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1、优异精品课件文档资料第1页 Unit 11Silent Spring第2页Saving Nature,Not Only for Men第3页nTranslate the following into English1.塑造年轻人心灵 2.涂上黄油3.污染环境 4.抑制冲动5.喷上油漆 6.缓解口气7.造成未曾料到伤害 8.赏心悦目9.处理这一争端 10.挖一口井第4页1.evil spell 2.browned and withered vegetation3.harsh reality 4.air contamination5.lethal weapon6.synthetic materia

2、ls 7.advance investigation 8.a life-and-death struggle9.introduced species10.natural reserves11.intensification of agriculture 第5页nJulia RobertsnIn the drama Erin Brockovich()Roberts plays a divorced mother.The role earned Roberts the Golden Globe Award for best dramatic actress and the Academy Awar

3、d for best actress.第6页nmonitoring well:.监控井nhexavalent.化有六价nchromium n.铬ntoxicologist n.毒物学者nPG&E:name of a company第7页n1.Does the woman think that the water is poisonous?Why or why not?n-No,the woman doesnt think that the water is poisonous;because the guys from PG&E told her that the water was fine

4、 and the doctor paid by PG&E also told her the same.第8页n2.Do you think that PG&E deliberately cheat these people?n-Yes.第9页n3.What do you think should the woman and her family do if theres really something poisonous in their water?n-They should bring a suit against the PG&E company.第10页n n Environmen

5、tal protection organizations Green Party:a British political party that aims to protect the environment.It is against the use of nuclear power and other forms of industry and transport which it considers harmful.It was formed in 1973 as the Ecology Party,and changed its name to the Green Party in 19

6、85.Other countries also have parties that share the same name and ideals.第11页nGreen Rally nGreen parties,which focus on environmental concerns as well as social change,emerged as a political force in Europe in the 1980s.Shown here,supporters of the green political movement demonstrate in Paris.n.第12

7、页 Greenpeacen A large international pressure group that aims to protect the environment.Its members are well known for taking direct action and putting their own lives in danger in order to stop people from harming the environment.For example,they often go out in small boats to stop people from kill

8、ing whales or throwing poisonous materials into the sea.第13页nGreenpeace Flagship Rainbow Warrior nThis photo shows Greenpeaces flagship,Rainbow Warrior,which was launched in 1989 on the fourth anniversary of the sinking of its namesake.The original Rainbow Warrior was sunk in a New Zealand port by F

9、rench agents to prevent Greenpeace protests against nuclear tests in the South Pacific.The ship was named after the“warriors of the rainbow,”who,according to a Native American prophecy,were predicted to save the earth from ecological disaster.第14页nThe Environmental Protection Agency:n A US governmen

10、t organization that established rules and standards for the protection of the environment,e.g.against pollution.第15页 Gaia hypothesisn The theory,put forward by British scientist James E.Lovelock in the early 1970s,that the earth is a single,living organism.Gaia was the ancient Greeks earth goddess.L

11、ovelock suggests that the earth is self-regulating,like the human body.Gaia theory worships the earth to the point of excess.第16页nProtagoras(c.481 411 B.C):Greek philosopher,one of the most renowned Sophists(professional teacher in Greece in the 5th century B.C.),now known mainly for his saying that

12、“Man is the measure of all things.”第17页第18页nThe retention of heat by the lower layers of the Earths atmosphere,which,it is believed,will cause a rise in temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere,known as global warming.第19页Divisions of the Atmosphere第20页n热层热层 Thermospheren中间层中间层 Mesospheren臭氧层臭氧层

13、Ozone Layern平流层平流层 Stratospheren对流层对流层 TropospherenWithout our atmosphere,there would be no life on Earth.A relatively thin envelope,the atmosphere consists of layers of gases that support life and provide protection from harmful radiation.第21页Chinas Air PollutionnA report released in by the World H

14、ealth Organization(WHO)noted that of the twenty most polluted cities in the world,sixteen can be found in China.Sulfur dioxide and soot caused by coal combustion are two major air pollutants,resulting in the formation of acid rain,which now falls on about 30%of Chinas total land area.Industrial boil

15、ers and furnaces consume almost half of Chinas coal and are the largest single point sources of urban air pollution.第22页第23页Environmental Problems1.The ozone layer:skin cancer;plankton浮游生物2.The green house effect;melting ice caps;disturbed climate;dried up plains;empty Breadbasket”粮仓“3.Polluted wate

16、rs,acid rains,sand storms,soil erosion,desertification,deforestation,over-fishing,salinization土壤盐化Possible Solutions Energy efficiency technology;biotechnology;(energy efficient buildings)Clean fuels:natural gas;wind power;solar power;hydro-power第24页 Text OrganizationnMain idea of the text:nPollutio

17、n by chemicals and problems brought by introduced species:Human beings are tampering with nature and causing changes that are too many and too quick,so that people cannot adapt to them.第25页berryn-berrya small,juicy,fleshy fruit,such as a blackberry or raspberry,regardless of its botanical structuren

