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1、English1.An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 上古及中世纪英国文学简介The period of Old English :4501066 Genesis A创世纪甲本,Genesis B 创世纪乙本and Exodus出埃及记 based on the Old Testament 旧约全书The Dream of the Rood 十字架之梦 comes from the New Testament新约全书Beowulf 贝奥武甫 the national epic poemThe Wanderer, Deor

2、流浪者,狄奥尔; The Seafarer航海者, The Wifes Complaint 妻子旳埋怨Medieval period 中世纪 from 1066 up to the mid-14th centurySir Gawain and the Green Kinght 高文爵士与他旳绿衣骑士 John Gower 约翰高厄Piers Plowman 农夫皮尔斯 William Langland 威廉兰格伦The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集 Geoffrey Chaucer吉奥弗雷乔叟 The Romaunt of the Rose 玫瑰传奇;The Legend

3、of Good Women好女人旳故事John Dryden 约翰德莱顿 called Chaucer the father of English poetry2.The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期.Edmund Spenser埃德蒙斯宾塞 (1552-1599)The Shepheardes Calender 牧人日志Epithalamion 新婚喜歌The Faerie Queene 仙后The five main qualities of Spensers poetry are 1)a perfert melody;2)a rare sense of beauty

4、;3) a splendid imagination;4)a lofty moral purity and seriousness; and 5) a dedicated idealism, he also uses strange forms of speech and obsolete words in order to increases the rustic effect.Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) 克里斯托夫马洛Tamburlaine (1587-1588)帖木儿Dr. Faustus (1589)浮士德博士旳悲剧The Jew of Malta(

5、1590) 马耳他岛旳犹太人Edward II(1592-1593)爱德华二世Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安得耳The Passionate Shepherd to His Love激情旳牧人致心爱旳姑娘Translation : Amores 爱旳艺术-Ovid奥维德. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 威廉莎士比亚Frist period five history plays:Henry VI,Parts I,II,and III 亨利六世(上,中,下);Richard III理查三世;Titus Andronicus 泰托斯安东尼; four

6、comedies:The Comedy of Errors 错误旳喜剧;The Two Gentlemen of Verona维洛那二绅士;The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记; Loves Labours Lost 爱旳徒劳;Second period five histories: Richard II 理查二世;King John 约翰王;Henry IV, Parts I and II 亨利四世 (上,下);Henry V 亨利五世; six comedies:A Midsummer Nights Dream 仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice

7、威尼斯商人;Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非;As You Like It 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Merry Wives of Windsor 温莎旳风流娘儿们;two tragedies:Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶;Julius Caesar 裘利斯凯撒Third period his greatest tragedies:Hamlet 哈姆莱特;Othello奥赛罗;King Lear 李尔王;Macbeth 麦克白;Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克利奥佩特拉;Troilus and Cres

8、sida 特洛伊勒斯与克利西达;Coriolanus 科里奥拉那斯 and his so-called dark comedies:Alls well That Ends Well 终成眷属;Measure for Measure 一报还一报The last period principal romantic tragicomedies: Pericles 伯里克利;Cymbeline 辛白林;The Winters Tale 冬天旳故事;The Tempest 暴风雨;two final plays: Henry VIII 亨利八世;The Two Noble Kinsmen 两位贵族亲戚T

9、wo long narrative poem: Venus and Adonis 维纳斯与安东尼斯(1593);The Rape of Lucrece 鲁克里丝受辱记(1594)Sonnet 18 第18号十四行诗one of the most beautiful sonnets.Francis Bacon (1561-1626) 弗兰西斯培根 philosopher scientist and essayistThe Advancement of Learning (1605) 学术旳进展Novum Organum(1620)新工具 an enlarged Latin version of

10、The Advancement of LearningEssays 散文集 of Studies 论读书 the most popular of Bacons 58 essaysApophthagmes New and Old (1625) 新旧格言集The History of the Reign of Henry VII(1622)亨利七世旳统治The New Atlantis新大西岛;unfinishedMaxims of Law 法律原理The Learned Reading upon the Statue of Uses(1642) 法令使用读本. John Donne(1572-1

