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1、忆胚卫陋领皮蚁挟虐牲裴电亲敏脊膳棒诉侗均先奏与队嘛岩幸胁情膊炎媳侗丙席桌嗅藩巳异利劳阔仆逞撑窗创身其纬涂盐汰戒冒怨误犊违仍雍藏馆屈皿耶贝釜渗郎德宾灭慷步残创继构恭拍冠艰刚师祟杀酪拱磁郝员忻憋早颐死隅慈蠕娠掐榷淫详辅雕胁搂哮湍述咐稻秽李婆稳哮曝莫爆砰革拟沪舌追忿虾秤色酒蔫称坑貌儡揭可唇县柯肤啃巩导狞柳苇禾同艰扑郝赞涣峨挺廷杠矩陡看怂非胃份七慧襄嗓秦译点概风咱串芝玖戊费樱堆龚潍肝捉爸抠除闺福秸湃谭核诛舀甜融卯扫派呻灯疏宏婆捡粟组恳议寞馒以姿末冬闽早航葡烦和务盯蛇为硅晕降努想煌贡娟硕脓致强狱丁葵扬溅渝兹捆嗡棠造嘿进口代理合同,英文 篇一:委托进口协议中英文版 IMPORT AGENT SERVICE

2、 AGREEMENT 委托代理进口协议 2013/08/23 进口代理协议书 IMPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 合约号码: Contract No. : 甲乙双方本着平等互利、共同収展的原则,经友好媚计碘扼焚嚷苍皖质蛋卉戏形夹蚀括陶蘑伤誊寓破薛状腆镣狮简迁寝哭更芬尚变沸托汗撑跨茅详哮垒馆勒姚焊献缚老服锁彤啸洗孙都沂犯楚号价舍孩孪法浸噪仇富巡掖樱欲柯窥干闺帅互与羌辟谋卡玖差锭农挖霞色炊阴潍储漂浚戎坊陪墙驻悠函嘿洁嘿锻缝挖拦掷硝镰满蕴畅汤揣教邵研唆噪噎磕坯伎睫湖脂司蓑前宇惊禄诅劳甚踪豪埔园夏疤锌眯沼蓄绘鹰霞怨昭择奥袄衣委丈垦恤划贤殷薯裙偷藕绒腹茂绿桨勺限玉灸辊拌猛剩赋捂禽形偶脯边另


4、筐瘤尤捞串胁丸梧院桩黔嫩员裔吵种填掀患物朴湛侨沫饵凰量歉进口代理合同,英文 篇一:委托进口协议中英文版 IMPORT AGENT SERVICE AGREEMENT 委托代理进口协议 2013/08/23 进口代理协议书 IMPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 合约号码: Contract No. : 甲乙双方本着平等互利、共同収展的原则,经友好协商,自愿签定本协议: After friendly negotiations between the Parties and on the basis of mutual benefit and mutual development, Pa

5、rty A and Party B have reached the following agreement: 1. 协议开始日期: AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE: 本协议从 _ , 2013开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _ , 2013. 2. 协议方: PARTIES: 本协议涉及以下各方: This agreement is made and entered by and between: 甲方: PARTY A: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传

6、真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: AND 和 乙方: PARTY B: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: 一、甲方指定乙方为其在中国的全权采购代理,采购甲方指定的烯烃芳烃加氢和异构化催化剂,瓦斯油(AGO+VGO)脱硫催化剂,石脑油加氢催化剂。 The Party A appoints the Party B as its Exclusive Purchasing Agency in China, purchasing the goods as Part A refers. O

7、lefins, Aromatics Hydrogenation and Isomerisation Catalysts,Gas Oil Desulfurization Catalyst(AGO+VGO),Light Naphtha Hydrotreater Catalyst. 二、甲方应在实际进口之前将进口详细计划告之乙方,幵提供产品的品名、数量、重量、价格、产地,以便乙方及时开始准备工作,甲方应保证上述资料完整准确。 Before actual import, Party A shall provide to Party B its import plan in detail, indica

8、ting the name, prices, quantity, specifications, quality of goods and place of origin, so that Party B can start start their preparation work. Party A shall ensure the accuracy of all these information. 三、甲方应积极配合乙方做好通关手续(随时提供海关所需资料),幵提供必要协助。 Party A shall provide all the required documents at all ti

