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1、M1U1 September the first Thursday1. relative reltivn. 亲属、亲戚2. a family tree 家谱3. family fmilin. 家、家人families (复数)4. this thesethat those5. grandfather grnd, fa:n. 祖父、外祖父6. grandmother grnd, mn. 祖母、外祖母7. an uncle kl伯父、叔叔、舅舅8. an aunt a:nt姑母、姨妈、阿姨9. brother brn. 兄弟sister sistn. 姐妹10. cousin kznn. 堂(表)

2、兄弟、堂(表)姐妹11. their pron. 他们的12. father parents 双亲mother13. granddaughter grnd:tn. 孙女、外孙女14. grandson grndsnn. 孙子、外孙子M1U1 September the fifth Monday1. havehas +过去分词(p.p)现在完毕时2. 得到(原形) (过去式) (过去分词) get got got3. a lot of = lots of = plenty of = many 许多much 4. present = gift 礼物5. birthday cards 生日贺卡6.

3、get sth. from sb. 从某人那得到某物7. make sth. for sb. 做某物给某人8. one of your family members 你的家庭成员之一9. How many uncles do you have? I have one uncle.你有几个叔叔? 我有一个叔叔。10. only 仅仅、只有11. I have one aunt, too. = I also have one aunt.我也有一个阿姨。M1U1 September the seventh Wednesday1. niece ni:sn. 侄女2. nephew nefju:n. 侄

4、子3. What do you do with your aunt? 你和你阿姨干什么?4. always :lweiz总是usually ju:uli通常 often fn经常 sometimes smtaimz有时候 never nev历来没有、历来不5. what else 其他的什么 6. play computer games 打电脑游戏7. play football 踢足球8. play badminton 打羽毛球9. go shopping 去购物、逛商场10. go swimming 去游泳11. go to a restaurant 去餐馆12. go cycling 骑

5、自行车13. go to the park 去公园14. watch TV 看电视15. see a film=go to the cinema 看电影M1U2 September the ninth Friday1. think about 考虑、思考2. put sth. on sth. 把某物放在某物上3. 放、摆(原形) (过去式) (过去分词) put put put4. a photo of your family 你家的一张照片5. a piece of paper 一张纸6. Its time for class. = Its time to have a class. 现在是

6、上课时间。7. poempuimn. 诗歌poetpuitn. 诗人8. talk to/with sb. 和某人说话9. But she doesnt talk at all. 但是她什么也不说。10. like to do = like doing sth. 喜欢干什么11. almost :lmust= nearly nili几乎12. She cant read or write. 她不会读和写。13. go out at night 晚上出去14. She is 3 years old. 她三岁。M1U1 September the thirteenth TuesdayMy fami

7、lyI have a happy home. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. I always do my homework with my mother. I usually play badminton with my father. I often go cycling in the garden. I sometimes go swimming with my mother. I nerer tell lies. I like my family.My familyMy

8、 family is a happy one. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. I always do my homework with my mother. I usually play badminton with my father. I often go cycling in the garden. I sometimes go swimming with my mother. I nerer tell lies. I like my family.My auntI h

9、ave an aunt. Her name is Li Jian (Shirly). She is 30 years old. She is very beautiful. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and two big eyes. She likes reading books. She is the manager in the company. She is very busy, because she is often out on official business. She sometimes go swimming with

10、 me. I like her very much.My uncleI have an uncle. His name is Meng Xiongchun. He is 34 years old. He is tall and thin. He has short hair and two big eyes. He likes playing computer games. He is a driver in the factory. He is very busy, because he often gets to the other parts of country. He sometim

11、es go swimming with me. I like him very much.M1U2 September the fourteenth Wednesday1. They like to be together. 他们喜欢在一起。2. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行上学3. eat their lunch 吃他们的午餐4. share their food 分享他们的食物5. help each other 互相帮助6. help other people = help others 帮助别人7. friendlyfrendliad

