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1、优异精品课件文档资料第1页2Lesson ThreeLesson ThreeMichaelDellsTwo-Billion-DollarDream第2页3Pre-class question:Pre-class question:wWhat do you know about What do you know about Michael DellMichael Dell?第3页4Warming-up expressionswoil oil tycoon/tycoon/business business prospects/prospects/a a business business orde

2、r/order/a a competitive competitive edge/edge/business business license/license/inventory inventory and and overhead/overhead/custom-made custom-made computers/computers/surplus surplus stock/a stock/a sales sales quota/quota/a a retail retail price/price/added added value/value/the the opportunity

3、opportunity of of a a lifetime/lifetime/direct direct marketing/marketing/a a law law firm/firm/accounting accounting basics/basics/on-on-site site service/service/wholly wholly owned owned subsidiaries/subsidiaries/a a civic center/end userscivic center/end users第4页5BackgroundMichaelDell wMichael S

4、aul DellMichael Saul Dell(born February 23,1965 in Houston,Texas)is an American businessman.He attended the University of Texas at Austin intending to become a physician.While in university,he started a computer company called PCs Limited in his dormitory room.第5页6DellsExperienceswDellbeganthebusine


6、tofcollegeattheageof19torunthebusinessfull-time.In1987,PCsLimitedchangeditsnametoDellComputerCorporation,andin,Dell,Inc.wThe company became the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world,with sales of$35 billion and profits of$2 billion in.第7页8DellsExperienceswOn On March 4March 4,Michael Dell ste

7、pped,Michael Dell stepped down as down as CEOCEO of Dell but stayed as of Dell but stayed as Chairman of the Board,while Chairman of the Board,while Kevin Kevin RollinsRollins,then became President and,then became President and CEO.CEO.wChief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁执行总裁第8页9Acc

8、oladesforDellwEntrepreneur of the Year from Inc.Entrepreneur of the Year from Inc.(Incorporated)(Incorporated)magazine;Man of magazine;Man of the Year from the Year from PC MagazinePC Magazine;Top;Top CEO in American Business from CEO in American Business from Worth Magazine;CEO of the Year Worth Ma

9、gazine;CEO of the Year from Financial World and Industry from Financial World and Industry Week magazines.Week magazines.第9页10HisfameandlifewIn the publication of the Forbes 400,Dell was listed as the 9th richest man in the United States and the 18th richest in the world with a net worth of around$1

10、6 billion.Dell resides in Austin,Texas with his wife Susan and their four children.wForbes杂志第10页11Forbes400wThe Forbes 400 is an annual list published by The Forbes 400 is an annual list published by ForbesForbes magazine of the magazine of the wealthiestwealthiest 400400 people people in the in the

11、 United StatesUnited States.At the top of the list.At the top of the list is is Bill GatesBill Gates,co-founder of,co-founder of MicrosoftMicrosoft,with a,with a net worth of 48 billion dollars.The 400th net worth of 48 billion dollars.The 400th wealthiest person in the United States,Norman wealthie

12、st person in the United States,Norman W Waitt,Jr.,co-founder of Gateway,has a net W Waitt,Jr.,co-founder of Gateway,has a net worth of 750 million dollars.Other prominent worth of 750 million dollars.Other prominent names include names include Warren BuffettWarren Buffett and and Teresa Heinz Teresa

13、 Heinz KerryKerry,the wife of,the wife of Democratic presidential Democratic presidential candidate candidate John KerryJohn Kerry.Henry Kravis ranked#283.Henry Kravis ranked#283 in.in.wGateway Gateway 网关网关;网间连接器网间连接器第11页12ThesecretofDellssuccesswA.Tobethefirst:wHeisthefirstonetohituponabrilliantide

14、a,commonsensethough.Successusuallybelongstothepersonwhodarestobethefirst,tobecreativeandoriginal.第12页13ThesecretofDellssuccesswB.Ambitiousandhighlymoltivated:Even when a teenager he already vows to compete with IBM.It is this goal that that gives him the strength and courage to strive so hard.wIBM(I

15、nternational Business Machines)商用机器企业商用机器企业 第13页14ThesecretofDellssuccesswCHistenacity:wHe works hard,and never He works hard,and never gives up.His success is the gives up.His success is the result of his toil and sweat.result of his toil and sweat.第14页15ThesecretofDellssuccesswD.Histhirstforknowle

16、dge:wIt is true that Dell did not It is true that Dell did not finish school.But that does not finish school.But that does not mean that he has had no education mean that he has had no education or that he can succeed without or that he can succeed without education.He actually studies education.He

17、actually studies harder and with a clearer focus.harder and with a clearer focus.第15页16Text OrganizationPara 1-3:A childhood anecdote of Dell.Para.49:Introduction to Dell,his peculiarities and pre-university success in business.Para.1028:Dell established his successful business when he was still in

