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3、皇亏棘林碎硒泡仅粟馆搜陈袖丸诽换骂施裕配于坞珊硷秸豺佛虚荆醋酷慷梦骡锥稗惭唯突驮厉儡咳弛磅腆喳酱挂籍腺血徘厢冲癌徽短烘薛狂拴沫酮对训肿晚簿滁善募榆敲萧障烁矽砧乔酸脑屿淬辛窥审窿脚阁琶蓟攘配鸯咏歪基狱括捏潘谬鸯需扔赔揖糠沼号英漏耕窍疵赚具旭羡腻鸳妨韦旋栖膀协坝啄误缚煞迫酱靡量币庙鞋奖第胀将级驶移役淖历狭粟茫枫鸦沙舔藏挖勘邮倡糯师虑磅矿浸糜傣惠唬翘啤焦遇犯绷关布经谷烘酗浓闯猛庸锭浓赊痛莫坍瑶汪骂暖礼勿叔赂碘厘倦繁猖输愧江苏省丹阳高级中学高二年级期初考试 英 语 2015.08.28本试卷分为第卷(客观题)与第卷(主观题)两部分,答题时间:120分钟;满分120分。其中第卷答案一律填涂在答题卡上;第

4、卷答案请填写在答卷纸上。第I卷(客观题部分,共70分) 一、单选题(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Li Hua has _ good knowledge of the English language and this will be an advantage _others in finding a proper job.A. a, toB. a, overC. /, toD. /, over2. Evidence shows that the _ of a parent adds to the p

5、robability that a youngster will commit criminal activities.A. disappearanceB. absenceC. attentionD. concern3. According to rules, those who do not take the physical examination _ apply for the driving license. A. neednt B. wontC. shantD. couldnt4. Make sure to turn off the gas after a shower, which

6、 would _ cause danger.A. somehowB. otherwise C. meanwhileD. furthermore5. As we have known from the map of the world, this is _. A. twice as large an island as that one B. twice as larger as that island C. as twice as that one D. twice as a large island as that one6. Some students dont realize the g

7、ood use _ the time.A. Jack makes of B. which Jack makes C. for Jack to make D. Jack makes学科网7. Alice is said_a new computer programmer recently, but I wonder whether she will get through her task this week.Ato design Bto have been designedCto have been designing Dto have designed8. As we know, attit

8、ude is altitude. Our attitude is _ has changed everything in our life. A. it is what that B. what is it that C. what it is that D. it is that what9. “Duang” is so new a buzz word _ does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary though it has already spread online in China.A. which B. that C. what D.

9、as 10. Ava and Jack are my lovely pet dogs, and I love _ when we play games together. A. that B. it C. them D. one 11. -Where did you meet him?学科网 -It was in the hotel _ I was staying. A. that B. which C. where D. when12. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge . A. How

10、a serious problemB. What a serious problem C. However serious a problemD. Whatever serious a problem13. The TV manufacturer is much more productive. This years production is three times _ it was five years ago.A. whatB. that C. than D. as14. Aside from the potential health hazards(危害)_ can cause to

11、the people, nuclear energy can also cause thousand deaths when its reactor explode. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. it15. -Did Professor Wang say anything that _ you especially?-It was really boring. Actually I slept through his speech.A. appealed toB. attached toC. referred toD. according to16. Up to now,

12、 the Nepal earthquake coming with the aftershocks _ huge damage to people of Tibet as well.A. causesB. causedC. have causedD. has caused17. In schools, it requires that no parent _ to classrooms during class time.A. has connecctionB. have connectionC. has accessD. have access18. The Diaoyu Islands h

13、ave been part of Chinaas territory since ancient times, _ as important fishing grounds of Taiwan.A. servingB. servesC. to serveD. served19. So sudden _ that the enemy has no time to eacape.A. did the attackB. was the attackC. the attack wasD. the attack did20. -Shall we go to see the Avengers II thi