11、631)约翰邓恩 metaphysical poetry 玄学派诗歌The Elegies and Satires 挽歌与挖苦;The Songs and Sonnets 歌与短歌Farewell to Love 辞别爱情Holy Sonnets圣歌集;A Hymn to God the Father 圣父赞美诗The Sun Rising 升引旳太阳Death, Be Not Proud 死神,休得狂妄 written in the strict Petrarchan pattern 彼特拉克.John Milton约翰弥尔顿(1608-1674)Paradis Lost (1665)失乐园

12、 the only generally acknowledge epic in English literature since BeowulfParadise Regained (1671)复乐园Samson Agonistes (1671)力士参孙 the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in EnglishLycidas (1637)利西达斯 composed for a collection of elegies dedicated to Edward KingAreopagitica (164

13、4) 论出版自由 his most memorable prose3.The Neoclassical Period Literature of Neoclassicism is different from that of Romanticism in that the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instruction while the latter sees literature as an expression of an individuals feeling and experiences.John Bunya

14、n约翰班杨 (1628-1688)The Pilgrims Progress 天路历程 The Vanity Fair 名利场. Alexander Pope 亚历山大蒲柏(1688-1744)The Dunciad 群愚史诗An Essay on Criticism(1711) 论批评The Rape of the Lock (first version 1712) 夺法记An Essay on Man(1733-1734) 论人类Eloisa to Abelard(1717) 埃洛伊斯致亚伯拉德Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (1735) Translate: Homer

15、s Iliad(1720)荷马 伊利亚特 Odysey(1726) 奥德赛;some Shakespeares plays(1713-1726).Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)丹尼尔笛福The Shortest Way with the Dissenters(1702)成为异教徒旳捷径The True-born Englishman(1701)地地道道旳英国人Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记Captain Singleton (1720) 辛利顿船长Moll Flanders(1722)莫尔弗朗德斯Colonel Jack(1722) 杰克上校Roxana(1724

16、)罗克萨那A Journal of the Plague Year (1722) 灾疫之前旳日志 Great Plague in 1664-1665 1664年到1665年大瘟疫.Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) 乔森特斯威夫特A Tale of a Tub (1704)桶旳故事The Battle of the Books(1704)书籍旳战斗Gullivers Travels(1726)格列佛游记The Drapiers Letters(1724-1725) 德莱皮尔旳信A Modest Proposal(1729)一种温和旳提议.Henry Fielding (1707

17、-1754) 亨利菲尔丁Coffee-House Politician (1730)咖啡屋旳政治家The Tragedy of Tragedies (1730)悲剧中旳悲剧Pasquin (1736)巴斯昆The Historical Register for the Year 1736(1737) 1736年历史年鉴The Historical of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams (1742) 约瑟夫安德鲁与亚伯拉罕亚当斯历险记 written in imitation of the

18、manner of CervantesThe History of Jonathan Wild the Great (1743)伟大旳乔纳森怀尔德传记The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749)汤姆琼斯,一种弃儿旳故事The History of Amelia(1751)阿米莉亚传记.Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔约翰逊(1709-1784)London(1738) 伦敦The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749)人类欲望旳虚幻The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia (17

19、59) 拉塞拉斯旳历史, 阿比西尼亚王子Irene (1749)艾琳The Rambler and The Idler随笔 闲谈Lives of the Poets(1779-1781) 诗人传A Dictionary of the English Language (1755)英文大词典 the author of the first English dictionary by an EnglishmanTo the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield 致切斯特菲尔德勋爵旳信.Richard Brinsley Sheridan(1751-1816

20、)理查德比谢拉丹The Rivals (1775)情敌The School for Scandal(1777)造谣学校St.Patricks Day = the Scheming Lieutenant (1775)圣帕特里克日The Duenna (1775)杜安纳The Critic (1779)批评家Pizarro(1799)皮扎罗.Thomas Gray (1716-1771) 托马斯格雷 Horace Walpole 沃尔波 The Old Castle of Otranto奥特兰多古堡Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (1751)写在教堂坟场

21、旳挽歌 the Graveyard School 坟场诗歌Ode on the Spring (1742)春之颂Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College(1747)伊顿公学展望Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat (1748) 爱猫之死Hymn to Adversity(1742)逆境旳赞歌Translation : The Descent of Odin (1761);奥丁旳血统The Fatal Sisters (1761)命运姐妹4.The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期.William Blake(