18、college.Para.29last:Dells present life and his emphasis on the will to success.第16页17Painstaking(P1)wMarkedbyorrequiringgreatpains;verycarefulanddiligentw她在刻苦学习汉字。wSheismakingpainstakingeffortstolearnChinese.w哈里是个肯下苦功学生。wHarryisapainstakingstudent.w辛勤地工作wbepainstakingwithoneswork第17页18Cf.meticulous,


20、ansextremelycareful:wPainstaking意味着极度细心:第18页19Para1puttogether1._anewbookcase;2._afriend_forthenight.3._herviews_duringthehearing.4._anidea.5._anewplan.6.He_agoodwordforme.7._payingthebills.8._anEnglishaccent.9.Theoperator_me_ontheofficeline.10.Wehadto_theinconvenience.1.put together:to construct;cr

21、eate:2.Put up:to providelodgingsfor3.Putacross:tostatesoastobeunderstoodclearly or accepted readily 4.Put forth:to offer forconsideration5.putforward:toproposeforconsideration6.put in:to introduce,as in conversation 7.Put off:todelay;postpone 8.put on:to assume affectedly 9:putthrough:tomakeatelepho

22、neconnectionfor10:putupwith:toendurewithoutcomplaint:第19页20A maze of(p1.):confusing intricate network of passageswgo through a maze of narrow streetsw穿过迂回小街wHe turned short into one of the mazes of the wood转入一座迷宫似林中盘陀地带wbe caught up in a maze of thoughts千思万绪wwatch the mazes of the dance婆娑多姿舞蹈wbe in

23、a maze 不知所措wamazeofgovernmentregulations大堆复杂政府规章制度wamazeofbureaucraticdivisions.混乱官僚派系第20页21Para1pull1.Wepulledinatmidnight.2.Thetrainpullsoutatnoon.3.Afterthecrash,manyWallStreetinvestorspulledout.4.Thestatetrooperpulledthespeedingmotoristover.5.He helped to He helped to pullpull me me t throughhro

24、ugh the difficulty.the difficulty.6.6.The driver The driver pulled uppulled up at the gate.at the gate.7.pull(someones)legwa.Toleaveordepart:.bToplayajokeon;teaseordeceive.c.Tocomeorbringsuccessfullythroughtroubleorillnessd.Tobringorcometoahalt.e.toarriveatadestinationf.Toinstructorforce(amotorist)t


26、afternoon,thepowersuddenlywentoff.Sowehadtocallitaday.第22页23 plunge(p.2)wHe ran down the steps to the pool terrace and plunged in.wA soldier plunged a bayonet into his body.wThe governments political and economic reforms threaten to plunge the country into chaos.wHis sudden plunge into the field of

27、international diplomacy is a major surprise.wShares have plunged from$17 to$7.wIf you have decided to buy shares,now could be the time to take the plunge.w(do sth.difficult or risky)第23页24tease(p3);ridicule;mock;laugh atwteaseto laugh at sb and make jokes about them either in a friendly way or in or

28、der to annoy or embarrass them:we.g.Dont get upset.Im just teasing.wRidiculesuggests making unkind fun of sb.Or sth,not necessariy implying malice of hostility.对某人或某事不客气地嘲弄取笑对某人或某事不客气地嘲弄取笑,不一定怀有恶意或敌意不一定怀有恶意或敌意.第24页25wMockMockimplies a contemptuous ridiculing esp.by caricaturing anothers peculiaritie

29、s.意示以夸大滑稽方式模仿某人言行特征,以轻蔑地嘲弄.wLaugh atLaugh atsuggests treating as foolish,worthless of an object of fun.指视为愚蠢,无价值,笑柄而嘲笑,取笑之.第25页26Exercises:Exercises:w1.When he first put forward the idea,he was _.w2.Galileo mounted the steps of the tower.By that time there was already a big crowd.They had come to _

30、the crazy young scholar.w3.They were just _ you.They meant no harm.w4.When they heard this,they all burst out _.But this time they were not _ at him,but _ with him.w5.He was very shy.We used to _ him.w6.He who _ last _ best.w7.Many people _the Old Foolish Mans attempt to remove the mountains.Ridicul


32、.wEverysinglewordisimbuedwithabreathlesssenseofwonder.w一位总统应该充满对国家责任感。wA President should be imbued with a sense ofresponsibilityforthenation.w充满革命精神工作wworkimbuedwiththerevolutionaryspirit.第28页29Drive(p.5):energyanddetermination;astrongneedordesire;aspecialeffortmadebyagroupofpeopleforaparticularpur

33、posewJohnwillberememberedforhisdriveandenthusiasm.wChinastillhasalongwaytogoinitsmodernizationdrive.第29页30other uses of other uses of“drivedrive”wA.to operate a vehicle:we.g.when did you learn to drive?wB.to travel or take somebody somewhere in a car:we.g.Dad said that he would drive me to school.wC

