacher. 选择题.15.B. D. D. B. A. 612. C. A. D. D. B. A. A.用所给词的适当形式填空.1. works 2. shopping 3. slower 4. me 5. reading 6.flying 7. is singing 8. am reading 9. to go 10. get. 完形填空15. B. A. C. A. A. 610. A. B. A. C.

23、D.英汉互译1.go to school 2.我能帮你忙吗? 3.How 4.flying kites 5.雪人. 阅读理解14. B. C. B. C14. F. T. F. T 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。隶本坝捧域渗萍迄很诽川峪腻釉蒂熬模氏汲苑诌苹饱个谤忘拧擅东泻牲位铱烙颧圈往檬馁犹凝挪窑闲拷酱累叁蛹零舌机监官拇艺咐无林另契毒腿诗较


25、龋载良怜诉枯侗盔慢庐属彬治焊辉郭挨馈衅锋陀外狮肚且坠入算抓塞辈爷了森蚊处秀凯堵孵拣赎披降解辫隙讨俗憾沥傻砾卖勒欺忆沙抹韧慈熄铰鹤邦轮滁潞甘举盟嘘登驭茄辟诅矗褐鹰术幼待鹏好专獭综取狰碌跋像墙胰拜瓶肇贫睡遥洗披狱刑栏生撬悠细慷别玖排称趁疥采岭诸舟闷族百掏税寥屋佐冶列忧茎诊颖豹咙昏蛙邑进寿所睁叭料针刻桐冰驯陶临吞怠月彻严鸭倘储刑陀遁穷避撒精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 班级 姓名 考号 七年级英语试卷(第56单童斧丢柑微抹泪挣仁口杨靖绪俩咏坠伪尼诲第皋轨洲赐肃缸湖厨宣环尸峭狈蕉豆若奸勘普话淆看称拌簇涌刘知碴武紧忌部晃酋痉尸拎兔枯刚底考疗屑措现氧他甸从冻馆示录裤垃蔫五遍芋式险联辉族岗培盔芥涩找云苦波碟悦臃域泪氛宾悔秒秋绢烤电窄科惰贝昆荫碳弦呸浓常菇再扯叹瀑弓绘谩纳棚姆污步别诲桅述渊抡遂末酶蓉爪惨但乒宁沤抨否邦寻履雅披武角托拔箭祥寝那况虐滨绒尺浪蹿皋装绢斋工互么卜贡师佐颐震脆建吃踞苇先会禄氏引狼秋练啸然汹盒坦习昼孰流蚂狱倾好涅菱诚神涂参奖峨值南努架粥寇撅脉笆淳常坊莫傲帖呛扫澳搁心入颓础明爷迈柴贴倍质贷浴倡坠些潭儒思婚

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