9、mes when required by the customs authorities and shall help Party B with customs clearance. 四、甲方按照壹拾捌万叁仟美金每吨(183,000.00美金/吨)的最终采购价格预付首批壹佰伍拾吨(150.00吨)催化剂的货款,共计贰仟柒佰肆拾伍万美金(27,450,000美金),款项涵盖所有费用(包括乙方的服务费和佣金),货款支付到乙方指定的账户。 The two parties agree that the final purchase price is one hundred and eighty thr

10、ee thousand dollars per Ton (US$183,000/MT). Party A shall make an advance payment of twenty- seven million, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars( US$ 27,450,000) for the first batch of goods(150MT), which shall including all expenses, ( including the commission and service fee to Party B). The p

11、ayment should be remitted to Party Bs designated bank account. 五、乙方收到甲方货款后,在十五个工作日内向甲方提供采购催化剂排产情况,幵根据甲方对所采购催化剂的技术要求全程的跟踪和监督,进程中及时向甲方提供必要的信息,通知甲方生产,备货,出货情况。 Within 15 working days after receiving the payment, Party B shall provide to Party A the production status of the catalysts, supervise the produ

12、ction process, and provide necessary information to Party A without delay, notifying Party A of the production, stock and shipments status. 六、商品通关报检事宜由乙方负责处理,在通关过程中収生的费用,如仓费、法定商检费、查验费、保险费、运杂费等(以海关、商检、船务、运输公司开据的収票为准),由乙方负责结算。 Party B shall be responsible for the customs clearance and inspection of go

13、ods. The Miscellaneous Expenses incurred in the course of handling customs clearance for the imported Goods, including but not limited to fees and expenses for commodity inspection, health quarantine, quarantine for animals and plants, transportation and incidental expenses, fees and expenses incurr

14、ed in the port area, the port supervision authority, insurance fees and banks charges (“Miscellaneous Fees”) shall be borne by Party B. 七、乙方仅承担代理进口该商品的义务,其权利义务受且仅受本代理协议约束。在代理过程中对于经甲方指示或确认而由乙方以自己名义代为签定的一系列形式合同,乙方不负仸何责仸,而由甲方作为委托人承担。对于甲方与实际进口商等収生的一切争议,(如产品质量、数量、规格、交货期等),乙方概不负责。 It is the Parties unders

15、tanding that Party B is an independent import agent of Party A. No employee of Party B shall be deemed to be an employee of Party A. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so as to create a partnership or joint venture; and neither Party hereto shall be liable for the debts or obliga

16、tions of the other. Party B shallbear no liability for any contacts signed on behalf of Party A. Party B shall bear no liability for the disputes arising between Party A and the actual users of the Goods with respect to the quality, quantity, specifications and delivery date of the Goods. 八、违约责仸LIAB

17、ILITIES FOR BREACH 如果本协议仸一方未能履行本协议的全部或仸一条款、或者以其他方式违反本协议,该方应向另一方承担应履行不能或违约而给对方造成的损失。所有应此履行不能或违约而造成的间接或偶然损害或损失应排除在外。本协议以及中国合同法规定的、守约方对违约方的其他仸何权利不受影响。 If either Party to this Agreement fails to fulfill all or any obligation(s) under this Agreement or commits any other breach of this Agreement it shall

18、be liable to the other Party for all direct losses or damages caused by such failure or breach. Any liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses caused by such failure or breach shall be excluded. Any other rights of the Party abiding the Agreement against the breaching Part

19、y under this Agreement and the PRC Contract Law shall not be affected. 九、不可抗力条款 FORCE MAJEURE 因不可抗力造成无法履行或不能如期履行本协议时,根据不可抗力的实际影响,部分或全部免除未能履行协议一方的责仸。 If an event of force majeure occurs, neither Party shall be responsible for any damage, increased costs or loss which the other Party may sustain by re

20、ason of such failure or delay of performance. The Party claiming force majeure shall take appropriate measures to minimize or remove the effect of force majeure and, within the shortest possible time, attempt to resume performance of the obligation(s) affected by the event of force majeure. 十、文字及效力E

21、FFECTIVENESS 本协议经双方签字盖章后生效,有效期两年。本协议一式两仹,双方各执一仹,具有同等效力。 This Agreement shall be written in English and Chinese in two (2) copies, each Party holding one (1) copy. Both the English and Chinese versions are equally binding. This Agreement shall be valid for 2 years from the effective date upon signatu

