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1、和to do 连用的固定搭配:1. ask sb to do sth 请求某人做某事2. be pleased /be glad to do sth.很高兴做某事3. be in +sp to do sth在某地做某事4. cant wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事5. cant afford to do sth承担不了做某事6. decide to do sth决定做谋事7. do ones best to do sth = try ones best to do sth尽全力做某事8. do nothing to sb/ do nothing to do sth.对无能为力9.

2、 deserve to do sth值得干某事10. enough to do sth.足以做某事11. encourage sb to do sth.鼓励某人做某事12. find +it + adj. to do sth发现做某事怎么样。13. forget to do sth/forget doing sth.忘记去做/忘记已做过某事14. get ready to do sth 准备好做某事15. go on doing sth / go on to do sth/ go on with sth继续做某事16. hope to do sht / hope + that + 从句.希望做

3、某事17. have to do sht 不得不做某事18. improve sth to do sth 改善/提高某物来做某事19. invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事20. It takes sb sometime to do sth 某人花了多少时间做某事21. Its +adj. to do sth做某事是Sth. is +adj. to do 22. Its better to do sth做某事比较好23. Its time to do sth / Its time for sth到该做某事的时候了.24. like doing sth / like to do

4、sth喜欢做某事25. like sb. to do sth喜欢某人做某事26. love to do sth爱做某事27. learn to do sth学会做某事28. make up ones mind to do sth下决心做某事29. make a list of five ways to do sth列出做某事的五种方式的清单30. need to do sth需要做某事31. never ( not ) too to do sth做某事不32. plan to do sth计划做某事33. prefer to do sth rather than sth 喜欢不喜欢34. re

5、fuse to do sth拒绝做某事35. remember to do sth/ remember doing sth.记得要去做/记得已做过某事36. The best time to do sth is 做某事的最佳时间是37. stop to do sth / stop doing sth.停止去做另一件事 / 停止做某事38. start to do sth /begin to do sth开始做某事39. seem to do sth / It seems that ? 似乎要做某事40. set ones mind to do sth一心要做某事41. tell sb. to

6、do sth告诉某人做某事42. too to do sth太以至于不能43. try to do sth/ try doing sth努力去做/ 试着去做44. think it necessary for sb. to do sth认为某人有必要干某事45. Theres no time to do sth.没时间做某事了46. teach sb sth / teach sb to do sth教某人某事/教某人做某事47. used to do sth过去常常做某事48. be used to doing sth习惯于做某事49. watch sb. do sth./ doing sth

7、观看某人已做了某事/正在做50. wish sb. to do sth希望某人做某事51. would love to do sth很愿意做某事52. would like sb. to do sth想让某人做某事53. want to do sth想做某事和 doing连用的固定搭配:54. be always doing sth 总是做某事55. be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth忙于做某事56. be worth doing sth某事值得一做57. carry on doing sth继续做某事58. couldnt help doing sth忍不

8、住做某事59. enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事60. finish doing sth完成某事61. feel like doing sth想做某事62. go hiking 远足63. give up doing sth放弃做某事64. have fun doing sth做某事感到很有乐趣65. have problems doing sth做某事遇到了问题66. hear sb. do sth / hear sb doing sth听见某人做过/正在做某事67. hate doing sth不喜欢做某事68. It is +adj +doing sth做某事很69. keep

9、on doin gsth /keep doing 持续做某事70. mind doing sth. / would you mind doing sth. 介意做某事71. make it possible by doing sth使做某事成为可能72. make a contribution to doing sth为做某事作贡献73. prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事74. practise doing sth.练习做某事75. prefer doing sth to doing sth喜欢做不喜欢.76. stop from doing sth阻止干某事7

10、7. see sb do sth /see sb doing sth看见某人做过/ 正在做某事78. There is (are ) +sb (sth) + doing sth某地有某人或某物正在做某事79. Thank sb for doing sth谢谢某人做了某事80. take an active part in doing sth积极参加做某事81. use sth for doing sth用做某事或某物82. What about doing sth? 做某事怎么样?83. without doing sth 没有做某事84. work all night doing sth工作