18、Strawberry 草莓草莓nBlackberry 黑莓黑莓nBlueberry 越橘一个越橘一个nRaspberry 覆盆子,黑莓覆盆子,黑莓nGooseberry 醋栗醋栗第26页nHighbush Blueberry The highbush blueberry,a deciduous shrub growing to 1.5 m(5 ft),is cultivated for its flowers,sweet fruit,and bright red autumn foliage.This plant grows well in moist,well-drained,acidic,

19、sandy or peaty soils.第27页nEuropean Red Raspberry The European red raspberry was one of the first European plants to be transplanted to the New World.There are several wild species of raspberries and numerous cultivated varieties.All the wild species are native to the northern temperate regions of Eu

20、rope,Asia,and North America.Raspberries are a popular fruit during the early summer months and can be made into excellent jam,jelly,and preserves.第28页nStrawberry Plant with Flowers and Fruit Among the most popular of the small perennial herbs native to the temperate regions of the world is the straw

21、berry.These plants are commonly grown as ground cover and for their fruit.All of the cultivated varieties,developed from four naturally occurring species,reproduce from seeds as well as by sending out runners.第29页nBlackberries The blackberry,or bramble,is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub or wood

22、y-stemmed,climbing plant.It is often cultivated solely for its fruit,which is used in making jellies,jams,and liqueurs.第30页 conflict(line4)nBe in opposition,collision or disagreement(followed by with)n-Our findings conflict with the results of the governments survey.n-These are conflicting reports a

23、bout the identity of the hostage.nCf:conflict vi/contradict vtnThe results contradicted each other.第31页 restriction(line 4)na restriction against smoking in schools n禁止在学校吸烟nRestrict:to keep or confine within limits.nTo restrict sb to sthnto restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day第32页 proposal(line

24、 4)nFollowed by for or to do sth.n-The new president is to put forward new proposals for resolving the countrys financial crisis.n-Their proposal to build a supermarket was welcomed by the local residents.第33页nProposal for/to do sthnPropose v.nPropose+that clause-(should)v n-nal:N.ndisapproval,renta

25、l,removal.Dismissal,nWithdrawal,renewal,arrival denialnbetrayal第34页 in the name of(line5)n1.for the reason ofn2.using the excuse ofn3.as the representative ofn n4.by the authority of第35页n-They arrested him in the name of the safety of the country.n-Let me thank you in the name of my parents.n-We wil

26、l charge him in the name of the law.n-He borrowed 3000$from his friend in the name of buying a car.第36页Cf in the name of n for the sake of n on behalf of-There had been times when she had felt sickened by the things people did_charity.na.on behalf of nb.with the name ofnC.in the name of d.nfor the s

27、ake ofC第37页distinguish(line7)nrecognize the difference(between)n-distinguish between right and wrong.n-These are some features that distinguish spoken English from written English.n-Fingerprints can be used to distinguish the two suspects.第38页nDistinguish one thing from anothern将某物与他物全部区分开来将某物与他物全部区

28、分开来nThe twins were so much alike that it was impossible to distinguish the one from the other.nDistinguish between two thingsn 将两物区分开来将两物区分开来nPeople who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be color blind.第39页 fundamental(line10)adj.&n.nOf the basis or foundation of sth very important(foll

29、owed by to)n-Teaching your child to distinguish right from wrong is one of the tasks of parenthood.n-He believes better relations with China are to the well-being of the area.nFundamental to sth 对来说是很主要n 是基本第40页 regardless (line9)nin spite of everything,anywayn-His parents objected to his marriage,b

30、ut he carried on regardless.nregardless ofn-He says what he thinks,regardless of other peoples feelings.nRegardless:adv.nDespite of his recent surgery he has been carrying on regardless.第41页Luxuries are those thingshave regardless (line 8-9)nIf costless:if they are costlessnRegardless:regardless of

31、all costs.第42页 combat(line 11)nfight or strugglen-Doctors are still seeking ways to combat AIDS.n-Many politicians emphasized the importance of combating international terrorism.ncombat-ready作好战斗准备ncombat-worthy有战斗力第43页nCombat against/with/betweenn against the evil 与斜恶作斗争n between good and eviln 正斜之

32、间战斗n-Congress has criticized new government measures to combat crime.n国会对政府新出台打击犯罪办法进行了抨击.n (直接接宾语)第44页n atmosphere(line13)n1.The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth(used in the singular)n-The space shuttle Columbia will re-enter Earths atmosphere tomorrow morning.n-The treaty bans nuclear tes

33、ting in the atmosphere.第45页n2.Feeling in the mind that is created by a group of people or place.n-It has been a week since the outbreak of the riot.There is still an atmosphere of great tension in the city.n-Atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.第46页 Divisions of the Atmosphere nWithout our a

34、tmosphere,there would be no life on Earth.A relatively thin envelope,the atmosphere consists of layers of gases that support life and provide protection from harmful radiation.第47页 speculative(line 19)n1)given to conjecture or speculation.n猜测性,推测n2)speculative brokers;speculative stocks.n投机经纪人,投机股票n