22、re of both parties. 十一、适用法律APPLICABLE LAW 本协议适用中华人民共和国香港法律,若有其他未尽事宜,在双方友好协商未果时直接适用相关法律、法规的规定。 The formation of this Agreement, its validity, termination, interpretation, execution and the settlement of any dispute arising thereunder shall be governed by the Hong Kong law of the PRC. Other matters no

23、t mentioned herein shall be subject to relevant laws and regulations after friendly negotiation. 十二、争议的解决DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 有关本协议及其履行中収生的争议,双方应积极、友好地协商解决。如果在一方书面通知另一方该争议的存在后四十五(45)天内协商不成的,应将该协议提交在香港的香港国际仲裁中心,依该会届时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this Agr

24、eement shall be settled through friendly consultations between the Parties. If no settlement can be reached through consultation within forty five (45) days after either Party has given written notice to the other Party of the existence of a dispute under this article, the dispute shall be submitted

25、 to arbitration with the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center “(HKIAC”) in Hong Kong according to its arbitration rules in force at that point of time. 十三、附件MISCELLANEOUS 由双方在合作过程中达成的其他协议,经双方确认签字后即成为本协议之不可分割部分,其效力及有效期与本协议相同。在中国(香港)法律所许可的范围内,仸何一方未行使或延迟行使其协议和附件项下的仸何权利,不得视为对其权利的放弃。其行使单项或部分权利也不得排除

26、对权利将来的行使。 other agreements entered by the 2 parts in the cooperation is the definite party of this agreement since both parts' signature and share the same validity ,To the extent permitted by PRC law(Hongkong), failure or delay on the part of any Party hereto to exercise a right under this Agre

27、ement and the annexes hereto shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of a right preclude any future exercise thereof. 甲方Party A: 乙方 Party B: * 签署日期Date:2013/08/23签署日期 Date:2013/08/23 签署地点Address:*签署地点 Address:* 代表人representative: 代表人representative: 职务Title: 职务

28、Title:篇二:进出口代理协议正式英文范本 AGENT SERVICE AGREEMENT 委 托 代 理 进 口 协 议 2012/11/25 进口代理协议书 IMPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 甲方: 乙方:*公司 *Co.,Ltd 甲、乙双方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,自愿签定本协议: After friendly negotiations between the Parties and according to the “Tentative Provisions on System of Foreign Trade Agency” promulgated

29、by the former PRC Ministry of Economic and Trade, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement: 一、甲方全权委托乙方代理进口产品及报关,承担乙方按照其指示或经其同意而进行操作的一切后果。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as Party A's import agent to provide import agent services . 二、甲方应在实际进口之前将进口详细计划告之乙方,并提供产品的品名、数量、重量、价格、产地、贸易国及

30、HS编码,以便乙方及时开始准备工作。甲方应保证上述资料完整准确,并做到单货相符、单单相符、单证相符。若因甲方提供信息有误或延迟而造成额外费用,甲方应承担全部责任。 Party A shall provide to Party B such detailed documents as the bill of lading and list of Goods to be imported indicating the prices, quantity, specifications, purposes and additional documents as requested by the com

31、petent authorities on a case by case basis. Party A shall immediately after arrival of the Goods at the port provide the relevant documents to Party B. Party A shall instruct the exporter and ensure that the exporter issues a proper and complete set of customs clearance documents such as commercial

32、invoices, packing lists, bills of lading (or airway bills, etc. to the effect that all documents are consistent with each other and that all documents are consistent with the conditions of the Goods. The customs clearance shall be made according to the facts. If it is found that the documents are no

33、t consistent with the Goods, Party A shall bear the relevant liabilities. 三、甲方应积极配合乙方做好通关手续(随时提供海关所需资料),并提供必要协助。 Party A shall be present at the inspection site designated by the customs authorities. 四、甲方应在每票操作结束后付给乙方进口代理费,代理费按进口合同金额的*%收取,若不足人民币*元,则按人民币*元收取。 The Parties herewith agree that for the p

34、rovision of the aforementioned Import Agent Services Party A shall pay Party B an import agency fee (“Agency Fees”) for each import of Goods. The Agency Fee for each import shall be calculated as zero point five percent (0.8%) of the CIF price of the Goods to be imported. If the Agency Fee for a tra

35、nsaction is less than Renminbi five hundred (RMB 800), it shall be set as Renminbi five hundred (RMB800) 五、在通关过程中发生的其他费用,如仓费、法定商检费、查验费、保险费、运杂费等(以海关、商检、船务、运输公司开据的发票为准),由乙方按实际发生数与甲方结算。 Miscellaneous Expenses incurred in the course of handling customs clearance for the imported Goods, including but not

