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1、PETS二级听力试题(2023年9月)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一种小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳对应位置。听完每段对话后,你均有10秒钟旳时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:0. How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18 C. 9.15请看选项:衬衫旳价格为9镑15便士,因此你选择C项,并在试卷上将其标出,下面你有5秒钟旳时间看第1题。Text 1W: Are you announcing the news today or tomorrow?M: Ill do it at Wednesd

2、ays meeting.1. What are the speakers talking about? A A. When to announce the news. B. Who will attend the meeting. C. What to discuss on Wednesday.Text 2M: Hello, Christine. Do you want a cup of coffee? Ive just made some.W: No, thanks. Ill make myself a cup of tea in a minute.M: Oh, let me do it f

3、or you. The water is just boiled. 2. What will the man do? A A. Make tea for Christine. B. Have a cup of tea. C. Boil more water.Text 3M: Shelia, over here! W: Hello! Tony, sorry, Im late. My boss asked me to finish some important work. M: Its OK. I only got here a couple of minutes ago. 3. Why is S

4、heila late? B A. She argued with her boss. B. She had to finish work. C. She forgot the time.Text 4W: Im going on a business trip to New York. Whats the weather like there?M: Well, its usually warm at this time of year. But last week it was cold and wet. So dont forget to take an umbrella with you.

5、4. What is the weather normally like? B A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. Cold.Text 5M: If Professor King gave us one more week, we would be able to complete the task.W: Hm, that would make a big difference. 5. What does the man mean? C A. He likes his professor. B. He wants a new task. C. He needs more time.第二

6、节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟旳时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟旳作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至7题。Text 6W: What happened? Ive been waiting for almost an hour. M: Im sorry, but I had car trouble. W: Oh, thats too bad. Couldnt you have telephoned? M: I was going to

7、, but I didnt have any change for a pay phone. W: You couldve gotten some change in a store.M: But I was out on the edge of town. There wasnt any place to get change. W: Well, at least youre here now. No need to wait any longer. So, lets get started.6. What happened to the man? C A. He lost his way.

8、 B. He broke his phone. C. His car broke down.7. Why did the man fail to call the woman? A A. He had no coins. B. He had no time. C. He forgot the number.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。Text 7W: Lets see. Thats two pairs of trousers, one ladys dress and one mans overcoat.M: And this sports shirt too, all cleaned a

9、nd ironed. When will they be ready? W: Is Sunday morning soon enough? M: Well, yes, but I need that coat earlier. W: We do have a special quick service at an extra charge of 15%.M: When will it be ready?W: Tomorrow afternoon. Any time after four oclock. M: How late are you open?W: Until 9 oclock in

10、the evening, sir. M: Fine. That leaves me plenty of time to pick it up after work. W: OK. You can come for the coat any time after 4 oclock.M: Good. Thank you.8. How many pieces of clothing need to be cleaned and ironed? B A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.9. How much is the extra charge for the quick servic

11、e? B A. 5%. B. 15%. C. 50%.10. When can the man pick up his overcoat? A A. Tomorrow afternoon. B. Nine oclock today. C. Sunday morning.听下面一段对话,回答第11至13题。Text 8M: What do you like most about your new job?W: Well, I get better paid and the distance between work and home is shorter. But the best part i

12、s that they have training programs to improve our work skills. And they run partly on company time, usually from four to six on Wednesdays and Fridays.M: That sounds great. I wish my company did that.W: It really is a good thing. And even though the company has to pay for the training, its worth it

13、in the long run. Because with a greater understanding of the computer programs I use every day, I do my daily tasks more quickly and effectively. 11. What do we know about the womans old job? B A. It offered better pay. B. It was farther from her home. C. It provided computer training.12. What do we

14、 learn about the training? B A. It is paid by the woman. B. It is partly done on work time. C. It runs from Wednesday to Friday.13. How does the woman feel about her new job? A A. Satisfied. B. Confused. C. Anxious.听下面一段对话,回答第14至17题。Text 9 M: Hey, Jessica, there is a new fun test in the paper. I lov

15、e to fill these things out. W: Whats this one about?M: Its about health.W: OK. Read it to me. Ill keep score.M: OK. No. 1: Do you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day?W: Thats easy. I gave up smoking three years ago.M: Right. You know, I should too.W: Yeah, Ive heard that before.M: No, No, really. I

16、m going to. But for now Id have to say, yes. OK. No. 2: Do you have a check-up at your doctors office at least once a year?W: Yeah, the company makes us go to the doctor every year. How about you?M: Well, I went to the doctor lets see about three years ago. W: You should go more often. M: Well, lets

17、 move on to No. 7: Do you work more than ten hours a day?W: No, but youve been working a lot lately. M: Im really tired. I should work a lot less. But weve been busy though. W: You really should slow down.M: Its not that easy. Last question: Do you worry a lot in your life?W: Worry a lot? Yeah. I gu

18、ess Id have to say yes. I should rest more. M: I definitely should rest more. You know what? Its surprising Im not dead already.14. What do we know about the man? CA. He smokes less than ten cigarettes a day.B. He gave up smoking three years ago.C. He is probably a long time smoker.15. How often doe

19、s the woman go to the doctor for a check-up? AA. Once every year.B. Twice a year.C. Once every three years.16. How many test questions are discussed in the conversation? AA. Four.B. Seven.C. Eight.17. What change will the test probably bring to the speakers? CA. They will exercise more.B. They will

20、work harder.C. They will rest more.听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题。Text 10M: Well, I guess there are three things that I cannot live without. You saw me playing with my new toy just now. Its my iPod touch and it is great. I often take long bus journeys at the weekend. And on this little thing I can watch a movie,

21、 and that just makes bus journeys fly by. It also has wireless Internet so I can carry it around, and in a coffee shop I can check my email. And it is also able to play music, although I dont listen to music much. Thats one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. Its kind of connected to my No. 2. N

22、o. 2 is the Internet. I couldnt live without the Internet. Im online every day reading newspapers, checking out information about things I want to do or see that day, keeping in touch with family and friends, although I dont do that as much as they would like. The Internet is such a huge part of my

23、life. I cant imagine what it was like ten or fifteen years ago when nobody was online. No. 3, I suppose, is the sun which sounds a bit meaningless because everything on earth requires the sun. But for me, its not so much about getting what plants and animals get from the sun. Its just being able to

24、enjoy the soft warmth, lying by the pool, letting my mind be empty and clear. Those are my three. How about you? 18. Why does the man always carry his iPod touch? BA. To talk with his friends.B. To pass time enjoyably.C. To work while travelling.19. What do we know about life ten or fifteen years ag

25、o? CA. People enjoyed life more.B. The Internet first came into use then.C. It was harder for people to get in touch online.20. Why does the man think the sun is very important for his life? CA. It makes him more active.B. It allows him to think over.C. It gives him a feeling of comfort.答案:1-5 AABBC 6-10 CABBA 11-15 BBACA 16-20 ACBCC

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