11、整晚做某事和do连用的固定搭配:85. feel sb do /doing sth 感觉某人做了正在做某事86. have sb do sth 使得某人做某事87. had better (not ) do sth 最好做(不做)某事88. let sb do sth 让某人做某事89. make sb do sth 使某人做某事90. see sth happen 看见了某事发生91. why not do sth? why dont you do sth?为何不做某事92. Would you please do sht做某事行吗?其他类别:93. agree with sb.同意某人的意

12、见94. (not) as (so) as 和(不)一样95. as soon as possible尽快96. all kinds of 各种各样97. a number of许多,大量98. the number of的 数量99. at different times在不同的时刻100. be good at=do well in 在做得好,擅长101. be weak in/ do badly in在做得糟糕,不擅长102. be strong in强于, 在有优势103. be the same as和一样104. be different from和不一样105. be late

13、for晚于,迟于106. be good (bad ) for对有利/不利107. be away/ be out/ be not here不在108. be in/ be at home在家109. be far from + sp. 距离很远110. best wishes for sb. 给某人最好的祝福111. be angry with sb.生某人的气112. borrow sth from sb.= borrow sb. sth从某人处接某物113. lend sb. sth= lend sth to sb.借给某人某物114. be (become ) interested i

14、n sth= show great interest in对感兴趣115. be saved得救, 获救116. be made of / be made from由制成117. be covered with / by被覆盖着118. cover with覆盖119. be filled with / fill with被装满, 装满120. be full of充满121. be (feel ) afraid of sth /sb.害怕某事/某人122. be ill in bed卧病在床123. be sure of sb. /sth对某人/某物有信心124. be sure to do

15、 sht对做某是有信心125. be in trouble 陷于麻烦中, 处于困境中126. be from / come from来自127. be strict with / be strict in对某人/某事严格要求128. be like / look like / look the same 看起来像129. be used for / be used as 被用作130. be on show 展览131. be careful 小心,当心132. be short for简称133. be based on sth以为依据134. be amazed at sth对感到惊讶13

16、5. be excited to do sth对做某事感到兴奋136. be excited about doing sth对做某事感到兴奋137. because of sth因为138. be famous for以著名139. be in a hurry匆忙地140. be named after以的名字命名141. be fed up with sb/ sth厌倦某人/某事142. come to oneself苏醒过来143. call for short把。简称为。144. cut into把。切成145. call sth sth称呼某物为某物146. give sb a cal

17、l= ring sb. up给某人打个电话147. catch up with赶上某人148. congratulations to sb.向某人表示祝贺149. copy ones example仿效某人150. complain about sth抱怨某人151. do with sth处置某物152. either or或者。或者153. neither nor既不。也不154. both .and 两者都155. enjoy oneself = have a good time 过得愉快,玩高兴156. every + 时间。 每隔。157. each of其中每一个158. adj.

18、 + enough足够159. eat up sth吃光160. feel sorry for。感到抱歉161. feed on sth以。为食162. find sb. + 职业/ 身份。 发现某人163. fall off/ fall over / fall down摔倒/向前扑倒/摔下来164. fail ones exam/ fail to do sht考试不及格/做某事失败165. Glad to meet you= Nice to meet you很高兴见到你166. get ready for sth/ be ready for sth准备好做某事167. get + adj.变

19、得168. get sth back/ give sth back取回, 归还169. go for a walk= take a walk去散步170. get on well with sb与某人友好相处171. go wrong弄错172. go the wrong way走错路173. get married结婚174. marry sb.取/嫁某人175. give birth to sb.给。生命176. give sb. mouth to mouth breathing进行人工呼吸177. have confidence in sb. / have confidence in d

20、oing sth对某人/做某事有信心178. have a pain in ones head= have got a headache头痛179. hundreds of / thousands of / millions of成百上千的, /成千上万的180. help sb. (to) do sth/ help sb. with sth帮助某人做某事181. How do you like sb./ sht?你认为。怎么样?182. have sth for breakfast/ lunch/ supper早/午/晚饭吃。183. have breakfast/ lunch/ syppe