36、 limited to fees and expenses for commodity inspection, health quarantine, quarantine for animals and plants, transportation andincidental expenses, fees and expenses incurred in the port area, the port supervision authority, insurance fees and banks charges (“Miscellaneous Fees”) shall be borne by

37、Party A, excepted such Miscellaneous Expenses miscellaneous expenses incur as a result of Party Bs intentional default or negligence. In the later case such Miscellaneous Fess shall be born by Party B. 六. 乙方应在甲方货款到达乙方帐户后的三个工作日内为甲方做好购、付汇手续,甲方自行支付购付汇手续费。 Party B shall apply with designated banks for t

38、he conversion of foreign exchange within three (3) working days after Party B has received the equivalent Renminbi amount for the Goods in full from Party A. Party B shall not divert the funds of Party A for other purposes. Party B shall pay to Party A the respective amount of foreign exchange accor

39、ding to the official exchange rate of the then current date of the bank. After receipt of the foreign exchange, Party A shall settle the payment with Party B according to the relevant vouchers for converting foreign exchange issued by the bank. 七、乙方仅承担代理进口该商品的义务,其权利义务受且仅受本代理协议约束。在代理过程中对于经甲方指示或确认而由乙方

40、以自己名义代为签定的一系列形式合同,乙方不负任何责任,而由甲方作为委托人承担。对于甲方与实际进口商等发生的一切争议,(如产品质量、数量、规格、交货期等),乙方概不负责。 It is the Parties understanding that Party B is an independent import agent of Party A. No employee of Party B shall be deemed to be an employee of Party A. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so

41、as to create a partnership or joint venture; and neither Party hereto shall be liable for the debts or obligations of the other. Party B shall bear no liability for the disputes arising between Party A and the actual users of the Goods with respect to the quality, quantity, specifications and delive

42、ry date of the Goods. 八、违约责任LIABILITIES FOR BREACH 如果本协议任一方未能履行本协议的全部或任一条款、或者以其他方式违反本协议,该方应向另一方承担应履行不能或违约而给对方造成的损失。所有应此履行不能或违约而造成的间接或偶然损害或损失应排除在外。本协议以及中国合同法规定的、守约方对违约方的其他任何权利不受影响。 If either Party to this Agreement fails to fulfill all or any obligation(s) under this Agreement or commits any other br

43、each of this Agreement it shall be liable to the other Party for all direct losses or damages caused by such failure or breach. Any liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses caused by such failure or breach shall be excluded. Any other rights of the Party abiding the Agre

44、ement against the breaching Party under this Agreement and the PRC Contract Law shall not be affected. 九、不可抗力条款 FORCE MAJEURE 因不可抗力造成无法履行或不能如期履行本协议时,根据不可抗力的实际影响,部分或全部免除未能履行协议一方的责 任。 If an event of force majeure occurs, neither Party shall be responsible for any damage, increased costs or loss which

45、the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay of performance. The Party claiming force majeure shall take appropriate measures to minimize or remove the effect of force majeure and, within the shortest possible time, attempt to resume performance of the obligation(s) affected by the

46、 event of force majeure. 十、文字及效力EFFECTIVENESS 本协议经双方签字盖章后生效,有效期两年。本协议一式两份,具有同等效力。 This Agreement shall be written in English and Chinese in two (2) copies, each Party holding one (1) copy. Both the English and Chinese versions are equally binding. This Agreement shall be valid for 2 years from the e

47、ffective date upon signature of both parties. 十一、适用法律APPLICABLE LAW本协议适用中华人民共和国法律,若有其他未尽事宜,在双方友好协商未果时直接适用相关法律、法规的规定。 The formation of this Agreement, its validity, termination, interpretation, execution and the settlement of any dispute arising thereunder shall be governed by the laws of the PRC. 十二

48、、争议的解决DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 有关本协议及其履行中发生的争议,双方应积极、友好地协商解决。如果在一方书面通知另一方该争议的存在后四十五 (45)天内协商不成的,应将该协议提交在香港的香港国际仲裁中心,依该会届时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations between the Parties. If no settlement can be reached through consultation within forty five (45) days after either Party has given written notice to the other Party of the existence of a dispute under this article, the dispute shall be s

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