12、j. = kindkaindadj. 和谐的8. helpfulhelpfladj. 有帮助的 9. work hard 勤奋学习、努力工作10. be late for 迟到11. get angry 气愤12. be angry with 对XX很气愤13. one the other 一个另一个14. be kind/friendly to sb. 对某人非常和谐15. naughtyn: tiadj. 调皮的 16. tell lies 撒谎M1U2 September the ninteenth Monday1. a visit to Garden City = visit Gard

13、en City 参观花园城市2. already 已经 现在完毕时 just 刚才 yet (疑问句、否认句)3. live in the USA 住在美国4. America 美国5. for the first time 第一次6. ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事物7. havehas been (to) heretherehome havehas gone (to) heretherehome 曾到过这儿那儿家8. what about sth. doing sth. 某事物怎么样? how about sth. doing sth. XX如何?9. be goin

14、g to do = will do 将要干什么10.together 一起11.Im going there on Saturday. 周六我将要去哪儿。12.let sb. do sth. 让某人干某事M1U2 September the twenty-second Thuesday1. What do Friends of the Earth do? 地球的朋友干什么?2. look after = look care of = take care of 照看3. round us 我们周边4. pollutep lu: tv. 污染 pollutionp lu: nn. 污染5. air

15、 pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染land pollution 土地污染6. help keep the environment clean 帮助保持环境清洁7. pick up rubbish 捡垃圾8. put sth. into sth. 把某物放进某物里9. rubbish bins 垃圾箱10. tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要干某事11. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人干某事M1U2 September the twenty-sixth Monday1. We want to be friends of

16、 the Earth. 我们想成为地球的朋友。2. All right. 好的。Thats all right. 没关系。Thats right. 对的。3. promise to do sth. 保证干某事4. promise not to do sth. 保证不干某事5. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事6. discussdis ksvt. discussiondis knn. 讨论7. I promise to keep our school clean. 我保证保持学校清洁。8. I promise not to leave rubbish. 我保证不扔垃圾

17、。9. I promise to reuse shopping bags. 我保证反复使用购物袋。10. I promise not to pollute the air. 我保证不污染空气。M1U2 September the twenty-seventh TuesdayMy friendBen is my good friend. He is twelve. He is tall and fat. He is always friendly and helpful. He always works hard. He is never late for school. He never ge

18、ts angry. We are good friends.My friendTom is my good friend. He is twelve. He is short and thin. He is always kind to others. He always shares his food with me. He is never naughty. He never tells lies. We are good friends.M1U2 September the thirtieth FridayFriends of the Earth We want to be Friend

19、s of the Earth. Friends of the Earth look after the environment. We promise to reuse shopping bags. We promise to keep our school clean. We promise not to pollute the air. We promise not to leave rubbish. Lets do these things together. M1U3 September the twenty-ninth Thursday1. spend a day out toget

20、her 一起外出度过的一天2. Green Island 绿岛3. North Bay 北部湾4. sun (n.) 太阳 sunny (adj.) 阳光充足的5. Spring Bay 春天湾6. South Bay 南部湾7. Sunny Town 太阳城8. Dragon Bay 龙湾9. sand (n.) 沙 sandy (adj.) 含沙的10. at weekends = at the weekend = on Saturday and Sunday 周末11. on weekdays 在工作日12. in Sandy Bay 在沙湾13. near 旁边 far away fr

21、om 离远near = close tofar away from = far fromM1U3 October eighth Saturday1. in Seaside Town 在海滨城2. on Lucky Island 在幸运岛3. a photo of my family and me我和我家人的一张照片4. have lunch吃午饭5. Space Museum 太空博物馆6. buy tickets 买票7. eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋8. activityk tivtin. 活动 activities(复数)9. play tennis 打网球10. play ba