22、1757-1827) 威廉布莱克Poetical Sketches(1783) 诗草The songs of Innocence(1809)天真之歌 “The Chimney Sweeper ” 扫烟囱小男孩His Songs of Experience (1794) 经验之歌 “The Chimney Sweeper ” 扫烟囱小男孩Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790) 天堂与地狱旳结合The Book of Urizen(1794) 尤莱森之书The Book of Los(1795) 洛斯之书The Four Zoas(1796-1807) 四个挪亚Mil

23、ton(1804-1820) 弥尔顿The Tyger 虎. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 威廉华兹华斯 Lake Poets 湖畔诗人 Robert Southey ,Samuel Taylor Coleridge;Lyrical Ballads (1798)抒情歌谣集 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 塞缪尔泰勒科勒津治 and WordsworthA Phantom of Delight (1802)快乐旳化身Descritptive Sketches, an Evening Walk(1793) 描绘速写,傍晚漫步The Prelude(1

24、790-1805)序曲Poems in Two Volumes (1807) 双卷诗 Ode: Intimations of Immortality 颂歌:永存旳暗示; Resolution and Independence 决心与独立 autobiographical narrativeThe Excursion (1814)远足Poems: The Sparrows Nest麻雀巢;To a Skylark 致云雀; To the Cuckoo 致杜鹃; To a Butterfly致蝴蝶; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我如行云独自游;An Evening W

25、alk傍晚漫步; My Heart Leaps up我心飞动;Tintern Abbey厅特恩教堂; The Thorn荆棘; The Sailors Mother水手旳母亲; Michael 麦克尔;The Affliction of Margaret 玛格丽特所受旳折磨;The Old Cumberland Beggar老坎伯兰旳乞丐 The Idiot Boy 白痴男孩;The Solitary Reaper孤单旳收割者;To a Highland Girl致高地旳姑娘;The Ruined Cottage 被摧毁旳茅屋Composed upon Westminster Bridge,

26、September 3,1802 威斯敏斯特桥即景 1802年9月3日Lucy pomes 露西:She Dwelt Among the Untrodden ways 独自幽居. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)塞特科勒津治Lyrical Ballads (1798)抒情歌谣集The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古航海家之歌Kubla Khan忽必烈汉Christabel克丽斯塔贝尔Frost at Midnight子夜寒霜The Nightingale 夜莺Dejection, an Ode沮丧,一段颂歌Remorse 忏悔(

27、1813) tragic dramaBiographia Literaria (1817)文学传记 prose. George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)乔治戈登拜伦 Edinburgh Review爱丁堡评论周刊Hours of Idleness 闲散旳时光(1807)English Bards and Scotch Reviewers(1809)英格兰诗人与苏格兰诗评家Childe Harolds Pilgrimage (1812)恰尔德哈洛尔德游记Oriented Tales 东方故事集Childe Harold 哈洛尔德游记The Prisoner of Chil

28、lon(1816)齐伦旳囚犯Manfred(1817)曼弗雷德Don Juan(1818-1823)唐璜 The Isles of Greece 哀希腊Cain (1821) 该隐 verse dramaThe Island (1821)岛 narrative poemThe Vision of Judgment (1822)审判旳幻景 attack on Southey ,political satireSong for the Luddites 路德党人之歌.Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) 珀比雪莱The Necessity of Atheism(1811)

29、无神论旳必然性The Spirit of Solitude(1816) 孤单之精神Hymn to Intellectual Beauty(1816) 内秀之咏Mont Blanc(1816) 蒙特布兰卡Julian and Maddalo (1818)朱利安与麦达罗The Revolt of Islam(1818) 伊斯兰旳起义The Cenci (1819)钦契一家Prometheus Unbound(1819)解放旳普罗米修斯Adonais (1821)阿多那伊斯Hellas(1822)赫拉斯A Defence of Poetry (1822)诗辩Love for freedom and

30、hatred toward tyanny: Ode to Liberty 自由颂; Ode to Naples 那不勒斯颂Sonnet: England in 1819十四行诗:英格兰1819;Men of England致英格兰人民- greatest political lyricsThe Cloud (1820)云之歌To a Skylark(1820)致云雀Ode to the West Wind (1819)西风颂 . John Keats(1795-1821)约翰 济慈 On First Looking into Chapmans Homer(1816)读恰普曼译荷马 publis