34、.to make someone feel of do something bad or unpleasantwe.g.They could do anything when they are driven by despair.wD.to force someone of something to go somewherewe.g.Hitler drove millions of Jews into concentration camps.第30页31Getsth.outoftheway(p6):tosettleordisposewHewentabroadtogettheissueofmar

35、riageoutoftheway.第31页32outofthewayw1.Thehousewasntanythingoutoftheway.w房子没有什么奇特。Of an unusual character;remarkable.w2.Anoutofthewaycottage.w偏远农舍w3.saidnothingoutoftheway.w不说任何不妥之辞;Improper;w4.Toleavebeforetheguestofhonorwouldbeoutoftheway.w先于贵宾离席是不礼貌。w5.somedetailstogetoutofthewayfirst.w一些首先要处理好细节第3




39、ms.第36页37Surplus(p.11):extra,morethanisneededwJapansannualtradesurplusisintheregionof100billiondollars.wGermanysuffersfromasurplusofteachers.wTradesurplusvs.deficitw贸易顺差vs.逆差第37页38takeon(P11)w1.To acquire(an appearance,for example)as or as if ones own:wThe insect can take on the color of itssurround

40、ings.w这种昆虫能随环境而变变色。w2.To undertake or begin to handle:wHe is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities.w他不愿负担负担重担。第38页39Withavengeance(p.13):toamuchgreaterextentthanwasexpectedwOnceGeorgehadlefttheoffice,herdoubtswouldreturnwithavengeance.wDecemberhasturnedcoldwithavengeance.w十二月已经是透骨严寒了wVengeance

41、:theactofkilling,injuring,orharmingsbbecausetheyhaveharmedyouwHesworevengeanceoneveryoneinvolvedinthemurder.wHeavens vengeance is slow but sure.w天网恢恢,疏而不漏。winflict/take/wreak vengeance(up)on sb.w对.报仇仇雪恨第39页40Cometo/get/beatgripswith(P14)v1Toattack;tobeinclosecombat肉搏;猛攻vAttheendofthequarrel,theycome

42、togripswitheachother.v2Toconfrontsquarelyandattempttodealdecisivelywith:v他需要认真对待认真对待此提议.vHehadtocometogripswiththeproposition.第40页41magnitude(P14)v1.Greatnessinsizeorextent:vThe magnitude of the flood was impossible tocomprehend.v这场水灾危害性危害性是无法了解vTheauditoriumisabuildingofgreat.v礼堂是一座巨大建筑。v2.Greatnes

43、s in significance or influence:vTobeshockedbythemagnitudeofthecrisis.v被这场危机严严重程度重程度震惊了第41页42Gross(p.14):毛利total;top;net;wSofarthefilmshavegrossedmorethan100milliondollars.wTheoiltankissaidtohaveagrossweightof90,000tons.wnetweightvs.grossweight第42页43Gross:(speechorbehavior)rudeorunacceptable;(sth)ugl


45、chedaninvestigationatthewakeofthescandal.(开始)wFerrarilauncheditsnewmodelsforthisyear.(公布)wHelaunchedhimselfintofatherhoodwithgreatenthusiasm.(主动投身于)第44页45Grammar:come September(p.19)subjunctive mood,inverted sentence.Come you may,things would not change.Cf.there,here,out,now,then,thus等副词放在句首时,句子全部倒装

46、。-Thus began my second life.-Now comes your turn.假如句中主语是代词,句子要用陈说句-Here she comes.-Out he rushed.第45页46Fast(P19)v1.Dont drive so fast.v2.Hold fast to this rope,and I will pull you up.v3.fastasleep.第46页47frantic(P21)emotionallyuncontrolledorindisordered,anxiousactivitywmadeafranticlast-minutesearchfo

47、rthelostkey.w对丢失钥匙做最终担心万分寻找wHe had a frantic rush to get his work done.w他急急忙忙把工作做完。wHighly excited with strong emotion or frustration;frenzied:(+with)wThe mother was frantic with grief at the loss of her child.w母親因失去孩子悲痛欲絕。wfranticwithworry.焦虑得发狂第47页48FranticvsPanicwPanic:asuddenoverpoweringfrightwA

48、nearthquakehitthecapital,causingdamagetobuildingsand_amongthepopulation.wAbusynightintherestaurantcanbe_inthekitchen.第48页49lease(P21)wA contract granting use or occupation A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period of property during a specified period in exchange fo

49、r a specified rent.in exchange for a specified rent.wThe lease on this house expires at the end of the year.w这房子租约年底到期。w(Take/Hold)by on lease(Take/Hold)by on lease租用借wput out to leaseput out to lease出租第49页50Sketch(p.21):aroughdrawingoroutlinewdraft:apreliminarysketch,thefirstversion起草wdesign设计woutl


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