22、sketball 打篮球11. have a picnic 一次野餐12. have a barbecue 一次烧烤13. have dinner 吃晚饭14. fly kites 放风筝15. ride bicycles 骑自行车16. make sandcastles 造沙滩城堡17. collect shells 收集贝壳M1U3 October ninth Sunday1. make an album 做一个相册2. plan a visit 计划一次旅行3. planplnv. 计划 planned planning 4. plan to do sth 计划干某事5. visit a

23、 place 参观一个地方6. let sb. do sth. 让某人干某事7. Thats a good idea. 好主意8. Which place shall we visit? 我们将去哪个地方呢?9. be going to do = will do (shall do) 将来干什么(一般将来时)10. get to = arrive in (大) = reach here 到达 = arrive at (小) = reach there= reach homee.g. arrive in Shanghaiarrive at schoolarrive home11. How abo

24、ut =What about sth. 怎么样? doing sth. M1U3 October ninth Sunday1. Lets go by bus, shall we? 让我们乘公共汽车,好吗?2. Lets go by bus. 让我们乘公共汽车。Shall we go by bus? 我们将要去乘公共汽车吗?How about going by bus? 我们乘公共汽车怎么样?3. How much does it cost? = How much is it? 它花费多少钱?4. How much do they cost? = How much are they? 它们花费多

25、少钱?5. come back = return 返回6. at six oclcok (What time 什么时间?)7. plan a trip to sp. 计划一次旅行8. sth. cost some money 某事物值XX钱sb. spend some money on sth. 某人花XX钱在某事物上sb. pay some money for sth. 某人为某事物付了XX钱e.g. The film ticket cost me 3 yuan. 电影票值3元。 I spend 3 yuan on the film ticket. 我花3元在电影票上。 I paid 3 y

26、uan for the film ticket. 我为电影票付了3元。9. a friend of mine 我的一个朋友M1U3 October fourteenth Saturday1. What would you like to be? = What do you want to do?你想成为?= 你想干什么(工作)?2. different jobs 不同的工作3. a job = a piece of work 一种工作、一种职业4. a secretarysekrtri秘书5. a bank clerk 银行职工6. a policewoman policewomen 女警察7

27、. a dentist 牙医8. a pilot 飞行员9. a fireman 消防员10. a postman postmen 邮递员11. a shop assistant 商店售货员12. find out 查明、弄清情况13. ififconj. 是否 假如、假如M2U4 October eighteenth TuesdayMy fatherMy fathers name is Meng Xiangxin. He is thirty-eight years old. He ia a cook. He likes his job because he likes to cook foo

28、d for people. He usually starts work at 9.30 in the morning. He usually finishes work at 9.30 in the evening. My MotherMy mothers name is Li Yuan. She is thirty-six years old. She ia a teacher. She likes her job because she likes to teach children. She usually starts work at 7.30 in the morning. She

29、 usually finishes work at 4.30 in the afternoon. My UncleMy uncles name is Meng Xiangchun. He is thirty-four years old. He ia a bus driver. He likes his job because he likes to drive a bus. He usually starts work at 6.30 in the morning. He usually finishes work at 6.30 in the evening. My AuntMy aunt

30、s name is Li Jian. She is thirty years old. She ia a doctor. She likes her job because she likes to make sick people better. She usually starts work at 9.30 in the morning. She usually finishes work at 6.30 in the evening. My fatherMy fathers name is Samuel Han. He is 42 years old. He is a doctor. H

31、e likes his job because he likes to make sick people better. He usually starts work at 8:30 in the morning. He usually finishes work at 6:00 in the evening.M2U4 October twentieth Thuesday1. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 想要干某事2. Would you like to be a policeman? Yes, I would.你想要成为一名警察吗? 是的,

32、我想。3. personp:snn. 人4. teach us English 教我们英语5. make(help) sick people better 使病人好一些6. drive a bus 开公共汽车7. driver 司机8. put out fires 扑灭火9. cook food for people 为人们做食物10. a doctor 医生11. Id = I would 12. make our city a safe place 使我们的城市安全13. nurse 护士14. interviewintvju:v. 采访M2U5 October twentieth Thu