35、speculative funds.n投机资金n3)speculative business enterprises.n冒险性商业企业第48页 consequence(line 20)nthe result or effect of an action or conditionn-An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.n-There may be serious for the country if the peace talks fail.n作“结果”可数名词nIf you be

36、have so foolish you must be ready to take the consequences.第49页n1)This decision will bring long-lasting consequences.2)The effect of the gale was to overturn several boats.3)The election results have not been made public.第50页 melt(line 20)ncause(solid)to become liquidn-The ice-cream has melted in th

37、e sun.n-The temperature is high enough to melt iron.第51页 urgent(line25)nbe urgent for sb.(to do)n急迫地催促某人(做)nbe urgent with sb.for to don坚持要求某人(做)nIn urgent need ofnCf:Urgent/emergentnEmergent countries of AfricanCf:urgency(un)/emergency(un/cn)第52页-Faced with the threat of a civil war,the President h

38、as called for self-control and calm.nThe teaching profession calls for a lot of patience.表“需要”意义,主语不是人,是客观事态 作“强烈要求金钱、公平等以求改变本身情况”主语能够是人。第53页n The occasion calls for prompt action.nFarmers are calling for larger government subsidies.n It is situation that _ a blend of delicacy and force.nA calls off

39、 B.calls on n C.calls back D.calls for ask/beg/claim/demand/request/requireD第54页n-Ask the doctor to come at once.n-They begged us not to punish them.n-Three different heirs claimed the inheritance.n-The judge demanded the release of the prisoner.n-Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.n-T

40、he work isnt up to the standard I require.n-The occasion requires formal dress.第55页 on the ground(s)of(line29)nFor reasons of因为理由n-John was not employed by the company on the grounds of his age.n-She is suing the company on the grounds of unfair dismissal.nHe was rejected _ his health.A,on the groun

41、ds of B.on the reason ofc.Because d.for the sake of A第56页nUniversal:nThe Harry Porter books have been _interest.nA.normal B.entire c.universal d.many第57页 resistance(line34)nOpposition(followed by to)n-There is strong resistance to the plan for a new chemical plant in this area.n-Any attempt to influ

42、ence our decision will be met with the strongest resistance.nResistance to sth nThere has been a lot of resistance to this new law.第58页 vote(line 34)nExpress onea choice in favor of(a person,political party,etc.)at an election(used in the pattern:vote on sth;vote for/against)n-If we cant agree with

43、each other about the plan,lets vote on itn-They will vote for George Bush,I think.n-The board of school has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its curriculum reform.第59页n vote on sth n for sb.n against sbnIf we cant agree,well have to _ on it democratically.na.choose b.decide c.vote d.bet第

44、60页 Contemporary(line 37)nCurrent;modernn-She has worked in both classical and contemporary.n-I like my furniture to be in a contemporary style第61页nContemporary nn同时代人;同龄人nPersons contemporary with one anothern同时代nHe and I were contemporaries at school.n他和我是同期同学。nKeats and Shelley were-ries.n济慈和雪莱是同

45、代人。第62页nContemporary/contemporaneousncontemporary 可用于人或事物contemporary records of events n同时代大事记。n contemporaneous只用于物contemporaneous events n同时发生事件第63页 worship(line 38)nFeel great love and admiration for(sb./sth.),esp to such an extent that one cant see their/its faultsn-Being competent and learned,

46、he was worshipped by his students.n-Humans have worshiped the sun throughout the ages.第64页nn.崇敬,礼拜,尊敬nbook worshipn本本主义nwin have worshipn享受他人敬仰nwith worship in ones eyesn以敬慕眼光nnature worshipn对自然崇敬热爱第65页to the point of(linen:to a degree that can be described asn-The salesmans manner was abrupt to the

47、 point of rudeness.n-To accomplish the task,the employer worked his staff to the point of exhaustionnCf:to the extent that+that clausen to the point of+n/n.phrasen-The metal is heated to the point of being dangerous.n-Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their home.第6

48、6页nOn the point of doing sth n-I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang.nTo the point n-The message was short and to the point.第67页 worship(line 38)nFeel great love and admiration for(sb./sth.),esp to such an extent that one cant see their/its faultsn-Being competent and learned,he was wors

49、hipped by his students.n-Humans have worshiped the sun throughout the ages.第68页nn.崇敬,礼拜,尊敬nbook worshipn本本主义nwin have worshipn享受他人敬仰nwith worship in ones eyesn以敬慕眼光nnature worshipn对自然崇敬热爱第69页nothing more than(line40)nJust the same as;onlyn-Dont be scared.It is nothing more than a nightmare.n-You nee

50、dnt report to him.He is nothing more than a clerk.第70页 current(line 47)adj.noccurring in or existing at the present timen-In comparison to the former ones,Coca-Colas current advertising campaign is more attractive and effective.n-The current economic situation is very different from that in1990.第71页

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