21、r吃早/午/晚饭184. help oneself to sth随便吃点。185. hear from sb.= receive ( get) a letter from sb.收到某人的来信186. Its really nice/ kind of you to do sth.你(做了某事)真好187. instead of / ask sb. (sth) instead 代替/ 用。代替188. Sb. spend +时间/ 金钱+ on sth./ in doing sht做某事花了某人多长时间/多长时间189. Sb. pay +金钱+ for sth.某人为某事花了多少钱190. S

22、th. cost sb. +金钱。做某事花了某人多少钱。191. in the past +时间。 在过去的多长时间里192. in ones +序数词+ year + 某学校。 在某学校上几年纪级193. join sth together.把。连在一起194. keep sth + adj. 使某物保持。195. knock sth into sp.把。插入196. Let us do sht , shall we?Lets do sth, shall we?让我们做某事,好吗?197. Shall we do sth?我们能做某事?198. look over sb为某人检查身体199.

23、 look + adj.看起来200. look after= take c照顾,照料f 201. look up in a dictionary查字典202. leave for 离开。去。203. like A. better than B. = prefer A to B.喜欢。不喜欢204. like A bes of all最喜欢。205. look nice on sb.在某人身上显得好看206. leave sth behind遗留207. lose oneself in sth沉醉在208. ones favourite sth.某人最喜欢的事209. make friends

24、 with和。交朋友210. make sth fun.使。变得有趣211. mend sth for sb.为某人修理某物212. mistake for把。误认为213. may/ must do sth.可能必须干。214. maybe + 主语+ 谓语/may + be 或许。215. must be / cant be一定(用于肯定句)一定不是(用于否定句)216. make trouble 招惹麻烦217. make room for 给。挪地方218. multiply for。乘以219. make ones way to sp.往。走去220. no matter + how

25、 / what/ when/ where + 从句。不管。无论221. no hurry = take ones time别急222. in a hurry / hurry off/ hurry over急忙匆忙赶去223. neck and neck齐头并进224. not until直到。才225. operate on sb. / give an operation on sb.为某人做手术226. on ones way to sp.在去某地的路上227. on a visit to 去某地参观228. on time/ in time 按时及时229. A play against

26、B.。与。进行对抗赛230. play with与。玩231. play a joke on sb.与某人开玩笑232. put right使。恢复正常233. play jokes on sb.跟某人开玩笑234. quarrel with sb.和。争吵235. quite a 相当236. regard sb. / sth. as sb. /sth把。当作237. say in a tired voice疲惫地说238. say sth for fun开玩笑地说239. start the lesson开始上课240. So + be/ have / 情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语。也如此

27、也是241. So + 主语+ be/ have / 情态动词/ 助动词.。的确如此242. I hope so / I dont think so.我希望如此243. send sb. away from sp.把某人赶离某地244. send for sb.派人去请245. send up.发射246. so that / so that如此。以至以便247. the +比较级,the +比较级.越。就越248. 比较级+比较级.越来越249. Thanks to sb. (sth).幸亏,由于250. with the help of sb. (sth).= with ones help

28、.在。的帮助下251. tie to把。系在252. try out new ideas试验新想法253. to ones surprise/ in surprise使某人惊奇的是254. take sb. out of sp.把某人带离某地255. take sb. to a doctor带某人去看病256. take sb. to do sth. / take sb. with sth带某人去某地随身携带257. There s something wrong with sb. /sth。出毛病了258. throw about sth.乱丢某物259. trip over sth被。绊倒

29、260. think for a while 想了一会261. Whats up?怎么了262. wait for ones thanks 等待(某人表示的)谢意263. What for?为什么264. Whats wrong with sb. / sth?某人某事怎么了265. Whats the matter with sb. / sth某人某事怎么了266. wake sb. up / wake up叫醒某人267. worry about sb. / sth担心某人某事268. be worried about sth.担心某事269. welcome ( back ) to sp.欢迎返回某地270. What do you mean by ?。的意思是。271. Whats the weather like ?天气怎么样272. What is he like ? What does he look like ?他长得怎么样

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