33、esday1. forty-two years old 42岁2. Whats your job? = What job do you do? = What are you?你是做什么工作的?3. start work 开始工作4. start = begin 开始5. at half past eight 8:306. finish work 结束工作7. finish doing sth. 完毕某事8. Thats what I would like to be. 那时我想成为的。9. on the Open Day 在开放日10. an Open Day 开放日11. an entran

34、ce 入口12. enter entranceentrns进入 入口13. a choirkwai合唱团14. a noticeboardnutisb:d布告栏15. plan sth. for sth. 为某事计划XX16. parentprntn. 父母17. arriveraiv到达 arrive in 国家、城市等(大)范围 arrive at 车站、学校等(小)范围 arrive here 到达这儿 arrive there 到达那儿arrive home 到家18. at the entrance 在入口处19. first 一方面next 接下来 then 然后 after th

35、at 在那之后 finally 最后20. look at sth. 看着XX21. listen to sth. 听XX22. in the hall 在礼堂23. in the library 在阅览室24. in the Music room 在音乐室25. welcome sb. 欢迎某人26. teachers office 老师的办公室27. in different places 在不同的地方28. on the second floor 在第二层M2U5 October twenty-fourth MondayA visit to XX (A happy weekend)I h

36、ave been to Changfeng Park. It is a good place. There are a lot of nice trees and flowers in it. This is a photo of my mother and me. We are flying a kite together. We are very happy. I think Changfeng Park is very beautiful. I like it very much.M2U5 October twenty-fifth Tuesday1. an invitation 一份请柬

37、2. inviteinvaitv. 邀请3. write to sb. 写给某人4. take some photos 拍一些照片5. 拿(原形) (过去式) (过去分词) take took taken6. have a good time = enjoy oneself 度过快乐时光7. an important day 重要的一天8. finally = at last = in the end 最后9. sixty (基数词 60) sixiteth (序数词 60)10. something special 特殊的事物11. enough food 足够的食物12. take a b

38、us 乘公共汽车13. fishermanfimnn. 渔夫14. 吃(原形) (过去式) (过去分词) eat ate eaten15. first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth (序数词)第1 第2 第3 第4 第5 第8 第9 第12M2U6 November third Thursday1. go to school 上学2. travelling time 行走时间3. near 旁边 far away from 离远4. He goes to school by bus. = He takes a bus to sch

39、ool. 他乘公共汽车去上学。5. It takes him about ten minutes. (How long提问) 他大约要花10分钟。6. It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spend some time (in) doing sth.某人花了多长时间做某事 = sb. spend some time on sth.7. by ferry 乘渡轮8. forty minutes 40分钟9. half an hour 半小时10. by underground = take the underground 乘地铁11. the amou

40、nt of time 所需的时间、时间的量 (不可数)M2U6 November seventh Monday1. different places 不同的地方2. differencedifrnsn. 差异,差别3. How long does it take you to get to the supermarket? 你到达超市花多长时间?4. get (to) home =reach 到达 here there5. 花费(原形) (过去式) (过去分词)spend spent spent 6. 拿(原形) (过去式) (过去分词)take took taken 7. post offi

41、ce 邮局8. on ones way (to) home = on the way to 在某人去XX的路上 here there9. a restaurant 餐馆10.a hotel 旅馆11.an advertisement board 广告栏12.whenwenconj. 当时候13.police station 警察局14.swimming pool 游泳池15.get on get off 上车 下车16.get into get out of进入 从出来Going to schoolHi, Im Jerry. Im twelve. I live far away from school. I go to school by bus, then on foot. I see a supermarket, a few shops and a lot of people when Im on the bus. I see a few parents, some teachers and a lot of students w

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