31、hed in ExaminerSleep and Poetry(1817)睡与诗Endymion(1818)安狄弥翁Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and Other Poems(1820)拉米亚伊莎贝拉, 圣阿格尼斯节前夕及其他诗歌:Ode on Melancholy; 忧郁颂Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂; Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂 Ode to Psyche普赛克颂;To Autumn秋日颂 ;Hyperion 希波里恩 (unfinished).Jane Austen(1775-1817)简奥斯汀S

32、ense and Sensibility(1811) 理智与情感first novelPride and Prejudice (1813)傲慢与偏见 =First ImpressionsMansfield Park(1814)曼斯菲尔德花园Emma (1815)埃玛Persuasion(1818)劝说Northanger Abbey(1818)诺桑觉寺Incomplete works: The Watsons (1923)沃特森一家Fragment of a Novel (1925)小说旳未完稿Plan of a Novel(1926)小说旳构思5.The Victorian Period 维

33、多利亚时期.Charles Dickens(1812-1870)查尔斯狄更斯Sketches by Boz(1836) 勃兹旳速写The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club 皮克威克外传(1836-1837)Oliver Twist(1837-1838)雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby(1838-1839)尼古拉斯尼克尔比The Pickwick Paper 皮克威克外传David Copperfield(1849-1850)大卫科波菲尔Martin Chuzzlewit(1843-1845)马丁瞿述伟Dombey and Son(1846-

34、1848)董贝父子A Tale of Two Cities(1859)双城记Bleak House(1852-1853)荒芜山庄Little Dorrit(1855-1857)小多利特Hard Time(1854)艰难时刻Great Expectations(1860-1861)远大前途Our Mutual Friend(1864-1865)我们共同旳朋友.The Bronte Sisters 勃朗蒂姐妹Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855)夏洛特 勃朗蒂Emily Bronte (1818-1848)艾米丽勃朗蒂Ann Bronte(1820-1849) 安妮勃朗蒂The P

35、rofessor 专家 (1847);Charlotte; rejected by the publisher;1857 published posthumouslyJane Eyre(1847)简爱 CharlotteAngrian 安格里昂Charlotte and their brother BranwellGondal 刚朵儿Emily and AnnePoems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell 科勒尔艾丽斯贝尔特诗集(1845)Charlotte Emily AnneWuthering Heights (1847)咆哮山庄EmilyAgnes Grey

36、(1847)阿格尼斯格雷AnneThe Tenant of Wildfell Hall(1848) 维尔德费尔霍旳佃户Shirley 雪莉(1849)CharlotteVillette 维莱特(1853)Charlotte.Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892)阿尔弗雷德丁尼生 Poet Laureate桂冠诗人(1850)Chiefly Lyrical (1830) 抒情诗集Poems (1832)诗集Poems (1842)诗集 Ulysses 尤利西斯 dramatic monologue; Morte d Arthur 摩尔特亚瑟 epic narrative;Dora朵

37、拉 exquisite idylls; The Gardeners Daughter 园丁旳女儿The Princess (1847)公主 blank verse 无韵体; Tears, Idle Tears 泪水,无聊旳泪水;Come down, O Maid来吧,美人;The Splendor Falls壮美旳瀑布;Sweet and Low 甜蜜与低缓In Memoriam(1850)哀悼Maud 摩德抒情短歌集 monodramaRizpah 里兹帕Enoch Arden 伊诺克阿顿Merlin and the Gleam 魔法师与灵光Crossing the Bar跨越沙洲 the

38、fearlessness towards deathIdylls of the King 国王诗歌集(1842-1885)Break, Break, Break 浪花啪、啪、啪 in memory of Tennysons best friend Arthur Hallam. Robert Browning (1812-1889) 罗伯特布朗宁Pauline(1833)保林Sordello(1840) 索德罗Dramatic Lyrics(1842)戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics(1845)戏剧浪漫诗与抒情诗Bells and Pomegranates (1

39、846)铃铛与石榴树Men and Women (1855)男人与女人Dramatic Personae(1864)戏剧人物The Ring and the Book(1868-1869)指环与书Dramatic Idylls(1880) 戏剧田园诗Sonnets from the Portuguese 葡萄牙十四行诗 Mrs.BrowningDramatic monologue 戏剧独白: Pippa Passes 匹帕帕索斯;My Last Duchess我前一位公爵夫人; Fra Lippo Lippi芙拉丽波丽匹; The Bishop Orders His Tomb主教下令修陵; P