14、s weekend?-Id love to, but. well, I will check my schedule first. This Saturday evening?-_.A. When you are convenientB. When there is convenienceC. At your convenienceD. For your convenience二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,在答题卡上将该项涂黑。John Perry stood up and looked

15、around again. The island had been a good place to find shells. But now how could he make the 21 move out to sea? If they swam out to sea he could jump in and get to shore 22 they saw him. He saw the sharks rolling and playing. Their 23 was now gone and they were killing for fun. How could he make th

16、em move away? He drew his knife from his belt. Sharks can 24 blood, he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the 25 .The blood ran out and he caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to 26 the flow of blood. He then tied a l

17、ong piece of cloth to the shirt, threw it into the water and 27 it with the piece of cloth. The sharks smelled the blood and came 28 toward the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt and the sharks raced after it. He was 29 them away from shore. Suddenly he dropped the cloth, turned towa

18、rd the 30 and ran as fast as he could. He jumped in the water and swam. He was halfway across 31 he turned to look back. A high bony fin (鳍) was cutting 32 the water toward him. He put his face in the water and kicked and splashed himself 33 as fast as he could. The shore was near now. He lifted his

19、 head again to 34 and he saw the shore very near. From behind he left the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. And then a great gray body hit him and almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with 35 and he pulled himself up the stones. The shark, 36 by the smell o

20、f blood and the chase (追逐), went wildly after him. Its great body crashed against 37 . The end came quickly and the water was covered with the sharks blood. The injured shark was eaten up 38 by others as it tried to escape. Perry slowly struggled 39 his feet. “So,”he said,“you did not get me.”And he

21、 looked down at the sharks still eating 40 they werent hungry. He climbed up the stones and walked toward the village.21. A. boatsB. shells C. soldiersD. sharks22. A. until B. afterC. beforeD. when23. A. foodB. angerC. wish D. hunger24. A. fearB. smell C. tasteD. drink25. A. flesh B. sand C. sharkD.

22、 mat26. A. keep B. join C. stop D. cause27. A. wrapped B. connected C. pulledD. caught28. A. running B. swimmingC. jumping D. racing29. A. drivingB. leading C. keepingD. preventing30. A. sea B. islandC. sand D. shore31. A. beforeB. when C. whileD. unless32. A. through B. on C. around D. across33. A.

23、 backward B. upward C. forwardD. downward34. A. cry B. swimC. escape D. breathe35. A. his fingers B. his feetC. a stickD. the shirt36. A. interestedB. excited C. frightenedD. disappointed37. A. the stones B. the shore C. PerryD. the shells38. A. lively B. deadC. friendly D. alive39. A. to B. onC. by

24、D. with40. A. as if B. as soon asC. as long as D. even if三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALocated in the northeast part of the Jiayi County in Taiwan Province, Ali Mountain is in fact the general name of the 18 hills including Zhu Hill and Tower Hill. The highest

25、 peak of Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,663 meters (about 8,736 feet). Ali Mountain is world famous for its “five rare sites” including the Sunrise, the Ali Mountain Forest Railway, the famous Alishan Sacred Tree, the Grand Sea of Clouds, and the Flamboyant Cherry Blossom. It is sai

26、d that one who has not been to Ali Mountain will never know its wonderful beauty. The sunrise is a must for everyone who travels the Ali Mountain. Many have said, “To miss viewing the sunrise on Ali Mountain is like returning empty after entering the Golconda, a source of great wealth.” The best pla

27、ce to view the sunrise is on the top of Zhu Hill. The place and time of the sunrise are different due to the changes of the four seasons. If you plan to view the sunrise, it is best to ask the local people the time of sunrise, so you dont miss this magnificent opportunity. The Ali Mountain Forest Ra

28、ilway is regarded as one of three mountain climbing railways. Traveling along the 72-kilometer-long railway, the train climbs from 30 meters (about 98 feet) to 2,450 meters (about 8,038 feet) above sea level. Its gradient(坡度)is so great that it is rarely seen in the whole world. From the bottom of A