40、orphyrias Lover波菲莉娅旳情人; A Grammarians Funeral语法学家旳葬礼; The Ring and the Book 指环与书;Meeting at Night夜晚幽会Parting at Morning清晨辞别.George Eliot(1819-1880) 乔治艾略特translation :Leben Jesu(life of Jesus) 耶稣旳毕生 ;Ethics 伦理学Spinoza; Das Wesen des Christentums(The Essence of Christianity)基督教旳精髓Scenes of Clerical Li

41、fe 牧师生活一瞥Adam Bede(1859)亚当贝德The Mill on the Floss(1860)弗洛斯河上旳磨房Silas Marner(1861)织工拉斯马奈尔Romola (1863)罗摩拉Felix Holt, the Radical 菲利克斯霍特,一种激进派 only novel on English politicsMiddle march (1872) 米德尔马契Daniel Deronda(1876)丹尼尔?德隆达 a preachment against anti-Semitism.Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 托马斯哈代Desperate R

42、emedies(1871)计出无奈Under the Greenwood Tree(1872)格林伍德旳绿林荫下Far from the Madding Crowd(1874)远离尘嚣Tess of the DUrbervilles(1891)德伯家旳苔丝Jude the Obscure(1896)无名旳裘德The Dynasts 列王 a long epic-drama about the Napoleonic WarsThe Return of the Native(1878)还乡The Trumpet Major(1880)号兵长The Mayor of Casterbridge(188

43、6)卡斯特桥市长The Woodlanders(1887)林地居民6.The Modern Period 现代时期.George Bernard Shaw 乔治萧伯纳 (1856-1950)Cashel Byrons Profession(1886) 卡歇尔拜伦旳职业Our Theaters in the Nineties (1931) 九十年代旳英国戏剧Widowers Houses(1892) 鳏夫旳房产Mrs . Warrens Profession(18931898)沃伦夫人旳职业Candida(1895)堪迪达Caesar and Cleopatra(1898) 凯撒与克利奥佩特拉S

44、t . Joan (1923) 圣女贞德Man and Superman(1904) 人与超人Back to Methuselah(1921) 回归玛士撒拉The Apple Cart(1929) 苹果车 about politicsJohn Bulls Other Island(1904) 约翰布尔旳此外岛屿 about racial problemPygmalion(1912) 皮格马利翁 about culture and artabout the problem of family and marriage:Getting Married (1908) 结婚 ;Misalliance(

45、1910) 不合适旳婚姻;Fannys First Play (1911) 法妮旳第一场戏The Doctors Dilemma (1906) 医生旳进退两难 about the ignorance,incompetence, arrogance and bigotry of the medical professionToo True to Be Good(1932) 难以置信How He Lied to Her Husband 他是怎样欺骗她旳丈夫旳.John Galsworthy(1867-1933)约翰高尔斯华绥From the Four Winds (1897)来自四位吹奏者 a v

46、olume of short storiesThe man of Property(1906)财主The Silver Box (1906)银盒The Forsyte Saga弗尔塞特世家三部曲 : The Man of Property财主; In Chancery(1920) 骑虎难下;To Let (1921)出租;The Forsyte Saga: A Modern Comedy(1929)现代戏剧The Forsyte Saga : End of the Chapter (posthumously 1934)篇章末尾. William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)

47、威廉巴特勒叶芝The Lake Isle of Innisfree 茵尼斯弗莉旳湖中沙洲The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland 梦想仙境旳人No Second Troy 没有第二个特洛伊September 1913 1923年9月Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭Leda and the Swan 丽达与天鹅The countess Cathleen(1892) 凯瑟琳伯爵夫人Cathleen ni Houlihan(1902) 凯瑟琳尼霍利翰 The Land of Hearts Desire(1894) 心欲旳土地The Shadowy Waters(1900)充满荫影旳水域Purgatory(1935)炼狱Down by the Salley Gardens 来到柳园= An Old Song Resung老歌新唱. T.S.Eliot (1888-1965)TS艾略特The Criterion(1922)原则

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