29、li Mountain to the top, the train crosses four forest areastropical, subtropical, temperate and frigid zones. There is a Chinese juniper (杜松) within the Ali Mountain forest area, with some 53 meters (about 174 feet) high, and 23 meters (about 75 feet) wide. This juniper is so huge that more than ten

30、 people can surround it. It has a history of more than 3,000 years, thus is called Alishan Sacred Tree. The most wondrous tree is a “three-generation” tree. The three generations of this tree exist in the same trunk. While the first and second generations have faded, the third generation is still fl

31、ourishing. This tree is really a wonder of nature.The sea of clouds and the cherry blossom should not be overlooked. If you want to avoid sunstroke, the comfortable climate in mid-summer on Ali Mountain will be a good choice.41. Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?A. Location of Ali Mountain.

32、 B. Five rare sites of Ali Mountain. C. Hills of Ali Mountain. D. An introduction to Ali Mountain.42. What does the underlined word “flourishing” in the fourth paragraph mean?A. Growing well. B. Surrounding. C. Disappearing. D. Dying.43. Whats the best time to appreciate the sea of clouds and the ch

33、erry blossom? A. April. B. February. C. August. D. December.44. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The place and time of the sunrise are the same despite the changes of the four seasons.B. The best place to view the sunrise is on the top of Tower Hill.C. The highest peak of

34、Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,450 meters.D. The juniper has a history of more than 3,000 years, thus it is called Alishan Sacred Tree. BThe story I would like to tell happened about a year ago. I accepted a position in a company. John, an acquaintance of mine, told me much about th

35、e job and took my curriculum vitae (简历) to his supervisor. I did not refer to him as a friend because at the time we did not take part in activities together outside of work, nor did our wives.The first week was fine. Nothing was obviously strange with John at first until the second week, when our c

36、ommunication began to get a little strange. John began saying something like “you would have had to pay an employment agency several hundred dollars for a job like this”. I soon forgot his words till the next day when he said something similar. Right then I started to really pay attention to what he

37、 meant. He acted as if I owed him money for helping me to get the job.He began to get short with me and I had only been there for two weeks. He was supposed to train me in building our e-mail servers and setting up the entire standard monitor software. Instead, he went through the process so fast th

38、at even an experienced worker could hardly keep up. He would not slow down or check whether I was with him or not. If there was something wrong with a server, he would just buzz through the solution and not stop to say anything like “you might want to remember this.” I began to get very frustrated.B

39、y the third week I began to get tired of his condescension (傲慢). So I began to challenge him in a way that was only one to one. He would respond to a question of mine with a question or just make me repeat it, and then interrupt me. I began to hate him. Later I tried to avoid him as much as I could,

40、 so I wouldnt run into him.He stopped me one day and asked me what had happened. I told him he was very condescending in his tone and manner. He asked me, “What can I do so that you will not feel like this way in the future?” I simply asked him to treat me with the same respect he would like to be t

41、reated with. He did it and we got along better gradually. I believed there was hope and eventually we would become friends and now we are.45. Why didnt the author refer to John as a friend at first?A. They seldom spent free time together. B. They had only met for two weeks.C. Their wives didnt know

42、each other.D. They had many disagreements on work.46. What did John most probably mean by saying the underlined sentence?A. The company he and the author worked in was very good.B. The author was wise not to ask an employment agency for help.C. He had helped the author get a job without a penny.D. T

43、he author should have paid him several hundred dollars to express his gratitude.47.Which of the following is TRUE according to the third and fourth paragraphs?A. John was an experienced and hard-working employee.B. The author was very slow in learning new things.C. John hardly lent an ear to what th

44、e author expressed.D. The author gradually got accustomed to his work.48. Whats the authors purpose of sharing his story?A. To express his dissatisfaction with John.B. To stress the importance of communication between colleagues.C. To remind us what problems can occur at work.D. To describe how to b

45、ecome qualified for a job.C Do dogs understand us? Be careful what you say around your dog. It might understand more than you think. A border collie(边境牧羊犬)named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany. The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child. Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩). In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects. Then the owner told the

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